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[FE8] Experience Draft the second~!


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Check the section titled Experience Draft. This is where the special rules lie.


1. This draft is for 5 players.

2. Eirika/Ephraim, Orson, Tethys, and Myrrh are free for all to use.

3. Seth is banned from all use.

4. The game will be played on Hard Mode. Choose whatever route you like.


1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories and dig up items in the desert.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, and opening Doors or Chests.

3. Map shopping is allowed.

4. Skirmishes/use of the Tower or Ruins is disallowed. Skirmishes that are blocking your path may be activated and immediately fled from.

5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out.

6. You MUST recruit all drafted units.

7. Drafting order: 1-5, 5-1, 1-5, 5-1, 5-1. I reversed the final round, mostly because the last five units are gonna hurt, anyway.


1. Undrafted units have a 8 turn penalty, per unit per chapter.

2. Seth has a special 20 turn penalty per chapter.


1. Vanessa may be used to Rescue Ross in Chapter 2 no matter what.

Experience Draft:

1. Ross, Amelia, and Ewan are free, and all three MUST be recruited.

2. You may use the first floor of the Tower of Valni to get Amelia and Ewan up to speed. You may NOT bring any other character with your trainee du jour. You have Vulneraries and the option to retreat; use them wisely.

3. By using the method outlined above, you may get Amelia up to 10/1 and Ewan up to 10/5 (but once they reach their respective levels, GTFO). Ewan gets a slightly bigger boost because he'll rarely be front and center.

4. You may not use the Arena; feel free to use the tile itself for a minor Avoid boost.

5. You will play the game normally until the end of Chapter 19. After that, you will go to the Lagdou Ruins, and DO THE FIRST FLOOR ONLY (which means retreat immediately after the second floor begins). You may keep any weapons/gold you get here, but all other items MUST be discarded. This will count towards your total turns. Failing to do this will result in a 40 turn penalty. Once you do the Lagdou run, shop if necessary, then finish the game normally. For penalty purposes, this counts as a chapter.

6. Speaking of, you may only save from the Lagdou Ruins once you completed the first floor. No doing the first floor halfway, retreating, and saving. If you do this accidentally, it's an 80 turn penalty.

7. Scoring. I'm not as nice as the other guys, so. . .

Levels: (Level promoted at - starting level) + (Final level - 1), and adjust accordingly. So if you've got a 10/13/15 Amelia, she gained (10 - 1) + (13 - 1) + (15 - 1) = 35 levels total. Since all the trainees are free, add their trainee levels into the mix. Keep track of what level you promote people; it'll help.

Time limit: 180 turns. Why? Lagdou Ruins, and because Ewan is made of paper.


Turn penalty = (Turns taken - 180)/4; if it's negative, keep it negative.

Score = Total Levels Gained - Turn penalty


1. eclipse

2. Baldrick

3. The Spanish Inquisition

4. Darros

5. Camtech


Camtech - Franz, Forde, Moulder, Duessel, Dozla

The Spanish Inquisition - Vanessa, Natasha, Kyle, Marisa, Syrene

eclipse - Artur, Colm, Gilliam, Joshua, Innes

Baldrick - Garcia, Tana, L'Arachel, Neimi, Knoll

Darros - Lute, Cormag, Gerik, Saleh, Rennac

[spoiler=Units remaining]All gone~!

I won't be on for a while, so hold your horses. If you guys have any suggestions, fire away, and I'll think about it.

Edited by eclipse
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I think there is a serious case to make Franz and/or Vanessa free, especially since there's no Seth. And those two are even more advantageous than normal.

Either way, I want to join.

Edited by Baldrick
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I wish i could join since i want to do one of these EXP drafts...but my huge backlog is huge -_-. If i can join, then, i would play this ASAP. I dont get the formula though.

Edited by PKL
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Eclipse, when you mention the formula, do you mean that there is a bonus for completing the game in fewer than 180 turns? "just keep it negative" is kinda vague.

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I'll join, under the condition that Seth be allowed for tanking in Valni. You can say whatever you want to say, but both Ewan and Amelia get oneshot in Valni and the attacking/retreating/re-entering cycle is simply obnoxious.

Edited by Daigoji Excellen
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1. If you do the zombies right, you should hit the 12-13 MT ones. . .and Ewan/Amelia are much more sturdy than that, even at level 1 (Amelia has 16 HP, Ewan has 15). If you're staring at something with Fetid Claw, RUN. As someone who's gotten both of them up to speed in Valni using nothing but themselves. . .Seth is not allowed.

2. Yes, getting less than 180 turns is a good thing, and the penalty being negative is a bonus, but with the Ruins thrown in. . .good luck~!

3. And I'll put this in the OP, but the final round of drafting will be reversed.

So, players. . .



The Spanish Inquisition



With a little love from random.org, the drafting order is. . .


The Spanish Inquisition





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Also, with Ewan, I assume you mean 10/5.xx, where xx is what his exp is after final damage at his 4th level?

Oh wait, isn't that kinda hard to do? Then you probably meant if you can retreat in valni with Ewan at level 5, you must do so...

Hmm...... Kinda annoying

Edited by The Spanish Inquisition
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What? I was person #5 to sign up.

There was eclipse, Baldrick, yours was king of unclear on whether you were signing up or not, TSI, then me, then Excellen, Cam was the seventh person.

Elies post wasn't a signup.

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Agree with Darros, Eclipse probably made a command decision that you (PKL) should catch up on your backlogs tongue.gif .

Also, Eclipse probably didn't see Excellen's edited post. (my memory says before 9:30 EST morning Excellen hadn't signed up yet, also Darros has the order correct)

Edited by The Spanish Inquisition
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Excellen's sign-up was conditional upon a rule-change she didn't seem to agree with, which was why I assumed she disregarded it.

That said, if there's that many of you that want another one (with whatever tweaks you wish) the forum has plenty of room for another thread.

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Yeah, sorry Eclipse, didn't mean to muck up your thread with complaints! unsure.gif

Continue on with drafting! And Fire Emblem! Hopefully there will be pizza involved!

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If you absolutely want to sign up, don't be iffy about it. Otherwise, you'll get passed over in favor of other people who express definite interest. That is what happened. My apologies.

I'm taking Artur, since I never seem to draft him.

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