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5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I still wish there would've been another Pokémon Conquest style game...

Same. The one we got was much too simple in gameplay, even if I enjoyed it. Though I wish I could find all the character portraits with their Perfect Link Pokemon. I've been wanting the portrait of Hanbei yawning with Raichu, that was adorable.


2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Writing can be such a pasttime...

Though I can't say I do it much. It's more like a phase that comes and goes.

My problem is that I never finish my fanfics. Partly:

  • Because I don't think I know enough to write a good world- I feel like I'd need to a read an academic monograph on a topic if I'm going to derive inspiration from it for a world, nothing less.
  • I'm plain bad at writing characters and don't think I can do any of them justice. 
  • And for any world I do want to write, I want someone else to make a geographical map for me, onto which I then create the nations. I need a visual template, a grain of sand around which I form a pearl.


The only fanficting I've recently, are these silly 3H quips today for if BCDE were in SRW. I was indulging my inner Owain.


Byleth: Everyone, get in position. Horae Formation!

Claude: Elar!

Edelgard: Theros!

Dimitri: Phthinoporon!

Byleth: Kheimon!

*The Four Regnal Titans split apart and do other things to merge into one.*

Claude: Leave maneuvering this giant in my hands!

Edelgard: Horae Formation is stable, all systems are online.

Dimitri: I'm monitoring the enemy, they can't outsmart me!

C, E, and DWe leave the fighting to you Sensei!

Byleth: We are-

Everyone: G. Machina!


*Attacks an enemy* 

Dimitri: The enemy appears none too strong.

Byleth: Indeed, we'll keep our response simple.

Claude: Then the Goddess Vambraces?

Edelgard: I've already shifted the power, punch away Sensei.

Byleth: This is all we need. Take it!


Byleth: Dimitri it's your turn.

Edelgard: Energy charge complete!

Claude: We're closing in!

Dimitri: A bolt that shatters the world! Lughminous Areadhbar! *Slides into the enemy with a plasma spear pointed at their center, G. Machina continuing to slide until stopping, with an electric spear-shaped projectile released from the spear itself keeping the enemy sliding back until the energy spear dissipates in an explosion*


Byleth: I can handle flight, Claude take aim.

Dimitri: Sensei, did you have to include that trick in the movement pattern?

Edelgard: Don't miss, because you asked for it Claude.

Claude: It's fine! *G. Machina does a backflip over the enemy while drawing a laser bow, and while upside down fires the arrow in slow motion* Fallen Morning Star!


Edelgard: Thank you Sensei, I cannot lose!

Dimitri: We don't expect that to happen.

Claude: But if it does we're here for you!

Byleth: Our bonds are unshakable.

Edelgard: Swift and daring. *quickly slashes the enemy several times with a heat axe, before taking a moment to prepare for the final hit* Lotus Ablaze! 


Claude: Your orders Sensei?

Byleth: I will draw my sword.

Dimitri: Brilliant!

Edelgard: Limiters disabled, go ahead Sensei!

Byleth: The torrent of the universe, Creation Ascension!


Byleth: Rhea, Sothis, their power is resonating with mine.

Claude: Then it's time for the final attack.

Edelgard: G. Machina is overflowing, the awe I feel is incredible.

Dimitri: All feels clear, all is known. Give form to it.

Byleth: Fodlan's essence has been given to us... Saurian Spirit! *Releases a stream of magical energy at the foe that takes the form of a dragon that breathes it almighty power upon the foe*


5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

It's just that I have two presentations at the end of the month, for which I need to read no less than three 40+ page essays and two books. That's basically what's keeping me busy right now.

Not sure what your level of studies is, but for grad school, my major required usually a book a week per class (with students advised to take only 2 or 3 in a semester). 




I'm not sure what to play now with 3H finished. My FE high is still active, and it wants more, but, I don't know how to sate it. 3H gameplay ended kinda disappointingly, though it's still fun. Most of the maps being repeated on all routes doesn't make me overjoyed either. I could consider going chill and actually spend time to learn who everyone is and see what the monastery is like, but the walls keeping me from doing that are about a zettameter thick. 

Why is taking until spring of next year for the only DLC that matters to be finished? And why hasn't the Berwick Saga translation been finished? Or I'll try that Langrisser I&II for a different SRPG, whats a few more months going to do for a NISA translation anyhow?

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13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Same. The one we got was much too simple, even if I enjoyed it. Though I wish I could find all the character portraits with their Perfect Link Pokemon. I've been wanting the portrait of Hanbei yawning with Raichu, that was adorable.

I soppose to me it was also kinda "simple", though in the sense of content scope. Like, Conquest at the time of release didn't used up all of the SW cast (at the time of release). No Katsuie, Toshiie, Goemon, Musashi, or Kojiro. I would've hoped that a Conquest 2 would include them and also see the cast that has been since promoted to playable (like Kagekatsu, Naotora, Hisahide, etc).

Or imagine if instead we now had Conquest but with the ThreeKingdoms/DynastyWarriors cast instead? That's what frustrates me of Conquest never having a follow up game. It's a crossover still full of potential to explore.

19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

My problem is that I never finish my fanfics. Partly:

  • Because I don't think I know enough to write a good world- I feel like I'd need to a read an academic monograph on a topic if I'm going to derive inspiration from it for a world, nothing less.
  • I'm plain bad at writing characters and don't think I can do any of them justice. 
  • And for any world I do want to write, I want someone else to make a geographical map for me, onto which I then create the nations. I need a visual template, a grain of sand around which I form a pearl.

The only fanficting I've recently, are these silly 3H quips today for if BCDE were in SRW. I was indulging my inner Owain.

I suppose for me it's some of those issues (specially the "doing justice to pre-existing characters"); but a big one would be the stage fright. So far I can say I have a considerable amount of written stuff. Yet, for all that, I only have a single completed fanfic uploaded for the world to see. Well, I do have other stuff uploaded; but some are just prologue chapters that I've never continued (and even one I long deleted)... and stuff I've uploaded; but under a different name than my usual internet persona, just to avoid the association.

Though the biggest hurdle is... I don't quite feel confortable having my fic ideas exist in physical form. Even if they would just sit in my computer with no one but me knowing they exist... I still don't like it. My uploaded fic shows I can overcome that... but it's mostly case-by-case. That's why some get uploaded under a different name instead. I don't mind revealing that since, well, I'm not saying where to find them; and the Internet is a big place. So yeah.

Anyway... hehe, that's an amusing idea. Though I always considered the best FE can get with the mecha aesthetic is to emulate Dunbine. Perhaps.

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28 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Or imagine if instead we now had Conquest but with the ThreeKingdoms/DynastyWarriors cast instead? That's what frustrates me of Conquest never having a follow up game. It's a crossover still full of potential to explore.

Very true!

Though Dynasty Warriors will need color alterations I'd think. No big deal at all, but they'd be needed. Otherwise, Jin will always beat Wu, Wu will always beat Shu, Shu will always beat Jin -unless Gyarados in which case you bring in Other. And Wei is stuck with miserable Poison, and maybe Ghost; actually Wu could get Fighting too, Shu Bug, and Jin Ice.

-Point being, the monochromatic color schemes of each faction would have to be toned down. Not all red Pokemon are Fire (Scizor), or green Grass/Bug (Tyranitar), but the tendency of colors and types is a small issue.


Zygarde for Cao Cao? It looks vaguely like Zekrom and Shiny Rayquaza, to maintain the Nobunaga-Cao Cao similarities. Would the hint of blue make Xernas a good pick for Sima Yi? We don't need anyone getting Yveltal, considering Kyurem wasn't in PC, nor Zapdos and Moltres while Mitsuhide had Articuno. 

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25 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Very true!

Though Dynasty Warriors will need color alterations I'd think. No big deal at all, but they'd be needed. Otherwise, Jin will always beat Wu, Wu will always beat Shu, Shu will always beat Jin -unless Gyarados in which case you bring in Other. And Wei is stuck with miserable Poison, and maybe Ghost; actually Wu could get Fighting too, Shu Bug, and Jin Ice.

-Point being, the monochromatic color schemes of each faction would have to be toned down. Not all red Pokemon are Fire (Scizor), or green Grass/Bug (Tyranitar), but the tendency of colors and types is a small issue.


Zygarde for Cao Cao? It looks vaguely like Zekrom and Shiny Rayquaza, to maintain the Nobunaga-Cao Cao contrast. Would the hint of blue make Xernas a good pick for Sima Yi? We don't need anyone getting Yveltal, considering Kyurem wasn't in PC, nor Zapdos and Moltres while Mitsuhide had Articuno. 

I doubt the color schemes will be any issue. With using SW they already showed they could dabble with type variety too. That's why Yukimura can still serve Shingen, even if the former specializes with Fire and the latter with Ground.

If Nobunaga didn't had Shiny Rayquaza, I would've said Cao Cao would've fit it instead. Zygarde could work, maybe. If the hypothetical game isn't meant to crossover with Conquest itself, I would say he could have Zekrom too, repetition not really being a problem in such a case. Then again, it would be best overall if there's no overlapping. Not really sure on Sima Yi having Xerneas. I'll admit, I wouldn't be so sure to say which would fit who best.


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Yes, i know it will be DLC. But as of right now, it's not in the game yet so.....


8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Yeah, I wonder if it's going to bifurcated by this. Since the new gen won't have all Pokemon, will they keep the USUM competitive scene alive for those who don't want to be boxed into the 400?

The alternitave is Pokemon Showdown, which will still maintain every single Pokemon. The fact that it hasn't even been shut down like other Nintendo fangames leads me to believe that Nintendo and Game Freak actually know it exists, they just don't bother with it.

What's really odd is that some people think the cuts are meant to give lesser represented Pokemon more comptetitive spotlight. But a lot of Pokemon that would've benefitted from Gen 8 aren't there. Pokemon like Slaking or Regigigas could've easily benefited from Galarian Weezing's ability neutralizer but they'll never get that chance unless they come back in a later game.

8 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

If you get a good rhythm going, the workload will feel like it never increases.

That's the best strat.


8 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Between Pokémon Colosseum, Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, the Mystery Dungeon and Ranger games, the spin-offs were arguably better than the mainline titles.

I've only played the Mystery Dungeon games but i can definitly agree with this.


8 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

My personal "I don't want to play Pokémon anymore" was the demo for Sun and Moon. Everything just felt so damn soulless. Not to mention the obnoxious music and Pokémon designs as a whole.

The Sun&Moon demo was really just there to give you a free Ash-Greninja and wasn't really representitive of what the actual game was. If you didn't care about that, then the demo was pointless. 

Really disagree with calling the music obnoxious though. Pokemon has consistantly had a good music track record. Even Gen 8's gonna have some bangers.

7 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

I am one of the few who love Gen 7 due to the changes they did and finally removing HMs.

What do you mean one of the few? I thought Gen 7 was well liked.

7 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Biggest problem for me with 3DS gens is imo the lack of a post game.

I'm gonna throw Black and White into this. B2W2 post-game was great but BW didn't really have much in the way of post-game.


7 hours ago, Lysithea said:

Just reached level 3 and technically I have less quests than required people to reach level 4.

I guess some quests will deepen the bond of multiple people, otherwise Idk how to reach level 4.

Yeah, some quests do involves multiple people.

I'd consider Community to be Torna's biggest flaw.......except the sidequests were actually good so i didn't really mind. But i can see why others might.



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6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


are eternal

  Reveal hidden contents

Illya dies in every route





1 minute ago, Armagon said:

1. I've only played the Mystery Dungeon games but i can definitly agree with this.

2. What do you mean one of the few? I thought Gen 7 was well liked.

1. GROVYLE ;_;

2. Gen 7 is bottom tier Pokémon game if only because of its pacing.

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We're likely to see most come back in the inevitable Sinnoh remakes... but still not able to bring them to Galar.

Reminds me of the cut-off from Gen II to III. Though at least the Hoenn games did progammed them in, despite the unavailability.

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7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

What do you mean one of the few? I thought Gen 7 was well liked.


Apparently people do not like it that much due to pacing, hand holding and unskipable Story.

It didn't bother me that much, but it was definetly annoying, especially the handholding. I have been playing games since i was a kid <.<

Gameplay changes however i really loved, from HMs being gone, to big boss battles instead of Gyms, to the difficulty being fine if you didn't use EXP share, etc..


2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Reminds me of the cut-off from Gen II to III. Though at least the Hoenn games did progammed them in, despite the unavailability.

Gen 3 also had gen 1 remakes to trade games from though. And another way iirc to get gen 2 pokemons. 

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

Shall i introduce you to Nepgear's Lord and Savior...

The Gehaburn?

Poor girl has been through enough.
And yet, in my current playthrough of VII, Nepgya is happily holding the thing as her main weapon...

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5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:
Gen 3 also had gen 1 remakes to trade games from though. And another way iirc to get gen 2 pokemons. 

There's a difference, though. The thing is, Ruby and Sapphire were made with all the, at the time, 386 Pokémon programmed in, so even if at release you couldn't get them, they could still be brought in with future stuff. Said future stuff being the Kanto remakes, Emerald, and Collisseum.

With SworD/Shield, however, they already stated they didn't programmed all the Pokémon in, so unless that's patched later, you won't be able to trade them in with any future game that has them.

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3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Gen 3 also had gen 1 remakes to trade games from though. And another way iirc to get gen 2 pokemons. 

Pokémon XD and Collosseum, to be exact. XD also gave you some version exclusives from Fire Red and Leaf Green, which was nice. Also, it had this:

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Ah, yes, forgot XD. Outside the Event ticket, the only way to get Lugia.

Outside the GameCube games, Johto Pokémon were planned for the Altering Cave. Idea never got implemented, so they got shoved to Emerald's expanded Safari Zone instead.

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