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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

People are shipping Kurt and Juna? What?

Apparently, yeah. Granted, I'm not too versed in the community, but I read about a poll a while ago that had people's favorite pairings and Kurt/Juna was pretty high up. As was Rean/Altina, weirdly enough.

8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I mean, i don't really pay attention to ships. I just go for whatever's canon/heavily implied.

I usually go for what makes the most sense to me or what feels the most natural when all is said and done. In special cases, I go for the character I like the most.
That's how I usually go about stuff like this.

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

And from what i remember, Kurt/Juna was neither.

You're not misremembering, either. Their first actual encounter is the same as Rean and Alisa's (like, literally the same), but there is absolutely nothing between them that implies romance. She gets pissed at him for it, they make up and that's that.

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I think we'll get something before then. We're hopefully getting a Nintendo Direct this month and there should be news on that. There is a rumor from reputable sources that XenoblaDE is releasing May 29th. Whether that's true or not, who knows but May 29th falls on Friday, which when most Nintendo games release so it's plausible. Ideally, June 10th would be the best date as that's the 10th anniversary of Xenoblade Chronicles and also when Monolith Soft took the title of King of the JRPG Industry but that's not on a Friday.

A game releasing on my birthday? Hm... that does seem like a fine opportunity.

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7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I mean, i'd be down to play Smash, just not right now. I already turned it off for the night.

Another day then^^

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Arc of Alchemist

Yeaah, i didn't hear much good about this one

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

That's going to be a lot of reloads to see all these (perhaps heart-wrenchingly adorable) events... Oh, jeez...

And that's where me, a PC guy, have the advantage: Just wait a few days for a NG+ file and carry unlimited bonding over 😛

If i play the game, that is.

Edited by Shrimperor
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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Apparently, yeah. Granted, I'm not too versed in the community, but I read about a poll a while ago that had people's favorite pairings and Kurt/Juna was pretty high up. As was Rean/Altina, weirdly enough.



I've said it before but i really don't like how Rean's students are potential love interest. Three Houses was smart by having it take place after the timeskip when everyone's not a student anymore but a soldier. 

What's worse in Cold Steel's case is that the Trails world, for all intents and purposes, is basically just a fantasy version of modern-ish society. So you can't even pull the time period card on it.


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4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

And that's where me, a PC guy, have the advantage: Just wait a few days for a NG+ file and carry unlimited bonding over 😛

If i play the game, that is.

I'm actually still on the fence about CS4, myself. Depends on how CS3 leaves me at the end, I guess.

Just now, Armagon said:


And on top of that, CS3 is apparently trying to make Jusis x Millium a thing, which is equally weird to be honest.

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I've said it before but i really don't like how Rean's students are potential love interest. Three Houses was smart by having it take place after the timeskip when everyone's not a student anymore but a soldier. 

What's worse in Cold Steel's case is that the Trails world, for all intents and purposes, is basically just a fantasy version of modern-ish society. So you can't even pull the time period card on it.

Agreed and agreed again.

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

I don't know why they love it so much either. I usually hate Student x Teacher <.<

This was actually a point that almost singlehandedly kept me from getting Three Houses. Luckily, I found out through @Armagon that the romance stuff doesn't happen until after the time skip hits, which makes it decidedly less weird.

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6 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

And on top of that, CS3 is apparently trying to make Jusis x Millium a thing, which is equally weird to be honest.

I thought it was more of an honorary sibiling relationship. That's what i interpreted it as.


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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I thought it was more of an honorary sibiling relationship. That's what i interpreted it as.

That one scene at the beginning of Chapter 3 had some romantic undertones. Enough to make it feel odd, at the very least.
But I like your interpretation. I think I'll go with that, too. Anything to take the weirdness off.

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Huh, didn't knew Monster Arena fights could end in a draw.

Okay, the game is certainly screwing around on me. That Bag o' laughs had an easy win for me to get a 30x gold multiplier... and then just wastes turns casting its debuff spells. Simply put... it ran out of the clock Not. Attacking. When. It. Could've!

Ah well, I'm just like a thousand gold from my goal. Would've been nice to get that big surplus... but it wasn't meant to be.

So, having restored Norvik back to normal, it's off to Asham! Though, that's for another day...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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It releases in Valentine's Day for you?


Huh, seems it will also be that day over here. Hahahaha, I'm gonna be hearing Goku's voice coming from Dr. Eggman. That will be rich...

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I just noticed something in FE10.

Micaiah, Mist, Rolf and Mia are voiced by one and the same person in the English version.

Honestly I am not surprised anymore since they all have the worst VA.

But the thing which actually bugs me is that the VA also voiced the Koopalings from the Super Mario series and Lucas from Mother 3.

Seriously she just should have kept VA for the crazy characters and not for the human and serious ones.

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10 hours ago, Armagon said:


Y'all, that's a real funny way of spelling Elie.


Regarding Cold Steel's best girls, I agree with Alisa being the best. Emma's a really close second though. 

What noticeable things does Elie do in Ao's story?

#TeamFie. Deadpan snark can never be beaten. Also likes watering Rean. Sara is close second because Schwarzee is a sly one. New best girl is Musse.

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6 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Air dodge online can be the worst <.<

suicided twice in a tourney final thanks to my command happening 5 seconda after i pressed the button <.<

If you are talking about Smash Ultimate, that would be the frame buffer at play. And in my opinion it isn't one of their better mechanics.

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1 hour ago, DodgeDusk said:


ayy another one for best girl.

1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

If you are talking about Smash Ultimate, that would be the frame buffer at play. And in my opinion it isn't one of their better mechanics.

huh. I thought it didn't work that way. I should take note of that then...

34 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

The only noticable thing about Elie is that she has the most fanservicable fanart of all Crossbell girls... no... of all Zemurian girls.


Shots fired!

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3 hours ago, DodgeDusk said:



3 hours ago, DodgeDusk said:

New best girl is Musse.

An actual quote from her in the game, said directly to Rean's face: "You will be on my mind tonight... ❤️".
Make of that what you will...

2 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

The only noticable thing about Elie is that she has the most fanservicable fanart of all Crossbell girls... no... of all Zemurian girls.


She's also been Ms. Not-Appearing-In-This-Game for two games now, despite apparently being the "main heroine" of the Crossbell games. CSII had Rixia accompany Lloyd, not her, CSIII has Randolph in a major role as one of Rean's colleagues at Thor's Branch Campus and Tio as the "returnee from the old games" for the Crossbell chapter.
Though I won't make any judgement on her actual character, seeing how I've never even seen this Elie person before.


When you find out that the new Three Houses DLC classes' designs are directly taken from Awakening and not new designs like you hoped they'd be:

Bright side is, I'll save ~30€.

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You should all go read Fire Emblem Oracle of Veles by @Sir Wolfram of Vallora  

It's really good and you can leave feedback(only positive or else jk

Kind of gives you Awakening and Fates vibes


Edited by PeonyofLeosa Dreamworld
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