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Carnival Phantasm Mafia


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So that's why he really wanted me idling, and here I was thinking he was scum trying to stop me foiling some fiendish plan.

Regardless, with the doc dead, I'm no longer comfortable just throwing out the lightning rod as a method of "clearing" myself, sorry.

##Vote: Subieko

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Subieko (3): Manix, Papermate, Haze (L-2)

Papermate (1): Helios

Not voting: Iris, Subieko, nano, Prims, BigBangMeteor

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch. Keep it up, and Prims, I hope your votes are announced at a reasonable time after you make one.

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So yeah, fire away. This is also a reason that I want Subieko lynched, because she's just flip-flopping around things.
She voted nano for being useless when scum!Strawman had been just as useless for most of the game until people started paying attention to him, with no explanation for why nano was worse.
Subi Is Scummiest 4 dancing around her Marth suspicions 4 as long as possible after blasting him D1-N1. I think she was hesitant to look like she was wagoning. There's also some weird shit where she over justifies how she isn't attacking Elie as hard as she could be which is very confusing

(spaces added to Prims' SMS for readability)

Wow, I go to work and come back at L-2.

With regard to flip-flopping: I addressed this in a previous post, but fine, here's moar explaining. I admit I went back and forth on Marth; on N1 I was like, whoa, looking pretty suspicious, so I posted and explained my suspicions. Then I left to do other stuff, and when I came back I felt the discussion had moved on a bit and I didn't want to just repeat myself, because it would pointlessly clutter up the thread. when I looked at Marth again, I felt his posts had improved and thus other targets topped my suspicion list, namely Elieson. Yes, I flip-flopped; I was too hasty in my N1 post in my opinion, and failed to think about the circumstances enough. However, I clearly explained my reasoning each time I changed my vote. I was not going back and forth uselessly, I was changing my mind as I reconsidered the available information and new information became available.

With regard to Nano: I found her more suspicious than Straw. Straw's posts, from what I recalled, had been few and far between but had contained opinions when they came. He was somewhat scummy, but Nano's posts, which were semi-frequent but were devoid of any opinions, were more suspicious. Also, from past games I read it seemed to me that Straw being lurky was pretty much his normal playstyle, so it didn't seem as suspicious as me. Given that Straw was not a lynch target at the time (Marth was already past hammer at the time I believe), I didn't see a need to specifically explain why she was scummier than Straw.

Yes, Nano is new, but it's D3 now and she still has not developed any opinions. Even her vote on Straw at the very end of N2--made only when I pressed her to vote--had no explanation. It felt to me like Nano wanted to vote for someone others thought scummy, but not be on the main wagon.

With regard to Elieson: I'm not entirely sure what Prims is talking about here, but I do like to justify my actions and opinions and explain them thoroughly. This is pretty much how I write in real life as well, so this feels like an attack on my playstyle rather than my actual actions.

To sum up, suspicions on me seem to be pretty thin. I have already explained my opinion changes on Marth; I explained I was and continue to be suspicious of Nano when I voted for her and now; and I don't know why Prims thinks I wasn't attacking Elieson as hard as I could be, because I attacked him as hard as I felt was necessary.

I still think Nano is the most suspicious and want to lynch her today. Prims' vig shot has bought us some time but we can't afford to keep mislynching.

One of Subieko, Manix, nano, BBM, or Iris is mafia.

Psych, this is like half the game currently alive. Can you narrow it down at all?

Also @BBM, lol, no prob.

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I think I'll wait for Subieko to come in and post before I put him at L-1.

Subieko is probably already at L-1 because of Prims. Just sayin.

One of Subieko, Manix, nano, BBM, or Iris is mafia.

Cause I got results last night.

Only one though? Or could there be more than one? This is important to know. If it's only one, then that will make life soooooo much easier when we get a flip.

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Subieko is probably already at L-1 because of Prims. Just sayin.

Only one though? Or could there be more than one? This is important to know. If it's only one, then that will make life soooooo much easier when we get a flip.

Are we just going to discuss or should we hammer early? Since I have no problems hammering Subieko, since she's been pretty scummy.

And yeah, confirm which, Psych.

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Are we just going to discuss or should we hammer early? Since I have no problems hammering Subieko, since she's been pretty scummy.

And yeah, confirm which, Psych.

We have 3 days of discussion left. At least give more people time to get in here and read my defense.

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Subieko I see you in here!

You know it just occurred to me that this is the best time that she should claim since we're going to be lynching her, so I would like to know what we're getting into, hm.

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You know it just occurred to me that this is the best time that she should claim since we're going to be lynching her, so I would like to know what we're getting into, hm.

Actually, this is a good point. You're very likely at L-1 (because of Prims, read his second message), so you should probably claim.

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Actually, this is a good point. You're very likely at L-1 (because of Prims, read his second message), so you should probably claim.

Are you comfortable with me claiming to you via SMS? If you read my SMS and think it needs to go in the thread, fine. (please tell me you still have SMS receives left today)

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And yes, I have SMS receival capacity. You may fire away, if that is how you want to do it.

All right, sending SMS as soon as I check the character count. I need to learn to be concise. -__-;;;

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Okay, SMS sent whenever Ether or Bal sees it I guess. I still have two more SMS if needed.

Also I know this is terribad, but I have to go and won't be back until tomorrow. I'll try to get on the thread and make a post before work tomorrow, but I can't guarantee it will happen. Sorry guys, I always spend time with my family on Wednesday nights.

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I give up on trying to get Psych to read anything, and whether he's scum or not his ability is useful to the town as long as he asks questions we want him to.

Next on my scumlist has been Nano, and I've been wary of her ever since I entered this game. She hasn't been doing basically anything to help with scumhunting, she hasn't posted much with really any substance so it's basically like active lurking, and she didn't even vote D1 IIRC and D2 she was basically forced to vote and voted someone on really no grounds except that other people saw said person as scummy. She's new and all so I could get why she was having a little trouble at first, but after some time and reading through other games you should kinda get the hang of it by now. I'm sorry for being harsh on you nano. Right now it's the best lead I've got so I'm gonna stick with it.

#Vote Nano

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Helios, two things:

1) Claim to Prims, he requested it

2) Opinions on Subieko? She is very likely to be hammered, so what are your thoughts on that?

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