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If you were a Fire Emblem character...

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I would be a black haired, tan skinned Sellsword class, which promotes to Hero. I would wear black or blue or a combination of both and would be able to use Axes off the bat.

lv1 Sellsword

Hp 15

Str 8

Mag 0

Spd 9

Skl 7

Lck 9

Def 8

Res 1

E Swords

D Axes

Hp 85%

Str 75%

Mag 25%

Spd 50%

Skl 40%

Lck 70%

Def 70%

Res 35%

Edit My mug would be me smirking

I would dominate the FE world biggrin.gif

No mount?

0/10 for not being Mounted to completely overkill it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd be a Mage/Magefighter or Swordfighter/Swordmaster with good all-around stats, minus my luck which would have 1 base and 5% growth. Strength/Magic, Defense, and Resistance would be my best stats and Skill and Speed would be pretty good. I'd be a great user of Magic Swords.

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I'd be a Mage/Magefighter or Swordfighter/Swordmaster with good all-around stats, minus my luck which would have 1 base and 5% growth. Strength/Magic, Defense, and Resistance would be my best stats and Skill and Speed would be pretty good. I'd be a great user of Magic Swords.

Would you also have romances with many male characters?

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Lets all be honest here, if we were Fire Emblem characters, 97% of us would be low tier trash who couldn't even beat GBA Loliders.

I like axes! But I wouldn't even have the CON to properly wield a Hatchet. Sad.

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Lets all be honest here, if we were Fire Emblem characters, 97% of us would be low tier trash who couldn't even beat GBA Loliders.

I like axes! But I wouldn't even have the CON to properly wield a Hatchet. Sad.

True dat.

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I'd fit the mage class the best, since most anima users are portrayed as the intelligent, scholarly types. That's more descriptive of me than anything else. I'm not built for physical fighting, not gonna lie. Screw being a healer. Not religious or a noblewoman (troubadour) anyway.

And I'd have average growths for a mage in everything. I don't excel in anything, and I'm not bad at anything except HP or defense. Reason? Because, once again, it fits me in real life. I have a "master of none" type of intellect, where I'm good at a little bit of everything but I'm not an expect at anything.

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Manakete. I gain physical strength by TURNING INTO A GODDAMN DRAGON.

As fun as it would be to be a Dark Mage, I think I suit the Mage class better. Maybe Dark Mage with Mage stats?

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I think Shamans are pretty spiffy too. However, if I were a Shaman... I would be better off trying to bash my foe over the head with the Flux book since I would be too lazy to learn all that spell-chanting crap. Eh, at least dark tomes are the heaviest, so they would be the best at bludgeoning.

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I'd be a glass cannon like this.

LV5 Pre-promoted Neutral WORRIAH the lord has to talk too in chapter 13 of 31


21 years old.

Left alone by his family because he wanted to be his true self only and not a pawn in their hands, Quitchineel hones his will to discover what the world has to offer.

Quitchineel begins to explore unkown territories he just heard about by people he was used to listen a lot while doing the mundane chores for his fosters.

Some years passed and him, despite his vast knowledge that has stored in many diaries, still needs to feel furfilled.

After a passive life, he deems himself worthy to join people that are after his same goals - knowledge - and consider himself the "Scarceler of Wisedom" to whoever is glimpsed by him and considered worthy of his knowledge.


A little over-the-top, yet very honest and corteous and genteel to anybody.

Easy to get furious if mistreated continously.

Easily mistakes feminine boys for girls.

He has difficulties at falling in love with people because he has worries about other sexes..

Steadfast with bows and wear a gigantic quarry over his shoulder.

He loses balance easily with heavy weapons because he rushes too much.

Likes to eat, so he is very slightly overweight, but compensates with good agility and power, plus his body is ironed by many hourse of walking with heavy items carried on.

Hp 38

Str 24

Mag 0

Spd 19

Skl 9

Lck 10

Def 12

Res 9

Con 9

Hp 140%

Str 90%

Mag 0%

Spd 35%

Skl 80%

Lck 25%

Def 10%

Res 10%

Starting Weapons and Item:

Killer Hax

Killer Bow



Lord of the game

Curate Chick

Shota Child of the game

Loli Child of the Game

A random rival

Another crazy dude like the game version of me

Edited by marcus90
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I would look a bit like FE9!Ike, with a somewhat more roundish face I suppose. I would also have hair more resemblant of either Sain's or a fauxhawk(Depending on which style I want to use, who cares that there's no hair gel?), and no headband. My hair color would be black or dark brown, and my eyes are hazel. Oh, and I would deffinately be fairly hairy. And would have a goatie. Class? I would want to be a Mercenary/Hero. Stat-whise I would likely be a Warrior/Berserker with crapish health, or a glass-cannon Hero. Realisticly I would be a Bishop/Light Sage, since that more closely matches what my real life proffesion will be(pastor). I won't take the Magic user into account, however.

My growth rates would likely be as follows:



55| 60| 20| 60| 35| 40| 25| 50| 10|

Why the (relatively) high resistance? I've always attributed majic resistance to faith/wisdom/willpower, of which I have much in abundance(the first two at least).

This also doesn't take "Class growths" into question. Although I gues I could invent the War Priest/Templar class?(Maybe "Templar" wasn't the best choice of words...)

Weapon specialization would be swords.

Skills? Tempest and/or maybe Wrath(dealt with anger issues in the past, and I can get pretty hardcore when I'm angry).

Of course some artistic license was taken, but you get the general idea.

Personality? Depends. Three years ago I would be a highly pessimistic and easily angered guy who rarely talks(My Res growth would also be lower). As I am now I'd be a sort of easy-going sort of guy with a lot of wisdom for his age(I'm 18 right now, 19 as of August, So yeah). Strength/Skill/Resistance; uncommon combo much?

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I would look a bit like FE9!Ike, with a somewhat more roundish face I suppose. I would also have hair more resemblant of either Sain's or a fauxhawk(Depending on which style I want to use, who cares that there's no hair gel?), and no headband. My hair color would be black or dark brown, and my eyes are hazel. Oh, and I would deffinately be fairly hairy. And would have a goatie. Class? I would want to be a Mercenary/Hero. Stat-whise I would likely be a Warrior/Berserker with crapish health, or a glass-cannon Hero. Realisticly I would be a Bishop/Light Sage, since that more closely matches what my real life proffesion will be(pastor). I won't take the Magic user into account, however.

My growth rates would likely be as follows:



55| 60| 20| 60| 35| 40| 25| 50| 10|

Why the (relatively) high resistance? I've always attributed majic resistance to faith/wisdom/willpower, of which I have much in abundance(the first two at least).

This also doesn't take "Class growths" into question. Although I gues I could invent the War Priest/Templar class?(Maybe "Templar" wasn't the best choice of words...)

Weapon specialization would be swords.

Skills? Tempest and/or maybe Wrath(dealt with anger issues in the past, and I can get pretty hardcore when I'm angry).

Of course some artistic license was taken, but you get the general idea.

Personality? Depends. Three years ago I would be a highly pessimistic and easily angered guy who rarely talks(My Res growth would also be lower). As I am now I'd be a sort of easy-going sort of guy with a lot of wisdom for his age(I'm 18 right now, 19 as of August, So yeah). Strength/Skill/Resistance; uncommon combo much?

I like all the detail you put into your post. :)

Strength/Skill/Resistance would certainly be unique! But I think a Bishop role suits you best because you gave a good reason for it. Or maybe because you seem to have a liking with axes, a Battle Cleric? Also, how awesome would a bishop with a goatee be?!

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I like all the detail you put into your post. :)

Strength/Skill/Resistance would certainly be unique! But I think a Bishop role suits you best because you gave a good reason for it. Or maybe because you seem to have a liking with axes, a Battle Cleric? Also, how awesome would a bishop with a goatee be?!

I'm more of a sword person, but two-handed axes probably suit me better. Although Battle Priest or something similar would be best. At one point I was tempted to say General but then I realized that I suck at defence and I'm slow(ish) enough without heavy armor. Lowish Magic's not good for Magic(lol) but that's why I have actual weapons, amirite? I forgot to mention attire...Nothing fancy(lolBishop robes); a simple tunic/pants combo will suffice, with maybe some minor accessories. Preferably all black clothing, since I generally wear black/grey. At times like this I wish I had actual artistic talent. I would stand out in a Fire Emblem game, that's for sure!

Edited by Tripple J
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If I were in decent shpae, Myrmidon. I've done fencing, so I can use a sword, but I'm not very strong.

However, given my current physical abilities, Shaman. Druid path rather than Summoner.

If someone told me where they make those sprites, I'd be able to make one, but my computer art is awful (It took me three weeks to draw my avatar pic), and I have no scanner with which to put in Paper Art.


Long Black Hair, tied back and draping over one shoulder. Green eyes with Spectacles

Red Clothing, with a Black Cloak. Guiding Ring acting as Badge to hold the Cloak shut. Usually carries a book with him (He'd have a Secret Book if in a game at recruitment), with a Flux and Nosferatu Tome Concealed in cloak.


Base Growth

HP: 15 65%

Mag: 7 55%

Skl: 6 45%

Spd: 5 35%

Luk: 7 50%

Def: 4 30%

Res: 5 35%

Con: 6

Move: 5

If I had any skills, It'd be Luna (Not played much of the ones with skills, but thats the ignore resistance skill, correct?) when promoted

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Like my avatar, though probably throw some armor or something that makes me look like I belong in Fire Emblem more.

Would probably be either a pirate, brigand, or warrior.


Base Growth

HP: 28 75%

Str: 8 65%

Skl: 4 35%

Spd: 5 40%

Luk: 3 20%

Def: 4 35%

Res: 0 20%

Con: 11

Move: 5

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I would be a coolio mixed race man that I am and have a mini-afro sweeter than Devdan's until I pull a Lucia and cut my hair in the plot (hopefully not for the exact same reason, but...). You fancy knights get all the cool armor, so I'll be a rebel and be a merc/Demon Fighter/Strategist/Custom Class That Acts Like Those with a nice shade of orange coloring my armor (I wouldn't go for a full helmet though most don't wear them anyway. I'd cover the back and top of my head if I used one). And glasses too. More than 2 people can wear them in the series now. Perhaps I'll dye the non-glass part of them blue or ice blue to match my anime eyes (which are the exact same color in real life anyway). I have no idea what my stat distribution or growths would be. Prolly like a Strategist's.

Edited by Only My Unit
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