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Tangerine's Ultimate Judgement Thread


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('^ ' )

(v v )o

*Just to be clear, nothing I am going to write will have anything to do with art or math (I am sure you are entirely confident in yourself there, for example), it is almost all social and relating to my experience with you, because I am not going to regurgitate the same general and unpersonalized nonsense everyone else has to say in these things >:P.

We used to be a lot closer before, not really sure what happened. Maybe you just lost the desire to talk to me :P:.

You've changed a lot since then, although maybe it is just because we've stopped talking as much that I've noticed new things and lost touch with old ones. You used to be pretty bubbly and sweet! We would galavant around the forum being mischievous, but well-meaning :O! Our Fox-teasing plan was unrivaled. I think you're confident in yourself to a point, but require other peoples' acknowledgement in order to be fully. You are pretty stubborn about your beliefs, but that is a trait I personally love in people, so I don't consider it negative :P:. I feel that you are easily influenced by those you care about, respect or view as an authority figure in a facet of your life. But you've a strong sense of family & friendship as well, and that is often an accompanying trait.

I think you have an inaccurate reputation around here. I don't think you're all that tough regardless of what you say, I think you are a sweetheart who's a little rough around the edges :P:. You're going to do fine for yourself in life. You're an awesome person! Just wish we spoke more.

Judgement: e6yvig_th.jpg (We're friends, but I miss you.)

Come at me, fruit.

I don't entirely remember how we met. I am fairly certain our first conversation was on Skype, where I proceeded to tease you about various things for about an hour before I had to go. Haven't really talked since then. You seem nice enough, and you're probably one of the more normal regulars. Other than that I don't know all that much about you really.

I feel like you might've written off friendship between us before giving it much of a chance :P:.

Judgement: ivh9jq_th.jpg (Neutral, wouldn't mind talking more!)

He's started a pretty huge fad! =D Cause this one has indeed grown quite large. =o Probably why Tangy got into it herself.

This thing takes up nearly the whole page. I honestly never expected it to get so big but I guess people just love giving and receiving opinions. And you have an excuse to find out~ XD

Hey missy, I don't join things 'cause they're popular. I join things if I think I can contribute to them in a positive way >:O! Okay so I really just do it for fun.

Why are you so nice?! I used to think I was the nicest person on the forum, but then I met you (and Elincia, but she didn't even post here so she doesn't get to be mentioned >:O... Well after this anyway >:O.) and was relieved.

You are a super trooper! You seem to be able to have fun with anyone, discussing any subject, in any thread around here :P:. You are pretty level-headed and objective though; I think a lot of people would be surprised by your responses if you ever ended up doing one of these, I don't think they would be nearly as fluffy as some might expect. You've impressed me a lot in all of my poll threads over the time that I've known you. You don't like seeing people upset and you've a strong sense of moral. Social-personality-wise you remind me a lot of myself when I was younger, just without the perversity and sass, which probably makes you a lot more desirable of a friend than I ever was :P:!

We've never chatted much 1-on-1, and in reality I don't really know you personally. But I like you a lot; I think you're pretty great.

Judgement: :tangerine: (I know we'd be friends if we ever started spending time together.)


THAT TOOK SO LONG! I put way too much thought into these maybe :P:.


*Slightly edited to sound less mushy >:O

Tangerine Judgement Post 4: Attack of the :P: Emotes

Also pretty sure someone's gonna make fun of me for being a goober in this one.

Also also 200th post, how fitting.

Looks like Sirius, Florina and Elieson are next >:D.

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Should answer these in parts since otherwise it'd probably look really confusing XD

Hey missy, I don't join things 'cause they're popular. I join things if I think I can contribute to them in a positive way >:O! Okay so I really just do it for fun.

Well yeah it does seem pretty fun~ And that's why it's gotten into such big fad! =o

Why are you so nice?! I used to think I was the nicestest person on the forum, but then I met you (and Elincia, but she didn't even post here so she doesn't get to be mentioned >:O... Well after this anyway >:O.) and was relieved.... etc etc etc You don't like seeing people upset and you've a strong sense of moral.

This is mostly just how my dad raised me, but I guess it's also from the traits I picked up =I At least definitely the morals part but I feel that I don't feel that way just because I've been raised that way, so I have a feeling it must be a mix of both...

You are a super trooper! You seem to be able to have fun with anyone, discussing any subject, in any thread around here :P:. You are pretty level-headed and objective though; I think a lot of people would be surprised by your responses if you ever ended up doing one of these, I don't think they would be nearly as fluffy as some might expect. You've impressed me a lot in all of my poll threads over the time that I've known you. You don't like seeing people upset and you've a strong sense of moral. Social-personality-wise you remind me a lot of myself when I was younger, just without the perversity and sass, which probably makes you a lot more desirable of a friend than I ever was :P:!

Ooh this just makes me wish I played more video games or watched more anime or read more manga stuffs since that's what a huge portion of discussion is about and then I get totally lost and can't say anything XD Then I get soooooo bored and have to entertain myself~

Actually I'm way too afraid to start one of these judgement things because I feel like I spend most of my time talking and less of my time taking note of how other people behave.... like unless they have something very distinguishing for themselves XD I tend to not pay very good attention to detail D= So there are probably some people on here that I couldn't find much ofanything to say about =[

We've never chatted much 1-on-1, and in reality I don't really know you personally. But I like you a lot; I think you're pretty great.

Judgement: :tangerine: (I know we'd be friends if we ever started spending time together.)

Yeah I don't feel like I really know you either because I often just end up reading about you instead =o Like sorta through your posts or just from others' posts...

Eeheehee I gotted the super cute emote x3

Oh aaannnnnd I really should be getting ready whoooooops ^~^;;

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*Just to be clear, nothing I am going to write will have anything to do with art or math (I am sure you are entirely confident in yourself there, for example), it is almost all social and relating to my experience with you, because I am not going to regurgitate the same general and unpersonalized nonsense everyone else has to say in these things >:P.

We used to be a lot closer before, not really sure what happened. Maybe you just lost the desire to talk to me :P:.

You've changed a lot since then, although maybe it is just because we've stopped talking as much that I've noticed new things and lost touch with old ones. You used to be pretty bubbly and sweet! We would galavant around the forum being mischievous, but well-meaning :O! Our Fox-teasing plan was unrivaled. I think you're confident in yourself to a point, but require other peoples' acknowledgement in order to be fully. You are pretty stubborn about your beliefs, but that is a trait I personally love in people, so I don't consider it negative :P:. I feel that you are easily influenced by those you care about, respect or view as an authority figure in a facet of your life. But you've a strong sense of family & friendship as well, and that is often an accompanying trait.

I think you have an inaccurate reputation around here. I don't think you're all that tough regardless of what you say, I think you are a sweetheart who's a little rough around the edges :P:. You're going to do fine for yourself in life. You're an awesome person! Just wish we spoke more.

Judgement: e6yvig_th.jpg (We're friends, but I miss you.)

Man, that was some good times. Maybe you should go on skype more, I never use MSN these days since MSN and I mutually hate each other

Yeah, I miss you too. :<

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You are pretty friendly, and I haven't had any issues with you. We've talked a few times in chat, but I don't think I knew you when you first joined so I don't have much to comment on there (and you are forgiven if you were awful :P:). You seem to get along with the community, and you have a good head on your shoulders!

Judgement: ivh9jq_th.jpg (No opinion either way. Should talk more!)

I think this was mine.

Also, I actually got a verbal from you once! So we have had one interaction.

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Sorry guys, been way too busy lately.

I <3 you and Mumu long time

*Another case where I am not comfortable talking about your real life stuff publicly and so my post will be largely unfinished.

Sirius. Manny. Manmanicus. Manmanerino. Mandingo. Joxer The Mighty. The Puppet. Manmanaclese, and most importantly,


We meeeeet...Summer of 2010? It was right around when I first started actually frequenting the forums. We talked all the time back then :O. They were good times! But then we started drifting apart when you went into super downer mode. It's gotten better since then, but we still don't talk nearly as much :P:. You are also the reason I joined the staff here.If you hadn't suggested me I don't think I'd have gotten on :O.

You are pretty sweet! But usually anything nice you say is followed by something to ruin the moment, lol. EXAMPLE:

Sirius: You are super cool.

Musashi: Aw thanks sweetie, I'm so glad we got married.

Sirius: But I'm not. Also if I got on a plane today it'd probably crash and I'd die. I bet if I bought iced tea at the store it'd be mistakenly filled with gasoline and I'd bleed internally until my death.

Musashi: Uhhh..

Sirius: brb but I might not because I could drown in the bathtub if I fall and it's slightly filled.

*may or may not be extremely exaggerated. Not gonna say either way :tangerine:!

You are the most pessimistic, defeatist person I've ever met! You are pretty angry/upset with yourself and your current living conditions. I think you use the forum for the boon of its relative unimportance & community aspect. You can come here and talk to friends without having to worry about what's going on irl for an hour or so :P:. You take a neutral stance on pretty much everything to avoid having to commit to something completely. Your sense of humor is suuuuuper dry so most people think you are serious about everything. Most of the time you appear to be serious it's probably because you either don't care about what is being talked about or you are joking. I think you like people and hate to admit it :P:. You are smarter than you give yourself credit for and way better of a person.

You don't judge anyone until you've spoken to them personally, regardless of their reputation or the public's opinion on them. Which is a trait that has become uncommon, sadly :O! I think you are content living life in the most "normal" way possible, You don't want to get involved in other peoples' business or have other people needlessly involved in yours. I bet you see yourself on a countryside or city outskirt somewhere with whatever type of family you choose to form (I'm rooting for life with Mumu and an adopted kid), living under the radar and going to town only for groceries, supplies, work and fun :P:.

Unfortunately a lot of what I'd wanna say is personal info about you that I have no business sharing with the public, so like Mumu's this one will be cut short :P:.

Like Mumu, you are also hopelessly infatuated with me. And I like you a lot too! You're one of the reasons I accepted Vincent's offer to join the staff :O! You're also one of the few people I'd wanna meet in the future, if possible.

Judgement: ::(T: (I <3 you, let's cry together. But try not to drown.)

Sock it to me, fruitbeast!

I dunno about you, you're a nutjob. Most of the time I see you you're talking about some other forum you're a mod on or something! I dunno what to make of that :o.

You seem like a cool chick from the few times we've talked though. You remind me a lot of one of the friends I have irl. She just likes to hang out, drink tea and talk to eachother about whatever comes up :P:. Maybe watch a show or take a walk while doing so. Super chilled out, has her s- together and is comfortable being who she is. That is you to me, even if I am completely wrong :O. If I AM completely wrong, you are gonna have to talk to me more to convince me of that >:O.

Judgement: ivh9jq_th.jpg (Neutral-good. We need to talk more, I like you!)

Here doggie doggie....here doggie doggie

There are just so many things wrong with this. First of all, your living conditions. Who lives in a swamp bog? How do you even get Internet access there? What do you do there? That last one is especially important (and we are gonna go over a couple we already know of), because you could be getting up to some even more creepy stuff!

Your dog obsession. What's up with that Elieson? Dogs were not made to mate with humans! Do you raise them for that purpose or is it a soulmate type of deal?! How many dogs do you own? Do you have neighbours? Do your neighbours know of your dog thing?! How does this relate to your pog collection, if at all? Do you play pogs with the dogs? Do you play pogs with the dogs while you leap frog them? Do you play pogs with the dogs while you leap frog them in clogs? All important questions.

How did your prostitution ring start, and can it really be considered a ring when you are your only employee? What clients can you get in a swamp bog? There can't be many humans there. What types of payment do you accept, if your clients are not human?

It has been said that you have a Schrödinger family. Can you explain this to us?

Overall, you seem like a pretty nice individual with some odd hobbies and thoughts. We should talk more.

Judgement: ivh9jq_th.jpg (You seem cool enough, let's talk more!)

Oh man, Elieson, what have you done? It's spreading! :P:

Oh, um, also ... go ahead. biggrin.gif

Hmmm, I don't know you that well, but I saved you from the first post because I have some random points of interest.

You seem nice enough. You're polite and don't really get into much trouble. From what I've noticed you are definitely using Serenes as a social outlet. When you first joined you made a huge deal out of being female, which lead both Mumu and I to suspect you are male. I don't think either of us have completely forgotten that, and so we have been a little suspicious and watchful of you. I mean we really don't have an issue with stuff like that, just what the motives behind it might be :P:. And we could be completely wrong anyway, but you definitely left an odd first impression on the two of us.

In any case, you seem to get along with people and you haven't done anything to wrong anyone, so you're a cool new member in my books.

Judgement: ivh9jq_th.jpg (Neutral, we should talk more!)


edit: wtf I broke the emoticon limit.

edit2: by ONE emoticon!

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Sirius. Manny. Manmanicus. Manmanerino. Mandingo. Joxer The Mighty. The Puppet. Manmanaclese, and most importantly,

Joxer The Mighty.










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Here doggie doggie...Here doggie doggie

There are just so many things wrong with this. First of all, your living conditions. Who lives in a swamp bog? How do you even get Internet access there? What do you do there? That last one is especially important (and we are gonna go over a couple we already know of), because you could be getting up to some even more creepy stuff!

Your dog obsession. What's up with that Elieson? Dogs were not made to mate with humans! Do you raise them for that purpose or is it a soulmate type of deal?! How many dogs do you own? Do you have neighbours? Do your neighbours know of your dog thing?! How does this relate to your pog collection, if at all? Do you play pogs with the dogs? Do you play pogs with the dogs while you leap frog them? Do you play pogs with the dogs while you leap frog them in clogs? All important questions.

How did your prostitution ring start, and can it really be considered a ring when you are your only employee? What clients can you get in a swamp bog? There can't be many humans there. What types of payment do you accept, if your clients are not human?

It has been said that you have a Schrödinger family. Can you explain this to us?

Overall, you seem like a pretty nice individual with some odd hobbies and thoughts. We should talk more.

Judgement: ivh9jq_th.jpg (You seem cool enough, let's talk more!)

Oh noes you found me out.. I just can't hide this from you anymore Tang...

As for my Schrodingers' family...no comment :X

Well...i guess now is as good a time as any to come clean, isn't it ? >.>

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Another Xena fan I see >:D

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Another Xena fan I see >:D

I haven't seen a bit of the show in like five years, and I've only watched a handful of seasons (four?). It bogged down too much after a while.

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I haven't seen a bit of the show in like five years, and I've only watched a handful of seasons (four?). It bogged down too much after a while.

I am currently a little over half way through season 6. You should pick it up again; S5 can be a bit slow, but so far S6 has been pretty awesome on the romance :O.

Also the season 5 finale was amazing. One ep in season 5 even made Joe (Death) cry :O.

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I'm doing them in the order of your posts. Be patient, I am a busy woman >:P!

Also nice av Erkle.

you still need to do /me/ :D

I'm still shocked at how much you know about me.....

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