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Boron Tries to Guess Your Affinity


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Emerald Knight: Your affinity is fire. You like being involved in stuff that goes around you, and you don't like to be left out or ignored. If you disagree with anything or anyone, you'll be sure to let that be known. You're not shy about expressing your thoughts and emotions, and you can be easy to excite or motivate.


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Breezy: Your affinity is fire. You have strong opinions and don't hold back on your feelings. You are somewhat easy to annoy or anger, and you may take some things too seriously. But you don't really hold grudges and will often cool down given some time.

Momentai~: Your affinity is water. You are enthusiastic and involved in the community and you don't mind letting people know what's on your mind. You are helpful and don't mind asking for advice or giving it. You are most levelheaded and easy to get along with.

Edited by Sangyul
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Okay, because this thread refuses to die. If I don't know you at all, I'm going to give you a random affinity and not expound on it because I have nothing.

Makaze: Fire

Esau of Isaac: Fire

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Ein: Your affinity is dark. You're rather cynical and aren't worried too much about how you act, but you do get depressed or annoyed at people thinking ill about you and might have issues with confidence. I have a feeling you don't really have high opinions of people in general and that you don't warm up very easy to people. You're also sarcastic.

Integ: Your affinity is lightning. You're a take-charge kind of guy who can get everyone's attentions, fast, and get them to listen to you. However, you are quick to temper at times and as objective as you try to be, your viewpoint can still be colored by emotions. Your likes and thoughts are different from the ordinary and people are either inexplicably drawn to you or repelled.

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Terrador: Your affinity is water. You're an easygoing guy who usually gets along with everyone and generally likes people. You care for those who are closest to you, but you tend to beat yourself up at times when things go wrong. You are a difficult person to anger, but I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of it when it does happen.

Minato Arisato: Your affinity is fire. You're outgoing, outspoken, and opinionated. You have a fiery temper and are quick to emotion and to react, often acting rashly and getting angry easily. You eventually defuse, though, and don't really hold grudges. You like being the center of attention and may not be comfortable with things not going the way you intended.

deranger: Your affinity is earth. You're a level headed, easygoing guy who is objective and intelligent. You don't let your emotions cloud your judgement and you are rarely angered. However, you don't interact with people that much and you may not be the best at dealing with them either. You don't really talk to people more than you have to.

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Minato Arisato: Your affinity is fire. You're outgoing, outspoken, and opinionated. You have a fiery temper and are quick to emotion and to react, often acting rashly and getting angry easily. You eventually defuse, though, and don't really hold grudges. You like being the center of attention and may not be comfortable with things not going the way you intended.

*Thinks about it* Hmm, that does sound rather accurate to what I act like. I would have thought wind, but Fire's ok too.

Supporting with me gives you Avoid, awesome.

Is there someone in SF who guesses which of the major Arcana you are?

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Ein: Your affinity is dark. You're rather cynical and aren't worried too much about how you act, but you do get depressed or annoyed at people thinking ill about you and might have issues with confidence. I have a feeling you don't really have high opinions of people in general and that you don't warm up very easy to people. You're also sarcastic.


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