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What is your personal image of users?


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(ex: Furetchen is Do5 Furetchen).

I really really hope you mean the current one rather than the original 'Seth's head crudely wedged onto Klein's body', which was in the prologue for like two days in development.

(if the current one then um yeah I totally look like that for sure)

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I see people kind of like their most memorable avatar. . .so Rein's a little girl, Snike doesn't exist, Kaoz is Hell Kaiser, Paperblade's Volug (he's the cuter of the two), Proto's Fia, Kay's a Pokemon, Horace is a good-looking General, JB's Jade (even if he's a little kid IRL), Raymond's Joshua, Freohr's just pretending to be Joshua, and Doku has the best avatars ever.

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I really really hope you mean the current one rather than the original 'Seth's head crudely wedged onto Klein's body', which was in the prologue for like two days in development.

(if the current one then um yeah I totally look like that for sure)

Not the current one, but the one that has been being used for Do5 before now.

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mo particular order:

Razer/Raven: himself

Hika: Beat, (TWEWY) constantly taking off his shirt for flimsy excuses

eclipse's second-to-most-recent avatar was basically a guy I knew irl with a different hair color, so that av sticks with me

Knife: RQ9yZ.gif

Nightmare: younger, more Iranian-looking version of his old Dracula av (with glasses, of course)

Death: his (???) boxxy av

Phoenix Wright (bloody hell how did I manage to forget your first name): MGS1 Snake in a tshirt and glasses

Lux: ww6zJ.png exactly this expression, at all times

blllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllack mamba: V29c3.jpg

Esau of Isaac: Golden Sun Isaac with glasses

Fox: anthro fox TF2 scout

Anouleth: a less flaboyant version of this guy, maybe in Edgeworth's outfit

SeverIan: YZ9gC.gif

bizz/levantamos: vyPlv.jpg

most other people: their first avatars

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most other people: their first avatars

My first when you joined?

Probably 83420233305202431349.png or 25890892046636248736.png

Also I just found out I used to have a Knoll theme too =o Forgot about that.

All my old themes are saved on my photobucket, like old as in back in the days where I often used photobucket. =3

Oh no no no no wait! I didn't become more active until after May soooo I think I still might've had my Soren theme by then... But idk if it'd count since I wasn't ever talking.....

Edited by Freohr Abr Datia
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Sometimes my mental image matches photos if they've been posted and I can remember them (ex. Lumi.)


Spike/Stolypin Necktie is Wallace Wells

Nightmarre is Hanekoma (and I cannot break that association now @_@)

Zo[h is Soren

Freohr is that sprite she had a while back that was based off Micaiah (except not because she posted a photo now)

Rein, Psych, and a few others are all the same little boy

Hika is a different little boy

what am i

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