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manix peeves me in that he comes in and goes "guys I'm reviving prims lol," repeats it a few pages later, and then otherwise seems to be using this as an excuse to not add to ongoing discussion whatsever.

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also god dammit I am not taking spanish next year, I'm making my dad take me to Mexico in the winter and teach me himself. i swear.

In other news I will finally do things once my last class is done (finishing player impressions list and voting). I'm still not sure about rapier and honestly I don't want to vote manix right now even though he's irritating me. My vote might go to kay, eclipse, or iris. More explanations later, though eclipse is still looking a little better than the other two.

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My vote is staying on Rapier because JB got the quote source right.

As irritating as Manix is, if she's lynched and telling the truth, we're out of a revival. Please keep that in mind.

I'll accept "school's making me busy, so I don't have time to reread everything". Do well on that exam, or I vote you again~!


Now, where's everyone else?

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Why are you trying so hard to clear yourself by Marth's actions, bro? Looks a little suspicious to me that you keep pushing it when something like that really isn't for certain unless he is like really really reallt tryin to get you lynched and you almost get lynched at the end of the phase. I may have to go back and look at how the votes played out with him voting you and what not, but right now it kinda sounds like "Scum voted for me so I'm clear."

And you ask why scum would vote for another scum at the beginning of the phase? Well because that is when the other scum they are voting for has the least chance of actually being lynched, and unless he is pointing out something real good his and other's votes are probably goin off you at some point. (Cant remember who he ended up voting for though)

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By the way, Kay's pressing you too much for something you already answered and that annoys me. I wish she'd look at the rest of the game and stop focusing on one target/badgering only one target.

Well, I dislike Spike's cautioness but that didn't make him seem like the player that would be lynched. On the entire phase, he only got two or three votes, I don't remember. So there's no risk for a Mafia Kidnapper, I guess. Unless the Kidnapper isn't a kidnapper but a Djinn effect, like Prims' could roleblock. Either way, that was a pretty stupid move if the Kidnapper/Djinn user is really Town.

I stopped bothering him about it. All I'm doing now is trying to explain why I did it in the first place. I have looked at other things. I yelled at Ether. I just can't find that much to say right now.

Yeah, but it makes sense that a newish player would think it was best to avoid idling.


Why are you trying so hard to clear yourself by Marth's actions, bro? Looks a little suspicious to me that you keep pushing it when something like that really isn't for certain unless he is like really really reallt tryin to get you lynched and you almost get lynched at the end of the phase. I may have to go back and look at how the votes played out with him voting you and what not, but right now it kinda sounds like "Scum voted for me so I'm clear."

This. I would say something about it myself, but Straw said everything I would have.

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Ok, Paperblade came on just before Proto announced that the cycle was over, so he was here at the time of the deadline. He makes a post denouncing Marth:

I just noticed that Marth spent most of the game bitching about Prims and never put a single vote on him


At that point, Marth already had 9 votes, so adding this was pretty superfluous. It seems like this was a subtle way to seem on the Town's side just before Marth was lynched, so that it looks like he's on a different side from Marth. But he doesn't actually vote, so it doesn't look so much like he's just last-minute bandwagoning. So ##Vote Paperblade.

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Why are you trying so hard to clear yourself by Marth's actions, bro? Looks a little suspicious to me that you keep pushing it when something like that really isn't for certain unless he is like really really reallt tryin to get you lynched and you almost get lynched at the end of the phase. I may have to go back and look at how the votes played out with him voting you and what not, but right now it kinda sounds like "Scum voted for me so I'm clear."

And you ask why scum would vote for another scum at the beginning of the phase? Well because that is when the other scum they are voting for has the least chance of actually being lynched, and unless he is pointing out something real good his and other's votes are probably goin off you at some point. (Cant remember who he ended up voting for though)

I never said I'm clear. I searched for Marth's posts to see if I could get something from them, and I found it useful to say that Shinori, me and Bizz were sheeped by him. If you think it helps us (it doesn't innocent us, but I mean, makes us less scummy), then sure, that's useful. It's also a form of scumhunting: If you manage to shorten your suspects list, you will be able to focus on the scummiest ones.

Also, Marth never voted anyone at that point, from what I know. Later I think he voted Shinori, me and then Bizz, but I'm not sure about Shinori or if he voted someone else. I get the impression he voted Manix too, but I may be mistaking him from another player. He voted Shinori because everyone was voting him, he voted me (from every other choice he had, because it was Prims who started the "Marth bandwagon" yet he set all the guilt on me) because I voted him (he even justifies it!), and then he voted Bizz to blame her in order to live longer.

Ok, Paperblade came on just before Proto announced that the cycle was over, so he was here at the time of the deadline. He makes a post denouncing Marth:

At that point, Marth already had 9 votes, so adding this was pretty superfluous. It seems like this was a subtle way to seem on the Town's side just before Marth was lynched, so that it looks like he's on a different side from Marth. But he doesn't actually vote, so it doesn't look so much like he's just last-minute bandwagoning. So ##Vote Paperblade.

Funny point, since he used an old reason to

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... Meh.

Ok, Paperblade came on just before Proto announced that the cycle was over, so he was here at the time of the deadline. He makes a post denouncing Marth:

At that point, Marth already had 9 votes, so adding this was pretty superfluous. It seems like this was a subtle way to seem on the Town's side just before Marth was lynched, so that it looks like he's on a different side from Marth. But he doesn't actually vote, so it doesn't look so much like he's just last-minute bandwagoning. So ##Vote Paperblade.

Funny point, since he used an old reason to justify himself when he had a lot of new reasons to use and they were exactly what made people vote for Marth.

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So I'm gonna post some questions just so we can get some of everyone's general thoughts after reading.

1) First off what do you think of marth's votes before cycle one end? Do you think there is any relevance behind them? Do you think the people he started voting for are most likely town?

2) To go along with question 1 Who do you think is the most town at the moment? Also why do you think they are the most town?

3) Now the opposite of that, Who do you think is most likely to be scum? And why do you think that? Any specific reasoning?

4) Do you think the kidnapper is more town or scum?

5) What do you think the chances of a third party being in play are? Say a survivor or cult?

1) I think at first he was just trying to get a good opportunistic vote on me to get me lynched. After that failed i believe he was attempting to cause a mislynch on anyone he could, which failed. In all reality i think because of how he acted rapier and bizz are most likely town, but i think there is the possibility that one of them maybe mafia in solely an attempt to throw us off since he probably figured he was going to be lynched and it would be a good way to hide a mafia member.

2) Most town at the moment i think would be Ether, BBM, Bizz, and rapier. Ether has been extremely helpful in her few posts and I've gotten strong town vibes from her. BBM just seems townish to me. And my reasoning for bizz and rapier have to do with marth voting them. Bizz was helpful though in the first place and i figured she was town even before that.

3) Most likely to be scum to me, i think might be Manix or strawman. I don't have too many opinions here though however, and no evidence or anything to hold against them, but i have played with strawman when we were both mafia and i've seen how he can act in games. And manix just doesn't seem to be TOO active or helpful. I'm always fairly bad at scum hunting though so. Bleh.

4) I don't know, I don't see any reason to kidnap him as town or mafia really. Unless the mafia knew his role, so i actually think the kidnapper would be scum, why would town kidnap him? He didn't really have that much focus on him and doubtful on the mafia targeting him. To me it seems the mafia either didn't like something he was saying in cycle one or they knew his role.

5) I'm thinking paperblade or eclipse might be some sort of third party, I don't think SK though. I'm thinking paperblade might be a survivor of some sorts. Just the way he's acting, if he was mafia i believe he would be a lot more helpful, as bizz stated, meta meta meat. But if he was town i would think the same thing. Something just seems off to me at how he acts and posts. Not sure.

So for now, I'm gonna avoid paperblade because if he is a survivor I'd rather just leave him be for now.

##Vote: Manix for now

I don't like how you claimed reviver supposedly in the open. We alreayd had a djinn that died that was supposedly a reviving djinn, a reviver and a reviving djinn in the game would give the town a lot of power to stay in this game. Especially his djinn combined with my djinn if he had lived, we would have been able to revive a person two cycles in a row. Also claiming openly so early when we know there are roleblockers and kidnappers just screams "HI BLOCK ME." Not to mention you also haven't been too helpful for cycle one or most of the game besides that either.

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if I was a survivor or other form of harmless neutral I would have claimed and continued to not care

also BBM's point would have more merit if I didn't have a history of doing similar things

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if I was a survivor or other form of harmless neutral I would have claimed and continued to not care

also BBM's point would have more merit if I didn't have a history of doing similar things

I don't know if this is true or not, but in any case, I don't like arguments based on a person's playing style, because anyone experienced (as you are), could easily use it to misdirect attention.

If there are third-party roles, I can't see it being a harmless one.

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1) First off what do you think of marth's votes before cycle one end? Do you think there is any relevance behind them? Do you think the people he started voting for are most likely town?

2) To go along with question 1 Who do you think is the most town at the moment? Also why do you think they are the most town?

3) Now the opposite of that, Who do you think is most likely to be scum? And why do you think that? Any specific reasoning?

4) Do you think the kidnapper is more town or scum?

5) What do you think the chances of a third party being in play are? Say a survivor or cult?

1) I'd have to go back and check. Really it could go either way. He either could have actually been trying to get someone else lynched, or if it was way past when he was pretty much definitely being lynched he could have potentially voted another scum knowing they wouldn't get lynched and making seem like they wouldn't be on the same team.

2) Hard to answer. BBM doesn't seem like scum, Shinori doesn't anymore, Bizz seems townish for now but I would like to note her confirmation of Prims being role blocked doesn't mean she is town, I'm still pretty suspect on everyone else though.

3) I've got my suspicions on recent actions by Kay, Rapier, and Manix. And I wish Iris would get in here at some point this cycle.

4) For now I'll say mafia. But then that makes the Spike choice curious. On the other hand, town kidnappers can exist. I played one once.

5) Eh, this makes me questions all kinds of things like numbers, if all the playable adepts are in, what other adepts, if there could be room for third parties, what third parties might be. Of course some of those aren't very important though. Anyways, the possibility certainty exists but it isn't like we have any way of knowing. I would say rule out the possibility of an SK if we don't see 2 kills this cycle or next, but then there is always the possibility of alternate kill nights. This is just pure not really helpful speculation.

3) Most likely to be scum to me, i think might be Manix or strawman. I don't have too many opinions here though however, and no evidence or anything to hold against them, but i have played with strawman when we were both mafia and i've seen how he can act in games. And manix just doesn't seem to be TOO active or helpful. I'm always fairly bad at scum hunting though so. Bleh.

Aww, Shinori, just because I played an active, helpful, townie looking mafia once doesn't mean I could necessarily do it again. Not that I'm being near as active and townie and helpful here as I was that game anyways. But meta is meta I suppose.

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Number of players alive: 13

Number of players that have a really good excuse for not posting: 1

That leaves 12 noisemakers.

So I'm gonna post some questions just so we can get some of everyone's general thoughts after reading.

1) First off what do you think of marth's votes before cycle one end? Do you think there is any relevance behind them? Do you think the people he started voting for are most likely town?

2) To go along with question 1 Who do you think is the most town at the moment? Also why do you think they are the most town?

3) Now the opposite of that, Who do you think is most likely to be scum? And why do you think that? Any specific reasoning?

4) Do you think the kidnapper is more town or scum?

5) What do you think the chances of a third party being in play are? Say a survivor or cult?

1. Marth came off as desperate. I'm not sure if his scumbuddies were good enough to tell him to bus his team, but given that Bizz vote. . .probably not.

2. I'm inclined to think that Shinori's town, mostly on the merits of me having to tell him to shut up. BBM's half-in the same boat. I'd like to think that Bizz isn't against the town, but whether she's town or a third-party remains to be seen. She was very keen on defending Prims.

3. Kay's pressing seems a bit odd, as well as Rapier's wording on some things. I'm also not too fond of Manix's "contribution" of revival. . .but that's something that can be proven, one way or another. I'm also not happy with Iris' disappearance, but IIRC, she has a life.

4. It's hard to say. Some people found Spike to be scummy; others found him noisy. I'd like to watch the kidnappings over the next couple of cycles before judging which side the kidnapper's on.

5. I'm not sure how well cults and revivers mix. If there is a cult, a warning: The last two times I was culted, it did not end well for the cult.

Now, then. . .

If there are third-party roles, I can't see it being a harmless one.

Do you know something of the game's balance that I don't? Because all I have is my role, and it doesn't tell me anything about third-parties, or how harmful/harmless they are (or if they even exist).

. . .on second thought, never mind. But do watch how you say things~!


Come to think of it, I was a mafia reviver once. Thanks, JB~!

##Vote: Manix

Please say something else besides what you're claiming as a role.

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Sorry, but isn't that what happened? =P

No! I swear I'm still innocent! I was just masquerading as mafia!

We haven't even got through one page today.

HAHAHAHA! You'll never catch all the other mafia now!

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No! I swear I'm still innocent! I was just masquerading as mafia!

HAHAHAHA! You'll never catch all the other mafia now!

You're dead. Put a sock in it.

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1) First off what do you think of marth's votes before cycle one end? Do you think there is any relevance behind them? Do you think the people he started voting for are most likely town?

I think it makes Shinori look townish, as Shinori was actually in significant danger of being lynched at the time. Granted, this could have been because the mafia had already given up on him, so it's not that strong an indication.

Rapier also had some votes on him, enough that voting for him would probably be a bad idea if he were mafia, considering how bandwagon-prone D1 lynches are, but not enough that mafia would bus him, IMO. So, yeah, I do think this makes Rapier look more townish, I just don't want him jumping up and down shouting about how clear he is.

Marth's vote for Bizz was pretty late in the cycle, and while it was when the bandwagon on him was just starting, he at least should have been thinking about what leads he would be leaving behind if he was lynched. If there's any meaning in that vote, I think it actually points to Bizz being scum more than anything else.

It's a common enough strategy to establish hostility toward one of your scumbuddies so that whoever lives longer will look townish. There was absolutely no way Bizz would have been lynched at that point in the phase, so it wouldn't be very risky. Not an accusation or anything, I still think Bizz looks pretty pro-town, it's just the only thing that I can get out of that vote.

2) To go along with question 1 Who do you think is the most town at the moment? Also why do you think they are the most town?

Shinori - he's looked like noobtown for a while now, and his claim of doing something to Bizz helps with this

Bizz - all around reasonable posts

Not as strong a read:

JB - I figure he's posting pretty often considering that he's busy, and what he' s been able to post looks okay to me.

3) Now the opposite of that, Who do you think is most likely to be scum? And why do you think that? Any specific reasoning?

Spike - I'm not as suspicious of him as I was originally, but I still don't like the way he was acting. Plus I don't really like the way Marth was buddying with him here.

Paperblade - I really don't like how he suddenly made time to post when people started voting for him, said nothing useful until then, and now he's faded back into inactivity again. If it were Strawman or someone like that, I'd probably let it go, so you can sue me for metagaming or whatever, but it just doesn't look great. And, well, suspecting nearly everyone isn't that much more useful than not suspecting anyone.

Not as strong a read:

Eclipse - It's not just that wasn't posting as much, what she has posted just is kinda lackluster, too. I mean, Eclipse would be like a 14 on a scale of 1-30, with 1 being most suspicious, but it's still something.

4) Do you think the kidnapper is more town or scum?

I think either the kidnapper is scum who worried that Spike would be lynched, or noobtown. Probably slightly more likely to be town, but IDK. Again, assuming it IS a kidnapper. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some role that just looked the same.

5) What do you think the chances of a third party being in play are? Say a survivor or cult?

I think the chances are pretty good. I don't really think it's more likely than there not being a third party, but it doesn't seem unlikely either. Basically I have no opinion on this, sorry.

We alreayd had a djinn that died that was supposedly a reviving djinn, a reviver and a reviving djinn in the game would give the town a lot of power to stay in this game.

But Proto made a role for every single Djinn. Probably several of them are revivers of some sort. The randomized choice thing was fairly complicated, it would make sense if he was trying to differentiate several different Reviver Djinn. Keep in mind that a lot of things about the setup will be based on luck because of the Djinn system.

Also, it doesn't matter if Manix is scum right now. If he's mafia, and there is no mafia reviver, we can lynch him when Prims isn't revived. If he is a mafia reviver, why not make him help the town first? I'd say reviving Prims is worth keeping him around for, in that case. There isn't anything to be gained from lynching Manix this cycle.

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just so you'll be happy, I'm preparing a long ass post with opinions and stuff. It's about half done, and I've been at it for about 45 minutes or something like that

it's getting there

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Initial stuff: I'm still not that well, I feel like crap, and have just got back to school, so activity is gonna be very scarce. Hell, even this is an effort to get out there.

Also, finally a reread that gave something useful: Marth wagon was completely justified, and stuff.

Also, it doesn't matter if Manix is scum right now. If he's mafia, and there is no mafia reviver, we can lynch him when Prims isn't revived. If he is a mafia reviver, why not make him help the town first? I'd say reviving Prims is worth keeping him around for, in that case. There isn't anything to be gained from lynching Manix this cycle.

^ This, pretty much.

Let's consider the possibilities. Say I'm a town reviver: I target Prims, he'll be back, and the mafia is very likely to try and be rid of me asap. ie: my claim here is very risky, and will probably backfire anyway.

Say I'm scum: You can just lynch me next phase anyway, because I'd just target Marth instead, or idle.

Also, some specifics:

- I can only keep one person revived at a time, and can choose whether they stay living or not

- It's my actual role ability, not my djinn ability

Opinions on people: (note: no one is certain, they could swing to either. Just merely stuff about what they tend toward)

Spike (I wanted to do this first, because of important): Quite aggressive in play. This quote from C1 still irks me right now:

I didn't wanna possibly start a bandwagon :u

I mean, lets be serious for a second. Bandwagons are really just multiple pressure votes most of the time in C1, and after that is dependent to what information is available. Any bandwagons that start later on out of nowhere, are likely to be mafia driven wagons. Mafia also want wagons to occur early, if they're not aimed at Mafia members. Now, this not vote was aimed at Rapier (although he did vote later, almost like he was pressured into it by the arguments against, on that note, which seems quite suspect.), although after a C0 vote as well. But since C0 votes didn't count, the mafia could have thrown votes at each other, making some of them seem like town in C1 and beyond. I don't think that possibility has even been considered by anyone at all this game. Seems quite scummy. I would vote him, if he wasn't kidnapped.

Aurora: Something about his posts irk me. They seem almost too aggressive sometimes. Neutral.

Clipsey: Generally forceful for information. Seems fairly town.

Kay: Productive towards town's goals, see Clipsey.

BBM: Showing a lot of newbie vibe. Leaning towards town. Although, this is to note (do remember the newbie part):

I am still feeling slightly iffy about Shinori, but I am going to ##Unvote Shinori. I don't really think we should lynch this phase. All our votes are based off of someone "seeming" suspicious, whether it's Rapier or Shinori. Now, I am a newbie, so I don't know if lynches are based off of things like this often, but I, at least, am looking for some more concrete proof, which no one has at the moment.

He also self acknowledges why he doesn't think lynching was a wise idea, and that's likely to be because of inexperience. And I vaguely recall someone saying that there is no concrete proof in NOC (it was Kay in the very next post). But I wouldn't worry BBM, this'll come with time. :)

Rapier: After what happened C1, and Marth putting a vote on him, I'm inclined toward town.

Shinori: Fairly similar to BBM, and trying to pull off a gambit with roleblockers. Leaning town. Apparently an inventor, if this is to be believed from C2:

You're welcome Bizz.

which was in reply to:

Oh, but I received a present last night, thanks to whoever gave it to me.

At least, I think someone gave it to me.

Although, it's apparently a djinn ability, from such:

Other than that i don't have much to say at the moment. I used my djinn on Bizz hoping that it helps her in someway shape or form. Apparently she was happy about it though so at least that's good.

Strawman: Helping, but I'm not seeing scum intention anywhere.

Paperblade: Very forceful play when he's around, apparently normal for him. I don't really have any real reads on him yet. And that's kinda worrying, tbh.

Iris: Hasn't really been around, but hasn't been completely counter productive to town. Leaning town.

Ether: Posting restriction C1 didn't help trying to get any reads. C2 hasn't produced much either. Neutral.

Levity: From C1 shenanigans, likely town, given her "info" that allowed her to semi-clear Prims (who is now confirmed). There was a lot of undue suspicion on her during C1 that I didn't agree with.

Can the kidnapper kidnap themselves? Because in that case, I'm even more suspicious of Spike.

If you have questions for me, fire away. I'll try to answer them the best that I can.

Also, re claiming Reviver randomly, I can understand that you'd be suspicious. But I'm just letting you know about what my intentions are this cycle. And I'm fully aware that I'll likely be killed for it. It's a risk I'm willing to take.

long post is long

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Pretty sure kidnappers can't target themselves (if they can in this game, it'll be a first).

Also, ##Unvote. Get thee to a doctor?

I mentioned earlier that I thought the mafia would be among the inactive/new people. Of the new people, Spike's gone and BBM still doesn't give me beginner scum vibes. Of the inactive, Paperblade, Ether and Iris are nowhere to be found, and JB mentioned that he'd be busy (so did Strawman, IIRC). There's also Rapier with his random posts, but that's not quite enough justification for me to vote him right now. Therefore. . .

##Vote: Paperblade

I swear you're only capable of contributing when there's votes on you.

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Now, about Marth's posts...

It was his first post in C1. The fact that he didn't have any realisation about what the hell was happening at that time is: He didn't even know what I did, and he misunderstood what people had said about me, and their reasons for voting me. I see a clear attempt to sheep agaisnt me. Also, Shinori never said he had a strong Djinn, he said he had a strong -role-. Marth tried to put things on his mouth in a way to justify his reasoning. If that isn't sheeping, then tell me what it is.

Now tell me why a scum would want to sheep another scum so early in the Cycle, without any proper case formed agaisnt them. When it's clear someone's suspicious and is acting scummy, then it's a good strategy to vote that person although he's your scumbuddy, but that was just too soon. Hence why I believe Shinori and Bizz are Town and I think it kinda helps my case here.

His other posts were self-defenses and overreactions, I see no need to quote them. Well, there's that post in which he voted Bizz, but we know about it.

Trying too hard? I know it's been pointed out, but that really stuck out as you trying really really desperately to clear yourself. And that's usually not a good thing.

So I'm gonna post some questions just so we can get some of everyone's general thoughts after reading.

1) First off what do you think of marth's votes before cycle one end? Do you think there is any relevance behind them? Do you think the people he started voting for are most likely town?

2) To go along with question 1 Who do you think is the most town at the moment? Also why do you think they are the most town?

3) Now the opposite of that, Who do you think is most likely to be scum? And why do you think that? Any specific reasoning?

4) Do you think the kidnapper is more town or scum?

5) What do you think the chances of a third party being in play are? Say a survivor or cult?

1) He was probably trying too hard to look townish. Nothing sticks out that much aside from his horrendous last-ditch effort at voting Bizz, so it's really hard to say if the people he voted were indeed town. Again, he could have made that last post independently, or scum buddies could have told him to bus someone before he died.

2) Prims

Me - well duh I can see my role PM

BBM - Again, newbtown vibes, pretty sure he's town, but again, nothing's certain.

Shinori - Doesn't strike me as being mafia. Still, this isn't a very strong vibe.

Bizz - Got attacked (really shittily) by Marth, so that's plus points for her, and she did back up Prims while he was alive, for what it's worth.

Kay - Again, active on C0, got hit with a post restriction on C1 (indicating mafia doesn't want her talking too much, in all likelihood), has been pretty helpful so far. There was the pushing on BBM, so that's meh, but still a townvibe.

3) Spike. Kay provides a link later to a post Marth made buddying him, which does look really bad for Spike. In addition, I still think that his entire reasoning for that C1 refusal to bandwagon is bullshit, how that's what mafia would do, etc.

Paperblade - Mostly inactivity when I know he's alive, unlike Iris who's got shitty school stuff too.

null reads on everyone else

Come to think of it, I was a mafia reviver once. Thanks, JB~!

when was this

Spike - I'm not as suspicious of him as I was originally, but I still don't like the way he was acting. Plus I don't really like the way Marth was buddying with him here.

But Proto made a role for every single Djinn. Probably several of them are revivers of some sort. The randomized choice thing was fairly complicated, it would make sense if he was trying to differentiate several different Reviver Djinn. Keep in mind that a lot of things about the setup will be based on luck because of the Djinn system.

That's the link I'm referring to in the earlier part of this post.

I know this probably has no relevance to the game, but how'd you know this?

Aurora: Something about his posts irk me. They seem almost too aggressive sometimes. Neutral.

Also, re claiming Reviver randomly, I can understand that you'd be suspicious. But I'm just letting you know about what my intentions are this cycle. And I'm fully aware that I'll likely be killed for it. It's a risk I'm willing to take.

always angry

Actually, I'm curious about this. Why the hell would you even claim Reviver in the first place? You're begging for the mafia to kill you, and now it's very possible you won't even get your action off in the first place, considering how you could, you know, die before reviving Prims. In addition, claiming Reviver essentially forces the Doctor onto you, leaving everyone else in the town open to dying, and if the mafia has a hitman or something, well, sucks to be you.

You could have just sat back, made yourself a small target so mafia isn't inclined to kill you (why would mafia want someone appearing slightly scummy dead?), and then revive Prims at the end of the phase. Or you could have waited for someone like an Alliance Checker or a Doctor to die, then revive them. Yes, Prims is very talkative, but he's a roleblocker who's more likely to screw with the town than with the mafia. I don't fully get the logic here.

... ##Vote Manix

Respond to that, please.

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