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Boron Tries to Guess Your Affinity


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This is a pretty interesting description, fine choice! Although I guess all of these won't apply to one person ^^.

Yeah, exactly. You could be a mix of several affinities, or you could only have the good/bad traits of one affinity and none of its associated bad/good traits. It's more like a "guideline" of what I think defines each affinity, I guess, but one person will definitely not be purely one element and have all the listed traits and only those IRL.

After reading the analyses I'd say my IRL personality is a mix between Dark/Earth/Fire.

Yeah ... I didn't know you all that well to make an accurate analysis. ^_^; I'm sure that I've got several people wrong, simply because of Internet/online persona and real life differences, or I just didn't know you well enough.

Last two will come within an hour or so.

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Wind: People with the wind affinity are independent and free-spirited. They are slightly odd dreamers who wish for excitement and adventure in their lives. They are multitalented people who can master any subject or work should they choose to. They are creative and have a great love of art. People of this affinity do not need to rely on another and are very capable of taking care of themselves. They are laid-back and easygoing individuals who are not angered easily, but they are fierce in their beliefs and will not hesitate to defend them if so provoked. They are romantic and imaginative. They are hopeful for the future and the things that lay ahead of them.

On the other hand, people with this affinity are detached and distant. They do not interact often with people, even those closest to them, and prefer to keep to themselves. They are an enigma to others and difficult to understand. Because they are imaginative dreamers, they may not live in reality, preferring to stay in their own world. They may not be satisfied with their lives or may fail to appreciate what they have, dreaming of a more exciting existence instead. Their passion is limited to only the things that interest them and they rarely involve themselves with anything outside of their sphere of interest. They may be unrealistic in their hopes and dreams.

Lightning: People with the lightning affinity are intelligent yet odd. They are naturally smart and able to pick up on new concepts with relative ease. They are deep thinkers who can see beneath the surface of a given situation. People of this affinity attempt to be as objective as possible, wanting to do what is best. They are realistic and logical in their thoughts and goals. They are competitive and strive to be the best they can be, although they accept defeat graciously. They may have a strange charisma about them that draws people in, and they behave politely and respectfully in the appropriate situation. They like who they are and rarely suffer from self-confidence issues.

On the other hand, people with the lightning affinity are irrational and temperamental. Despite their natural intelligence, they often lack common sense. They are distant at times and sometimes may be a "hanger-on" even amongst their own friends. They attempt to be objective, but are not always successful at keeping their own emotions at bay. People with this affinity are secretly insecure about something, and they feel as if they have to prove themselves and seek approval. Their oddness may be a repellant to some people. They want to be "right" and are afraid of making mistakes, and so they are often hesitant and reluctant about making decisions.

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Okie dokie then *cracks knuckles* Owie that hurteded =[

Long list and a lot to read, but those are what fit me of each affinity. I think I did all of this just to have it overlooked though because that is a lot XD

Light: They also make friends easily and are not picky about choosing friends. They believe in true love and friendship. They can also be very clingy, poor to adapt to change, and too needy.

Dark: People with the dark affinity are realistic. They know that the world isn't all happiness, and so they are able to handle difficult news with more levelheadedness than others. They are often deep, perceptive thinkers and they are cautious. They have well thought-out opinions on life, the world, and people. They do not trust blindly and are always careful around people initially. However, they do care about the people closest to them, and give their respect and friendship to those they feel are worthy. Sharp wit XD and sarcasm are their greatest weapons.

On the other hand, people with the dark affinity are almost always pessimists. They always look on the dark side of life, often dampening the moods of everyone else around them, and are downers.

Earth: They don't feel the need to be constantly surrounded by people, and they are perfectly content with being alone for periods of time. They have a very long fuse and they do not anger easily. They are also good friends to the people whom they feel are worthy of their friendship.

Cosmic: Unlike the earth affinities, those with the cosmic affinity are good at listening to people and offering them sympathy and advice. They are able to see a situation from the many angles and different point of views, but they do not feel the need to make their opinions and intellect known to others.

On the other hand, people with the cosmic affinity are often too quiet and out of the way. They are often easily overlooked because their presence isn't as strong or as obvious, and if they are not well established within their group then they can be forgotten. Because they do not feel the need to tell others about themselves, they can come off as an enigma, which may be frustrating to the people around them who feel as if they know nothing about this person. (idk about that last bit though because when I'm "easily overlooked" I mean it XD)

Fire: They are emotional people whose moods have a tendency to switch according to how they feel at the moment. They are artistic and creative and have a great love of the arts. They have an appreciation for the simple things, but they refuse to let anyone walk over them and are very strong willed.

They are very impatient and do not like to wait for anyone. (impatience kinda depends... =3)

Water: People with the water affinity are friendly, easygoing, and supportive. They are kind people who always have time to listen to other people's problems, offering sympathy and advice when they can. ...and have a mature air about them. (also depends... a lot) However, they are firm in their beliefs and will stand up for what they believe in. But they always take care to be dignified in their arguments, and will not behave in a way that they believe will lower themselves. They are graceful (hahahahahahahaha bad word to use for me) people who are willing to do what is best for the people they care about and put themselves last. I guess?...

There are ways to make them very angry, very fast. They are also judgmental and often think that they are always right, and they do not like to be told of their own faults. (I have a feeling that I probably do have that in me... Not something that I care to pay attention to but I think I might be like that XD) Other people of this affinity may be weak-willed and a doormat to others. They are too polite or shy to argue or stand up for themselves, and let others walk over them. <----biggestest thing about me... D=

Wind: They are slightly odd dreamers who wish for excitement and adventure in their lives. They are creative and have a great love of art. They are laid-back and easygoing individuals who are not angered easily, but they are fierce in their beliefs and will not hesitate to defend them if so provoked. They are romantic and imaginative.

On the other hand, people with this affinity are detached and distant. They do not interact often with people, even those closest to them, and prefer to keep to themselves. They are an enigma to others and difficult to understand. (I still don't know about that...) Because they are imaginative dreamers, they may not live in reality, preferring to stay in their own world. They may not be satisfied with their lives or may fail to appreciate what they have, dreaming of a more exciting existence instead. Their passion is limited to only the things that interest them and they rarely involve themselves with anything outside of their sphere of interest. They may be unrealistic in their hopes and dreams.

Lightning: People of this affinity attempt to be as objective as possible, wanting to do what is best... and they behave politely and respectfully in the appropriate situation.

They attempt to be objective, but are not always successful at keeping their own emotions at bay. People with this affinity are secretly insecure about something, and they feel as if they have to prove themselves and seek approval. Their oddness may be a repellant to some people. (I bet =3) They want to be "right" and are afraid of making mistakes, and so they are often hesitant and reluctant about making decisions.

And it's a little sad to say that the one that I got rid of the least text in was dark D=

Edited by Freohr Datia
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  • 5 weeks later...

TheTinyImp: Your affinity is wind. You're usually an easygoing, friendly person who rarely gets angered and upset, but when something does tip you off you are fierce and a force to be reckoned with. You are creative and free-spirited, and you have an appreciation for the arts. You also have a romantic side of things and you are a dreamer, who uses imagination to escape the boringness of everyday life and the stresses that come along with it.

ZM456: Your affinity is water. You are a friendly, supportive person who tries to avoid upsetting others and being as diplomatic as you can be to avoid arguments. However, I wouldn't want to be the person to make you truly angry. You express your opinions and thoughts freely, but do so in a manner that does not upset others. While you're a noticeable presence on the forums nowadays, you still seem to be a bit cautious around people, so that you don't cause any conflict.

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ZM456: Your affinity is water. You are a friendly, supportive person who tries to avoid upsetting others and being as diplomatic as you can be to avoid arguments. However, I wouldn't want to be the person to make you truly angry. You express your opinions and thoughts freely, but do so in a manner that does not upset others. While you're a noticeable presence on the forums nowadays, you still seem to be a bit cautious around people, so that you don't cause any conflict.

Aw, this made my day. laugh.gif

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  • 7 months later...

ZM456: Your affinity is water. You are a friendly, supportive person who tries to avoid upsetting others and being as diplomatic as you can be to avoid arguments. However, I wouldn't want to be the person to make you truly angry. You express your opinions and thoughts freely, but do so in a manner that does not upset others. While you're a noticeable presence on the forums nowadays, you still seem to be a bit cautious around people, so that you don't cause any conflict.

Still mostly spot on.

Edited by ZM456
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Mancer: Your affinity is wind. You are definitely independent minded and strong-willed, but you seem like the type to prefer fantasy over reality. You might not always have the easiest time interacting and getting to know new people, but once you do find people you can relate to, you become close to them. Even so, you may be a bit distant even with those closest to you.

Lucina: Your affinity is water. Normally easygoing and friendly, you are difficult to truly anger and you are very go-with-the-flow. However, you have a passionate side that really shows when something that you care about becomes relevant. You can "fit into" a group easily, almost as if you've always belonged there, and become important to people around you.

Xinnidy: Your affinity is light. You are friendly and kind to people around you, and have a good sense of humor that makes you easy to get along with. But you fight back when you feel that you had been wronged and you don't let people walk over you. You could probably hold a grudge if you really wanted to, but would likely prefer to just clear up the tension.

Jedi: Your affinity is fire. You may have self-confidence issues from past events, but you are passionate and not afraid to show people how you feel. You get excited easily about stuff, and when you're upset you let it be known, but because of your lack of self-confidence you may not always say how you feel out loud and instead let the feeling stew into a possible grudge.

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Jedi: Your affinity is fire. You may have self-confidence issues from past events, but you are passionate and not afraid to show people how you feel. You get excited easily about stuff, and when you're upset you let it be known, but because of your lack of self-confidence you may not always say how you feel out loud and instead let the feeling stew into a possible grudge.

Sounds accurate haha. Good work :P

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Ice Sage: Your affinity is water. You rarely if ever get angry and have a calm, friendly demeanor. People like you because you're easy to get along with and not at all dramatic. You're content to not be the center of attention and to stand in the background, but that doesn't mean you'll let yourself be pushed around without a fight.

Otacon: Your affinity is dark. You don't really get along with people or think highly about them. People have to earn your respect before you decide you like them or not. You mostly keep to yourself, not letting others know too much about you ... perhaps because you don't quite trust them yet. You are a realist, not a dreamer, but sometimes a bit too much.

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