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[FE11] Banzai Draft

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It "forces your opponents to spend an inordinate amount of time rather than strategy in order to keep up"? What? If anything, that's me, not the other players.

If it were to force other players to use the same technique, that would be the case.

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No one is forcing others to do the same. Heck, i know CR was probably kidding and she wont boss abuse that much. I also wont boss abuse because im not patient at all for that. If anyone wants to do it, its ok to me, because there are no rules stating you cant do it or anything...

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SERIOUSLY, this is a friggen experiment! I dont plan to spend any more turns than necessary to achieve the goals of this draft and if someone decides to boss abuse for 100+ turns on chapter 1, I dont really think it will give much of an advantage in a draft like this anyway.

And if boss abuse does turn out to be a major problem, this experiment will be a success since future drafts of this style will have something to look back on, so they can add additional rules if neccessary.

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If a sport allowed for a technique with a risk of injury to the opponent, with no penalty, would it not be sportsmanlike for teams to agree to not use that technique and to win by other means? According to dondon, such an agreement would be unsportsmanlike, which is clearly false.


football? really, any sport? are you saying that all sports employ only risk-free techniques, and guarantee no injury to the players? lol fuck tacking

So the answer to my previous question is, no, you can't. As I thought, you're not capable of comprehending abstract concepts; you are only able to evaluate hard numbers.


you don't even know. i have been in all sorts of academic and gaming competitions, and there are 2 things that are universally the most frowned upon: cheating and sandbagging. i'm pretty sure i have a far more developed concept of sportsmanship than you give me credit for.

Edited by dondon151
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Dondon is right. Sandbagging is extremely frowned upon. Example from a brawl tournament here recently: the 4th ranked player in my region got a newcomer in his bracket. The 4th ranked player sandbagged because he knew the guy wasnt so good and he didnt want to discourage him from coming back to tournaments by beating him too badly...the 4th ranked player still won and the noob lost in losers bracket to another person and we havent seen him since. Turns out the noob thought that he wasnt being taken seriously and that it was really disrepectful to see a player sandbag him because he is new. He wanted to see how the pros played and he didnt get to see it (he didnt stay for the finals). I never sandbag against anyone, new, bad, better than me, no chance of winning, w/e...i never sandbag. Oh, which brings up something else...Ragequitting is EXTREMELY frowned upon in competition. Specially if its the "throw the controller" kind of ragequit...

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ok. Let's end this debate, at least in this thread.

Add an unwritten rule to not boss-abuse/arena-abuse, or no.

Edited by Elieson
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I'd hate to see an fe10 version of this.

I've love to see that.

Also, where did Boron get the quote in her sig?

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aww hell, I'll snag Rickardo. may as well use him instead of keys in the Fane of Raman.

Also, Hawkking, I'm from NY too

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Christ Horace you are lucky sometimes. Caeda and Marth getting excellent levels, Abel getting even more speed, and also a restart avoided because Jagen dodged.

The only stats that are blessed on my team right now are Jeigan's strength, and Abel's speed. Even with two near perfect levels, Marth is only one levelup ahead in speed, and who cares about luck. And watch the video again on the Jeigan bit, I clearly show that he would have lived with one HP left. Check 10:47.

Admittably, Abel's speed is gonna make a difference in the long run though, nothing I can do :/

also what about Lena's +0

Edited by General Horace
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