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Rate the Unit, Day 28: Cormag

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I concede defeat and give him a 7/10. Flight. Good combat. Good performance on jerk's route. I still dont like him though. Actually i dont like anything that is better in jerk's route. I always ragequit due to boredom in that route...

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Cormag is more proof that fliers are OP'd.

Ok, Cormag joins in Chapter 10, and right away, his combat is better than either peg unless Vanessa is overleveled and/or blessed. 14 str at base is way higher than what either Vanessa or Tana are going to have before promotion(for starters, Vanessa needs to be 20/1 to match Cormag's str base, at which point Cormag will have 22), and has a 55% growth and 27 cap just to overkill it. To give an idea on how good his base is, 9/0 Vanessa would need silver to match Cornmug's atk with Iron, and 9/0 Tana would need the same to match his atk with Killer, and I highly doubt Nessie can use silvers by C10 anyway(Tana sure as hell is not. lol D lances in C9). I guess Cormag's weakness is not doubling, but even then, he's decent enough at it, with 10 spd and a 45% growth, and a potential +3 spd promo bonus. And he also has 11 con in his favor, allowing him to wield javelins w/o AS loss, which both pegs lose 6 from.

Defensively, he's about on par with 9/0 Gilliam, minus the part where Gilliam is going to be more around ~Lv13. 30HP/12def allows him to get 3HKO'd at worst by either of his DK compatriots, and is 6HKO'd or better from the reinforcement cavs in his joining map. It also allows him to swallow a hit from one of the fleets, and STILL have enough to take 1-2 more hits. As for growths, 85% HP is good, but 25% growth is pretty low for his class, though it's still better than the pegs(Vanessa needs to be 20/1 to match his def base for starters, at which point he has 43HP/17Def.). His res is pretty bad though with only 2 base and a 15% growth, which takes up to 13 damage without pure water from mogalls in C11, and loses over 2/3 of his HP from C18 gorgon Shadowshot.

I guess his only real issue is that he's slightly underleveled at Lv9. Now, as I've said with Heath in the FE7 rating, being underleveled is only a problem if your stats are shite compared to the enemies around you, and Cormag's stats are far better than any other tier 1 unit you may have gotten so far. Oh, and joining in C10 means that he has a lot of time to catch up. And he even comes with his own Elysian Whip, so you don't need to buy him a whip at the C14 secret shoppe, for example. Which is very nice.

Note that this rating is for Ephraim's route. In Eir route, he costs about 4 turns to recruit and joins at Lv11. He's still relatively good here, but not anywhere near as dominating as he is in Eph's route.

Flying+good durability+monster offense=excellent score.


Edited by darkandroid125
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7/10 he's decent but his base accuracy is shit and he has doubling issues without early promotion, but he flies so that helps him a ton

EDIT: His low base luck also leaves him open to random crits dry.gif

Edited by Mage Lord
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7/10 he's decent but his base accuracy is shit and he has doubling issues without early promotion, but he flies so that helps him a ton

EDIT: His low base luck also leaves him open to random crits dry.gif

Base accuracy being shit in this game?

You're full of shit.

7 skl + hand axe gets 40-50 disp. hit on endgame enemies.

Which Cormag obviously beats.

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His bases are okay when he first flies, but get two levels of screw over as many chapters, and he's suddenly not awesome. This might be excusable if he came a chapter (Eph) or two (Eir) earlier. . .but he doesn't, so. . .


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Flies, great combat, though a weakness to magic and bows hurts him. I missed him my very first playthrough on Eirika route... :facepalm:

Still, damned useful on either route, though obviously better on Ephraim's

8.6/10, because he deserves that extra .1

He's good, but he got OHKO'd by Neimi last time I did his chapter.


I want to hear about how this happened emot-allears-1.gif

Edited by Venusaur
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A durable flier with great offense that costs turns to recruit? Damn, that's a tough one.

Oh wait, Ephraim route.


has no permanent 1-2 range, still javelins are a nice option. stats are quite good, wyvern knights are awesome with pierce. weakness for arrows are kind of bad, and I don't give high move any plus points. Not a big fan of FE mounts, but the wyverns finally being wyverns is great!


There is no such thing as permanent 1-2 range other than unlimited use weapons...

Well I guess Javelins are kind of unlimited use cause you get so much money!

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Base accuracy being shit in this game?

You're full of shit.

Calm yourself.

Ephraim route Cormag has 82 base accuracy with a Javelin and 87 with a killer lance, if you factor in enemy avoid at that point in the game, which ranges from like (5-20) his hit rates vary from 62-77 with a Jav and 67-82 with a killer lance, and when you are borderline on doubles that is not good.

Maybe you think 70ish hit is alright mid-game, but I do not

7 skl + hand axe gets 40-50 disp. hit on endgame enemies.

Which Cormag obviously beats.

So? Why in the hell would anyone field someone with hit rates that bad? especially during late-game of all things?

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Cormag. That guy who has a beef with Eirika on her route and is srsly conflicted in Ephraim's route.


Wtf flying tank.

Bases are nice. (most of them anyway.)

Can promote upon recruitment.


Dat con.


Dat res. :mellow:

Ive never found Cormag hard to recruit. He can be tricky to get but its not something thats a serious pain in the fanny or anything. His res is balls but feeding him Talismans do help. He hits hard and takes names. Cormag is a cool guy and doesnt afraid of anything. (i always promote him to Wyvern Lord because Wyvern Knight has lance lock.)

9/10. Hes great to have on the team even with the other fliers around. There should always be room for him.

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He's one of the best units in the damn game. He flies, is tankier than the Pegasus Knights, and also has the fact that he can come with his own promotion item, so he's self sufficient.

Also, he's got a scar.


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Oh Cormag.

He was my favorite character in the game. Right away he has great stats (exept for resistance). I think in every play through I've had he was my best unit at the end. He caps his strength and skill and speed accompanied with great defense and pretty good luck. Honestly my best unit.

Rating: 10/10

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Cormag is decent, but he has some issues. 10 base Spd is unreliable in doubling things and requires a promotion to fix, and anything resembling magic completely destroys him - especially those pesky thunder mages and those freaking gorgons and mogalls with shadowshot, as his abysmal luck makes him prone to crits on top of all of that. While he can survive a hit from bows under normal circumstances, his weakness to those certainly doesn't help either.

All of these weaknesses combined make it pretty difficult to actually make good use of him, and while he's better than Vanessa and Tana against physical enemies, those two are much better suited for the endgame in my opinion - not just because of their much better resistance, but also because they actually dodge things, unlike Cormag.

6.5 points and -0.5 bias because I don't particularly like him, resulting in 6/10 points from me.

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Cormag is decent, but he has some issues. 10 base Spd is unreliable in doubling things and requires a promotion to fix, and anything resembling magic completely destroys him - especially those pesky thunder mages and those freaking gorgons and mogalls with shadowshot, as his abysmal luck makes him prone to crits on top of all of that. While he can survive a hit from bows under normal circumstances, his weakness to those certainly doesn't help either.

All of these weaknesses combined make it pretty difficult to actually make good use of him, and while he's better than Vanessa and Tana against physical enemies, those two are much better suited for the endgame in my opinion - not just because of their much better resistance, but also because they actually dodge things, unlike Cormag.

6.5 points and -0.5 bias because I don't particularly like him, resulting in 6/10 points from me.

@bold: I assume you just mean as far as thunder's crit, right? Because thunder isn't effective against dragons in this game...

@underline: Physical enemies far outnumber magical ones and he has the physical durability to never have to dodge. Besides that, it's MUCH easier to get him leveled up than Vanessa/Tana. Vanessa does something absurdly bad like 7HKO enemies to start with and gets 2RKOd back while the enemies have a better chance of hitting. Tana does better than that when she shows up, but your team will be WAY better by then than it was when Vanessa was first sucking so she's really not much better off.

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Cormag rocks, and he's the only wyvern rider you get in the game (although Tana and Vanessa COULD promote into wyvern knights if they wanted to ... please don't say I mixed up the two wyvern promotions). He's a flying tank. His speed is a little shaky, especially when you first recruit him, but it should pick up and be good enough to pass in FE8 with some levels. He flies, of course, and doesn't die easily to physical hits. However, he has a weakness to bows like all fliers and to magic like all wyverns. He's rather underleveled when you first get him, so you'll have to train him and not just throw him into a bunch of enemies and expect him to live. Not going to count his recruitment against him. Ephraim route is his best one, but even then you have to get to him with Tana (who may or may not be underleveled and frail) or a character who can't fly over ocean. Still, not going to count it against him.

8/10, because he shows up rather late and underleveled (where were you when we needed you EARLIER in the game?!), but his contributions once properly leveled more than make up for it.

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Sexgasmic scar, sexgasmic stats, sexgasmic bro, sexgasmic class, pretty good unit. 8.1/10, no bias.

although Tana and Vanessa COULD promote into wyvern knights if they wanted to ... please don't say I mixed up the two wyvern promotions

dw, you didn't

The wyverns that actually look like wyverns, get pierce etc

Yeah, they can become them.

Edited by Furetchen
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@bold: I assume you just mean as far as thunder's crit, right? Because thunder isn't effective against dragons in this game...

Yeah, I was referring to the crit boost thunder offers.

@underline: Physical enemies far outnumber magical ones and he has the physical durability to never have to dodge. Besides that, it's MUCH easier to get him leveled up than Vanessa/Tana. Vanessa does something absurdly bad like 7HKO enemies to start with and gets 2RKOd back while the enemies have a better chance of hitting. Tana does better than that when she shows up, but your team will be WAY better by then than it was when Vanessa was first sucking so she's really not much better off.

The fact that there are more physical enemies than magical ones doesn't make him any less sucky against the magical ones. And sure, he doesn't have to dodge physical attacks; I primarily want him to dodge magical attacks and Stone, but he doesn't do that either. Vanessa being difficult to level up against the axe users in the beginning doesn't really damage her endgame performance, and I've honestly never had much trouble leveling up Tana. Tana may not be as good as Cormag when compared to each other the instant they join, but as I said, later in the game when magic becomes more common (and more threatening), I definitely prefer Tana (and Vanessa if I trained her) over Cormag.

Besides, I was listing his weaknesses, but I do appreciate him for what he's good at. 6/10 is a decent score, isn't it? Would I consider Cormag an actually bad unit, I'd have rated him 3 or something.

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Yeah, I was referring to the crit boost thunder offers.

The fact that there are more physical enemies than magical ones doesn't make him any less sucky against the magical ones. And sure, he doesn't have to dodge physical attacks; I primarily want him to dodge magical attacks and Stone, but he doesn't do that either. Vanessa being difficult to level up against the axe users in the beginning doesn't really damage her endgame performance, and I've honestly never had much trouble leveling up Tana. Tana may not be as good as Cormag when compared to each other the instant they join, but as I said, later in the game when magic becomes more common (and more threatening), I definitely prefer Tana (and Vanessa if I trained her) over Cormag.

Besides, I was listing his weaknesses, but I do appreciate him for what he's good at. 6/10 is a decent score, isn't it? Would I consider Cormag an actually bad unit, I'd have rated him 3 or something.

Isn't there Pure Water buyable from chapter 12 onwards though? That puts him up to 11 res as a Wyvern Knight which is enough considering his HP is pretty high. Only Gorgons and Mogalls ever do threatening amounts of damage. You'd only really need three to last him the whole game and it isn't of great cost considering his high strength leads to ORKO's with cheap weapons like Iron Lances.

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