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Rate the Unit, Day 12: Lute

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He shouldn't get a pass under the "his score is very far from the average so he better have some good justification" rule. Even under his narrow minded playthrough rules, Lute isn't even good at solo'ing because she needs meatshielding to get going for the first 2-3 maps and until promotion her move isn't that great. After promotion, yeah, she's great, but I can't think of any (growth) unit that cannot solo this game with 20+ levels and promo bonuses under their belt.

Why are we determining unit worth based on how they can solo? I rate units based on their ability to work well in a team dynamic.

Yeah, Lute needs someone to stand behind. But in any typical team there will be such a unit. Lute has a job to do, and she does that job unbelievably well.

Also, if it isn't already clear, I don't give a shit about LTC.

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Why are we determining unit worth based on how they can solo? I rate units based on their ability to work well in a team dynamic.

We aren't, that's the whole point. whase was trying to pass Lute off as a 9/10 simply because she solo'd his game.

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She's fucking amazing doesn't say anything about how she actually contributes. What is she amazing at doing? It's an outlier score, so justification becomes even more important.

And I rate a unit based on how much they help Seth because Seth is the sexiest :P

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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45% is far from ridiculous. Artur equals or surpasses her in speed until promotion.

(yes, I mostly just nitpick in these threads)

Oh. Uh, my Lutes always have awesome Speed. lol pemn

She's still pretty fast and doubles... a lot. Even with lol3con.

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Well, then what is wrong with my score?

The fact that the only person who provides less justification than you did is Crash, maybe?

@Mekkah: Frankly, the general purview of ratings is 4-7. I can accept that Whase gave her an 8 +1 for personality (who would give lute +1 for personality?). If you think it's really an issue, say so but that's my stance.

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Lute is this super adorable mage who never got out much.


Dat magic growth!

Can go mounted.

Hits pretty damn hard.

Hilarious supports.


Dat con. :mellow:

Pretty squishy especially at the start.

Low HP.

Can get speed screwed.

Oh. Uh, my Lutes always have awesome Speed. lol pemn

Yeah usually mine do too. Ive had her get kinda dorked with speed though before. That wasnt fun.

I really love Lute. Like, a lot. Shes like protoSoren when it comes to her stats. Looks like weaksauce but can kick serious ass if leveled.

6/10. She can contribute quite a bit. Biased rating: 9/10 I freaking love her.

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Hm, I'm kind of surprised with the low scores. Yes, she's not stellar, but she's not horrible. She's better than most other female mages, I think.

Anyway, if I had to describe Lute ... I'd say that she's kind of like FE7's Erk and Nino combined together. Or ... maybe a better analogue would be FE6's Lugh and Lilina. She starts early like the male mages, but she has higher magic and growth, lower speed and growth, and worse con like the female mages. 7 base speed is only one less than Artur, but she gets weighed down by everything until she promotes, which does not help her speed any. She's going to have troubles doubling stuff early on, unless she gets speed-blessed and fast. If you're not using Seth (or if he's somewhere else), she can provide good chip since she hits hard. Also, she can promote to Mage Knight, which gives her extra movement. (And extra movement is always good, right?)

7/10, because I think that if you put the effort into training her then she will definitely give back. But she gets docked for having terrible con, mediocre speed, and having to be babied in the first place. Oh, and Artur shows up in the same map that you can recruit her in, and effectively has a level lead from being forced on the map, so Lute has competition.

Edited by Boron
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Fairly okay mage chip with some potential. It's not fantastic, but I don't think it's all that terrible either. The option to have a horse is pretty awesome on more casual runs. Kind of a harsh call for me, I'm not sure... 5/10 or so? She's average enough as GBA mages go.

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Lute the semexiness of semxiville. either sage or mage knight she is really good. Her defense really stinks and she is pretty annoying to train up but hey what else is the tower of valini good for 8/10

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I'm going to leave this one open for a little bit of debate, so Lute's score isn't yet *finalized*.

She's getting a 4/10 from me because, relative to Artur (7/10), I don't like her (-1), she doesn't get C Staves (-1), and she doesn't get Slayer to make up for mediocre offense after a 10/1 promotion for Staves (-1).

SO that brings her average, counting Whase's vote and the one above mine, to 4.83. I'm still undecided on whether to count Whase's vote or not - the general ratings ended up running from 3 to 7, with a scattered pair of 8s (the first and last votes) and a pair of 2s (dondon and some other guy). I almost, admittedly, threw out the one above mine because I don't like the reasoning but ;/

Now that I've talked it through, I'm going to kill Whase's vote for now. So I think this post actually solved my problems itself.

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I outlined the rules in the OP and issued several warnings. I've already shown that I'll take outlying votes if the justification is good (go check the linked spreadsheet and look at Gilliam's table if you're not convinced) and your justification wasn't good enough by the rules that are quite clear.

Plus, I straight-out *told* you (twice, with support from others) it wasn't good enough and you responded by ...not changing anything. I'm dreadfully sorry that I have a personal vendetta against you in your mind.

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I outlined the rules in the OP and issued several warnings. I've already shown that I'll take outlying votes if the justification is good (go check the linked spreadsheet and look at Gilliam's table if you're not convinced) and your justification wasn't good enough by the rules that are quite clear.

Plus, I straight-out *told* you (twice, with support from others) it wasn't good enough and you responded by ...not changing anything. I'm dreadfully sorry that I have a personal vendetta against you in your mind.

I just finished my "Lute is awesome PT" where I mostly routed every map with Lute from the point she showed up.

magic always has either 1-2 range or 3-10 range, she gains staves upon promotion, either a horse or light magic with it, she starts in an easy chapter to train her in, joins pretty early, anima is the best magic type, what else would you want?


so, what else would I have to say to make my vote count? I have an entire list of plus points stated, and the only bad thing about her is her slightly low starting level and that she's "not Seth". I truly think I have given plenty of reasons for me to give her a 9/10, but if you really think my thoughts don't count, would you count my vote if I'd lower it?

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So Lute's score isn't exactly finalized yet, huh? Well, I know that no one's asked me to explain my reasoning, but I gave her the same score as Artur because I feel that the two are almost interchangeable. They start with similar base stats (the biggest differences being Lute's significant luck lead and Artur's much better con, everything else aside from weapon type are only a point or so off), are relatively low-leveled, start from anywhere between half a chapter to a full chapter apart from each other, and have terrible durability. I feel that Lute's Mage Knight option and Artur's Bishop with Slayer and C-staves option balance each other out. Lute's movement and added con or Artur's monster-effectiveness and higher staff rank? They're both good.

Also, I don't give or subtract points due to my own biases. I feel that it skews the actual "worth" or "potential" of a unit and artificially inflates or brings down a character's score. However, the scores that we all give characters vary because (aside from our own biases) we have our own playing styles. Maybe some people value units who are usable from the start and don't need any amount of babying. Perhaps others don't mind babying units for a while, especially if they get a remarkable payback from said units? And there are others who simply use units that they like for whatever reason, but are objective enough to admit that said unit sucks, or is a pain to train and make them amazing. It really depends.

I have to wonder, we may be rating units based on how useful and helpful to the team we think they are ... but is anyone really going to use these ratings to help them decide what character to use? These ratings feel awfully informal to me, in comparison to what I've seen from tier lists. Why are we taking these ratings so seriously?

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