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Under The Misletoe with an SF Member


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damn i hurt the kid's feelings

my last word is that i was being nice to eclipse and not you by pointing out what a fucked up compliment statement you wrote (saying that you didn't have anything nice to say)

there's a loser for every winner. i'd apologize for hurting your feelings but as a man i have to take responsibility for my actions

Edited by blllllack.mmmmmamba.ops
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i don't need a mask like you might for hiding deformities, whether they be physical or figurative.

I'm pretty sure he was referring to this cause idk what else that would mean besides saying he's probably deformed?

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lol it could be. i honestly don't know much about him (and whether there's some public knowledge like that or something i missed.) it was meant to be read generally as "yo momma said you ugly + nice fake personality"

but i said what i said and can't take it back / won't be apologizing for it, no matter how fucked up it is, like i said.

obviam there's a thread somewhere in this forum about overusing a word or phrase =/= validity. just a disclaimer that i do not have time to play ring around the rosie with you right now. i filled up the water and food bowls before i left though

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the difference between me and you is that i can actually claim an empty care cup while you pretend to

The difference between me and you is I don't make assumptions about what's going on in people's minds; especially not without definitive evidence

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It would certainly be nice if there were at least a rule in place about warning creepers (which would lead to banning them if they didn't stop). The right to not be creeped on is probably more important than the right to creep. :P

FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS THREAD i don't even understand the appeal of kissing but hell, I'd kiss Bianchi if it would bring her back.

Edited by Kiryn
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Lux, blackie, do stop fighting.

When it was picture-taking day at my workplace. . .

1. The photographer couldn't find me on the student roster. That's because I'm not a student.

2. My picture was mixed in the student ones, much to the amusement of the front office secretary.

So, uh, thanks Lux, and do try to talk to those older than you. Not all of us want to ground you!

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Lux, blackie, do stop fighting.

When it was picture-taking day at my workplace. . .

1. The photographer couldn't find me on the student roster. That's because I'm not a student.

2. My picture was mixed in the student ones, much to the amusement of the front office secretary.

So, uh, thanks Lux, and do try to talk to those older than you. Not all of us want to ground you!

Teeheehee. >w>

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The difference between me and you is I don't make assumptions about what's going on in people's minds; especially not without definitive evidence

lol hypocrite much. you really don't pay attention to the words you write then. but i guess any kid's attention span would be pretty low if they don't get out of the house much / get laid.

gl to you kid. i hope you can overcome your personal issues.

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Awwwwwwwwwww yeah.

So do I put Furet in a headlock now

Yes. Do it.

Become a mod again <3

As you can see, he was one and didn't do it :P.

But there weren't any real creeps back then. If black.ops had joined I'd have probably banned him ten times, because once is just not enough.


Do tell.

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the RP guy was a creep and he is still unbanned

Not as bad as this guy, as far as I saw. Maybe he was worse in PMs or something, dunno.

But he left forever and didn't make a big deal out of it, so that's worth something.

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Not as bad as this guy, as far as I saw. Maybe he was worse in PMs or something, dunno.

But he left forever and didn't make a big deal out of it, so that's worth something.

much much worse.

okay maybe I'm biased against him but he was terribly terrible.

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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