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Isn't GBA Era the best? Post if you agree or disagree


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I may (sadly) be one of the (vocal) few here who hold FE7 in a high regard, but holding even just one of the GBA FEs in such a high regard isn't enough to outright say "the GBA games are the best". Especially when there's titles like FE6, which admittely has lower quality than both of its two GBA successors. Especially FE7. And even then, playing one game multiple times in a row, admittedly, does get boring no matter how good the game is. (Even though that could be applied to just about anything.) At any rate, I'd say FE7's the only one among the three that can compare with the SNES FEs, FE9, and FE12. (I'm still waiting on, and withholding judgement on FE13 before I can include that one.)

Edited by Fancy Grunt
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I actualy agree with the above in that holding even one GBA FE in high regard doesn't make the GBA era as a whole the best.

Edited by Golden Cucco
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I personally like the SNES era best as well. Except the graphics, those sucked.

Except FE5's mugs. Those are actually pretty nice.

But GBA mugs are nice and easy to make and we can hack it well so that's a cool aspect :P

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GBA Era is the best to fuck around with and make hacks for. Playing? Eh, I'll take Jugdral and Tellius, and 12 as well. Throw in Valencia if you give me turbo for 2 and good voice acting for 13.

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I really like the slick interface and fast gameplay that the DS games provide. Dual screen information beat the R-button any day of the week.

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I personally found FE9 to be the definitive Fire Emblem experience out of all of them. FE13 may just be fapping of gameplay, but FE9 did this and kept an engaging plot, with momentum to boot. It never really dulled, except for maybe one or two chapters (three I'm thinking of). I find more faults in the rest of the series individually than I do with FE9. The GBA games aren't as fun, though I like FE6 the most of the three.

GBA Era is the best to fuck around with and make hacks for.

The sheer number of hacks, documentation, and quality of the SNES Fire Emblem hacks tends to disagree with you.

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I started in FE8 so my idea of the game play was tainted from the start. I think the story to FE9 was by far the best because it was not all about some Royals and shit. The battle sequence was the largest jump from the GBA style so when I first played FE9 I went nuts. Although I did play FE8 like a million times.

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Well, they finally added the ability to select where your units start. And they improved the series as a storytelling engine.

FE6 and FE8 also both had a good and compact tutorial, unlike FE7.

However, other all of those games are horrible downgraded from what was on the SNES. And when they brought those features back, they didn't work anywhere near as good as in the original games.

Though, with Awakening it finally looks like they will finally do more but just clumsily re-adding the mechanics they left in Jugdral.

And the battle animations were a huge downgrade in my opinion. So huge, that I pretty much on accident just wrote a giant wall of text about why I don't like then that nobody would read anyway.

Anyway, playing these games now I have trouble believing that they were made after the SNES games.

The games are still a lot of fun of course but knowing the old games, they are such a letdown.

That being said, unlike the devs I actually prefer a portable format for the series.

Edited by BrightBow
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I've only played FE7 and FE8 of the GBA games. They're both pretty good, but I prefer PoR and RD. They just felt more ... intense, and drew me into the story better.

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When your immediate predecessors are FE4 and 5, your immediate successors are FE9 and 10, and you're a significant simplification and pruning of the gameplay, you're gonna have a damn hard time claiming to be the "best" of the series.

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