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Who wants to tell me who to use in FE9?


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I feel like playing this again when finals are so close and I have to study but to hell with studying I feel like playing Fire Emblem.

I will be playing on Hard mode unless I deleted my save data and I REALLY hope that isn't the case because that will anger and infuriated with myself.

I'm pretty sure it is the case...

If so, I shall play on Normal Mode because Easy Modo is for Elementary school children.

Stuff you must know about:

I WILL use Ike.

I WILL use Ilyana because obvious reasons are obvious. Painfully so. Just like with Florina. Goddamn I'm weird...

I will use other characters other than the ones you have chosen for me if I feel I need the extra help. I'm pretty I will because I like getting nice things.

Take the Shield, Raise the Spear is a pretty damn awesome boss theme.

Oh sorry. I'm just listening to some Strange Journey music. I should get back to playing that...

Please do not choose Shinon and/or Haar. I really don't feel like using them because reasons and all.

Any who...

I'd like to use two Social Knights because they seem to be rather social people.

A Myrmidon/Swordmaster because I like flashy sword movement.

A Soldier/Halbidier because lance wielding lance users are awesome.

Two fliers because I like flying units. They tell the very Earth itself that they don't NEED its stupid face.

How many units is that? Six. Alright.

A Mage/Sage because magic is cool.

A healer because I need healing yo.

A Thief for thieving and I feel like I'm forgetting something...

So yeah. 11 units including Ike and Ilyana but that's an uneven number and I don't like uneven numbers. They make me go all OCD and crap so I might use someone else as well... I really don't know who. Perhaps we can discuss who this mystery 12th unit will be?


Generic Officer's choice: Tanith

Mercenary Raven's choice: Tormod

Bryan's choice: Mist

HF Makalov Fanboy Kai's choice: Makalov

Genral Horace's choice: Danved(?)

Vicious Sal's choice: Zihark

The other three choices because I'm too lazy to look up the names: Jill, Astrid although I had to pick her myself but I want to get started when I get home, and Volkeman.

Now I just need the 12th unit...

Edited by Ein Silver Rose
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Based on what you want, I suggest:

Oscar and Kieran for cavaliers, Titania can fill this gap if needed,

Marcia and Jill for fliers, Tanith can also fill this gap,

Zihark is the more used swordsmen, while Stefan requires no training,

Mist for the healer because of dat mount and Jill support,

You already have Ilyana as a mage, but Calil can be a good filler one

Volke is the only thief you would need, but only use for thieving privileges.

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Tormod's your best magic user, use him alongside Ilyana.

Tormod's in. He will learn to love the way things burn and suffer as they burn. Oh yes.

Also, thank you for not choosing Soren. ._.

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Jill because Wyvern Knights are awesome and they're all the better when you get them earlygame. Jill's pretty cool too.

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Jill because Wyvern Knights are awesome and they're all the better when you get them earlygame. Jill's pretty cool too.

Jill and Mist will become good friends.


You totally never mentioned Axes. B|

And if not him, Boyd.

Maybe. I'll keep that in mind since I forgot. >_>



Uh... I'll take Astrid I guess? At least I can get everyone's favorite canon FE10 pairing started.

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