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17 by the end of the month, actually.
Multivariable Calculus is easy.
I have a programming job
I have a programming job
I have a programming job
im 9
they're not "geniuses"

^the only people who would deny the intelligence of said people are people who hang around smart people to start with. You see, I have friends on every end of the spectrum. I hang out with complete idiots and National Honors Society AP/Honors Students with 4.5+ GPA's going to prestiguous colleges. "Genius" is used lightly but at the very least for their age they are smart.

Now I feel old. I'm 20.

I feel old, and stupid. But that's okay, I'm used to feeling stupid.

Hahaha Blazer you don't have to be a genius to be good at hacking, though I'm not saying the guys you mentioned are idiots at all. You gotta wonder how their social lives are too lol. Plus how is that considered wasting one's time? What's better, watching Jersey Shore (assuming you live in the US lol) or doing something moderately mentally stimulating like finding out new ASM codes? Plus they (hopefully) have a lot of years ahead of them witness the not so entertaining parts of life.

ASM hacking =/= normal hacking. Cam does programming. ALS is an amazingly talented artist and does youtubing at his age (granted his voice sounds like a little girl, but the fact that he can still do it is woah), and also does a ton of hacking too for DoF. He also acts like he's 20 year old, which IMO is actually bad because in the real world, if you try to be a smartass, you get your ass beat down. Unless you're spoiled. But on the internet, it shows maturity and gives a reason for respect ^_^

Also, there is a lot more to life than Jersey Shore. Or Fire Emblem. People should go out and experience new things. And a lot of things you can only really experience as a kid :|


For internet-goers, old is considered to be 20-22+, actually. That's what people *tend to* consider is old. By internet-goers though what I really mean is people who go on forums like these and join an "internet community". Just making random posts or joining forums to access information etc. but not really being a part of the community is different; tons of people do that.

@Celice ha, crazy. You like my joke, btw? XP

@ALS, shut up. Stop being so smart. And I hear you're Asian. Stop being... damn, guess you can't. Well, stop being so smart. >____>

I'm kidding. But, I can't believe you're 16 and love Calculus and have taken Physics. That's on par with some of the "OMG are you fucking kidding me?" smart people in my school. And I go to a school with a lot of smart and spoiled people... ._. No wonder I don't fit in sometimes

I'm 19 and all I've got going for me is being the tallest person here, having a semi-popular YT channel, and being engaged.

I love how you assume that all of these attributes are geniuine qualities someone else might want to have

I, at the very least, would hate to be tall, wouldn't want people bugging me on YT, and never want to get married. XDDD

...AAAAAAANDDD I don't feel like reading anymore. Time to go play Tales of Graces F. I'm glad one of my crazy insane topics is popular again. I feel so accomplished. XP

c wut i did thar?

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I'm kidding. But, I can't believe you're 16 and love Calculus and have taken Physics. That's on par with some of the "OMG are you fucking kidding me?" smart people in my school. And I go to a school with a lot of smart and spoiled people... ._. No wonder I don't fit in sometimes

16 and Calculus/Physics is the norm among AP students in my HS. Competition is FIERCE. I'm not even the only freshman in my Diff Eq class, either, and that's not counting the 2 from my HS. The most high-achieving people are done with Diff Eq by their junior year in high school where I am. And it's still not as competitive as China.

And I don't see how Multivar Calc /has/ to be hard. People are good at math. That's all. People who are good at math easily understand the concepts in Multi.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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^the only people who would deny the intelligence of said people are people who hang around smart people to start with. You see, I have friends on every end of the spectrum. I hang out with complete idiots and National Honors Society AP/Honors Students with 4.5+ GPA's going to prestiguous colleges. "Genius" is used lightly but at the very least for their age they are smart.

Nobody is saying they aren't smart, you just have to be..not very informed(?) to seriously consider them geniuses :P:. I owned my own (successful) business at 20 and I don't even think I am a genius at my own trade, if I had to put things in perspective. Of course I guess you didn't really mean genius, so my previous post can be disregarded :o.

These days there are so many options for students (and kids especially) that the bar has been raised in general. In rich countries in particular what was a "genius" 20 years ago is not even close now. We're in the information age :P:. What ever you want to learn is a few clicks away, you just need the determination to do it.

ASM hacking =/= normal hacking. Cam does programming. ALS is an amazingly talented artist and does youtubing at his age (granted his voice sounds like a little girl, but the fact that he can still do it is woah), and also does a ton of hacking too for DoF. He also acts like he's 20 year old, which IMO is actually bad because in the real world, if you try to be a smartass, you get your ass beat down. Unless you're spoiled. But on the internet, it shows maturity and gives a reason for respect ^_^

Wtf @ youtubing, haha. Babies make videos on youtube! I like you.

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What Dan has that's the most impressive is his drive. I don't match up to 1% of his drive to do work, it's like he has 48 hours in his day or something. Get homework done, play video games, AND make progress on DoF is really fucking impressive. I spend that much time of my day /taking naps/.

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Don't teach Cam how to create images of what is going on in his head. If he were allowed to express artistically what he visualizes, Dio would be out of a job. And we need that balance.

I hope to god he doesn't. The last thing we need is more people drawing hentai.

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I love how you assume that all of these attributes are geniuine qualities someone else might want to have

I, at the very least, would hate to be tall, wouldn't want people bugging me on YT, and never want to get married. XDDD

Lol when did I assume that? I said I feel accomplished. Just because you don't see it as such doesn't mean I can't be happy with them :P

And besides, I can deal with getting bugged on Youtube. They pay me to play video games ;D

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