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[FE11] Banzai Draft

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Yeah I didn't make any qualifications for arena abuse because of the difficulty of H5 arenas (unless I'm mistaken and they're the same as every other difficulty? But that doesn't seem likely).

As for suspending restart penalties for the first three chapters of H5, I'll leave that up to a vote of the five contenders.

Othin: The penalty for using an undrafted unit illegally counts even if forced to restart. Otherwise if someone messed up and an undrafted unit was attacked, the person could just restart and only take 1/4 of the penalty. And yes, if an undrafted unit is attacked even if they don't counter, that counts as "using" them. I have suspended the penalty for places where I feel it is impossible to proceed without potentially-undrafted units being attacked (namely, the Ch 12 prison units and Ch 13 Midia. I did not count Ch 13 Astram because it is quite possible to recruit him and get him out of range without him being attacked).

In other news we have our five contenders. I was going to play if there was trouble getting five people but it seems as though there was no problem and so I will not be participating. The goal after all is to get people to try a new way of playing.

The teams, as well as the picking order (as determined by RNG), are:

1. PKL

2. General Horace

3. Hawk King

4. Elieson

5. CR-S01

Picking will begin with PKL and go in the standard "1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1" order.

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I wont be available for the next 9 hrs so if my turn comes up before then dont bother waiting for me to pick. And im not comfortable leaving my pics with someone else cause I have no idea about who will be taken before my next pic.

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I wont be available for the next 9 hrs so if my turn comes up before then dont bother waiting for me to pick. And im not comfortable leaving my pics with someone else cause I have no idea about who will be taken before my next pic.

Then what? I pick for you?

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Oh shit, its my turn. Gimme wing spear.

And freebies up to threezies pleaseiesez?

Edited by Elieson
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Err, wing spear is free. Also, i assume forges are fine right? because i dont see any rule adressing that in the OP.

Edited by PKL
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I pick Ogma and Gordin. A rank bows and promotion ready Gordin by the end of chapter 1, hell yeah.

I also vote for free resets in chapter 1-3.

Edited by CR-S01
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Dang, I knew ogma would go next.

I always get Navarre, and all he does for me is fail. Sedgaro. Lets see what you and your prepromoted badass General self can do for me.

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I didn't make a rule about boss abuse because I seriously thought that nobody would actually do it. Was this a mistake?

Since this is the first time I (or anyone really) have attempted a draft like this, it's bound to have flaws to be ironed out--and that's what you guys are for! I would feel bad saying "lol no boss abuse now" right after the guy picked Gordin of all people but at the same time...

So what should I do now? Allow people to capitalize off of my oversight? Change the rules right now? Put it to a vote?

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Speaking objectively, it shouldn't be a problem, since Gordin doesn't exactly become a killing machine this way dry.gif.

That said, you don't appear to have banned arena abuse, which is understandable, since its much less safe in H5 (if I remember correctly), but still abusable?

TBH, I think you should let it be, unless you really want to keep people from boss abusing (in which case allow CR to re-pick now, if he chooses, from currently available units [his fault for not bringing it up before he picked?]).

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People shouldn't abuse stuff. Seems to me that if he wants to be an idiot and waste his time on it, making his run that much more boring, that's his right. And if he gets the lowest score and tries to claim that he won, it's everyone else's right to laugh at him and say "hell no".

If anyone cares what I think, anyway.

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No, people should have a plain and simple right to abuse all they want to, because this scoring system doesn't punish having high turncounts.

If Banzai disagrees, then that means that he's submitting to the much-reviled LTC ubermensch.

Edited by dondon151
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