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So, how do you think Jugdral and Tellius are doing nowadays? (SPOILERS)


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I just had a shiver run down my spine. The last secret character's name is Paris.. Ike's name in early PoR. It would be interesting if we got Ranulf and Soren too.. Way to much to ask for anyway.

As for the Manakete/Taguel=Laguz? Conversation, I agree with it. Also, in Xanes recruitment conversation, he says "I come from a land few have heard of, and even fewer have seen." No one speeks of Tellius in SD or NmotE, so Xane could very well be an evolved laguz that can transform into anything, not just thier laguz type. Xane also happens to have a feather in his hair, I think. Manaketes and Taguel could have just migrated from Tellius, and evolved to become their own species.

We learn in FE3 that Xane is actually a Divine Dragon. So yeah. Presumably, his Imitate ability is related to his old transformation ability, but it is never really explained.

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Though perhaps we should try to get all the world maps and see if there's any similarities that have yet to be brought up. I suppose there's the Zelda route to which considering some parts of the plot for Awakening isnt to far off.

I remember looking at a few world maps and concluding that some of them, particularly Akaneia, Elibe and Magvel, had a few similarities, but I don't think it's particularly important. Also, I really hope there aren't a whole bunch of alternate timelines; as much as I love how the Zelda timeline turned out, I don't want a repeat of it.

However, I reckon the Sacred Stone Fire Emblem might be a different FE, like the Bronze Medallion. I'm not really sure if the monsters of Magvel could be related to Awakening's corpse soldiers, given Awakening has both, but monsters are smaller in numbers (and there's only two types). Which leads me to believe Magvel's story, with its abundant monsters, takes place closer to Gaiden's time (which also has abundant monsters), which puts it towards the middle of a grand timeline.

I rather think that the similarity between the Sacred Stones and the Shield of Seals is more important than how many monsters there are, considering the Fire Emblem's overall significance to the series.


I just had a shiver run down my spine. The last secret character's name is Paris.. Ike's name in early PoR. It would be interesting if we got Ranulf and Soren too.. Way to much to ask for anyway.

As for the Manakete/Taguel=Laguz? Conversation, I agree with it. Also, in Xanes recruitment conversation, he says "I come from a land few have heard of, and even fewer have seen." No one speeks of Tellius in SD or NmotE, so Xane could very well be an evolved laguz that can transform into anything, not just thier laguz type. Xane also happens to have a feather in his hair, I think. Manaketes and Taguel could have just migrated from Tellius, and evolved to become their own species.

Do you think Ike will do a Sirius/Marth on us and start wearing a mask? That'd be cool. And isn't Xane meant to be a Divine Dragon? Other than that, the migration/evolution stuff makes some sense. Alternatively, Rabbit Laguz could have existed all along, and may have had to resort to using stones after the Scouring like the dragons did.

Anyway, personally I think the timeline as we have it here makes the most sense: Tellius, Jugdral, Elibe, Akaneia, Iris, Magvel.

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Xane is a Divine Dragon though. He says so himself.

It's totally possible that the Laguz evolved in such a way that the Branded don't exist anymore, I think. Maybe, with the taboo of the union lessening thanks to people like Micaiah, Elincia and Sanaki in charge, as well as better Beorc/Laguz relationships, things got better. Maybe Ashunera solved the problem when she sang the ending theme. Perhaps, with enough Laguz blood going around, both species evolved enough.

As far as Naga and all the other deities are concerned (I'm just going to run with Tellius being the origin story theory), people do tend to worship things they believe to be divine, though these things may not actually be so. Doma, Mila, Naga and all the other gods were worshiped. for their actions, and over time, their stories of heroism became legends, and they were regarded as divine entities.

You have Ashunera, who might be the actual goddess referred to in the Goddess Icon (which does happen to vaguely resemble a woman with long hair). She's the actual deity in the FE timeline, and the creator.

Then you have mythical entities such as Naga and Loptous, who are basically powerful manakete. However, their actions and power are what cause them to be worshiped, rather than actual divinity. Hey, if a dragon saved your race, you'd make a religion around her too.

I'm not sure how Mila and Doma fit in, mostly because I know very little about Gaiden, but again they could simply be incredibly powerful beings that eventually were enshrined into legend.

I hope this vaguely makes sense because I'm sleepy as hell and it's late, but yeah.

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It doesn't place FE8 anywhere in the timeline, but there definitely was a Falchion on Magvel at one point. Saleh told Eirika about it in supports.

I like the theory that Tellius is the start. It's kinda neat we could possibly connect all the games.

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Well, as far as Doma and Mila are conscerned, I think they are actual gods. Mila and Doma never really die, Mila just gets sealed in a sword and Doma goes to sleep after getting stabbed through the head with said sword.

However, since a location in Awakening is apparently "Doma's Remains", maybe he did die. I don't know.

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Personally, I try not to connect the FE games by myself, unless it's already been connected via official information. Like how Awakening takes place thousands of years after Marth's story, and that Jugdral exists in the same world as well. Tellius, Elibe, and Magvel don't really "fit" in my opinion, so I won't bother trying to make it fit unless it becomes official.

If, somehow, the continents are all linked, though, I think Tellius would be the first in the timeline. None of the other games, as far as I know, go into a "how the world came to be" segment, while Radiant Dawn did. Also, there are no visible laguz (except manaketes) in the other games. So it would make more sense to believe that laguz were common in the lands (as in Tellius), then they either went extinct or hid or further evolved and became less common.

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The fact that the distance between the Scouring and FE6 is only 1000 years but the distance between Marth's games and Krom's is 2000 years is a bit unfortunate--it means we can't use Mark to put Elibe after Iris without accepting Marth's stuff happening before the scouring. I guess we have canonical time travel/dimension hopping, but it's still unfortunate.

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What is Fomortiis though?

He could be a reincarnation of Medeus, which actually works in a weird way. Alternatively, he could be the consciousness sealed inside the Darksphere that drives the wielder insane. The problem with that though is that it doesn't explain where Magvel is in the timeline, especially since the Spheres would have had to break at some point in the timeline, and how the purposes of the Spheres changed so much. This pretty much means that Magvel has to take place after Archanea at earliest.

There was a theory I saw somewhere about Lucina being Nada Kuya, who... uh... carried a sword made from the fang of a dragon. I think it's fairly likely that Magvel takes place at the end of the known timeline.

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What is Fomortiis though?

He could be a reincarnation of Medeus, which actually works in a weird way. Alternatively, he could be the consciousness sealed inside the Darksphere that drives the wielder insane. The problem with that though is that it doesn't explain where Magvel is in the timeline, especially since the Spheres would have had to break at some point in the timeline, and how the purposes of the Spheres changed so much. This pretty much means that Magvel has to take place after Archanea at earliest.

Formortiis is a big, angry, thing. I'mma guess he's another Doma.

... if he's the thing in the Darksphere, then Magvel is BEFORE Archanea- the SS's never left until Grado busted them, and only 1 survived, and then Formortiis got put back into that one, and his body was summarily rekilled- if the Stone of Rausten, which then holds Formortiis is gotten rid of off continent, it's entirely plausible that that became the Darksphere in one way or the other... although this entirely breaks the theory that the SS's are the Spheres entirely (Except the Darksphere, which holds Formortiis in which case, that better not get broken or we're all doomed to relive the lamest final boss besides Veld/Yurius (with Narga equipped Yuria)).

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And Awakening has the Hidden and Divine Falchion? Couldn't there be even another set of stones and shield(s) elsewhere?

But in fiction, you can't really rule out anything as a coincidence. This seems to be the basis upon which we're thinking.

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We know that there's more than one Falchion, and the FE8 support even suggested that there was third Falchion there too in the past (a thin sword made from a dragon fang and gifted to humans by the dragon kin - however, the scenario where it was used doesn't resemble any Fire Emblem story, which suggests that it's an unrelated sword). So, even if the Sacred Stones are orbs for a "Fire Emblem" similar to Archanea's, I don't think they're the Fire Emblem, but just another Fire Emblem, like how they had another Falchion.

Edited by NeonZ
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We know that there's more than one Falchion, and the FE8 support even suggested that there was third Falchion there too in the past (a thin sword made from a dragon fang and gifted to humans by the dragon kin - however, the scenario where it was used doesn't resemble any Fire Emblem story, which suggests that it's an unrelated sword). So, even if the Sacred Stones are orbs for a "Fire Emblem" similar to Archanea's, I don't think they're the Fire Emblem.

Coincidences do not exist in fantasy. Even if it's not the same thing, there is no possibility of it being unrelated. We just need to find out how.

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Well, as far as Doma and Mila are conscerned, I think they are actual gods. Mila and Doma never really die, Mila just gets sealed in a sword and Doma goes to sleep after getting stabbed through the head with said sword.

However, since a location in Awakening is apparently "Doma's Remains", maybe he did die. I don't know.

So what are the details on Mila? I never really got very far in FE2 and it didn't seem to have a whole lot of story anyways. Is there any chance she could just be Naga as she appeared on another continent? Or is she still sealed in the Falchion in FE2?

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So what are the details on Mila? I never really got very far in FE2 and it didn't seem to have a whole lot of story anyways. Is there any chance she could just be Naga as she appeared on another continent?

As I said, Mila got sealed in a sword, but Doma's defeat quote implied she was going to sleep alongside him. Also, Naga is long dead by the time of FE2. I think Naga is always known as Naga on each continent anyway.

...How does Naga showing up in Awakening go with her being long dead anyway? I assume the Awakening ritual revives her?

EDIT:Oh, actually, Mila being sealed is what sets off Cellica's route in 2. So she was apparently still active recently prior to that.

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Also, do we ever get any explanation on what Gimle is? Medeus was an earth dragon and became a shadow dragon through some sort of ritual and Idoun was a diving dragon who became corrupted to a demon dragon. Is gimle just another shadow dragon?

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Sorry, but I'm a little behind on this debate right now. Is it confirmed that all/most of the series take place on the same world, or is that just a popular suppostion based on the references in Awakening?

I mean, I was aware that IS said that Jugdral happened about 1000 years before Akaneia and Awakening's about 2000 years after that, but trying to link Elibe and Tellius seems to be a stretch, unless I'm missing something.

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Well, you have to realize that this game plays ping-pong with the time-continuity. It's already been shown that by going back in time, you can cause a branch split and have two different futures. There's nothing to say that it isn't possible that all the games exits in the same setting but on differing planes of time.

Also, the Otherworld gate screws around with worlds so that's a possibility as well.

Also, going back to Blazing Sword, Ninian and Nils made it clear that you can separate worlds (like how the dragons escaped after the Scouring) but still have gateways that connect them (granted, Nils sealed that gate, but there's no proof there aren't others) and given how

Gimle-possesed MU managed to follow Lucina back into the past, it seems like the same person can exist twice in the timeline.

That being said, aside from references, there's no solid proof that this game takes place in the same worlds as the others (well, Archanea aside, but that's a given XD)

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So if tellius (in theory) is set in the past, what happened to ragnell and alondite?

2 Swords that are master sword wannabe's dont age and break, have the ability to kill foes from a distance and are Incredbly inportant artifacts just dissappear. I understand maybe ragnell cause ike could've taken it but alondite?

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and given how

Gimle-possesed MU managed to follow Lucina back into the past, it seems like the same person can exist twice in the timeline.

[spoiler](spoiler text)[/spoiler]

Well, we already knew that Archanea/Valencia, and Jugdral coexisted, and now we have Iris on top of that. Elibe seems like a safe bet if we assume it's linked to Archanea through the Dragon's Gate and that the Ending Winter caused the catastrophes in Archanea starting in -1000, which all fits. Magvel and Tellius are the harder ones to place, although it does seem to fit that Tellius takes place long before the others.

So if tellius (in theory) is set in the past, what happened to ragnell and alondite?

2 Swords that are master sword wannabe's dont age and break, have the ability to kill foes from a distance and are Incredbly inportant artifacts just dissappear. I understand maybe ragnell cause ike could've taken it but alondite?

Ike uses Ragnell in Spirit Talisman 3, so it's definitely programmed into FE13 as a weapon, and one hypothetically available to any sword user. We don't currently have any way of obtaining it, but it seems likely that we'll get it eventually. Alondite hasn't shown up yet: we've seen the Black Knight, but as a General in this game, he wasn't able to use swords. Worth noting that FE13 Ragnell still has 1-2 range and +5 Def, but it now has just 25 uses instead of infinite.

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[spoiler](spoiler text)[/spoiler]

Well, we already knew that Archanea/Valencia, and Jugdral coexisted, and now we have Iris on top of that. Elibe seems like a safe bet if we assume it's linked to Archanea through the Dragon's Gate and that the Ending Winter caused the catastrophes in Archanea starting in -1000, which all fits. Magvel and Tellius are the harder ones to place, although it does seem to fit that Tellius takes place long before the others.

Ike uses Ragnell in Spirit Talisman 3, so it's definitely programmed into FE13 as a weapon, and one hypothetically available to any sword user. We don't currently have any way of obtaining it, but it seems likely that we'll get it eventually. Alondite hasn't shown up yet: we've seen the Black Knight, but as a General in this game, he wasn't able to use swords. Worth noting that FE13 Ragnell still has 1-2 range and +5 Def, but it now has just 25 uses instead of infinite.

Well its been a long time maybe the goddesses blessing finally started to fade. if tellius really is the earliest in the time line that sword is ancient . its a wonder the sword is still even useable. All the other legendary weapons even the falchion ( which also has infinite use) need some measure of repair if you go by the markxluchina support . I imagine the ragnell is just in a need of a good repair .

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Assuming the Taguel and Manakete are descended from the Laguz, they may have evolved to not produce a Branded.

Actually, there might still be branded: Sophia is half dragon, has a long lifespan, has prophetic visions and healing powers(?) but can't transform. And it might be the reason people with holy blood have marks.

And dark mages are spirit charmers! That's why they keep going crazy!

As I said, Mila got sealed in a sword, but Doma's defeat quote implied she was going to sleep alongside him. Also, Naga is long dead by the time of FE2. I think Naga is always known as Naga on each continent anyway.

...How does Naga showing up in Awakening go with her being long dead anyway? I assume the Awakening ritual revives her?

Maybe Naga didn't die and just went into a coma, Nagi isn't her reincarnation but is actually her with some memory and power loss because you woke her up to early. in fact, if you have her fight Medeus he says something like "Hm? You're still alive? No matter. You haven't fully recovered either"
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Actually, there might still be branded: Sophia is half dragon, has a long lifespan, has prophetic visions and healing powers(?) but can't transform. And it might be the reason people with holy blood have marks.

The reason why she doesn't transform is likely because she doesn't have her Dragonstone. Ninian and Nils were half-Dragon too, yet they could transform into dragons themselves. And I don't think I need to explain Nono, Soso, and a Mark to who Nono is a mother or Grandmother. People with Holy Blood like Julia have marks because of a pact made between human and dragon. In Julia's case, between Heim and Naga, for example. Edited by Fancy Grunt
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