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FE5 Olwen Or Eyrios?


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The only thing good about Eyrios is having instant access to powerful Thunder Tomes (both that need to be level A to be able to use, sun hit, and base starting stats. Also getting average stats that a Mage Knight should normally get. But his lack of supports (He can have no support bonuses. While Olwen can support with Fred and Leaf). Also, Sun Hit won't benefit much either, as not being able to crit much along with sun hit to make the skill more useful, and his Pursuit critical coefficient is at 0 while Olwen has 4 (Second highest availible while Eyrios has 0). This means he cannot ever counter with crits upon secondary attacks like Olwen can. He would have to have the Wrath Manual to remedy that.

But Leaf, Halvan, and or Marty would certainly benefit alot more from this skill than him. Eyrios will likely achieve better stats than Olwen. But Olwen has two personnel weapons Dime Thunder (Having 15 Mt and 10 crit); and Holy Sword (which makes her an absolute Mage slayer in the final four chapters. Both that only she can use). She also will get formidable with enough training. It's also easier to grow Olwen with the Crusader Scrolls due to more availibility. Plus her personnel weapons both have a brave like 2x effect to them making her worthy to use. =] But the bad news about Olwen is that she will need Ambush to make her useable for the frontlines due to having poor durability especially in comparison to Eyrios.

Having no skills, but Ambush or Continue is all that she needs..really. Plus lower level and weapon level starts. She would have to gain a rank in Thunder (She starts at B level) to be able to use both the A rank tomes Bolting and Tron (Both which offers 20 crit). Otherwise she will have to stick to Dime Thunder, and she would need to have Continue to be able to double with Tron as it will weigh her down by 4 form her starting BLD which is 5, and growing no more than 6.8 upon average with no scrolls. And Bolting can almost never double due to it weighing 20. So you'd have to choose between the two, as they both have their differences. I prefer Olwen due to more availibility, her two personnel weapons makes her absolutely broken, and can get more time to grow her with the crusader scrolls. (Not BLD though, since only the Neir scroll can increase BLD, and that your thieves need that alot more. So she will need Continue to be able to double with Tron.)

So Olwen for me. =]

Edited by Elesa
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I don't really think there is clear winner to this debate all it really comes down to is weapons vs skills. Eyrios stronger durability is pretty irrelevant when olden has had access to defense increasing scrolls . No stats really shouldn't come up in thracia 776 debate I typically scroll abuse so that all the units I'm using cap almost every stat. so all the two really have different are skills and weapons if you think skills are more reliable you'll go with eyrios and if you find extremely good personal weapons more useful you would go with olwen . I personal use eyrios because I ether overuse personal weapons or don't use them it all . Plus it takes sometime and some scrolls for Olwen to be good while eyrios is ready to go from recruitment . Sunlight sword increases he's fairly decent survivability and prayer can help him out in tight spot and he doesn't really need any skill investment to be good wrath would be nice but he does fairly well without it . Olwen needs ambush to really get the full use out of her personal weapons which from what I've seen is fair investment, she may start out crappier but with a lower lvl then eyrios ,high growths and scrolls she should become quite the impressive unit stat wise by the time he comes . I genuinely think intelligence system actually gave us the choice between two units of equal strength unlike other times when this has come up; Nasir vs ena and sety vs cyas.

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Nasir vs ena and sety vs cyas.

To those two questions.

Nasir and Sety definitely.

Because unlike Olwen and Eyrios that actually are equally good and have their differences. Ena never will par with Nasir statwise. Ena would need Warth and Resolve to be good. Nasir could do without giving u the chance to give those skills to someone else. And Sety should always be picked because Cyas will never be equally useful. Especially since leadership gets butchered and will miss out on alot of experience to be able to recruit him. Sety is great in everything that u can throw at him Mage statwise. =]


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iirc, Eyrio's strong point is his absurd durability. He's got some absurd amount of HP for a mage knight that Olwen can pretty much never match without some serious scroll abuse.

Olwen's biggest problems are her really bad durability coupled with being weighted down miserably by her only really reliable weapon. If she has Ambush, she can destroy, otherwise she'll have a tough time. And will have trouble with ballistae regardless.

If we can give Olwen Ambush, we can give Eyrios Wrath, which gives them pretty similar enemy phase strength. The difference is that while Olwen has greater attack power, Eyrios will be able to tank. Wrath + Sunlight sword with his already high HP is a great way to make sure you remain alive.

It's a matter of glass cannon vs. a more tanky, versatile alternative. If they joined at the same time, I think it would pretty much be in favor of Eyrios no question, but Olwen comes quite a bit earlier so I'm not actually sure. Haven't played much Thracia in a while.

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iirc, Eyrio's strong point is his absurd durability. He's got some absurd amount of HP for a mage knight that Olwen can pretty much never match without some serious scroll abuse.

Olwen's biggest problems are her really bad durability coupled with being weighted down miserably by her only really reliable weapon. If she has Ambush, she can destroy, otherwise she'll have a tough time. And will have trouble with ballistae regardless.

If we can give Olwen Ambush, we can give Eyrios Wrath, which gives them pretty similar enemy phase strength. The difference is that while Olwen has greater attack power, Eyrios will be able to tank. Wrath + Sunlight sword with his already high HP is a great way to make sure you remain alive.

I didn't realise that Ambush had the same value as Wrath. I mean, you'd think that since the Ambush Manual appears about the same time that Olwen does, she'd be an ideal canditate, whereas Eyrios isn't really an ideal canditate for Wrath seeing as he doesn't join until 9 chapters after you get it.

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I didn't realise that Ambush had the same value as Wrath. I mean, you'd think that since the Ambush Manual appears about the same time that Olwen does, she'd be an ideal canditate, whereas Eyrios isn't really an ideal canditate for Wrath seeing as he doesn't join until 9 chapters after you get it.

Ambush is pretty valuable with the amount of powerful weapons you get early in the game.

But yes, you are missing out on a lot of chapters of Wrath (and everything else).

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I prefer Eyrios, both as a character and a combatant, but never enough to kill Olwen (who I'm still more than a little fond of) for.

Can't you also skip recruiting her? Just don't have Fred talk to her.

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Can't you also skip recruiting her? Just don't have Fred talk to her.

Huh. I didn't remember if that was an option, but yeah, I remember now.

In that case, probably just depends on the route I'm aiming to go.

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Eyrios, 'cause durability and Sun Sword go well together along with good weapon ranks.

Your missing the crucial points of Eyrios' weaknesses. He can't counter attack with crits without Wrath like Olwen can. And he doesn't average above 14.4 in Mag without scrolls upon which Olwen can average by 18.1. All Eyrios has going for him are his better base stats. But hardly doesn't get anything better in return (without scrolls) when you start growing him. =D

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When playing FE5, scroll abuse happens. Eyrios can keep up with Olwen's Mag much better than she can keep up with his enormous HP and Def leads. His real disadvantages are not having Dime Thunder and joining later, requiring you to have 6-7 less chapters of having a Mage Knight if you choose him instead.

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When playing FE5, scroll abuse happens. Eyrios can keep up with Olwen's Mag much better than she can keep up with his enormous HP and Def leads. His real disadvantages are not having Dime Thunder and joining later, requiring you to have 6-7 less chapters of having a Mage Knight if you choose him instead.

Surely you can use Olwen, then kill her off just before Eyrios and get the best of both?

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Surely you can use Olwen, then kill her off just before Eyrios and get the best of both?

Yes but most people won't want to raise a unit then dispose of them. If you're going to use Olwen you might as well go the whole way.

Also, is the first counter attack counted as a Pursuit attack in FE5? IIRC the Calculations page said it wasn't.

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Surely you can use Olwen, then kill her off just before Eyrios and get the best of both?

Sure. =D

Great idea to get another Mag Ring in Chapter 12 by having her visit one of the villages and giving that ring to Eyrios later in the game.

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Yes but most people won't want to raise a unit then dispose of them. If you're going to use Olwen you might as well go the whole way.

Not really. Plus, killing Olwen off means you have carte blanche to go nuts with Dime Thunder.

Also, is the first counter attack counted as a Pursuit attack in FE5? IIRC the Calculations page said it wasn't.

I don't think it is.

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In my file Olwen got A rank so she uses Meteor ^^' so I pick her. She has a big availability lead on him.

so did mine

too bad wind is so darn expensive that I couldn't get her to use Blizzard(not like I had much of it anyways)

and I like Olwen better(with Ambush manual)

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On base stats and skills, Eyrios > Olwen.

But if Olwen gets Ambush, which turns up one chapter after she joins and she has no real competition for, and Eyrios doesn't get Wrath, which turns up eight chapters before he joins and is in demand, then Olwen wins by a long-shot. Durability is kind of redundant when you can kill nearly anyone without receiving a counter. While Eyrios' survivability is through the roof, he can't do anything special; and crusader scrolls make his availability hurt all the more.

A minor point, but recruiting Eyrios means your Pugi time is cut in half.

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