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Rate the Unit Day 5: Moulder


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- Ratings are assumed to be on Difficult Mode. Also, they should be based on when the unit is first available. In the split route case, you will see.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted (unless they fall into the general parameters of the average rating, but reasoning is still strongly encouraged on those even if you just wanna quote people) — incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Don't put in some random text thinking it'd count as justification. Put in at least a little thought and give REAL reasoning.

- Numbers for votes, please - not something like "Marcus/10", etc. Proper Justification will be determined by me and whoever decides to help, whether it be Iris and Lumi again or someone else.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is okay, but no more.

- Votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Makes it easy to calculate, please and thank you~!

- Every ranking phase ends approximately at 20:00 EST. Do the math for your timezone.

-We will ask you to not use the "Not Seth" reason on every nonSeth character. Because it will be used a lot.

Ratings and crap later.

Same with Moulda's rating.

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Moulder the Boulder, the first staff-user, and the manliest of them all. He gets Warp and other high level staves easily thanks to his high starting rank and availability, and has Ch. 2-4 all to himself healerwise. Plus, if he goes Sage, he can wield Elfire without any AS loss. What a man.


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5/10. Meh. Never cared for him, because I simply prefer Natasha, and that's that. Besides, his absolutely horrid luck puts me off (I'd rather have a healer who doesn't have existent chances of being critblicked off the map), and his supports... simply put, aren't happening (Gilliam sucks, Colm's a thief, tethering Vanessa to Moulder is counterprodictive, and Syrene's not all that great).


Edited by Metal King Slime
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Dat mustache.

Dat staff rank.

Dat Con.

But dat luck...

I've recently grown to appreciate the man that he is. Plus, my moustache gravitates towards his.


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Nice unit all around.

But takes forever to promote.

High con allows for less AS loss from tomes.

Sage Moulder anyone?

lulz at using Excalubur

Edited by The Creeper
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Very good staff user, his C-rank start is the highest any staff user starts with(tied with Saleh) and he's got his availability lead above all of them. Horrible luck but that doesn't impact that fact that if you use him he's almost guaranteed to have A-rank staves by the time you get the Warp and Rescue Staves. His promotion choices Bishop and Sage are both good promotions for him, it's just the choice between D-light and Slayer or C-rank Anima and D-rank Light.


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So, Mister Moulder of the Master's Moustache.

He's a master alright.

With his high con, it allows him to use mulitple tomes without much or any AS loss.

For some incredible examples: As a Sage, he has 11 Con. (Same as Bishop, but more choices for this...) This means he can...

-Use Elfire without ANY AS loss.

-Use Fimbulvetr and Divine with only 1 AS loss

-Wield Ivaldi without AS loss (something only Saleh with a Body Ring can boast)

-Wield Excalibur with only 2 AS loss

Yeah, he's pretty sexy. His choices for promotion are sweet as well. Sage for Anima or BIshop for Slayer.

His stats aren't horrid, and he will probably be one of your best non-Saleh staffbots.

7.5 for that, and then that +1 personal bias point for an 8.5/10

EDIT: Will make the rating total for Gilly when I finish school.

Edited by 13th
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I used to hate Moulder. I also used to be really bad at Fire Emblem...things change.

Most notably, I figured out what CON did (no AS loss from heavier tomes says what?) and how important availability is, and Moulder has both of those in spades. His stats are decent (his growths are a little on the low side, mostly from a large deficiency in LUK, but I'd rather have high CON than a better LUK growth, tbh), he can get A staves in a reasonable time, and he's just all around solid -- he should be, he's Moulda da Boulda! Ahem...anyways, I think 6-7/10 is a nice score for him, because you probably won't regret using him regardless -- he's too useful for that, and is just a good healer.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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I don't like early healers, but as they go, Moulder's pretty solid. Literally so; he has semi-existent durability, and later he has a CON advantage that can be surprisingly nice (but it's meaningless early on). That LCK is troubling, however, so you do still have to watch out for him, and Natasha beats his pants off in RES (though he'll win in DEF and HP by plenty). But he's around longer. 7/10.

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Good staff utility later on says hi, paired with beefy stats and high CON for no AS loss?


But what a shame, I had to choose the class I completely hate to make him more useful, despite of it having the broken Slayer ability.

4.5/10, he gets the -2 for promoting into something I dislike. The +0.5 though is due to Slayer existing.

Edited by Icicle Spear
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Moulder is way too damn overrated. Yes, he comes early, which is nice...I guess. You have Seth, for gods sake, and Franz. You shouldn't be getting hit much at all. All of you people are rating him on draft performance, in which he's better, but is disingenuous in relation to this current rating, because Seth is banned in those drafts.

Also Natasha gets a horse after promotion.

Edited by Refa
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All of you people are rating him on draft performance,

No, I'm not. He's still early staffbot/10, which I wager to be an 8.

Plus, he's one of two people liable to be ready to Warp when Warp arrives without excessive help.

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Moulder is way too damn overrated. Yes, he comes early, which is nice...I guess. You have Seth, for gods sake, and Franz. You shouldn't be getting hit much at all. All of you people are rating him on draft performance, in which he's better, but is disingenuous in relation to this current rating, because Seth is banned in those drafts.

Also Natasha gets a horse after promotion.

Not me; I've never been in an FE draft.

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Moulder is way too damn overrated. Yes, he comes early, which is nice...I guess. You have Seth, for gods sake, and Franz. You shouldn't be getting hit much at all. All of you people are rating him on draft performance, in which he's better, but is disingenuous in relation to this current rating, because Seth is banned in those drafts.

Also Natasha gets a horse after promotion.

He has high con, decent speed, and OK magic.

He's using Elfire after promotion, for Nuking shit.

Oh, and Anima is w1n

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Eh... Moulder. Certain aspects of this guy are a bit overrated in my opinion. He is nowhere near durable enough to be considered a "boulder", and being able to use Elfire with no AS loss does not seem like a significant selling point. Even so, Moulder is the first staffbot you get, and he does his job respectably well. That earns him a 7/10.

Moulder is way too damn overrated. Yes, he comes early, which is nice...I guess. You have Seth, for gods sake, and Franz. You shouldn't be getting hit much at all.

Whoa, what? Yeah, you have Seth, but Franz is nowhere near invincible by the time Moulder joins. Not to mention there are characters other than Seth and Franz to think about.

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He has high con, decent speed, and OK magic.

He's using Elfire after promotion, for Nuking shit.

Oh, and Anima is w1n

Moulder may have a good affinity, but his supports are impractical, to a man (lolgilliam, there's nothing to be gained by gimping Vanessa's move, especially since she's your only flyer for a third of the game, Syrene's not that good, and Colm's a thief). Also, personally, I don't put much, if any, weight on Con when deciding what characters to use.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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No, I'm not. He's still early staffbot/10, which I wager to be an 8.

Plus, he's one of two people liable to be ready to Warp when Warp arrives without excessive help.

Why is him being an early staffbot that good? He comes four chapters before Natasha, none of said chapters will you actually need them to any significant degree. By the time you get Warp, you have an actually competent warper in the form of Saleh. But, you say, what if you need two warpers? Well, Natasha has higher move and more magic, so unless I'm wrong about her being able to use warp by the time you get it (I think it's possible), then she's far better than it at Moulder.

He has high con, decent speed, and OK magic.

He's using Elfire after promotion, for Nuking shit.

Oh, and Anima is w1n

Moulder has awful magic. Moulder should never be used for killing things, because you'll have far better means of wrecking the enemy by the time you promote his sorry ass. His best use is as a warpbot, which is fulfilled quite nicely by other better units who also have other positives besides Warp and early chapter healing.

Whoa, what? Yeah, you have Seth, but Franz is nowhere near invincible by the time Moulder joins. Not to mention there are characters other than Seth and Franz to think about.

Oh, I just mean Franz should be able to take care of his own for Ch's 1-4, 1-3 because everyone is an axe user and with smart use of terrain, he should be facing low hit rates. Ch. 4 because Seth will be killing most of the dangerous crap anyways. I suppose Moulder could help out here. His biggest use is probably chapter 5, because Natasha probably won't have as much time to be healing when she has to recruit Joshua. After that though, you've got Natasha, who's way better than Moulder, and you can dump his sorry ass. I mean, it doesn't hurt to bring him along instead of scrubs like Neimi, but later on, I wouldn't be deploying him much at all.

I'm sure Moulder could be used to heal other units. I just don't think the minimal amount of healing he does in Ch's 1-3 and his more helpful stuff later is worth giving him an 8/10 (or even a 7/10). Yes, I suppose he's somewhat useful, but when you get Natasha, the only reason you're bringing Moulder along at that point is because there's noone better. I'd get rid of him by the time Ch. 9 starts and you get more cavalry.

tl,dr; yes, Moulder helps, but I've never actually NEED to use him to get a lower turncount.

EDIT Actually, my rating was rather low for Moulder in retrospect, so I'll up my score to a 5/10. Moulder is the very definition of OK if you use him, but completely nonessential, at least for me.

Edited by Refa
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