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Rate the Unit, Day 37: Nino

Thor Odinson

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Besides, the most ridiculous part of this topic in my eyes is far and away the influx of 0/10 votes, as if Nino seriously contributes less than Wil.

Making it sound like she contributes more than the likes of Marcus is no better, you know. Oh, and did I mention that there are even less unit slots in hard mode?

Edited by Metal King Slime
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You and I both know that discounting votes based on "probable trolling" is a slippery slope. Besides, the most ridiculous part of this topic in my eyes is far and away the influx of 0/10 votes, as if Nino seriously contributes less than Wil.

those people probably rated wil 0/10

and maybe they're talking efficiency where nino doesn't do anything and wil can chip something, idk

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Oi, Refa. Some people might not be interested in cancelling out 9.9s, but just want to give her a 0 and not sure if 0s are allowed. As I said earlier, 0s are allowed due to precedence in the Wallace topic, and I only bring up negatives to 0 and >10 to 10. And a lower score is still lower if the variation changes. Even lowering the average by ~0.03 is still lower.

And man please at least bold that x^0. It's good that I know these simple math expressions to know that's a 1, but it ain't making me counting votes any easier, especially in the middle of a sentence.

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You and I both know that discounting votes based on "probable trolling" is a slippery slope. Besides, the most ridiculous part of this topic in my eyes is far and away the influx of 0/10 votes, as if Nino seriously contributes less than Wil.

Probable trolling is only a slippery slope if you don't care about the magnitude of the improbability. For you to believe she's a 9.9 after years of your participation in the fe7 tier lists, we are talking 1 * 10-20 or something on that order. Now, if we only discount posts that are 99.999999999999999999% likely to be trolling, I don't think we have to worry too much about the slippery slope. Slippery slope arguments are often lame, anyway, given how in many of these cases the coefficient of friction on said slopes is usually really really large.

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Probable trolling is only a slippery slope if you don't care about the magnitude of the improbability. For you to believe she's a 9.9 after years of your participation in the fe7 tier lists, we are talking 1 * 10-20 or something on that order. Now, if we only discount posts that are 99.999999999999999999% likely to be trolling, I don't think we have to worry too much about the slippery slope. Slippery slope arguments are often lame, anyway, given how in many of these cases the coefficient of friction on said slopes is usually really really large.

ilu Narga. That was perfect.

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I'm really tempted to hand off vote counting to someone else this time

The real problem is which votes get discounted? And again, I hope this doesn't happen again. I could've sworn for a second that we wound up back in 2003 or something.

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Currently if you do a trimmed mean(for 10%) of the votes, removing the 3 highest and 3 lowest which are 3 9.9's and 3 zeroes. You'll get a more representative score, plus it's a bit fairer than discounting one type of vote.

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Currently if you do a trimmed mean(for 10%) of the votes, removing the 3 highest and 3 lowest which are 3 9.9's and 3 zeroes. You'll get a more representative score, plus it's a bit fairer than discounting one type of vote.

That sounds good. However, I DID see a 10 somewhere, though said 10 was likely trolling.

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Goddamn it. I love Nino. I really do. So much that I purposely leave an endgame slot open for her when I do casual runs. Nino.gif

Not to mention her kids are awesome.Lugh.gifRei.gif

BUT. She has a horrid jointime. Horrible stats. Weighed down by EVERYTHING and the Body Ring competition is way too great (Pegasus Sisters especially). When trained Nino can easily obliterate everything and the lolafa'sdrops have her name on them. But, in all actuality, that's it. She lacks everything else.

However, she can't be worse than Wil or Wallace.


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Oi, Refa. Some people might not be interested in cancelling out 9.9s, but just want to give her a 0 and not sure if 0s are allowed. As I said earlier, 0s are allowed due to precedence in the Wallace topic, and I only bring up negatives to 0 and >10 to 10. And a lower score is still lower if the variation changes. Even lowering the average by ~0.03 is still lower.

There's nothing wrong with that. I'm just saying there are a few people in particular are lowering their score by 1 if Nino gets a 9.9, completely ignoring the fact that the 0 & the 9.9 are better than just a 1. They're kind of missing the point there.

And man please at least bold that x^0. It's good that I know these simple math expressions to know that's a 1, but it ain't making me counting votes any easier, especially in the middle of a sentence.

Sorry about that, I'll bold it right away.

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Well, 1 and 9.9 is still higher than 0 and 9.9, even if it's only by a .5 margin. My experiences of people changing their votes in the past whether because of a change of mind, or a typo, has 1 point average to ~.03. Which, admittedly isn't much at all, but it's something.

Currently if you do a trimmed mean(for 10%) of the votes, removing the 3 highest and 3 lowest which are 3 9.9's and 3 zeroes. You'll get a more representative score, plus it's a bit fairer than discounting one type of vote.

That would be fair, actually, except I'll have to do those for all 36 previous ones as well to have an consistent way of calculation, and I'm kinda lazy :P

If you guys think that would be more fair, I'll do it for this and the 36 other ones too. Vote on it gogogo

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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That would be fair, actually, except I'll have to do those for all 36 previous ones as well to have an consistent way of calculation, and I'm kinda lazy :P

If you guys think that would be more fair, I'll do it for this and the 36 other ones too. Vote on it gogogo

Ehhh, I say you can keep calculating as you do; just omit the votes that don't have adequate justification.

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Don't bother with trimming the top and bottom 3 votes, just leave them all as is.

I agree with this.

And Narga, I think your 99.999999999999% figure was far too high. I'd frankly put it at 50/50.

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