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Rate the Unit, Day 23: Leanne


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Dat Rules (borrowed/stolen from Integrity)

- Ratings are assumed to be on Hard Mode (JP Maniac). And only hard mode!

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake.

- Every ranking phase ends when the next RTU thread is posted (at this point, it's hard to tell).

- I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out.

- "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" or "Gives you Bronze Sword" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance.

- Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

- Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "she brings a Savior to the team" as an argument.

- BEXP is free to be used in any quantity on any character.

- Skills can be reassigned freely.

- No transfers.

- Anyone that has done a RD RTU withholds the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise.


Fiona: 1.20

Meg: 1.34

Vika: 2.40

Leonardo: 2.53

Tormod: 3.28

Ilyana: 3.75

Tauroneo: 4.50

Black Knight: 4.60

Maurim: 4.72

Aran: 4.92

Laura: 5.13

Edward: 6.31

Micaiah: 6.50

Marcia: 7.31

Zihark: 7.44

Elincia: 8.21

Rafiel: 8.45

Jill: 8.46

Volug: 8.87

Sothe: 8.93

Nailah: 9.00

Nolan: 9.06

Dancer/10 :/. I hate reviewing dancers. 9/10 Very useful in every map shes in. Unlike rafiel, she can only 2 way vigor which makes her worse for endgame.

Edited by PKL
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Better than Rafiel (except for endgame) due to being able to fly and have Canto. Can refresh up to two units, transformed or not (as long as the two units are on the same axis). Her low MOV sucks though.

9/10 + 1 bias point = 10/10.

Edited by BLS
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I think she's literally the most frail unit in FE history.

Someone hasn't heard of Sophia...

Better than Rafiel (except for endgame) due to being able to fly and have Canto. Can refresh up to two units, transformed or not (as long as the two units are on the same axis). Her low MOV sucks though.

9/10 + 1 bias point = 10/10.

This is my vote as well.

Edited by Golden Cucco
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Leanne, princess of Serenes.



Refreshes two units at once.

Utterly adorable.



Super low base level.

Incredibly frail even for her class.

Leanne is really useful in the chapters she appears in. Just like all the herons. She can refresh two units at once if they are in a certain position and thats kinda useful. Even though Rafiel can do four units at once, his poor move and stuff feel like hes probably the worst out of the three. Leanne may be at a super low level but she can canto so shes never getting hit anyway unless yer really dumb or something. Leanne's contribution to part 2 chapters that shes in, are really amazing. In 2-E, shes really awesome with helping guys like Haar and Elincia murder shit. She probably isnt doing a whole lot in 3-11 because D-D-Danger Zone! (we really dont want her near ballistae or those rocks.) Her part 4 is pretty good. On Micaiah's team, she can chant for your fliers and stuff and they can get all the shit done.

Personality wise, Leanne is my favorite heron. Shes so cute and actually kinda sassy! <3

8/10. 9/10 bias.

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Leanne, princess of Serenes.



Refreshes two units at once.

Utterly adorable.



Super low base level.

Incredibly frail even for her class.

Leanne is really useful in the chapters she appears in. Just like all the herons. She can refresh two units at once if they are in a certain position and thats kinda useful. Even though Rafiel can do four units at once, his poor move and stuff feel like hes probably the worst out of the three. Leanne may be at a super low level but she can canto so shes never getting hit anyway unless yer really dumb or something. Leanne's contribution to part 2 chapters that shes in, are really amazing. In 2-E, shes really awesome with helping guys like Haar and Elincia murder shit. She probably isnt doing a whole lot in 3-11 because D-D-Danger Zone! (we really dont want her near ballistae or those rocks.) Her part 4 is pretty good. On Micaiah's team, she can chant for your fliers and stuff and they can get all the shit done.

Personality wise, Leanne is my favorite heron. Shes so cute and actually kinda sassy! <3

8/10. 9/10 bias.

this including the bias

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Leanne's a dancer, so I suppose she'll be easy to rate regardless of difficulty settings. 8.5 out of 10 for me, because of her wonky availability, frailness, and inability to refresh more than 2 people in a specific configuration regardless of form.

However, I want to request to PKL (or whoever takes over this thread when PKL is unable to) that bias points be thrown out from scoring from now on. As proven in FE9 RTU endgame thread, bias points cause a lot of problems, leading some characters to be above others even though they shouldn't. Which leads to LOTS and LOTS of crying. Which leads to people who have no lives retallying character scores without bias points because of said crying.

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I thought the raw rating was actually counted. Not the bias. I was always under that impression. In the original RTU threads when that was first a thing, i think thats how it was. and why my bias scores were always more than one point at that time. And personally, to hell with those who say "WHIIIINNNEEEE yaddayadda is far too high goddamn you all suck!" because really...lol.

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Nope. Bias points are counted.

For example, Soren went over Rhys in FE9 RTU once I took off bias points.

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Leanne is freaking adorable and has a better untransformed refresh than Reyson. However, it also means transformation only makes her stats better and improves her otherwise low mov. I like her better than Rafiel but less than Reyson, though personality wise Leanne is my favourite.


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Middle of the road heron when untransformed; the weakest when transformed. She flies, which is cool, but her low Mov hinders her a bit though. She does refresh a max of 2 units, which is always awesome in getting some extra kills. Her availability is kinda bad, but she has her time to shine during the Silver army chapters in part 4. Dancer utility is cool so: 8/10

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Giving 2 of your characters adjutant sides of her another turn is always a good thing. One of the 3 characters who can actually alter your biorhythem to high (LV15 only) giving you wtf 10 Hit, +10 Avoid, +10% Skill activation, +20% Chance of finding hidden items and recovers HP (Thanks to Blessing skill) by placing units adjutant to her. It might be best not to level her further than 15 because of this. Getting her to 15-20 gets her Sorrow which drops enemy's Biorhythm to Low. Not that useful. Just gives em -10 Hit, -10 Avoid, -10% Skill activation. Since hardly any of the enemies have skills. This effect really isn't all that helpful. Of course getting her to 30 will give her Valor to raises ally's transform gauge to maximum. But a Laguz Gem can easily solve that problem. So again. Useless.

Unlike, but at Level 40 gets you Recovery which fully recovers ally's HP and condition. Helpful. But your likely never going to get any heron to reach that level. So, meh. Without Nullify, she's also an easy target by any bow user. Of course Magic Cards are the only way you can get her to attack at the same time not making any risky mistakes putting her in danger of getting offed. Her availability is also alot more than Rafiels', but less than Reyson's. Because she can only give 2 units a turn transformed, or not. She will get less points than Reyson and Rafiel because of that. So, to wrap this up....


Edited by リンダ
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doesn't compare to reyson at all. rafiel is the worst, but leanne is right on his tier.

stats suck, level is low, can only sing to those on the same axis, movement is bad, not good for endgame.

3/10. gets points for design and sweet character + naesala.

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doesn't compare to reyson at all. rafiel is the worst, but leanne is right on his tier. stats suck, level is low, can only sing to those on the same axis, movement is bad, not good for endgame. 3/10. gets points for design and sweet character + naesala.
Nope. Not counting this.
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However, I want to request to PKL (or whoever takes over this thread when PKL is unable to) that bias points be thrown out from scoring from now on. As proven in FE9 RTU endgame thread, bias points cause a lot of problems, leading some characters to be above others even though they shouldn't. Which leads to LOTS and LOTS of crying. Which leads to people who have no lives retallying character scores without bias points because of said crying.

While I think the concept of bias points is silly, its naive to believe that one could successfully forbid bias in any "rate the unit" scenario. If the bias isn't explicit, it will be implicit.

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She and Vika are not warming the bench but the bed far away from any ninja's, monkey's or Ninjamonkey's.

On a more serious note. Her level-ups are ignorable since she'll always be too frail in any efficient PT. 2-P can be done without her and no one besides Haar is really going to use the exp gained in this chapter (and Haar gets so little anyways). 2-2 she shaves off 1 turn, 2 if going at maximum speed on a lower difficulty. She's pretty mandatory for a 1 or 3 turn clear of 2-E. Ballistea get in the way of 3-11. In 4-P she'll safe about 1 turn helping the group going up. 4-3 she's actually prtty handy because sand is a bitch.

8/10 (10+/10 if the Nosebleed inducing L/V version is allowed)

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Ballistea get in the way of 3-11.

Except those aren't ballistae, only onagers, which are pretty pathetic, to be blunt.

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I'd say beeing a Heron auto gets u to 9. Flying boosts +0.5. Beeing fragile and low mov takes 1 point away. Transformed changes nothing. Low availability and difficult to lvl up takes 1 out as well. So i'd give her 7.5 + 0.5 on bias. 8/10 final.

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Nope. Bias points are counted.

For example, Soren went over Rhys in FE9 RTU once I took off bias points.

I dont understand why people hate Soren. I just dont. :/ But despite that, biases will happen and its silly to not include them.

Except those aren't ballistae, only onagers, which are pretty pathetic, to be blunt.

Yeah but they do a pretty ridiculous amount of damage to poor Leanne due to her defense being non-existent. DANGER ZONE!

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Yeah but they do a pretty ridiculous amount of damage to poor Leanne due to her defense being non-existent. DANGER ZONE!

True, but then again, as she's a heron, that applies to pretty much everything - actually, I'd say the onagers are the least of her worries.

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