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I Can't Believe It's Still Not SFMM2 Minimafia - Randomlynch Wins


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Blitz, did you not read the part that says "try to get the lynch off of you?"

can't think of anything else I can say actually

Well usually at L-1 people claim

well, that sounds like a very bad idea cause half of you won't believe me, the other half will just want me lynch even more

From this conversation even at one vote from lynch he doesn't seem to care about claiming. And i see this as more town actually. He's most likely a PR i would think and us lynching him is bad, also him claiming is bad. With the chances of him not actually being hammered by someone he chose to not claim.

Okay, let me address this now. You sound like you're trying to avoid getting the inactives lynched. This could be for one of two reasons:

1) You know that the inactives are lurkscum scumbuddies

2) You don't want to mislynch town PR's

I would like to assume it would be 2. But I am apparently one of the inactives apparently and i am neither of those.

wtf how does Shinori have 20 posts in the thread and yet have nothing memorable

IM MAGICAL. But really on a side note the entire argument between manix and paperblade seems like townies arguing to me. I think we need to focus on someone else. Neither of them seem scum to me.

Also wrt clipsey's questions:

First, what are your thoughts on everyone else?

Second, who would you like to see lynched today?

Third, what do you think of Paperblade's points?


Player thoughts:

Manix: Seems town, had a few arguments with players but overall seems like townie to me.

Eclipse: More of a town vibe here, active getting info, not carelessly voting people.

Paperblade: Paper blade, lots of arguments with manix and partially involved in the talk with blitz. Either way seems town, Doesn't want inactives to be lynched.

Ether: Neutral, Leaning more town i think than anything else.

Aere: Neutral, inactive, don't want to lynch.

Blitzy: Leaning town, didn't wanna claim at L-1 which i think is more townie than anything. Either that or really bad scum move with no fake claim.

Helios: Neutral, hasn't done much of anything here.

Rapier: Ended up starting the "TO LYNCH INACTIVES OR NOT TO" with paperblade. If he was scum he would easily benefit from getting an inactive lynch because it doesn't help us at all. Leaning more scum.

Based off of my thoughts i am keeping my vote on rapier. If we switch to a Aere wagon and lynch him we don't get too much info, he hasn't been here that much, he's an inactive. Rapier has thoughts, and thoughts based around the inactives. We get more info from him than an Aere lynch and he also seems the most scum to me CURRENTLY. It could be town arguing with each other but it's also our best bet at the moment i think, either this or aere, but he's inactive.

2: Read above. Rapier.

3: I'm assuming this is the argument between him and blitz? or about inactives? Maybe both. Whatever. I agree with him that we should ignore inactives, at least not lynch them yet, we don't get much info if that happens and we run the high possibility of miss lynching a power role. In regards to the statement from manix about how useful is an inactive PR, STILL PRETTY FUCKING USEFUL. are you saying a doc that says nothing and revives 3 people is worthless?

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In regards to the statement from manix about how useful is an inactive PR, STILL PRETTY FUCKING USEFUL. are you saying a doc that says nothing and revives 3 people is worthless?

Slight difference between inactive and lurking here. But yes, I can see the point of a lurking PR being useful.

It's mostly just semantics, really. (Inactive is outright not present while lurking is present but not contributing)

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Well im pretty sure the majority of people in this thread who aren't posting are more or less lurking than being inactive at the moment. But i wouldn't be too sure or positive at all.

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Guys, it's really hard to be active at the time you post when you post at 4:49 to 7:30 am in my time zone! I'm ASLEEP during that time.

Sorry, Eclipse, I'll read you postgame. Ok read it, I was only around for one lynch man, and my Oracle wouldn't have activated unless I was killed (or that's what I read).

I'm going to give my thoughts:

1. Aere: Me. You can probably guess what I think.

2. Cap'n Flint: I've already said this: His vote jumping and utter lack of a defense is why I have my vote on him. Shinori, I completely disagree with what you said about the lack of defense being a townie. It's pretty clear he either wants to be killed or has no idea what he's doing.

3. eclipse: In general pretty helpful, hasn't done anything scummy or really even unreasonable. Townie vibes here.

4. Ether: I didn't like the reasoning behind the L-1 and L-2 votes, then backing off. If you think somebody is scummy, you should vote them? Not think they're scummy, hop off, then repeat on somebody else while nothing gets accomplished. Townie vibes though, because I agree with a lot of what you say.

5. Helios: He gives a lot of reasoning for his choices, which I actually see as slightly scummy. If he thought he was suggesting people who we'd agree with, he wouldn't have to try to cover every angle.

6. Manix: I don't like his earlier vote. I don't like his reasoning, and I really don't like his "black and white" thing. This is mafia, it's black(mafia) vs. white(town), with maybe 1 grey(SK)

7. Rapier: Said less than me, and hasn't made any worthwhile votes. Neutral, I guess.

8. Paperblade: I have no idea how he normally plays, and he's switching from scummy to town all the time. He jumps to defend himself, and does it pretty well, but, like eclipse said, he whines about inactives all the time.

9. Shinori: Helping out the best he can, I guess. Not saying much worthwhile, but he's been pretty active and gives his opinion often enough.

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6. Manix: I don't like his earlier vote. I don't like his reasoning, and I really don't like his "black and white" thing. This is mafia, it's black(mafia) vs. white(town), with maybe 1 grey(SK)

Great way to take my quote out of context. Read again with context, and I will reiterate again: It was an analogy. Nothing more.

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People already mentioned the whole black and white thing and he stated that was not what he meant by it. IF he was an sk he definitely wouldn't have said anything along those lines i would assume. I doubt there was any special meaning to him mentioning the black, the white, and the grey.

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No, the point isn't to whine about "I was only around for one lynch", the point was to improve so that you'd be around for more than one lynch. Your reasons for not liking Blitz and Helios are completely opposite, as is what you said about Rapier and Shinori. I'm not certain if this is because you're not paying attention, are still kinda new at this, or are trying to twist things around so people get the wrong impression. I should be back right before phase end, so I have no problems leaving my vote where it is for now.

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Well, may as well respond to what Aere said, since he actually gave me something to respond to. I didn't like either Flint or Manix for the Helios wagon. I voted for Flint first because he put Helios at L-1, whereas Manix only put him at L-2. The reason why I switched is because Flint got to L-1 relatively quickly, and I wanted to make sure that no one could decide to come in and hammer on a whim. I also wanted to pressure Manix for the same reason as Flint, so he was the natural choice.

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What are you even talking about

the entire reason you're scummy is because you unvoted and went "OKAY GUYS I WILL BE BACK LATER"

and then you came back and suggested I was defending my inactive scumbuddy and that there are no other possibilities and that we should totally lynch me

That's a funny way to put it. He told us why he was voting you, but he never told us to vote you/that you're scummy and there are no other possibilities. Your reaction was just bad.

Aere - Has been doing a wonderful job of doing his best not to participate. He intentionally put Blitz at L-1, but I see this as "I'm voting for who I think is scummiest", and not necessarily a scum move. However, he was very guilty of doing the same in my mafia, and I get the feeling he didn't read my postgame thoughts on him. I'll give him one last chance to say something, but if it's not meaningful, I'm not opposed to lynching him.

Manix - Two-thirds of this game isn't neutral. Try harder; I know you're better than that. That vote on Blitz didn't look that great, and given how you've tried to justify yourself, I'm not overly inclined to move my vote (yet).

Paperblade - Comes in, does very little, whines about inactives, leaves. I didn't care for him pushing Blitz to claim, either. This isn't winning him points, and he's another person who I'm not completely averse to lynching. The only reason why I don't want him lynched at this very moment is because he's been putting some reasoning behind his votes, which is better than a lot of others can say.

Shinori - Doesn't want inactive players lynched, and is inactive himself. HMMMM!

In Shinori's case, I believe he's more busy than intentionally inactive. He's always been busy, anyway, his ausence is expected. About Paperblade, I agree, he seems Neutral to me, sometimes scummy-neutral, but that may be just his attitude. I didn't even know Aere was playing, he disappeared and I never saw another post of his again. For some reason, I also don't like Manix's attitude now: I didn't like his reason to vote Blitz much, nor his reason to unvote him, nor his argument about Blitz being just a player who wanted people to talk and Paperblade being scummier than him.

I'm confused right now. If I vote Manix and he turns Mafia, then I'll know Blitz is his scumbuddy who was being protected, and we'll hit two birds with a single stone. But if he's Town I'll feel incredibly stupid. >: For now, I'll keep my vote. I have enough reason to vote Blitz, anyway.

My current reads are:

Aere: Neutral (Inactive)

Blitz: Scummy. Voting people just to get info from them and then switching his vote as quickly as that gives me a bad impression of him.

Eclipse: Neutral/Town. Nothing to complain about her, yet I don't trust anyone completely in D1 unless something awesome happens, such as a solid Cop claim.

Ether: Neutral. Gives his opinions, isn't so inactive, contributes... Nothing agaisnt him for now, but there's nothing that makes me think he's Town too.

Helios: Neutral. He's been busy and inactive.

Manix: Scummy. If what I think really is true, he's protecting Blitz indirectly and pointing at Paperblade for a better lynch candidate. He wouldn't lose anything from voting Blitz, too, so there's no reason to make such an effort.

Rapier: Hai.

Paperblade: Neutral/Town. He's been saying some reasonable things.

Shinori: Neutral. He's still a busy and inactive player, so I got no reads from him.

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@Shinori: Yeah, it was RVS, but I think you made one vote =/

Also, I don't like that Aere came back and just made a list. I don't really like Shinori's list either but at least he gave his thoughts on other things.

Also also, I'm not saying to ignore inactives. We could inspect them if you want but I'll let the cop do what he wants.

Also also also, Shinori should not softclaim for no reason. I am annoyed you did that but considering you guys have a penchant for claiming for no reason I can't make anything of it.

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Not particularly. Manix' argument with Brad over the inactives issue isn't making him look great, IMO. It's been said earlier, but lynch people who are suspicious, not people who aren't doing a whole lot. If they are really doing as little as it seems on the surface, they'll be subbed out. For all we know, that inactive is a Cop who is laying low so the mafia don't think to target, and outs results later on that gets half the mafia lynched. I wouldn't call 'em useless, for certain. Granted it isn't a great strategy simply because people knowing your thoughts on things is always good, but it is something that should be considered.

As for Flint, he just seems... strange. Jumping on Manix for claiming Third Party over a little analogy? I just don't see the point in it I guess. He doesn't seem to be doing anything remotely useful, despite being fairly active.

Seeing Aere and Rapier post is god. They should continue doing that so I can get a better read on them. Brad is looking fairly good, as are you, 'Clipsey~, I can't get a solid read on Shinori yet.

As for my preferred lynch targets, still one of Manix or Flint.

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Man I have a headache. Let's see if I'm up to speed though.

Paperblade and Manix's quarrel looks like a town infight more or less. Just a difference of opinions regarding the inactive subject. My thoughts on this is it really just depends: though Necktie in Haphazard was the doctor, there are also games where inactives/lurkers are scum (like 13th, TinyImp/Snike, hell even Manix in SG Mafia). So I guess it really depends doesn't it?

I think Manix is town who made an honest mistake regarding the L-1 vote. I tend to forget where all the votes are placed to if it isn't for votals and we have someone like Blitz switching his vote every 10 minutes.

Idk if I missed something, but Blitz doesn't seem to really be defending himself well. He didn't want to claim at L-1, which to me looks like someone who hasn't thought of a good fakeclaim yet. I disagree with Shinori here; if Blitz is a town PR I don't see why he wouldn't claim (in the games I've played PRs tend to at least softclaim in this situation). That way we don't mislynch a power role (especially since I think there are vanilla townies in this game) and if there are protective roles in the game, they'll at least have a good idea on who to target so the mafia doesn't get a good kill. That's at least how I'm looking at it right now.

When does the phase end? I'm not sure if I'm gonna be around or not so...

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Ninja'd by like a billion people. That's what I get for starting to type something, leaving for half an hour, and then coming back to try and finish it and forgetting what half my thoughts were.

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I think Rapier is really making a stretch with that "Manix protecting Blitz by almost having him lynched" idea. I see where he's coming from and all....but no. It's way too risky of an idea and it really doesn't work (look at Aere for example, he saw Blitz at L-2 and said "ehh eff it" and put him up to L-1). So people don't really see it as "Oh he's at L-1/L-2, oh I gotta take my vote off him/oh I can't vote for him it's too early for a lynch".

Also I'm not really sure why Rapier said that he thought Paperblade was "neutral/neutral-scummy", and then in his list he put him as "neutral/Town". Wut?

I'd like to see more from Aere when he's around; a one sentence list of thoughts doesn't really make up for not being around most of the game (I know you got school and stuff, but still). Same applies to Rapier and Shinori, though at least the other two put some other thoughts here and there as well and didn't just post a list. In the past games I've seen, scum tend to just pop in and put a list of opinions and then just disappear, and people are like "oh well they contributed so I guess they're town". Yeah no.

Ether and Clipsey look pretty townish to me so far, but that's what you expect from veterans of the game.

I have a feeling Manix is town, and though I won't strongly oppose a lynch to him (we'll get some info out of it at least) I'd rather see Blitz lynched over him.

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How often am i a PR? Like. Really. Also i have fake soft claimed in games before. Just because i said im a PR doesn't mean i'm not. It also doesn't mean i am.

Blame the RNG man

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I think Rapier is really making a stretch with that "Manix protecting Blitz by almost having him lynched" idea. I see where he's coming from and all....but no. It's way too risky of an idea and it really doesn't work (look at Aere for example, he saw Blitz at L-2 and said "ehh eff it" and put him up to L-1). So people don't really see it as "Oh he's at L-1/L-2, oh I gotta take my vote off him/oh I can't vote for him it's too early for a lynch".

Also I'm not really sure why Rapier said that he thought Paperblade was "neutral/neutral-scummy", and then in his list he put him as "neutral/Town". Wut?

I'd like to see more from Aere when he's around; a one sentence list of thoughts doesn't really make up for not being around most of the game (I know you got school and stuff, but still). Same applies to Rapier and Shinori, though at least the other two put some other thoughts here and there as well and didn't just post a list. In the past games I've seen, scum tend to just pop in and put a list of opinions and then just disappear, and people are like "oh well they contributed so I guess they're town". Yeah no.

Ether and Clipsey look pretty townish to me so far, but that's what you expect from veterans of the game.

I have a feeling Manix is town, and though I won't strongly oppose a lynch to him (we'll get some info out of it at least) I'd rather see Blitz lynched over him.

It's because I don't like his attitude, but he's been saying nice things. Also, Manix didn't almost have Blitz lynched, you can't lynch someone when we still have 42 hours left. Maybe he noticed that later, after the vote count, and then he thought he still had time to save his scumbuddy and bussing wasn't really necessary.

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Votal Time !!

Blitz (3) - Helios, Rapier, Aere

Manix (2) - Paperblade, Ether

Aere (1) - eclipse

Ether (1) - Blitz

Paperblade (1) - Manix

Rapier (1) - Shinori

Not Voting: Nobody!

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch. You have about 8.5 hours left in the day.

Remember, no majority means Random Lynch!

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