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What a fantastic way for you to flame people with their own approval, Life. See, I'm okay with your attitude when it's in a reasonable context.

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Not sure if the correct answer here is to avoid posting to show strength of character, or to ask for it straight up for the same reason

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Lemme see...

Freohr: Naive little girl. Should probably grow up if she wants people to take her seriously AKA actually give a shit that she exists.

SlayerX: Still don't know how he passed Grade 8 since he clearly doesn't understand READING COMPREHENSION.

Silver Harpoon: Don't know you, don't give a fuck about you. Neither does 99% of the world. That last 1% wants you to slice your balls off and hang yourself.

Emerald: I have nothing against gay people. But I have something against faggots. And you are a class A faggot.

Elieson: See Silver Harpoon but let's add in that I also think you're mentally retarded.

Raven: Scottish boy could do with some manners... and a brain.

Obviam: Smartass. No really. Complete unlikable smartass.

Spike: Haven't played enough LoL with him.

SSS: Neutral. Completely forgot who the fuck you are. So let's just say that you're not really noticeable to anyone.

Kay: You're like one of those feminists in Maxim that needs to be converted into a loyal housewife. I can start your training free of charge right now if you want.

MRaven/Paperblade: Actually respect. Moving on.

Ether: I definitely expect you to be arrested as a pedophile. In fact, I'll surprised if you don't. I'm like 99% positive that you worship Pedobear as your god, judging from your like of 5 year old anime girls. For the record, I can see her underwear in your sig and almost threw up. That is disgusting.

Rehab: Don't know you.

Darros: I remember him being so stupid that he actually got a failing mark on an IQ test. Aside from that, no strong opinions.

Eclipse: Actually respect.

Lumi: Tell you what. You'll get into my "actually respect" group if you draw a specific picture for me. And by that, I mean drop everything else not related to school and do my picture immediately.

Who's next?

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Goddamn I have a fuckton of school-related shit

like that takehome midterm for math and two assignments for other classes @____@

Sucks to be you.

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Freohr: Naive little girl. Should probably grow up if she wants people to take her seriously AKA actually give a shit that she exists.

I choose people not taking me seriously over growing up~

I shall always be naive!

But after what you said about kay you seem a lot more like black ops now... At first I didn't care much about you but... You better just be kidding because for all I know you might be friends with her at least.

Oh wait but you wouldn't take me serious anyway XD

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