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You all awake and gather in the lobby, once more, before anyone can start doing a headcount, a ghostly voice rings out throughout the hall



The theatre is now haunted by a malevolent ghost.

It is now Day 3, Day 3 ends on Thursday the 31st of May at 9:30 PM GMT.

Have a nice day~

Edited by Haze
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Since you don't shut up after dying anyway, you may continue to post in the thread after dying without repercussion. You're still dead, so all actions including Limited OC will fail to target you. Additionally, since you're a ghost and thus not corporeal, your vote won't count for anything since you can't actually hurt anyone. Additionally, this means you are still bound to NOC, and thus anyone who talks to you via OC will get you um... modkilled.

That's Levity's role, I got it Night 1.

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Gee, this mafia sure is original. Kill Prims, kill Bizz. You do that, mafia. You do that.

Lots of stuff I was going to post was made obsolete because I'm not fast enough. :(

At least Levity was probably the worst kill target. Probably RD, right?

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Alright I'm just gonna out my results because fuck it.

Marth, Slayer, Bal

One is Life, which I think is Bal

One is Lightning Rod.

At night, and only once, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Shenanigans!" You will demand everyone target you with everything. However, you are a Canadian so this does not actually have any effect because you are irrelevant.

Since you are leading this village, you gain an additional two messages every day phase, for a total of four.

The leading this village leads me to think that it's Slayer.

And then one is innocent. Which leads me to believe it's Marth.

So I didn't get anything ground breaking, but I did clear some stuff up.

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Snike the Canadian Lightningrod. This would explain a lot. Like why I was unaffected on N1 while everyone else was.

##Vote: Slayer

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Bizz is dead? Expected/10

I have some good news that I don't feel like letting the mafia know. I'll be sending an SMS to the relevant people-- DAMN YOU, HAZE! >:(

For the time being,

##Vote: Kaoz for still the same ol' reasons

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OC Silencer is super annoying. ):

And hah, it all makes sense why Prims and Bizz were all "Bizz totally has a power role yeppppp". Fitting role, modes, not as sad about Bizz's death since she can talk to us. So we know Levity is RD, probably.

Slayer's obviously anti-town / the one who caused that mess on N1, but I think Psych's role PM implied one ability ? or something, and since Slayer's already used his ability (unless he has a different one), he's useless scum, and it would be more beneficial to go after scum with an ability. 8) Slayer can make a good D4 target if we don't know have an inkling of other scum. His role's kind of confusing if he's Snike like Eclipse says: so everyone targets him, but nothing actually affects him or something ?

##Vote: Kaoz

Unless everyone else thinks it's a better idea to have Slayer lynched. :P

Again bringing up Raymond's proposed scum team of: Kay, Kaoz, Balcerzak, Slayer and maybe Shinori. So far, so good.

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