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*gets a call from Supervisor*

"Jo Shrimpy you gotta do a presentation on your Thesis, next week."

Me: "wtf?"

I turned the damn thing in like 2.5 Months ago, and got told a while after that everything is over and that's it while i was actually ready for a presentation. They come now, after i put the whole thing behind me, and ask me to do one, and on such a short notice, too <.<.


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Trails of Cold Steel boss fights in a nutshell:

Character A "We finally reached the end of [insert dungeon name here]!"
Character B "Yeah, but look! There's a strong enemy there!"
Boss "So you finally made it, eh? Let me test that strength that brought you here!"
Character A (mostly Rean) "[insert random motivational speech/military blabber here]"
Party "YESSIR!!!"
*fight begins*
*Boss gets utterly destroyed*
*after the battle, Boss is still standing as if they didn't get utterly rekt not two seconds earlier, Party is exhausted as if the fight was hard or something*
Character B "This is f***ing tough!"
Character C "Yeah, Boss is too strong for us!"
Boss "Mwahahaha! I didn't even fight at full power!" or "You're good, but not good enough!" or "I planned this all along!"
*unleashes "full power"* or *summons a bunch of flunkies* or *a bunch of flunkies just appear out of nowhere*
Party: "Oh noes, what do?!?"
Random Voice: "I got dis!"
*Random Shmoe swoops in and saves the day*

You know, game, it's hard to make your character seem credible or victories seem meaningful when nearly every boss fight in the game plays out like this.
The biggest offender was when the peeps defeated a strong monster, then another one of the same kind shows up, THEN two characters appear and just one-shot that boss.
Or another one I had earlier today where a character just one-shots a monster that had previously appeared as a boss and is part of a particularly powerful kind of monster.
OR when a character that's not even playable at all just F***ING NO-SELLS THE STRONGEST ATTACK FROM ONE OF THE HARDEST BOSSES IN THE PREVIOUS GAME (you know the one) in a cutscene.
Trying to describe what happens without going into spoiler territory is harder than it looks sometimes.

I'm trying my hardest to love you, Cold Steel 3, but this crap just takes me out of it so much.
It just makes you wonder "what the hell am I even doing here anymore?".
In the latter two cases I described, it's arguably even worse, like "okay, these guys are strong enough to the point they basically break the story. Why are we still pretending there are any stakes in this?"

24 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

*gets a call from Supervisor*

"Jo Shrimpy you gotta do a presentation on your Thesis, next week."

Me: "wtf?"

I turned the damn thing in like 2.5 Months ago, and got told a while after that everything is over and that's it while i was actually ready for a presentation. They come now, after i put the whole thing behind me, and ask me to do one, and on such a short notice, too <.<.


They trolled you hard.

10 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:


Much Dong-expanding has taken place here.

16 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

Yeah. I had to restart that one like 1001 times because someone kept getting defeated. Like I said, Sakuya honestly tends to make stupid moves. Like not attacking the Fire Ball spamming Red Wolves (which I consider the most annoying enemies on that map aside from Dorothy herself) and going after the Assault Orcs instead (unless I diverted the latter to my units instead). Not that the next mission is much better, since most of the enemies are Dekurins, and the Flare Elements keep spamming Fire Ball and getting lucky with burns, which I cannot afford to have happen.

The best way to do it is to have Rusty and Lisette take out a bulk of the enemies with their stronger moves. Lisette especially; her water magic does wonders against the Fire Ball spamming guys. Have Popo use her Song of Wind when there is a group of enemies coming at you at once, she can usually take them out or at least weaken them enough that the others can kill them. Her normal skills are also quite good here due to their range. Oh, and if you have Nonoka in the party (for the next battle, I think she joins you), definitely make use of her skill that gives her automatic stealth. It's really useful.
Granted, it's been a while since I last played the game, so my memories are a bit fuzzy (if that wasn't obvious from me not recalling who Dorothy is at first), but these are the tips I can give you.

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7 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

They trolled you hard

And not the fun kind.

If i have to i may get the exam office involved with this, as this should be against the StuPO.

I don't wanna be an asshole though, so i will try to cancel it normally, as i am really not ready for this on such a short notice.

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8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

And not the fun kind.

If i have to i may get the exam office involved with this, as this should be against the StuPO.

I don't wanna be an asshole though, so i will try to cancel it normally, as i am really not ready for this on such a short notice.

Definitely make sure you check your StuPO just in case, because if they did violate it, you can make use of it if worse comes to worst and cancelling normally fails.

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Yeah, i shall do that.

On another matter

28 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Trails of Cold Steel boss fights in a nutshell

Again, eh?

Reminds me of CS2 when party always pretended how hard a fight was while boss never got to attack me, then "THIS ISN'T EVEN MY FINAL FORM" happens and someine saves us.

Definetly took me out of the game. Especially when it happens every boss fight.

Kiseki power levels are whack xD

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21 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Again, eh?

Reminds me of CS2 when party always pretended how hard a fight was while boss never got to attack me, then "THIS ISN'T EVEN MY FINAL FORM" happens and someine saves us.

Definetly took me out of the game. Especially when it happens every boss fight.

Kiseki power levels are whack xD

Yeah, I thought they finally learned from CS2, but nope. They haven't. They've just gotten more varied in the ways they show how your party is practically worthless to everything, even when characters from other games, who for all intents and purposes SHOULD be stronger than your average person and are SHOWN to be such in one case, happen to be in it as guests.

Though to the game's credit, you are allowed to legitimately win a boss fight against a human enemy more times than you could in CS2, as in, exactly twice so far. Baby steps.


Fun fact: both of those legit wins you score against Duvalie. Even the devs pick on her.

And you're allowed to legitimately win nearly every time Valimar gets involved, too, so... that's a plus. I think?

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1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

*gets a call from Supervisor*

"Jo Shrimpy you gotta do a presentation on your Thesis, next week."

Me: "wtf?"

I turned the damn thing in like 2.5 Months ago, and got told a while after that everything is over and that's it while i was actually ready for a presentation. They come now, after i put the whole thing behind me, and ask me to do one, and on such a short notice, too <.<.


Wow, this is harsh.

I do not know the StuPo, but I thought you can submit the bachelor thesis till a certain deadline.

Since current winter semester is going to end soon, it would be about time right now.

Though I do not know about the presentation part.


The bachelor thesis was the reason for quitting my study because I never wanted to bother with that.

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For once, i am going to defend Animal Crossing. Because, i'm sorry, but this feels like such blatant plagerism. It's literally just Not Animal Crossing. And is this really the game you wanna bring out when there's an Animal Crossing game on the horizon (heh)? 

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Trails of Cold Steel boss fights in a nutshell:

Character A "We finally reached the end of [insert dungeon name here]!"
Character B "Yeah, but look! There's a strong enemy there!"
Boss "So you finally made it, eh? Let me test that strength that brought you here!"
Character A (mostly Rean) "[insert random motivational speech/military blabber here]"
Party "YESSIR!!!"
*fight begins*
*Boss gets utterly destroyed*
*after the battle, Boss is still standing as if they didn't get utterly rekt not two seconds earlier, Party is exhausted as if the fight was hard or something*
Character B "This is f***ing tough!"
Character C "Yeah, Boss is too strong for us!"
Boss "Mwahahaha! I didn't even fight at full power!" or "You're good, but not good enough!" or "I planned this all along!"
*unleashes "full power"* or *summons a bunch of flunkies* or *a bunch of flunkies just appear out of nowhere*
Party: "Oh noes, what do?!?"
Random Voice: "I got dis!"
*Random Shmoe swoops in and saves the day*

This is basically how a lot of boss fights go in the series overall tbh. Sky FC and 3rd are kinda like the only games in the series that don't do this, or at least keep it to a minimal level. Actually i don't think Zero has much of this either. Hey look, it's the three Trails games that don't have Ouroborous in them. Really makes ya think.

Honestly, i wouldn't have minded as much if the context was different. Like, Xenoblade 2 does the "win the fight, lose the cutscene" thing as well but it only happens like twice in the early game and the context behind these moments makes sense because at these points in the story, the party is kinda inexperienced in combat, so them losing in the cutscene makes sense. 

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This is basically how a lot of boss fights go in the series overall tbh. Sky FC and 3rd are kinda like the only games in the series that don't do this, or at least keep it to a minimal level. Actually i don't think Zero has much of this either. Hey look, it's the three Trails games that don't have Ouroborous in them. Really makes ya think.

Sky 3rd has an Ouroboros fight, and it is one of the hardest boss battles in this game.

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5 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

Sky 3rd has an Ouroboros fight, and it is one of the hardest boss battles in this game.

Ok yeah but without getting into spoilers, that one doesn't really count.

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16 minutes ago, Armagon said:
This is basically how a lot of boss fights go in the series overall tbh. Sky FC and 3rd are kinda like the only games in the series that don't do this, or at least keep it to a minimal level. Actually i don't think Zero has much of this either. Hey look, it's the three Trails games that don't have Ouroborous in them. Really makes ya think.

I've said it once before, but as of right now, I consider Ouroboros the worst part of the Trails games. They come across as mysterious for the sake of it and thus it's hard to really feel anything from them except "ugh, not these guys again". The only exception to this is Duvalie, because she's an overall fun character.

They're like the Slither Buddies in that regard.

16 minutes ago, Armagon said:
Honestly, i wouldn't have minded as much if the context was different. Like, Xenoblade 2 does the "win the fight, lose the cutscene" thing as well but it only happens like twice in the early game and the context behind these moments makes sense because at these points in the story, the party is kinda inexperienced in combat, so them losing in the cutscene makes sense. 

I don't have anything against the Big Damn Heroes and the "win the fight, lose the cutscene" tropes in general, if they're used sparingly and carefully. Trails of Cold Steel 2 and 3 just overuse both to a point where it gets really, really annoying.

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3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I've said it once before, but as of right now, I consider Ouroboros the worst part of the Trails games. They come across as mysterious for the sake of it and thus it's hard to really feel anything from them except "ugh, not these guys again".

This is exactly how i feel. I won't lie, i like some characters of Ouroboros (which is more than i can say about the Silthers) individually but the group overall is just bleh. 


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50 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

Wow, this is harsh.

I do not know the StuPo, but I thought you can submit the bachelor thesis till a certain deadline.

Since current winter semester is going to end soon, it would be about time right now.

Though I do not know about the presentation part.


The bachelor thesis was the reason for quitting my study because I never wanted to bother with that.

The deadline for my thesis was early december, where i turned it in. Presentation isn't part of the StuPO, but alot do it unofficially, although within days of the deadline of the Thesis, and not 2.5 months after.

29 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

Sky 3rd has an Ouroboros fight, and it is one of the hardest boss battles in this game.

And imo, the best boss fight in the series, if not genre wide.

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I never had a problem with Ouroboros despite some members, mainly the ones who not appear in multiple parts, might lack a bit on characterization. 

That said I cannot say any weakness in the Trails series in general. 

10 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

The deadline for my thesis was early december, where i turned it in. Presentation isn't part of the StuPO, but alot do it unofficially, although within days of the deadline of the Thesis, and not 2.5 months after.

I see. 

So it would not cause negative consequences, if you decline it politely, right? 


And imo, the best boss fight in the series, if not genre wide.

I am afraid I cannot same when I face them in my nightmare file. 

Chapter 6 in Sky 3rd has a lot of great boss fights tbh.


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27 minutes ago, Armagon said:

This is exactly how i feel. I won't lie, i like some characters of Ouroboros (which is more than i can say about the Silthers) individually but the group overall is just bleh.

At least the Slither Buddies had an actual, clear goal, even if the motivation is a little weak and generic. Ouroboros, as far as I can tell, does not, which is precisely the point where Falcom's writing staff absolutely failed to get me invested in that group. A villain with no goal is just about one of the worst things a story can do, right after contradicting itself and not adhering to its own logic.
Or did they ever reveal the purpose behind any of their "grand schemes" in the other Trails games?

Watch their reason for doing the stuff they're doing be that the Grandmaster is just utterly bored and gives out these orders and plans with fancy names purely for shits and giggles. I would absolutely LOVE it if that was the case. XD

11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I will say that while most of Ouroborous is a blemish on the series, the actual worst villain in Trails has nothing to do with Ouroborous.

Now you've gotten me curious!

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2 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

So it would not cause negative consequences, if you decline it politely, right? 

That's what i am trying to find out. I will have a call with my Supervisor in a bit to discuss it.

3 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

I am afraid I cannot same when I face them in my nightmare file. 

Super Intense :D

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8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

C and his band of loonies?

7 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Now you've gotten me curious!

I can't say the name since spoilers but the main villain of Zero is definitly the worst in the series. The twist comes out of literally nowhere and he's just a somehow worse version of Wiessman.

10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Or did they ever reveal the purpose behind any of their "grand schemes" in the other Trails games?

All we got was that all the Plans will eventually culminate into the "Orpheus Final Phase", whatever the fuck that is. I'd say it sounds ominous but we literally don't know what it's supposed to be. 

13 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Watch their reason for doing the stuff they're doing be that the Grandmaster is just utterly bored and gives out these orders and plans with fancy names purely for shits and giggles

We all know that Blueblanc at least is doing it for the shits and giggles.

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