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Is there units you know that suck but still like to use. You know that using such unit is only going to harm you but still like to use them.

Remember, unit you like to use but know to suck, not unit you like but everyone thinks suck.

I like Ronan for example.

I know he is archer and he can never capture and that he is all around bad unit outside those handy movement stars. Still I can't help but use him. I dom't even lie his personality or anything like that. I just like to use him for whatever reason I don't even know myself.

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Lets see.........

I like...................

fe6 Cecilia

fe5 Tanya, Ronan, Marty, Alva, and Kein.

fe7 Dorcas, Barte, and Renault

fe8 Syrene and Neimi

fe9&10................I guess Astrid&Fiona

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I have a portion of characters I use because hax stats and the other portion because I like them. There's an overlap.

I don't, however, use characters I find it a physical pain to use. I kinda like Wendy characterwise and I think her ending's pretty cool, but FUCK training her. I've gotten her to 10/3 on a female-only run of FE6 and went "fuck it".

I guess Lilina is one of those few exceptions. She's not the type of character I usually favor, and she's not particularly good as a unit going by her joining level and average stats. She's not as good as Lugh on paper. But Lugh is a little shota bitch that likes getting mag-screwed and I don't like him so I do want to have an anima bomb at some point. Lilina's been pretty good to me so far, she tends to get spd-blessed and she bombs shit well, so I just keep on using her because whynot.

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I tried Sophia once. Got her to level 10 and her skill was still like, 2, 3. I was like wut. So she got dropped~ It's so unfortunate being that she's the only female shaman and all i.e. the main reason I wanted to use her

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I just use Niime. Drop one or two Robes on her and let her at Nosferatu~

Once she hits S dark shit gets good. So on C23 I basically let Miledy on a solo mission and one of those berserk staffers hit her. Luckily, Miledy isn't in range of any of my team at that point. Unluckily, she has no access to one of my restore tomes. So I just kept her healed up from ~16 spaces away with Niime on Apocalypse as she ripped through a few squads of dragonknights. Good times.

It does help that Niime is one of my favourite characters storywise too.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Well, Nino sucks at base, but I usually have her obliterate most of 28x and then proceed to wreck shit. Lats playthrough she was doubling the Heroes in C29. Unpromoted.

I tend to use Neimi because she's the earlygame archer, but... meh. I've been dropping her lately.

And then there was the time I AA'd Gilliam to Level 20 Unpromoted. He had 40 HP and capped Defense, and then I said "fuck it" and benched him.

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Well lets see, we can start with Wolt, move around and pick up Wendy, hang with Zealot and Juno and then have a feast with Leaf (Circa FE5)

2 of those units are legitimately good, and one of them is a passable utility unit.

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Anywho, Rhys, Lilina, Moulder, and Guy

The only one on that list that I would call bad is Lilina. Rhys is more mediocre if anything, Guy is decent, and Moulder is good.

Anyways, Lilina stinks at base, is average on paper, but I just enjoy using her. The fact that she's in one of my favorite classes helps.

Sue is statistically Rebecca on a horse. And I happen to like Sacae more than Ilia.

Nino is a mainstay in more casual playthroughs, as is Rebecca.

Wallace was the same as Nino and Rebecca, but since reaching 100% supports...

Rolf is especially a mainstay on my team in FE9 under normal circumstances.

Edward, Leo and Kurthnaga in FE10.

And to finish, I'll add the FE11 versions of Linde, Catria, Palla, and Tiki. Oh, and Rickard for "thieving" utility.

Edited by Little Al
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Well, no unit harms you, unless your choice is Devil Axe Isadora. Everyone is better than an empty slot!

ANYWAY, I use Lilina and Sophia in most of my FE6 HM playthroughs, as well as Nino in FE7. Can't really think of any awful characters I use otherwise.

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I use quite a few units that actually suck butt or are just a pain to train in general.


Bartre. I like Bartre. Hes bad. His speed sucks. Hes pain to train. But guess what? I like using him because Bartre!

Nino. Like Bartre, i dont use her all the time. Also like Bartre, shes a pain in the ass to train. But man, i just love using her sometimes.

Serra. I know shes not terribly sucky but Priscilla roflstomps her. But i still like using Serra. Her supports are funny, i like her Bishop sprite a lot, and yeah. Serra.

All three of the Pegasus Sisters. At once. I know most people really dont use all of them, they just sorta choose to use one or two. I like having all of them. Because yes.


Lute. I love Lute. I love Lute a lot. Since shes statistically a lot like Soren (whom i adore), im gonna freaking use her.

Neimi. Well most of the time. No idea why actually.


Bring on the Astrid! Well she isnt really bad in this game actually, but she is a pain to train without a lot of BEXP.

Makalov. Like Astrid, hes not terrible in this game either. Paladins are just broken here. But he comes at a pretty pissy level.

Mist. The payoff of training her is great, but i know theres a lot people who dont want to bother with it. I do.

Tormod. His level is so low when he joins. Omg. But man hes kinda fun to use.


Fiona. Oh god. Shes terribad. So bad people just go "WHYYYY!" I love her. When trained, she can tank and stuff. Shes nice to have on the DB because paladin/knight thing. But omg is it a pain to train her. I do it anyway.

Soren. Again, im not sure why people say hes bad here but they do. Hes my second favorite character in the entire series. Im gonna use him. All. The. Freaking. Time.

Rolf. I love using Rolf in this game. His growths are like, insane! Pain to train? Yeah quite a bit. But yes. Rolf.

Lyre. Only sometimes. She usually doesnt get a spot on my runs but sometimes...i really like tweaking her and having her rape face in endgame. Cuz its funny.

Vika. I like her character design. Its one of my favorites actually. Shes one of those units that make me wish we had proper support convos with because i want to know her story.

Astrid again. Blossom/Paragon combo activate!

Yeah i use bad units a bit.

Edited by Florina
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I always use Rolf, Lilina, Rhys, Erk/Canas, Bartre, Lowen, Astrid, Neimi, Rebecca and Azel on my playthroughs, even if some of them are easily outmatched (Lugh always surpasses Lilina, except in my last playthrough in which Lugh got cursed with terrible growths and Lilina could two hit kill a Dragon on Level 18 and survive 2 or 3 hits; Mist is oftenly considered to be better than Rhys because of her horse; Lowen is kind of good, but if you trained Sain or Kent, then he's easily outmatched; Neimi just sucks imo and so does Azel; Rebecca is pretty meh; Astrid has Elite but she's easily outmatched even after promotion, at least in my cases).

Some crappy units just need more love to become good! ... When their names aren't Sophia, that is.

Edited by Rapier
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Most of my favourites are generally usable enough in HM that I can squeeze them in (or are just outright hax like Seth), except FE12 Lunatic makes 70% of its cast practically unusable. Which...kinda hurts.

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I hate not being able to use my favourite characters.

TBH, that's why I don't like to play hard modes for the most part (FE8 is the one exception).

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Oh come on most HMs aren't that bad. It's not like you guys play for turns or something so go as slow as you like~

I mean if people have managed to use Wendy/Sophia on FE6HM there's hope for everyone not counting FE12HM

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