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How I see members here: Past and Present - Now with Integrity -


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Sakusa: Ahoy. You have got to be part Mod or something....i just sensed it when I met you. I still.think that, but now I think 18 yr old bubbly actress who us brunette, who lives in a city, who is somehow related to moding here

Furret: ok, I now know you are a guy. I thought you and lumi were an lesbian couple forced to live apart for college reasons. I don't think that anymore, but I did.

Also @ Boron. The first day we met, I assumed you were in a way, genderless. Yes, I know it's not really possible, but that is what I assumed.. You didn't give any hints at all.

Edited by Elieson
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Sakusa: Ahoy. You have got to be part Mod or something....i just sensed it when I met you. I still.think that, but now I think 18 yr old bubbly actress who us brunette, who lives in a city, who is somehow related to moding here

XD! I'm nowhere close to mod, but I've been in positions of power in other things way back when, so you might be right about that. I'm actually a 19-year-old bubbly history major who's thinking about doing something in art or music instead. Unfortunately, I don't like cities, I'm a suburb kinda girl, but you're right that I'm a brunette. Does being friends with Tangerine and Nightmare count as being related to modding? o3o

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History major? Yea jump out of that at your earliest convienence.

And, everyone likes nightmaer, and tangy, from what I gather, likes everyone, so yes, that and your past mod history counts as you being somehow related to modding~

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Also @ Boron. The first day we met, I assumed you were in a way, genderless. Yes, I know it's not really possible, but that is what I assumed.. You didn't give any hints at all.

:XD: Apparently, I'm good at that. I'm not sure what exactly it is about the way I write on the Internet, but I have noticed on occasion that I don't really leave much markers as to my gender, aside from perhaps favorite characters (but even that's not always very telling). I don't know, I guess I don't feel the need to really act in a way that would make me seem "feminine". It would require me to go out of my way, and I just write what comes to mind.

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Furret: ok, I now know you are a guy. I thought you and lumi were an lesbian couple forced to live apart for college reasons. I don't think that anymore, but I did.

Hee apparently I give off a lot of les vibes or something

I don't blame you guys boobies are pretty fun so I talk about it a lot

Even Furet thought I was bi for a while before I clarified XD

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still wondering when did the entity formerly known as Kiryn post in the character claim thread lol

I apologize...i didn't recall properly.. That was kirsche who made those claims, not you.

You, are much funnier than kirsche~

@Lumi, thanks for understanding :)

@Boron, that is a rare and really cool quality to have. I've simply never seen anyone make conversation so obviously ambiguous like that before,l so it just shook me though a loop is all.

Edited by Elieson
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It's always interesting, the impressions we get of each other when we first start talking to one another. And how those impressions change the more we get to know each other.

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It is. -read my above edit Boron-

However, now I feel as though I have come across as an elitist jerk. I'm not bothered by it, but I didn't mean to cause any hurt or anything if I did.

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Defeated elitist: Either you had the pride to admit you lost some crazy argument, or you are a chubby 20something Smogonite. Either way, your username screams "talentless", so I don't envision you as a physically appealing specimen. In the world you live in, your personality gets you damn far. I bet you BS you're essays for school like a fat kid eats donuts; on the fly and with experience.

Why can you see into my mind?

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Jack, Keeper of POWAH - You are just annoying. You need people to know who you are, because of your description after Jack. Is your name Jack? It had better be, because I'll be really annoyed if it isn't. If you're female, I'm gonna shoot my wall with my marshmallow cannon.

ouch... just ouch.

Yes I am Jack. and you can save your marshmallow cannon for another day.

and it's not powah... its phowa

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yes I'm a guy

Hee apparently I give off a lot of les vibes or something

I don't blame you guys boobies are pretty fun so I talk about it a lot

Even Furet thought I was bi for a while before I clarified XD

Is that kinda like that thing where people thought Nightmare and I were gay because dicks

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Raven. I envisioned you as a younger brother with a crappy family history, that would give you the personality of Raven. I don't see that now, but that's what I thought at first.

Raven is the older sibling to Priscilla, there's nobody older

But you are right about the family history. I was unplanned (I doubt my mother was 15 and thinking "Let's have a kid" when she got pregnant with me), my grandparents and great-grandparents didn't know I even existed until I was one years old, my parents split when I was three, since then I saw my father twice, maybe three times a year since then, his own parents (the grandparents I mentioned earlier) don't want contact with him, and the last time I saw him was on my 18th birthday 5 years ago, and last year he got years in prison for reactivating deactivated firearms, and presumably selling them for cash. I'm just lucky as hell I had my grandparents and great-grandparents while growing up. Not sure how my life would be right now without them, and I'd rather not think about it. While I have resentment against my father, I've gone past the point of giving a fuck.

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Dr. Sholes - Your Jesus avatar screams "Outrageous Football game playing, FFA member". Yes. It's a stereotype, and your avatar stuffs you into it.

Lol, that's completely false but whatever. :P:

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How can you not describe Dio? There is only one way to describe him and it is known by all!

I only posted because I was flabbergasted by the lack of a Dio description, consider me a...non-participant?!

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Well I'm pretty sure everything the OP loves is a lie, I'm getting major Sothe/Mathew O'Connel vibes here with the wife and kids perspective, gonna wait until he seduces someone with a neurological condition.

Edited by Defeatist Elitist
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