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What Annoys You?

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Oh, yeah. I also hate kids...

Don't let Nightmare read that =3

While I don't hate kids, I find probably 80-97% of them to be extremely annoying and whiny and "I want this" and "I want that" and "look at me I'm so selfish and don't care what my actions do to anyone else" etc. and I just can't wait for them to matuuuurrrrreeeee

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I hate taking care of spoiled brats.

But normal children, I just act like an older sibling-for some reason.

Oh, and people who hate all 3 of Zubat and Mudkip and Wynaut annoy me.


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Students who talk in class either for participation marks, to try to impress the prof or some other shit like that and usually end up essentially rewording exactly what the prof just said. I'd be able to catch my bus on time and be happy if everyone just shut the fuck up and let the damn prof lecture.

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When People Act like a Total Showoff...dry.gif

People who capitalize first letters. Just kidding.

But things annoy me, I'll let you know.

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Students who talk in class either for participation marks, to try to impress the prof or some other shit like that and usually end up essentially rewording exactly what the prof just said. I'd be able to catch my bus on time and be happy if everyone just shut the fuck up and let the damn prof lecture.

:c I like talking with my professors midclass about stuff tangentially related to their lecture. Sometimes it starts a larger chain of discussion! And of course some, especially my philo professor, actively encouraged it.

Is it an option to leave early?

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:c I like talking with my professors midclass about stuff tangentially related to their lecture. Sometimes it starts a larger chain of discussion! And of course some, especially my philo professor, actively encouraged it.

Is it an option to leave early?

I endorse intelligent discussion, but like in my literature class, like when the prof says like "and this character did this, which was bad", then some person just randomly starts talking all "yeah, when that character did that, it was totally bad!" I don't know what they're trying to prove, but ughghghghghghghghghghgh.

People annoy me more than they probably should.

I'm sure I could leave early, I might look like a bad student, but considering it.~

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Not many things annoy me, because I'm too fucking chill for my own good.

But when I do get annoyed, there's normally a hell of a good reason why. And you'll know it.

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Not many things annoy me, because I'm too fucking chill for my own good.

But when I do get annoyed, there's normally a hell of a good reason why. And you'll know it.


Speaking of which, Protestants annoy the fuck out of me.

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Speaking of which, Protestants annoy the fuck out of me.

Also, idealists.

Actually religion's gone down my list of things that annoy me over time to the point that it doesn't annoy me much any more. If the situation arises where I am to say what I think on the matter, then I will do. But that doesn't happen unless you put yourself in the situation to talk about it in the first place. I just say I'm agnostic and it normally stays at that.

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  • 4 months later...

ignorant/arrogant people

people who think they are right

people who can't get their heads out of thier asses

over used jokes of any kind

people can handle what life is really about


bassically almost anyone and anything that can't think like me...well.........a rational, caring human being

i.e. taking into account both sides of an argument, actually THINK about problems, and all around just not be blind to the world around you.

on other words, most people i meet in real life and trolls on the internet.

i find that i meet more decent human beings on the internet than in real life.

also religion annoys me

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-People who refer to the UK as "England".

-People who ask me questions that I've already answered.

-People talking about Reality TV shows.


-American English.

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oh yeah

people who waste their food

especially when it's a certain amount of food distributed among x people and the asshole takes a fuckton then proceed to eat like 25% of it and throw the rest out

Meanwhile I starve because I require a lot of food to function and by the time I go and get seconds all the food is GONE because of that asshole foodwaster


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oh yeah

people who waste their food

especially when it's a certain amount of food distributed among x people and the asshole takes a fuckton then proceed to eat like 25% of it and throw the rest out

Meanwhile I starve because I require a lot of food to function and by the time I go and get seconds all the food is GONE because of that asshole foodwaster


I sometimes get way more food than I assume I will when eating out, like a potato and salad and maple syrup or whatever to go with it, when the order just reads "new york strip" or something. I'm willing to share though 3:

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Well if it's a single order I can't really fault you, but the scenario I'm describing is kinda like a buffet but there's limited food, like one big order of sesame chicken or something to go between about 15 people, and then some asshole in front of me takes a huuuuuge thing of chicken and leaves everyone else with not much left.

And I'd be okay if he actually ate all the food.

Edited by Zhuge Liang
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oh yeah

people who waste their food

especially when it's a certain amount of food distributed among x people and the asshole takes a fuckton then proceed to eat like 25% of it and throw the rest out

Meanwhile I starve because I require a lot of food to function and by the time I go and get seconds all the food is GONE because of that asshole foodwaster


I don't get angry at people who do this, but I hate the feeling of watching the food be tossed away before I can intervene.

Recently someone cut up a steak with a clean knife, so the bits they didn't eat were clean, and threw most of the steak out because they had an upset stomach. I only realized after it got tossed. Very depressing. Nah I don't really care if they had an upset stomach from the steak, I would have just gotten an upset stomach and kept eating, I'm really stupid.

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You dick now I will starve to death even though you couldn't have given that bag to me anyway

I threw out half a wrap last week.

It doesn't deserve the warmth of a human stomach the fucker leaked pickle juice through its container and all over the inside of my backpack and ruined my school books. :<

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It's the fact that the tossed food could've contributed to a not-starving Lumi. I'd take it but it's got all of their slobber over it too, fucking messy eaters.

Well, if this was literally true, I wouldn't eat it, but I've eaten plenty of things other people have bitten into. [Refrain to explain with stupidity]

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