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Interesting. I thought that this was a place to talk about Fire Emblem, but you are all talking about different universes... 

But apparently, this is a designated place to talk about things other than Fire Emblem.

The world that you live in is very, very interesting. Perhaps I could keep puppeteering this "Humanoid Tiger Kid" and stay here for a little longer... Maybe I'll find new puppets to take back to my world, who knows?

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15 minutes ago, WeAreNewcastle1053 said:

Interesting. I thought that this was a place to talk about Fire Emblem, but you are all talking about different universes... 

But apparently, this is a designated place to talk about things other than Fire Emblem.

This is part of the "Far From the Forest" subforum. We can talk about whatever we want in it as long as we play nice with each other.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:
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So in regards to Malos and Pneuma

  • They were recieving data from all the other Core Crystals. Because of that, they could likely function as Blades themselves, given that they have all the data neccesary to do so. But because they are the recievers, they don't transform into Titans and they have all the functions of the World Tree, including controlling the Artifices. As for the other Blades, most of them are humanoid because most Drivers are humans. It's established that Nopon are very rarely Drivers (notice that there isn't a single Nopon-looking Blade....actually, i guess Boreas) and while monster Drivers are more common, i'd imagine that they are still much less common than human Drivers based on principles. 
    •  Also here's a small theory but i think it's possible that the life cycle of a Blade is: Common Blade -> Rare Blade -> Titan. It would explain the generic apperances of Common Blades. They are still young Blades. Rare Blades are older. They've accumilated more data. That's why they are able to have more unique appearances and defined personalities.
      •  If true, that would explain why Malos and Mythra awoke the way they did. Because they have all that data. They won't become Titans but they ended up skipping the Common Blade part of the life cycle.
  • Not having their memories pre-awakening, i think the anwser is simple. It's that they weren't awakened yet. That said, Pneuma does have memories of Elyisum, at least what it looked like before The Experiment. This might explain why Alvis, if he is indeed Ontos, remembered The Experiment. Let's assume XenoblaDE isn't a thing. Alvis' memory of what happened is fractured. He remembers The Experiment but he doesn't remember it correctly.

However, if that isn't the case in regards to point two, it's likely that Alvis is simply functioning on a different set of rules. He seems far more powerful than both Malos and Pneuma combined given that he was able to create an entire universe. I imagine a being designed to control the Conduit being in a universe create by the Conduit would do that.

However, i've also had a theory in the back of my mind that Alvis isn't Ontos, but rather, a physical manifestation of the Conduit's concious. Alvis at the end of Xenoblade 1 looks a lot like Xenogears' Wave Existence and thanks to the Conduit, i feel like there's a connection here. It would explain why Alvis is so much more powerful. This would also mean that Ontos ended up in a completely different universe and the Ontos name drop was a setup for that.




Your point about the origin of Blade forms makes sense. If Blades are a failed effort at human immortality then why didn't they invent mimeosomes? it'd be reasonable they'd want new bodies akin to their old.


I do like your Commons-into-Rares hypothesis. It would give justification for the rarity and power of Rares. It'd mean the Commons are essentially "blank slate" Blades, what the very first Blades never having had human connection before looked like. Spending more time bonded to humans would thanks to the acquired data mutate away from the robotic form in the majority of cases- Aegaeon aside. Once a Blade becomes a Titan, all the inorganic is gone and the artifice that was is a purely organic, "natural" lifeform.


As for the powers of Ontos, the Trinity must be unbalanced, if Alvis is Ontos. Admittedly, we never see Mythra or Malos attempt to empower several individuals at once, but Alvis hadn't any problems funneling power into two or three people at once.

And even without Alvis = Ontos, if Ontos is the tiebreaker, the mediator, the decider, then that is a very important job. You could argue the tiebreaker needs only to be as strong as the other two, because 2 vs. 1 on a decision if all are equal, wins. But this could be a Rayquaza/Giratina situation, where the third trinity member is stronger than the other two, needing to be strong enough to negate them both at once.

Alvis's personality, if in some way rooted in who he was in Ontos, would justify being more powerful. Alvis is very chill, if you were to program an AI to control other AIs, you'd want to make sure it stays under control, otherwise you're not solving the problem of AIs getting out of hand. Alvis doesn't have very much emotion, so his temper can't flare, and other than world-preservation, he has no sincere care about whether Zanza or Shulk wins. That nonjudgmental apathy to all but the most fundamental, that would be perhaps ideal for entrusting the most power to.

But, who knows about the Aegsises inheriting personality from their AIs? I wouldn't call Malos the epitome of cold hard logic- he is driven in XC2 by an emotional bond. Though maybe Torna "I want to see the extent of my power" Malos is being purely analytical. How much personality did these AIs have? What was an "argument" like between Pneuma and Logos? If they were just calculators with zero artificial sense of self and duller than KOS-MOS, then that'd be disappointingly bland. Can we have a very short manga or radio drama showcasing a day in the life of Klaus, Galea, and their Multi-Personality Zohar in green and pleasant Elysium?

All speculation on my part, no evidence. But I need something to take my mind off discovering someone did two screenshots of fake bestiality with a Dalmatian in XCX.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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10 hours ago, Benice said:

I really hate that AoE thing that Deghinsea does. It killed Ike right before I thought I actually survived.

The last three bosses all have it.

Though Deghinsea 's is the easiest to avoid.

I think it only has five or six range, so you can keep everyone out of this range and still reach him in the next turn.


Billy Idol only had good songs.

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I remember when I would worry about MAP attacks in SRW.

I'm pretty sure the HHH thread is testament to that, with my Alpha and Alpha Gaiden playthroughs, hehehe.

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I cannot really see any changes whenever I go out.

There are no less people outside and in the shops is even a bigger crowd right now.

Also there's one thing I don't understand: Why do people hoard toilet paper?

Are they scared that shops will be closed for a half year and are afraid not to be able cleaning their butt?

I understand basic food and medication but not toilet paper.

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13 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

Why do people hoard toilet paper?

People are just bigbrain; I believe there was a survey a few years back where 75% of people said that they'd prefer to have unlimited toilet paper than unlimited food if they were to be stuck on a deserted island for five years!

Here, the traffic is far less than usual, both foot and otherwise. I live near a mountain, so I get to go for nice quiet walks, but social isolation low-key annoying.

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3 hours ago, Just call me AL said:

This is part of the "Far From the Forest" subforum. We can talk about whatever we want in it as long as we play nice with each other.

Well, I did read some of the forum descriptions, considering that I needed to learn about the world of my current puppet.

1 hour ago, Benice said:

People are just bigbrain; I believe there was a survey a few years back where 75% of people said that they'd prefer to have unlimited toilet paper than unlimited food if they were to be stuck on a deserted island for five years!

That is truly foolish. What use is toilet paper if you die of starvation? And besides, my Error strings don't even work on dead people.

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Today I burnt almost two hours in Ryza because I mistook a woodcutter axe for a hammer.

I needed a weapon to destroy rocks for unlocking a new path, but I thought I needed a strong version of a bomb since my "hammer" did not break these.

Two hours later I noticed it was a woodcutter axe...

At least I made progress in the Alchemy level, so it was not entirely wasted.

5 hours ago, Benice said:

People are just bigbrain; I believe there was a survey a few years back where 75% of people said that they'd prefer to have unlimited toilet paper than unlimited food if they were to be stuck on a deserted island for five years!

... Then I belong to the 25% smart brain people.

Funnily I forgot to buy toilet paper today since it will be running out in about a week.

This shows how high it is in my personal priority.

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12 hours ago, Armagon said:

Blades are just Stands tbh.

Or Personas.

12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

GET RID OF HER NOW! -No wait, don't, I don't want to see her sa- NO! GET RID OF- Keep her!

...Did you do her Blade Quest "Our Daily Bread" in Gormott? It should be easy enough at this point. The above will make sense if you do.

I didn't do that one yet, and I didn't know it unlocked, so thanks for telling me that there is one!
I'd never get rid of her, though. She's too damn strong and adorable for that.

Preventing Tantal from falling into the cloud sea can wait. Blade Quests are more important. Also, I still need to gather around 35 more materials to give to that statue in Tantal's capital. Don't know if that'll do anything useful, but it does seem like I won't be able to visit that place again if I progress the story right now, so I guess it's good if I do that ASAP.

12 hours ago, Armagon said:

I'm pretty sure Roc is refered to by male pronounes. And nothing about Roc says female, though tbf, being a non-humanoid Blade does make it a bit tricky to tell. But regardless, i'm pretty sure it was established that Roc was male. Why his gender shows up as 4, i have no idea.

In the Japanese VO (see, I knew playing that would come in handy), he refers to himself with "Ore", which is usually how males refer to themselves in Japanese as far as I know. That's how I came to think of Roc as a male. That, and his voice is clearly male, too.

11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

our new cult member

That's me, isn't it?
Is it weird that I feel kinda honored by that?

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15 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:
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Alvis being the will of the Conduit doesn't match with what he says about being "the administrative computer of a phase transition experimental facility. [...] To you, I am a machine." That fact was established long before the Conduit was introduced, and it's consistent with what Xenoblade 2 introduced if Alvis is in fact Ontos. Alvis's appearance is likely a reference to the Wave Existence but it might not be anything more than out-of-universe symbolism (since they're both "God" in the context of their universes).

At this point I just think Ontos was mentioned to provide context for Alvis's existence in Xenoblade 1, because if there were only two Aegises then people would wonder how Alvis fits into Xenoblade 2's revelations. But we'll have to wait until the Definitive Edition comes out to see what it has to say on the matter.



Yeah, i've mostly abandoned the theory. There might be a possibilty but it's still way more likely that Alvis is Ontos.


14 hours ago, Just call me AL said:

I thought Newt had that distinction.

Newt does do the Ora Ora in her Lv.3 Special but Gorg is the one that looks the most like a JoJo character.

14 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:






Another thing regarding the "Commons into Rares" theory is that when you see the unborn Blades in Torna's Womb, all of them are Commons. Further suggesting that new Blades are Commons and as they mature, they become Rares.

Also, your point about Alvis being the strongest of the trinity as a mediator does make sense. Now there's the question of how was Alvis awoken? Malos was awoken by Amalthus and Mythra by Addam. Who awoke Alvis? Zanza? Maybe. But Zanza could already posses people with his Monado. Perhaps Alvis was awoken the instant he traveled between worlds (though how he did it is also uncertain. Remember, from how Klaus words it, Ontos disappeared after The Experiment.


4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, I still need to gather around 35 more materials to give to that statue in Tantal's capital. Don't know if that'll do anything useful, but it does seem like I won't be able to visit that place again if I progress the story right now, so I guess it's good if I do that ASAP.

Ah, that's what gets you Herald. She's an Electric Ether Cannon. I recommend giving her to Zeke since a post-battle dialouge confirms that Herald once belonged to Zeke's grandfather. It ultimaely means nothing but it's a neat detail.

Also don't worry, you can obtain Herald whenever. You won't get locked out if you continue the story.


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4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

That's me, isn't it?
Is it weird that I feel kinda honored by that?

You haven't even gotten to the true initiation yet. For that, you must rip apart a live dinosaur (well, a bull, but inhale enough methane and you can't tell the difference) with your bare hands. The drunken group intercourse will follow immediately afterwards. -If this was the ancient cult of Dionysus/Bacchus.😛

And to comment on what you put in a spoiler box:


When I was first told Zeke was playable, I was flabbergasted that buffoon and his quiet-yet-eccentric-looking sidekick would join me, I did not like it at all. Tantal very quickly redeemed him for me.

Tantal and all its stuff remains around for the entire game. No worries there.


4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

In the Japanese VO (see, I knew playing that would come in handy), he refers to himself with "Ore", which is usually how males refer to themselves in Japanese as far as I know. That's how I came to think of Roc as a male. That, and his voice is clearly male, too.

Well that clarifies everything! Mostly, it appears a girl can once in a while be "ore".

You probably don't need it, but here is a general guide to Japanese pronouns I found.:





I've put a little more work into Soma Bringer, Act 4 is done. The plot, which isn't this game's strong suit, it's been said that was intentional, but nonetheless compels me to continue the game, is starting to give some explanation of the world's secret stuff. I want to put this game firmly in my Mono-log, and thus I want to eventually finish it.

Besides the giant birds, the giant, well, giants were ripping through me though they were common enemies. However, since I died against a miniboss, it appears that even bosses do not regenerate HP after you die. Perhaps this means in a worse case scenario, I couldn't actually get stuck on a boss. Thats nice, because the small boss at the end of Act 4 dodgerolled to no end and the fight was very drawn out because of it.

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17 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ah, that's what gets you Herald. She's an Electric Ether Cannon. I recommend giving her to Zeke since a post-battle dialouge confirms that Herald once belonged to Zeke's grandfather. It ultimaely means nothing but it's a neat detail.

Neat! So that's where you get that one. I'm very interested to see what Herald actually looks like considering the silhouette in the encyclopedia.
Do you have any suggestions/tips on where to farm the items needed for that particular task? I've been going around in Temperantia a lot, but came up with only very few items that I need each time and only two kinds out of four.

17 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Also don't worry, you can obtain Herald whenever. You won't get locked out if you continue the story.

Good to hear, but if I can get her now, I'd very much like to do so.

15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

You haven't even gotten to the true initiation yet. For that, you must rip apart a live dinosaur (well, a bull, but inhale enough methane and you can't tell the difference) with your bare hands. The drunken group intercourse will follow immediately afterwards. -If this was the ancient cult of Dionysus/Bacchus.😛

If that's what it takes then I'd rather not be part of the cult...

Those dinosaurs are too strong with their level range of 90 to 95.

15 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And to comment on what you put in a spoiler box:

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When I was first told Zeke was playable, I was flabbergasted that buffoon and his quiet-yet-eccentric-looking sidekick would join me, I did not like it at all. Tantal very quickly redeemed him for me.

Tantal and all its stuff remains around for the entire game. No worries there.


From the moment I saw the guy, I liked him.
Well, initially, I just found him hilarious and that's why I liked him. Now I like him because he's a genuinely good character. And I don't know why or how I did it, but he's by far my biggest source of damage at the moment. Sorry Rex, but it seems like you got the bench after all... For now, anyway.

And while we're at it, I went to Torigoth and looked around, but the Blade Quest for Kasandra didn't pop up yet. I guess I have to wait a bit to unlock it, after all.
The quest that was there started with Umon trying to drown himself in the sea of clouds (it makes sense in context, probably)... to which my initial reaction was

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22 minutes ago, Armagon said:
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Also, your point about Alvis being the strongest of the trinity as a mediator does make sense. Now there's the question of how was Alvis awoken? Malos was awoken by Amalthus and Mythra by Addam. Who awoke Alvis? Zanza? Maybe. But Zanza could already posses people with his Monado. Perhaps Alvis was awoken the instant he traveled between worlds (though how he did it is also uncertain. Remember, from how Klaus words it, Ontos disappeared after The Experiment.



If we go with the likely scenario that Ontos disappeared before the Blade system was implemented, then he wouldn't need to be awoken because he's not a Blade. The Siren model establishes that the Trinity cores had personalities even before the experiment, so Alvis could still be active without anyone directing him. Zanza, Meyneth, and Shulk are all his "users," presumably a leftover from when he was a computer programmed to be loyal to humans. I would wager Pneuma and Logos were used as prototypes for the Blade system and that the rest of the Blades were all based on them, even if it's never established if the Architect ever intended for anyone to resonate with them.


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20 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

And while we're at it, I went to Torigoth and looked around, but the Blade Quest for Kasandra didn't pop up yet. I guess I have to wait a bit to unlock it, after all.

Try sleeping at the inn in Torigoth first, and changing the time to morning, say 5:00 AM, that might provide the spark for it trigger at the bakery. I say it's likely available now due to having enemies at level 38. Time of day once in a while plays a role in when quests are available, I think it's less so in XC2 than prior games.


20 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

The quest that was there started with Umon trying to drown himself in the sea of clouds (it makes sense in context, probably)... to which my initial reaction was

One Blade Quest for a different Rare does involve a Nopon "end of the world" cult, I say that unironically. Nopon can take the most serious of subjects and make them ridiculous.

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24 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Do you have any suggestions/tips on where to farm the items needed for that particular task? I've been going around in Temperantia a lot, but came up with only very few items that I need each time and only two kinds out of four.

You can get Black Pomegranates from the two collection points near the Yurna the Elderwood landmark in Uraya. Those items aren't very rare and if you've got Blades with Botany (Dromarch has it), it should come up more often. So you can just farm those.

18 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Nopon can take the most serious of subjects and make them ridiculous.

And i hope they keep doing so, because it is the funniest thing. 

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So i'm overhearing my cousin watching a movie that's been dubbed in Spanish and honest to God, every Spanish dub sounds the same. It's like there are stock voices that they use instead of real people. And yes, i understand the language. I'm Venezuelan American. Watch any two, completely unrelated movies dubbed in Spanish and you'll see what i mean.

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