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9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Some local match or something else going on? Admitedly, I haven't paid much attention.

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Euro Qualifications

Germany vs. Netherlands

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

I'm not mad. I just want to know why.

13 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Because Conquest will always be a part of Neps. Always.


Warning: Politics incoming.

4 hours ago, Lysithea said:

have to "worry" more about foreigners than the more wealthy west.

I know you put worry in quotation marks and all, but there is one big thing to consider:

The east has almost no foreigners.


4,2% in the east.

While that number doesn't include Germans with foreign/migration backgrounds, even if we inlude them...



Im Jahr 2017 lebten 95,6 Prozent der Personen mit Migrationshintergrund in Westdeutschland und Berlin. Mehr als jede vierte Person mit Migrationshintergrund lebte dabei in Nordrhein-Westfalen (26,2 Prozent), jeweils etwa jede Sechste in Baden-Württemberg und Bayern (17,5 bzw. 15,9 Prozent). Bezogen auf die jeweilige Bevölkerung der Bundesländer war ihr Anteil in den Stadtstaaten Bremen (32,0 Prozent), Hamburg (30,6 Prozent) und Berlin (29,4 Prozent) sowie in den Flächenländern Hessen (31,1 Prozent), Baden-Württemberg (30,9 Prozent) und Nordrhein-Westfalen (28,4 Prozent) am höchsten. In Ostdeutschland lag der Anteil der Personen mit Migrationshintergrund an der Gesamtbevölkerung bei lediglich 6,8 Prozent (Westdeutschland mit Berlin: 26,5 Prozent, Deutschland: 23,6 Prozent).

 6,8% (Foreigners + Germans with foreign backgrounds). And most of them are in big cities or Student cities, like Potsdam or Magdeburg. And usually those have lower AFD percentages.

It's less worry and more outright hate and jealousy, and the thought that ''if foreigners weren't here, we will get more money'' which is just outright wrong. That's not how economics work.

The east is worse off than the west, i agree, but voting for Nazis won't make it better.

And i didn't even talk about all the neo Nazi marches.

4 hours ago, Lysithea said:

That aside I do not find it quite fair to lump all AFD politicians together because the gap because right conserative and neo national socialism thoght within the party is way too huge (same with Tories and Republicans)  to make a simple judgement about that party. I can imagine that something like a split could happen in the near future.

it isn't really. Especially with people like Petry, Gauland and Höcke in control. It isn't between right conservative and Nazism, it's between closest nazism and outright nazism.

The AFD did start as an euro-sceptic party (especially with the Greece situation back then), but right now it's NPD 2.0.

And after every ''wing fight'' it just drifts further to the right.

Not to mention they are Climate change deniers. That's enough for anyone with some sense in them to brand them as idiots. When it comes to this, it isn't about opinions anymore, but Facts.

And even when their youth wanted to talk about climate, they were somehow able to bring racism into the mix.

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4 hours ago, Armagon said:

The 3D stick figure limbs is the best part of this image.

Yup. XD
Here's some context, if you're interested: Plachta (the book) used to be an alchemist at one point, whose soul got sealed within an alchemy book, and she's Sophie's alchemy teacher. One of the goals of the game is to get her lost memories back by writing recipes in the book (which works similarly to the Alchemyriddle in Atelier Lulua in that you have to do specific things to unlock specific recipes, but it's presented in such a way that Sophie comes up with them, as the book is completely empty in the beginning). In one chapter, when discussing this, Sophie comes up with an idea to turn Plachta back into a human... and promptly throws her into the alchemy pot along with randomly chosen ingredients. And... what you see in the picture is the outcome of that. 

11 hours ago, Shrimperor said:




I laughed so damn hard when my dad told me.
First the utter failure in the world cup, now this. XD

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I did not say that the east has more foreigners.

It is the less structured part of Germany and the people there want to have a more stabilized economical situation. 


And I do not want to be misunderstood that I can accept that people vote for neo-nazi parties out of their despair. I never could tolerate them.


In the case of the AFD not everyone has these thoughts. Petry even left the party and created a new one (which was a failure) because she did not share Gauland's ideology. A lot of voters came from established parties like Linke, SPD or the right wing of the CDU / CSU. That the party does not care for climate politics is sad, but does not qualify her as neo nazi party as a whole. This party just moralizes unsatisfied people by giving them (wrong) national conciousness by mouth and social media propraganda. 


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14 minutes ago, Lysithea said:

It is the less structured part of Germany and the people there want to have a more stabilized economical situation. 

I know,
but them complaining about foreigners they don't even have makes no sense.

14 minutes ago, Lysithea said:

That the party does not care for climate politics is sad,

It's worse than not caring, they outright deny human made climate change and use that to mobilize voters. That there are some people who believe that is something i can't understand.

17 minutes ago, Lysithea said:

but does not qualify her as neo nazi party as a whole.

Of course climate politics doesn't make a party neo Nazi or not. I just wanted to throw the climate politics out there.

And aslong as they accept people like Gauland and Höcke, and march with neo nazis, they are a neo nazi party. Especially since the ''Höcke wing'' will probably get more Power, because the Party keeps drifting to the right.

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The end goal for every political party is power and money. Everything else they couldn't care less about. They have proven as much time and time again.
Wait a few years and the AFD will be gladly accepted as coalition partners for everyone else if they can come into power that way. It was the same for the Green party in the 80's. Everybody hated them due to their origins in the R.A.F. and 68er uprisings and look where they are now.

21 minutes ago, Lysithea said:

And I do not want to be misunderstood that I can accept that people vote for neo-nazi parties out of their despair. I never could tolerate them.

I haven't taken your words that way, don't worry. Explaining why something is like it is is different from tolerating it.
After all, voting out of despair is exactly how Hitler's NSDAP got into power in the first place, so... yeah.
On the flipside, that, too, was due to the failure of existing politicians back in the day. People wouldn't fall into despair if their leaders had even an ounce of competence. But no such luck. Neither back then, nor today.

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I am not sure if the AFD will stay in this form as it does right now in the next years.

I would not be surprised if this party will break apart.

One side will stay, assuming it will be the right wing because they gained way too much power and success. 

It will be really difficult for the established parties to catch AFD-voters (back).

The SPD is pretty much dead right now as people's party.



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6 minutes ago, Lysithea said:

The SPD is pretty much dead right now as people's party.

Took them long enough. They should have been dead right after they came up with the whole Hartz IV bullcrap. They deserve everything that's coming to them.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if I saw their members with cardboard signs saying "will give blowjobs for votes" in the streets. They are pretty much comic relief at this point.

EDIT: Every German speaker should read this:
What the actual hell?

Edited by DragonFlames
found news that I thought were interesting to post
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20 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Wait a few years and the AFD will be gladly accepted as coalition partners for everyone else if they can come into power that way

That's something i doubt will happen easily tbh. Even the majority of CDU voters don't want to have a coalition with AFD.

There is also a difference between Greens and AFD, and how Greens developed and how the AFD seems to be developint.

18 minutes ago, Lysithea said:

 The SPD is pretty much dead right now as people's party.


13 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

What the hell?

no, seriously, what?

*looks at his first line in his post*


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10 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

That's something i doubt will happen easily tbh. Even the majority of CDU voters don't want to have a coalition with AFD.

When it comes to coalitions, what the voters want is sadly irrelevant. Hessen, for example, is currently governed by a coalition between the CDU and the Green party. I can't imagine many Green voters wanted a coalition with the CDU.

10 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

What the hell?

no, seriously, what?

*looks at his first line in his post*

Makes you think, doesn't it?

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36 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Well......at least there was unity once among the parties from what I read!? Wished they could bring their shit together more for appropriate things than this. Seriously, it is the most pathetic I have seen in politics lately. Pitiful... 



At least Wilders got his ass kicked in the last Dutch election, but this is the only right-populist I can think of right now. 

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1 minute ago, Lysithea said:

Well......at least there was unity once among the parties from what I read!?Wished they could bring their shit together more appropriate things than this. Seriously, it is the most pathetic I have seen in politics lately. Pitiful...

Couldn't have said it better myself.

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39 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I can't imagine many Green voters wanted a coalition with the CDU.

I think aslong as Greens are able to push their climate politics in such a coalition, it wouldn't be so bad.

It's also the expected coalition for the next federal elections, unless the Greens massively screw up until then.

And isn't BW pretty happy with their Green/CDU government?

39 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

what the voters want is sadly irrelevant.

while true, it usually translates into less votes in the next election.

Especially when you can'T push anything through 

*looks at SPD*


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*Feels the envy that Americans do when confronted with multilingual and more internationally conscious individuals from foreign countries.* 


And sorta random question for the native German speakers here, how much of this is comprehensible? I've heard it isn't spoken very well.:



9 hours ago, Armagon said:

(Takahashi had to come in and fix things with a combined Episode I and II remake for the DS, which never left Japan).

And still has no completed or in progress fan translation. That should be on someone's radar, being what should be considered a "great" JRPG, but it isn't.

Given perfectly playable Xenosaga Episodes I and II exist, I get why someone wouldn't see a need to translate a DS version of the two games bundled together.

But at the same time, even when one factors in the changes made to the plots, much of the text I would think would remain the same. One would then simply have to find the matching line in the PS2 version, and then judge if the original English translation was good enough. That would cut down on the workload that isn't inserting the translation into the game (a step not to be forgotten as its own challenge).

I'm sure there are Xeno fans who don't read Japanese who would like to see how Episode II got adjusted inasmuch as it could be, and to have an Episode II that is actually playable.


And I just remembered a weird parallel between XC1 and XCX. Both of them gave away their final battle themes in a pre-release trailer. Less so XC1, since it stopped right before the sudden ascension of the composition, but XCX did give away all the high notes of its. *Recalls fond memories of ritually watching XCX's first trailers again and again*

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I have understood no single word from this theme. 

That aside that theme kinda worries me because this does not sound like Xenoblade music to me, at least compared to what I have heared yet. 

Though I was kinda formed, that X's soundtrack is not everybody's favorite. 



CDU + Greens definitely has future potential. 

From BW and Hessen I have not heared anything bad yet. 

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6 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

One of the goals of the game is to get her lost memories back by writing recipes in the book (which works similarly to the Alchemyriddle in Atelier Lulua in that you have to do specific things to unlock specific recipes, but it's presented in such a way that Sophie comes up with them, as the book is completely empty in the beginning).

Oh so that's how it works in Atelier Sophie too. Interesting. Both it and Atelier Lulua have "Alchemyriddles" and both games don't have a time-limit. Atelier Ryza also doesn't have a time-limit as nothing in the UI seems to suggest otherwise, as shown in this screenshot from a livestream

Image result for Atelier Ryza

as well as the fact that the official website doesn't mention a time-limit (i checked) so i think it's safe to assume that game will also have it's own "Alchemyriddle". If that's how it is for Atelier games with not time-limits, then that's fine by me.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And still has no completed or in progress fan translation. That should be on someone's radar, being what should be considered a "great" JRPG, but it isn't.

Given perfectly playable Xenosaga Episodes I and II exist, I get why someone wouldn't see a need to translate a DS version of the two games bundled together.

I think you nailed it on the head. The DS versions of Episode I and II are the "intended" versions but it's not like the original versions are bad. Writing remains pretty solid throughout the trilogy for the most part so i can see people being content with that and not needing to translate the DS remakes.

But PS2 Episode II's atrocious gameplay is the biggest reason why i want the DS remakes to be translated. I actually do remember hearing about an attempt at one point but it's been abandoned and the website is dead.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And I just remembered a weird parallel between XC1 and XCX. Both of them gave away their final battle themes in a pre-release trailer. Less so XC1, since it stopped right before the sudden ascension of the composition, but XCX did give away all the high notes of its. *Recalls fond memories of ritually watching XCX's first trailers again and again*

Well also Xenoblade 1 has two final battle themes and the initial trailer used the second one. I think Xenoblade X also has two final battle themes but the only one people ever talk about is The Key We've Lost. Understandable, since that's the best final battle theme in the series imo.

On the subject of Xeno songs, since you did bring up Wir Fliegen, i want to bring up the curious nature of the vocal Xeno songs: None of them are sung in Japanese. Well, that's not entierly true since Small Two of Pieces and Stars of Tears from Xenogears both have Japanese versions (titled Mebius and Two Wings respectively) and Beyond the Sky from Xenoblade Chronicles also has a Japanese version but for a JRPG series, that's as far as it goes. Even more curious is the fact that none of the Japanese versions of these songs play in the Japanese versions of the game. All Xeno games have ending themes sung by native English speakers, unless it's Xenoblade X where it's ending theme is sung in "Engrish".

Xenoblade 2 takes it a step further by having a non-ending theme, Drifting Soul, also be sung by a native English speaker in all versions of the game. Xenoblade X also does this with a few of it's songs as well. Then as you brought up with Wir Fliegen, Xenoblade X has two German songs, or rather uh.......what's the German version of "Engrish"? I don't understand German but i know for a fact that the two German songs in Xenoblade X are not grammatically correct. At least that's what everyone says. Xenoblade X also has Melancholia, which actually existed before Xenoblade X, as it was part of one of Hiroyuki Sawano's stand-alone albums.

And then Xenosaga Episode II gives us this gem, which i cannot find any translations for so i'm just convinced that the language doesn't exist. That or it's Latin. If someone can identify the language used, that'd be greatly appreciated.

So if we tally it up, the Xeno series has

  • 16 English songs sung by native/fluent English speakers
  • Three Japanese songs
  • One "Engirsh" song
  • Two "German" songs
  • One "mysterious language" song.

Quite interesting choices for songs in a JRPG series. Most JRPGs would just stick to Japanese songs that would get an official English translation occasionally.


7 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I was fiddling around with the Change BGM option in Atelier Rorona.

The Atelier series convinced me that Change BGM needs to be a thing in every game, just in general. Fire Emblem has been doing it since Awakening but only in free maps.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Oh so that's how it works in Atelier Sophie too. Interesting. Both it and Atelier Lulua have "Alchemyriddles" and both games don't have a time-limit. Atelier Ryza also doesn't have a time-limit as nothing in the UI seems to suggest otherwise, as shown in this screenshot from a livestream

Image result for Atelier Ryza

as well as the fact that the official website doesn't mention a time-limit (i checked) so i think it's safe to assume that game will also have it's own "Alchemyriddle". If that's how it is for Atelier games with not time-limits, then that's fine by me.

I also enjoyed the Alchemyriddle and filling out the empty pages of Plachta's book, so if something like that is in Ryza, too, then I'll look forward to it.
This screenshot also looks amazing. Like, holy crap. I am officially hyped for Atelier Ryza.

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The Atelier series convinced me that Change BGM needs to be a thing in every game, just in general. Fire Emblem has been doing it since Awakening but only in free maps.

My free battles in Three Houses are all accompanied by God-Shattering Star.

Speaking of Atelier, I just now completed my first assignment and received my second one. Problem is, my alchemy level is too low (I know I can still make the items, but I want to make sure it works nearly every time).

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11 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

This screenshot also looks amazing. Like, holy crap. I am officially hyped for Atelier Ryza.

Best part is that the screenshot isn't even that high of quality because of the source. Meaning the actual game will look better, which is fantastic. There are higher quality screenshots on the official website, if you wanna check them out.

I just hope the Switch version doesn't see some compromises.

14 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

My free battles in Three Houses are all accompanied by God-Shattering Star.


14 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Problem is, my alchemy level is too low (I know I can still make the items, but I want to make sure it works nearly every time).

Hmm. How often have you been synthesizing? It shouldn't be that low.

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3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And sorta random question for the native German speakers here, how much of this is comprehensible? I've heard it isn't spoken very well.

I understood a total of 2 words xD
And even after looking up the lyrics you still have to concentrate to hear it xD
the accent is very thick, so to say.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

And then Xenosaga Episode II gives us this gem, which i cannot find any translations for so i'm just convinced that the language doesn't exist. That or it's Latin. If someone can identify the language used, that'd be greatly appreciated.



I don't speak French, but i do recognize some words. C'est la vie i heard multipe times, for example.

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48 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Hmm. How often have you been synthesizing? It shouldn't be that low.

I'm currently at alchemy level 8. Some things I can make are at level 12 and above, hence my worries. Strangely enough, I already completed the assignment by making and delivering 10 bombs (as that is one of the side objectives) and two barrels. Barrel, Barrel~

52 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Best part is that the screenshot isn't even that high of quality because of the source. Meaning the actual game will look better, which is fantastic. There are higher quality screenshots on the official website, if you wanna check them out.

I am actually speechless right now. Wow.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And sorta random question for the native German speakers here, how much of this is comprehensible? I've heard it isn't spoken very well.:

I can make out some words by listening very closely, but it isn't enough to find out what the song is actually about. I can at least tell that it's supposed to be German.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

And then Xenosaga Episode II gives us this gem, which i cannot find any translations for so i'm just convinced that the language doesn't exist. That or it's Latin. If someone can identify the language used, that'd be greatly appreciated.


15 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:



I don't speak French, but i do recognize some words. C'est la vie i heard multipe times, for example.

Sounds more Italian to me.
But it's hard to tell, because I don't speak either. I do know what sung French sounds like and this is a tad bit different.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

inb4 Language mix

That is possible, too. Lord knows the Japanese love to do that sometimes.
Take the standard battle theme from Conception II as an example: it's in English (I think?), but the lyrics are utter nonsense.

6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Also, Atelier Ryza i am legit looking forward to, and i never played an Atelier game before 
It does look pretty cool

Join the Atelier Ryza hype train!

Man, new Atelier this year, new Tales of the next... all I need now is another mainline Neptunia game and I'm set.

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Plot Twist: They use stuff like English... from the 10th or so century. Aka, truly a different language from our point of view anyway, heh.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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