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. . .so instead you choose to go for JB, who has been posting not-that-often, which is "inactivity" in my mind. OKAY.

This is why my vote is staying put.

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. . .so instead you choose to go for JB, who has been posting not-that-often, which is "inactivity" in my mind. OKAY.

This is why my vote is staying put.

He was posting, he was just pointlessly arguing with Shota. Go reread plz

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He was posting, he was just pointlessly arguing with Shota. Go reread plz

- JB comes in

- JB starts yelling at people

- JB leaves

Hey, that's kind of what I'm doing, but I'm being nicer about it, because chocolate.

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I wasn't actually here, was on a game just had the browser open.

@ Paperblade: I posted other reasons than that for rapier. I stated that he wasn't scum hunting for anyone else, similiar to how you were, except he was active, we had 2 whole days left when he started voting me and he didn't remove it at all for most of the cycle. Even when we had a day and a half left to go he didn't seem to intend to scum hunt for others whatsoever. To me it seemed like he was just trying to go for someone who was an easy lynch target so it could be an easy mislynch.

Other than that i don't have much to say at the moment. I used my djinn on Bizz hoping that it helps her in someway shape or form. Apparently she was happy about it though so at least that's good.

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Well, I guess if Shinori didn't give Bizz a gift, someone would have counterclaimed, so that clears Shinori for now... Unless both of them are mafia, but I think Bizz is town.

Also, I lol'd at the second-last line of Paperblade's post. Is there anyone who doesn't make you uneasy? (This may sound slightly mocking, but it's a serious question)

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Also, expect my activity to go down now that the weekend is over. I don't celebrate Easter, so I didn't have any commitments over the past few days. I will now that I have school again.

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StSS: I can't read you goddamn, although you had a post that I can paraphrase as "I think Shota is the most suspicious, ##Vote: Shinori"

Um...well I only have 1 post in which I voted Shinori. To which I said this about Spike:

Spike: Eh, you are acting strange, not really being helpful. I can kind of sympathize with your not voting for rapier though because it comes off as jumping on a wagon, but with only 1 vote on him its not all that incriminating. I find you unsettling, but not the most suspicious.

And all of this about Shinori:

Shinori: You're acting suspicious. You want to talk about something that we don't really need to talk about, only you don't know what about it you want to talk about. So 1. you want to distract our discussion, but 2. you don't want to be apart of the discussion. Doesn't look good. Huh, okay, I didn't see that your Djinn needs to know what the other Djinns are...but still, assuming thats the truth, the way you brought it up was strange. Also I find it strange you felt the need to mention you didn't use your role and nothing happened to you. Seems like a way to appear like you're contributing when you aren't, because we can pretty much assume nothing (or nothing obvious, at least) happened to you if you don't come out and say "this happened to me" and what are you trying to establish an early alibi or something? I dunno, people just don't usually announce they they couldn't/didn't use their role night/cycle 0.

See above. Also, I'm glad you mentioned that strong role thing, I forgot to mention it earlier. That is suspicious because if you were town you wouldn't want to be telling the mafia you have a strong role. That is bad. Also, it has a sort of "I'm valuable because of my supposed strong role" tone that you may be setting up to use against a lynch. Either way, what benefit to discussion is it to bring that up?

I was admittedly cautious of being 3rd on the bandwagon, but after reading through your posts and formulating my opinions, everything you have said thus far is suspicious. All reasoning for this vote is above in this massive wall somewhere. ##Vote: Shinori I'm looking forward to your explanation.

So I guess I would want to know how you paraphrased that as "I think Shota is the most suspicious, Vote Shinori?"

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im tired and half-pissed off

Holy shit you're seriously not even trying to read. Inactivity is exactly the reason I gave right there. Jesus fucking christ.

Joshaymin/Aurora: What the fuck is even up with this guy. He popped in to vote me based on something I didn't say, then call me a dumbass.

What in the blue hell are you talking about? How in fuck does THAT imply you were PISSED AT ME FOR INACTIVITY? "Popped in"? Are you fucking me?

So the Adepts are Town, and the Guardians are Mafia?

I know Kay addressed this already, but... what the hell? I know you talked about how you thought the main adepts were town, bla bla bla, but that's, what, 8 people or something? What, did you think there were 7 mafioso, or something along those lines?

JB: I think it's odd that he felt Prims was scummy (yes I know Prims is dead) but never followed up with it instead choosing to ignore all the discussion on Rapier/Shinori and focus on arguing (poorly) with Shota. I honestly think JB is suspect because it seemed like he was trying to pretend he was contributing without giving opinions on what everyone else had an opinion about, so that if there was a flip on that he wouldn't be linked to it. JB's opinions of Shinori consist of regurgitating what Prims and Bizz said (which were just "I don't see anything wrong with him" thanks guys) super fucking late as the suspicions on him were dying down. If you are posting a read you should explain why (even if your reason is "just a gut feeling" I want to know how much actual thought is put behind this shit) and give an actual read on people who are being discussed.

I didn't follow up on my Prims suspicions because I was already on GUI's case. Did you want me to swap votes between Prims and GUI every time I posted? Well, sure, I could have done that as your precious "follow-up", but does that accomplish anything aside from making me look like an ass?

I'll admit, I didn't really follow Rapier/Shinori that much, especially since Rapier's posts began to taper off near the end of the phase. I thought the things he said earlier in the phase, about "overreacting because others overreacted lol" and "i wanted to say something (even though it's stupid) so i don't look absent" were stupid, and I did point them out a few times.

Well, what the hell else did you want me to do WRT Shinori, put up a goddamn essay? I gave my fucking opinion, which was that I thought he was fine, and I didn't see why people were voting him initially. And, as I remember, the last time I said "It's mostly been explained by others", I got my ass lynched on D1. I know I was mafia in that game, but still, what other reasoning can I give? "Gut feeling" is, according to my memory, an even better way of getting yourself lynched because you're still not fully explaining yourself!

too tired to respond to anything else, it's almost 12:45am and today was horrendously tiring

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I won't be around most of the day. I have two more classes, a meeting, and an essay to write, and I might or might not pass out for ten hours before I even get it all done.

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The point was you didn't give your opinion on Shinori until really late in the phase when people lost interest in him.

That isn't really at all what you said before though.

Hmm, it may have been mid to late in the context of the Shinori wagon thing, but there was still a good page and a half of discussion geared a lot towards him and another vote for him after what I said before I would say "really late in the phase" and that "people lost interest in him."

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Yes, my original thought was 8 playable adepts + Kraden were the Town, with Alex and the 4 antagonistic adepts being Mafia, with one guy left over I couldn't place. Yes, it makes too many Mafia, and I almost posted about it, but I chose not to because does it really matter? Like, are you seriously harping on me for that, of all things? Geez...

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That isn't really at all what you said before though.

Hmm, it may have been mid to late in the context of the Shinori wagon thing, but there was still a good page and a half of discussion geared a lot towards him and another vote for him after what I said before I would say "really late in the phase" and that "people lost interest in him."

I'm talking about JB not you >_>

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Yes, my original thought was 8 playable adepts + Kraden were the Town, with Alex and the 4 antagonistic adepts being Mafia, with one guy left over I couldn't place. Yes, it makes too many Mafia, and I almost posted about it, but I chose not to because does it really matter? Like, are you seriously harping on me for that, of all things? Geez...

But the thing is, you didn't say "So all the Adepts are Town", you just said Adepts were Town. That's kind of a reasonable idea otherwise. It sounds close enough, considering that you're new. It just seriously sounds that you didn't know what the Town was called.

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I'm talking about JB not you >_>

oh, lol, sorry bout that then bro.

And in all seriousness, Kay, why are you askin so much about this whole BBM adepts whoever town whatever thing? Really doesn't seem all that important after the clarification he assumed good adepts are town and bad adepts are mafia. I mean, it is unnecessary to post about now knowing what mafia are called in thread, sure, but talking about it more doesn't really do anything of importance.

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Holy crap Batman. Marth had very OP powers, and Prims died too soon for my tastes, although I figured out he was one of the most pro-towns and one of the best Mafia kills. About the Kidnapper, I don't know what to think about it. Why would he kidnap Spike? Or better, does that mean he wanted to stop him from taking action or did he want to make sure they wouldn't lynch Spike on this turn? ... The last alternative is improbable, so I rest.

Also, since Marth tried to get both me, Shinori and Bizz lynched, doesn't that mean our chances of being scum are lower? He pretty much sheeped agaisnt me when I voted him. >:

Holy crap, that totally threw off my predictions about which characters were on which side. So the Adepts are Town, and the Guardians are Mafia? Some of Star Magician's abilities definitely seem geared towards Mafia. If Prims was the Roleblocker, and he was telling the truth about getting roleblocked himself, then there is either a roleblock Djinn, or the Mafia have a roleblocker.

... The only ones who don't know that Adepts are Town is the Mafia, or maybe third-parties. Sure, the Adepts could be villains either, just like Agatio was one of the villains for Golden Sun Book 2, that's why it's confusing to anyone who isn't of the Adepts group.

So, are you a third-party or a scum?

I had earlier assumed that the 8 playable Adepts were Town, and the antagonistic Adepts being the Mafia. So the "So" was directed partially towards all Adepts being Town, and Guardians being Mafia, which I had no considered.

The Adepts are the Adepts, it refers to their group in general. Don't you think it would be weird to have scum Adepts and town Adepts having the same group/faction name? I dislike your excuse, but I'll let it slide because you're new to this.

if I wanted to lynch an inactive, I would vote the people voting me, Ether, Manix, or myself

Except they contribute more than you do and Manix has an excuse + doesn't lurk. Also why do you consider Ether as an inactive if he was already posting by the time you said he's inactive.

Rapier: Does crazy things and doesn't contribute but makes it REALLY FUCKING OBVIOUS, seems to have replaced Sho and Proto for the "This guy is making an ass of himself let's lynch him" person who UNFORTUNATELY IS NEVER LYNCHED GODDAMN (note that they are like never scum they just make NOC games impossible to read and unfun)

Olol so fucking true.

He was posting, he was just pointlessly arguing with Shota. Go reread plz

How the hell do you call a consistent argument as something pointless? He had a point agaisnt Spike, a point recognized by me, Bizz and someone else I don't remember now.

I'll read Marth's posts as soon as I have the courage to find and read them. I think I'll find something useful amongst them, mostly the players he sheeped.

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