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Do you know any of those people that use memes in real life?

check of real life sanity  

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  1. 1. Do you use memes irl?

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Everyone I know speaks Internet fluently.

Pretty much this. My sister sings Trololo now after she does something to annoy me, among other things. XD

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Never personally.

I know people who do this All The Damn Time and they shall BURN IN THE FIRES OF HELL FOR ETERNITY.

u mad bro? my scouter says your rage is over 9000. trolololol y u so mad?

me gusta

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I would think that pwn has actually transcended the level of memehood. you don't actually have to know how to speak internet fluently to know what it means. ie. COD gamers.

but this guy, he's kinda the major tech guy for my job. (campus job so most of us are students). He was trying to test the sound so guess what he started playing that was saved to his hard drive...

just guess.

[spoiler=did you guess yet?]

[spoiler=you have to guess]

[spoiler=I know that you didn't guess yet]

[spoiler=by now you've guessed so here it is!]

[spoiler=there were a few who haven't guessed yet]

[spoiler=they still haven't guessed]


[spoiler=because I fail at multispoiler tags here it is]

it actually works now so nevermind.

Edited by Jack Skellington
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Aside from the occasional "Derp", "Deal With It", and "I can haz", not really.

I didn't realize "deal with it" was a meme, I thought it was just a common turn of phrase...

Oh and I did once share the Anne Frank X Goku fanfic with my friends one night...and it was a big hit with them. A lot of laughing was done that night.

Edited by BlueMartianKitty
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How do you turn a phrase?

Edit: dude whatever you did didn't just break your spoiler tags.

The entire rest of this thread is fucked.

Good jab. No seriously, I'm proud

Edited by Obviam
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