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Remember when i said i was gonna move onto the Heisei Godzilla films? Yeah, i lied haha. I was in the mood to watch the original 1954 film. And that was really good actually (well, for it's time anyway but judging it by today's standards wouldn't be fair). Yeah, the editing can be kinda odd but it was 1954, that was probably just the philosophy at the time. I'll let it slide. 

I do find it pretty interesting how the theme that's associated as Godzilla's theme was originally the theme of the Japanese army fighting Godzilla. Interesting change of events. I imagine as Godzilla became more of an anti-hero figure, the theme switched from the Japanese army to Godzilla himself over the years.


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Just now, Armagon said:

I do find it pretty interesting how the theme that's associated as Godzilla's theme was originally the theme of the Japanese army fighting Godzilla. Interesting change of events. I imagine as Godzilla became more of an anti-hero figure, the theme switched from the Japanese army to Godzilla himself over the years.

Well, if Godzilla is representative of nuclear weapons b/c the Lucky Dragon incident, then Japan has every reason to oppose him. And what country is the only one to suffer the effects of a nuclear weapon used in war?

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6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Well, if Godzilla is representative of nuclear weapons b/c the Lucky Dragon incident, then Japan has every reason to oppose him. And what country is the only one to suffer the effects of a nuclear weapon used in war?

Oh i know. When i meant theme, i meant the theme song that's now associated with Godzilla himself (refered to as the Ikufube theme), not the theme of Godzilla.

Originally, that song was used as the Japanese Army's theme but it seems over the years, the song became Godzilla's theme, even in movies where Japan opposes Godzilla (such as in basically all the Millenium films).

As a fun fact, of the three American-produced Godzilla films, only King of the Monsters uses the Ikufube theme


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21 hours ago, Armagon said:

Both stories are the same, what changes is the perspective. To be specifc, the first four chapters and chapter 6 are different depending on who you chose but the story will always end the same. There's also two character endings for each route and a true ending unlocked after seeing all the character endings (which means playing both routes).

So it is different. That's cool!
One of my gripes with Tales of Xillia is that it allows you to choose who to play as, but it changes very little in the actual game.

5 hours ago, Shrimperor said:



3 minutes ago, XavierStronome said:

This thread isn't gonna end for s long, long time.



I binged Mary Skelter yesterday. Damn, that game is so much fun.
I got past the boss that gave me trouble. Turns out Thumbelina is a Mage, and a very strong one at that. And that the boss was quite flammable.

The story gets a lot more interesting at this point. It seems like you have to unearth some kind of mystery, which I like. And the game allowed me to choose my next destination, but that doesn't seem to matter much in the long run, as the only thing that changes is the order in which I get to explore those two places (inb4 I chose the super duper hard one first...).
I got a new party member, as well: Cinderella, who is dressed like a Martial Artist, and her initial weapons are basically Gauntlets. She also speaks like a noblewoman, saying stuff like "Behold! I shall join you on your expedition!". Also, she is voiced by Asami Imai, otherwise known to Nep fans as the voice of Noire.
In addition, I discovered the existience of character events, which I do like, because these always offer some deeper insight into the characters' personalities. Some funny highlights I found that reminded me that I am indeed playing an IF/Compile Heart game:
Alice is a tea set geek, fangirling over a particularly old set she found in the store.
Snow White is proud of being "plain" and offers Jack, and later Cinderella, to join her "Plain Alliance". To which Cinderella has the expected reaction.
Thumbelina likes cramped spaces and is very embarrassed about it.
Sleeping Beauty can hold a conversation with people while she is asleep (which is basically all the time she's not in battle).
They took her name too literally, I swear.

As far as the story goes, they introduced an "Order of the Sun", which is some sort of religious cult devoted to the worship of our star, which apparently cannot be seen down in The Jail. And they are trying way too hard to make that cult seem suspicious to the point where I'm convinced it is just a red herring meant to distract players.
I mean, does this look trustworthy to you?
If she turns out to be evil, I will be very disappointed, because, as I said, it would have been way, WAAAAAY too obvious.

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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

So it is different. That's cool!
One of my gripes with Tales of Xillia is that it allows you to choose who to play as, but it changes very little in the actual game.

In that case, you might have a little pet-peeve with Escha & Logy. Because that game also has dual protagonists but unlike in Shallie, only like 1% actually changes. It really just determines who's endgame item you get (pro tip: do Escha's route first, because she gets one of the most broken items in the series).

I have no idea how Lydie & Sulle handles it's dual protagonists.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I have no idea how Lydie & Sulle handles it's dual protagonists.

From what I read about Lydie & Suelle, you'll be playing both of them simultaneously, as they're usually together. I don't know if they get separated at any point during the game, though.

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17 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Obviously, it's because water tastes better to ye of the land that invented lager bier centuries ago. Why drink the lowest of lows when you live in the land of highest highs?

The Americans have better taste then in this regard.

Beer is the most disgusting drink I've ever touched yet.


Lydie and Suelle is another one of the super favorable Atelier games for Switch, but it's also one I know nothing about.


First day of the year I can spend outside just with a T-shirt.

And weather will stay great, at least warm, till the entire Easter break.

Edited by Reisalin Stout
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1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Lookie who i am fighting

  Reveal hidden contents


Sorry Laura, your Great Grandma is in another Castle.


I know who that is! And I feel unreasonably proud of it.


Moar Mary Skelter ramblings:

As I was going through a whole bunch of character events, Alice brings up this

And it got me thinking. Every Blood Maiden references the fairy tale she's named after somehow, be it in terms of what she likes, what she does, or something in her personality. Like Alice with the tea set, Cinderella being exceptionally good at cleaning as well as almost going berserk after losing her glass shoe-shaped earring, Thumbelina loving cramped spaces, Sleeping Beauty sleeping a lot, and Red Riding Hood getting antsy when she doesn't have anything to cover her head with, as well as the wolf pelt she has hanging around in her room. And then there's Jack, who has the inexplicable urge to climb high places.
Huh. Guess those fairy tale references aren't just there for the funsies, after all, eh? IF/CH, you sly, sly people...

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41 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

But man, what a fight. WHAT A FIGHT!


Because you get this instead


Seriously though (CS3 spoilers, if you care)

you fight Arianrhod alongside her Stahlritter and it's easy as hell. And then you fight her again alongside f***ing McF***ingBURN and it's EASY AS HELL.

"Strongest people EVAR!!!!11!!one!!!1" my ass.

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

Because you get this instead



Tbf though, this whole harem/bonding stuff started in Crossbell, and will probably be the main reason why i will put Ao a bit below SC, even if everything else is almost 10/10. It's annoying.

2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

easy as hell

My biggest problem with CS gameplay. Even on Nightmare it's a snoozefest


In this battle, i had to use everything. Buffs, heals, spells, guards, everything. 1 Mistake would've been me rip. If i mistimed my guard and got S-crafted it's game over. I can't infinetly delay or status her like in CS. Or one shot with S-craft, considering she has 77k HP and S-craft deal 5k damage while buffed lol.

And this is how battles on Nightmare are suppossed to be.

And you know the whole ''THIS IS MY FINAL FORM'' thing in CS? She does that in battle and i continue to fight her. When you bring her down to half she goes SSJ and heals all HP (although lower Max HP) and you continue the fight.

You don't get your ass saved by some one else. You bring her down to her knees.


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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

"Keshite Tomaranai!" ~ Falcom, probably

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

And you know the whole ''THIS IS MY FINAL FORM'' thing in CS? [redacted for spoilers] does that in battle and i continue to fight her. When you bring [redacted for spoilers] down to half [redacted for spoilers] goes SSJ and heals all HP (although lower Max HP) and you continue the fight.

You don't get your ass saved by some one else. You bring [redacted for spoilers] down to [redacted for spoilers] knees.

Okay, just for this, Ao is better than CS. A lot better.

Just now, Benice said:

Why does Musse look like enlightened Byleth?

Because that's her actual hair color.

1 minute ago, XavierStronome said:



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It was very cool how this boss could just apply apply a buff to itself and then instantly kill you with an AoE. I can't even buy insta-kill resist equips at this point in the game, so i really had no counter to it. Thanks Falcom. But also thank you for the Weaken Enemies feature, i've been using that shit since Sky FC. And then i used cheats in Sky SC but shhhhhh.

Anyways, game's going fine. Good to see the some of the members of old Class VII back. They have the same Crafts as they did previously (i think), which is odd, since Rean himself has some new tricks up his sleeve but whatever. I did set the difficulty to Very Easy for the mini-boss rush that happened earlier in the chapter becauase i really didn't feel like putting up with that but i changed it back to Normal once i was done.

Brave Orders are still busted, especially the ones that reduce damage taken to non-existent amounts. I wish they could stack though, because i really want to use the more offensive Brave Orders but i don't really have as many options. Early game is more about staying alive but i look forward to when i can start breaking the game. Bless quick travel btw. Most Trails games lack quick travel so backtracking could be a pain at times. Not here though, which is good since the areas are generally bigger than in the previous two CS games.

  • On the subject of Brave Orders, i heard they got nerfed in CS4. RIP.

Also @DragonFlames i recall you said CS3's soundtrack was, while good, also weak in comparison to the previous two games and now that i'm getting a full feel for the soundtrack as opposed to just what i heard from the playthrough i watched, i still don't really agree in regards to it being weak. It's pretty much on the same level as the previous two games. 

18 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

In this battle, i had to use everything. Buffs, heals, spells, guards, everything. 1 Mistake would've been me rip. If i mistimed my guard and got S-crafted it's game over.

That's basically how the fight played out for me in Normal mode too, to a lesser extent. It was basically the (Sky 3rd spoilers)


Cassius Bright fight but again

and just like with that one, i still struggled with it a lot (bless Weaken Enemies feature).

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It was basically the (Sky 3rd spoilers)

One difference though: Sky 3rd's fight boss' S-craft was Area L

Ao's was Area ALL

Makes a very big difference tbh, as spliting alone doesn'T work.

Other than that, i will say Sky3rd had more powerful attacks.

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