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Rate the Unit, Day 22: Marcia


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Dat Rules (borrowed/stolen from Integrity)

- Ratings are assumed to be on Hard Mode (JP Maniac). And only hard mode!

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake.

- Every ranking phase ends when the next RTU thread is posted (at this point, it's hard to tell).

- I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out.

- "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" or "Gives you Bronze Sword" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance.

- Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

- Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "she brings a Savior to the team" as an argument.

- BEXP is free to be used in any quantity on any character.

- Skills can be reassigned freely.

- No transfers.

- Anyone that has done a RD RTU withholds the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise.


Fiona: 1.20

Meg: 1.34

Vika: 2.40

Leonardo: 2.53

Tormod: 3.28

Ilyana: 3.75

Tauroneo: 4.50

Black Knight: 4.60

Maurim: 4.72

Aran: 4.92

Laura: 5.13

Edward: 6.31

Micaiah: 6.50

Zihark: 7.44

Elincia: 8.21

Rafiel: 8.45

Jill: 8.46

Volug: 8.87

Sothe: 8.93

Nailah: 9.00

Nolan: 9.06

Hahaha Marcia. Im gonna try to be as unbiased as possible. Flight. Canto. Speedy as fuck. Pink hair. My waifu. Saves turns in some of her CRK maps and comes back just in time to ferry Ike in 3-11. Sadly, she is kinda anemic in this game and has CRK availability. This keeps her back a bit. 9/10 +1 bias 10/10 ok fine its HM. 8/10 +1 bias 9/10

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Marcia, your "obligatory" peg. knight.

Shes very fast, can fly and ferry people. Her strength growth is kinda bleh, and so is her defence growth.

She has bad availability, but is useful during the Silver army part of the map in part 4.

Uhh. 8/10

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Marcia. Somehow joined the Crimean Royal Army.


Flyin' so high and fancy free.

Ok base level.

Transfers help big time.

Really good speed.

Recruits Haar.


Not a huge amount of availability.

Can fall behind in level.

Can get MEGA strength screwed.

Marcia is one of those returning characters that felt as if she got nerfed somehow. In PoR, shes gr9mazing. Here? Not as much. Shes not Astrid levels of bad or anything but yeah. Marcia is contributing tons in the CRK chapters. Since shes got such high move and flies, she can get around and do sneaky things like murder guys from ledges and canto away. Or ninja onto that one square behind the boss in 3-9. In 2-P, shes really going around and wounding junk or finishing off guys that Elincia crippled. So shes getting some exp there. And recruiting the biggest badass on Tellius. With Leanne-ing going on, Marcia is cleaning up that chapter in a speedy fashion. In 2-3, shes zipping around (with a Horseslayer) and helping clear a path for Geoffrey to get through. She can use a killer lance to help with her lack of strength for some crits. She also can ninja up and kill those guys with the catapults if necessary. In 2-E, she can do a number of things. Rescuedropping Leanne, helping mop up guys on the left side, and making sure Haar doesnt get too spanked by thunder mages. In 3-9, shes probably doing the most. Killing those soldiers who are lighting the houses on fire and clearing up the upper part of the map. (and getting that speedwing/spirit dust) Just beware the archer! Putting Paragon on her here helps her get ready for some action in 3-11 and beyond. Using the Brave Lance, shes probably killing the boss of that chapter. After that, shes basically your basic flyer. If she managed to reach third tier by 3-11, (kinda unlikely in hard mode) and using Nullify, she can put a huge dent into the enemies. Her part 4 isnt bad either. Marcia is probably best suited for Micaiah's team because of desert level and junk but she can go anywhere really. The downside is that her strength unless your transfers were super good isnt that awesome. It can get severely screwed too. While shes got ok defense and really good speed, she may not be ORKOing junk even in part 4. She might even be at a lower level than Tanith or Sigrun in 3-11. (depending on the player of course)

Marcia can be hit or miss in this game, sadly, but is still pretty good to have around when she is around.

7.5/10. 8/10 bias because i <3 Marcia so much.

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Meh. Marcia's flight utility is nice in the Crimea chapters, and she even has decent offense (but shaky durability). Probably one of your better units, but nothing to really get excited about, and that lasts for only 4 chapters (or 3 for you LTCers that skip 2-E). When she joins the GMs, her combat is crappy without serious help, and the GMs have 5 other flyers so her flying utility isn't as impressive. When the desert rolls around, Marcia will likely be too underleveled to do much of anything combat-wise. Overall, she's decent, but not what I'd consider good.


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She's decidedly mediocre.

A flying unit with awful offensive stats and is somewhat frail to boot. Makes the early crimea chapters less of chore, and she can hit and run (which is nice.). Extremely frustrating to use in hard mode, especially in 2-E.


Edited by Starwave
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Her Strength is too low for her to become something amazing and she won't cap much for a while which makes BEXP abuse a little difficult, but she flies and you can bring her along into the DB chapters for Part 4 if you need her for the desert. She really shines in 2-E and 3-11 what with all those ledges, but other than that, she's not amazing Not great, but not terrible. 6/10.

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I don't think Marcia became that much worse of a unit stat-wise became of bexp to fix bad stats. However, the game in general is a pretty hostile place for peg knights. Her arrow weakness in a game full of enemy crossbows takes Marcia down a peg, seeing as she is supposed to be a frontline unit. She has a really tough time competing as best flier against Elincia, Haar, Jill, Tibarn, and Naesala, though her availability is not the worst of the bunch either. Still, time's are changing and Marcia is not bad, but much harder to deploy in a game where effective damage is a big deal.


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I don't think Marcia became that much worse of a unit stat-wise became of bexp to fix bad stats. However, the game in general is a pretty hostile place for peg knights. Her arrow weakness in a game full of enemy crossbows takes Marcia down a peg, seeing as she is supposed to be a frontline unit. She has a really tough time competing as best flier against Elincia, Haar, Jill, Tibarn, and Naesala, though her availability is not the worst of the bunch either. Still, time's are changing and Marcia is not bad, but much harder to deploy in a game where effective damage is a big deal.


I think you're overstating the crossbow weakness, considering that the number of crossbowmen on a map generally can be counted on one hand. Also, there's Nullify.

That aside, 8/10 [7 +1 point bias]. Her Strength can be a problem, but she's still an overall solid unit.

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Marcia doesn't need to fear arrows with nullify, but she is competing with Elincia for said skill. Elincia is one of the best endgame healers AND has better 1-range combat. When it comes down to it, I need a lot of good units for part 4 because of the split, and Marcia is on the better side of the curve, but Marcia compares unfavourably to other flying units for 4-E, bow weakness or not.

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Marcia doesn't need to fear arrows with nullify, but she is competing with Elincia for said skill. Elincia is one of the best endgame healers AND has better 1-range combat. When it comes down to it, I need a lot of good units for part 4 because of the split, and Marcia is on the better side of the curve, but Marcia compares unfavourably to other flying units for 4-E, bow weakness or not.

Ehhh, I don't really see why Elincia'd need Nullify when she's on the one route where one of the chapters is chock full of laguz, unless I'm missing something here...

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Theres more than a few crossbow enemies in 4-2 though. And some guys go for LTCs so...yeah. Tibarn cant mop everything up and still get minimal turns. I can see the logic there. I just...wouldnt put Nullify on Elincia either because unless you want to do a full charge with her in that chapter, she doesnt need it.

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Theres more than a few crossbow enemies in 4-2 though. And some guys go for LTCs so...yeah. Tibarn cant mop everything up and still get minimal turns. I can see the logic there. I just...wouldnt put Nullify on Elincia either because unless you want to do a full charge with her in that chapter, she doesnt need it.

I only remember like two or three crossbows in that chapter at most (and one of those is the Taksh sniper near Valtome who doesn't move).

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Marcia. Somehow joined the Crimean Royal Army.


Flyin' so high and fancy free.

Ok base level.

Transfers help big time.

Really good speed.

Recruits Haar.


Not a huge amount of availability.

Can fall behind in level.

Can get MEGA strength screwed.

Marcia is one of those returning characters that felt as if she got nerfed somehow. In PoR, shes gr9mazing. Here? Not as much. Shes not Astrid levels of bad or anything but yeah. Marcia is contributing tons in the CRK chapters. Since shes got such high move and flies, she can get around and do sneaky things like murder guys from ledges and canto away. Or ninja onto that one square behind the boss in 3-9. In 2-P, shes really going around and wounding junk or finishing off guys that Elincia crippled. So shes getting some exp there. And recruiting the biggest badass on Tellius. With Leanne-ing going on, Marcia is cleaning up that chapter in a speedy fashion. In 2-3, shes zipping around (with a Horseslayer) and helping clear a path for Geoffrey to get through. She can use a killer lance to help with her lack of strength for some crits. She also can ninja up and kill those guys with the catapults if necessary. In 2-E, she can do a number of things. Rescuedropping Leanne, helping mop up guys on the left side, and making sure Haar doesnt get too spanked by thunder mages. In 3-9, shes probably doing the most. Killing those soldiers who are lighting the houses on fire and clearing up the upper part of the map. (and getting that speedwing/spirit dust) Just beware the archer! Putting Paragon on her here helps her get ready for some action in 3-11 and beyond. Using the Brave Lance, shes probably killing the boss of that chapter. After that, shes basically your basic flyer. If she managed to reach third tier by 3-11, (kinda unlikely in hard mode) and using Nullify, she can put a huge dent into the enemies. Her part 4 isnt bad either. Marcia is probably best suited for Micaiah's team because of desert level and junk but she can go anywhere really. The downside is that her strength unless your transfers were super good isnt that awesome. It can get severely screwed too. While shes got ok defense and really good speed, she may not be ORKOing junk even in part 4. She might even be at a lower level than Tanith or Sigrun in 3-11. (depending on the player of course)

Marcia can be hit or miss in this game, sadly, but is still pretty good to have around when she is around.

7.5/10. 8/10 bias because i <3 Marcia so much.

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Her Strength is too low for her to become something amazing and she won't cap much for a while which makes BEXP abuse a little difficult, but she flies and you can bring her along into the DB chapters for Part 4 if you need her for the desert. She really shines in 2-E and 3-11 what with all those ledges, but other than that, she's not amazing Not great, but not terrible. 6/10.


And in the HM, she will need forges to help level her a little easier as it will take awhile for her Str to get on par with everyone elses. And her characteristics are rather interesting for a Peg Knight. If only male peg knights exist.


Edited by リンダ
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PKL might slap me with a stick or something, but I like Tanith and maybe even Sigrun more.

Marcia is a helpful unit in the chapters she comes in, but she never has the best stats, and BexP abuse can become a little difficult, making a Master crown a little out of reach for her. She's great with the flight ability, but her strength can just be screwed every so often, so we have those problems.

Recruits haar 10/10

Just a "meh" unit for me. 6/10

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What is this about marcia being hard to train? Ive gotten her to promotion in HM LTC by 3-9 IIRC because of all the BEXP at that point + master crown. If anyone deserves a crown and favoritism in the CRKs, its her since the others will never fly, or be useful for that matter. Tanith is better statistically, sure. But marcia has some utility in part 2, namely getting the 2-3 speedwing and horseslayer'ing stuff in that map, rescue dropping someone in 2-E, flying to the boss to pwn him in 3-9 and then tanith does the same thing in every map as marcia except with better str growth but with not enough to not need forges anyway. As for sigrun... babying sigrun in HM is ridiculously hard and not worth it for a unit that lolneverprocsspd. Marcia>tanith>>>>sigrun is still true in HM.

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Marcia, I have a feeling most don't like her and choose ewwwwwwwwww Tanith. But she's always been my favourite Pegasus knight.


Benefits from PoR data transfer

Good movement

Better design

Stun ability is actually good

Better than Tanith when trained

With Paragon, she is easy to train


Not so strong at times

Requires forges most of the time

Outclassed by Elincia for Pegasus back (Think Horseback)

Weak to anything weapon that has "Bow" in it

Has a lousy brother

I like her though and i'll give her a biased 7/10

Edited by Sol64
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