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[spoiler=Rules pretty much copypasted from SFMM1]1. This is a Limited OC game. Whilst you are alive you can only talk about the game in the game thread unless you are mafia. Once you are dead you cannot talk to anyone about the game unless you are in the same informed faction, in which case you may talk with members of that faction only, and only for strategy purposes. Knowledge acquired after death cannot be transferred from a dead player to a living player.

1.5a At the beginning of each day, every user gets 2 messages to send. These messages compound, so if the ones obtained Day 1 are not used you will 4 on Day 2.

1.5b At any time, you may respond to your Role PM with "Send USER a message." After that, you can include a message that is up to 400 characters in length. This message will be sent to USER privately as soon as a host sees it. This ability counts as a depletion of a message.

2. Every user has a role PM. Role PMs may not be shown to other users on Night 0, but starting from Day 1 onwards they may be freely distributed. Screenshotting of all forms is banned. If anyone finds a person encouraging others to take screenshots or taking screenshots and showing other people, please be sure to report it.

3. You can paste things told to you by the host. You may fake logs. Do not take pasting of a host conversation as definite proof, these can be faked. If you want to fake a log, feel free to PM one of the hosts for assistance. Impersonation of a host, however, is banned at all points.

4. Each day will have a deadline of 72 hours. You may vote to lynch users during the day by posting "##Vote USER" in bold, or "##No lynch" if you don't want to lynch anyone (lynch votes will not count if they're not in the correct format!), and if you change your vote, you do not have to edit the old vote of yours out. Once there is a majority as determined by the host, there will be a grace period of 3 hours, and if the majority is still in place after said grace period, the day will end. Please don't ask about when a majority is reached - once it's time for the day to end, it'll end (provided a host is there to update). The game will start on Night 0, but deaths will not happen on Night 0.

5. If there's a tie, no lynch will take place.

6. Each night will have a deadline of 48 hours. This gives you 48 hours to send your night action.

6.5. If you're not going to do anything at night, send a PM titled "Night X - idling". This makes keeping track of things easier and informs me that you're still playing the game.

7. Priorities have been decided beforehand and will not be revealed until after the game ends.

8. This game does not feature items.

9. Only sign up if you know you're going to be at least fairly active. If we notice that you seem to be idle, we reserve the right to have you forcefully subbed out if necessary. We'll most likely nudge first, though.

10. Be careful who you trust.

11. If you have any spreadsheets, please inform us and let us have access to them.

12. If anyone is modkilled, it will happen at the end of a phase. Additionally, if you are modkilled, you win condition will change to "You are allied with yourself. You win if you survive."

13. After death you are only allowed to make info-free posts. They could be a simple "Fuck you all you guys suck" posts, or "Good luck guys" sort of posts. As long as they doesn't contain any information about the game, it's fine. That said, don't excessively deadtalk, if living players/the hosts ask you to be quiet, do it.

14. If your Role PM contradicts the rules, follow your role PM.

15. There are no hidden players.

Rule Obviam. No editing your posts.

Rule Just in Case. Don't abuse loopholes.

Rule Ether. You may not post.


1. Ether, General Forker, Independent Rule Breaker, Modkilled Night 0.


1. Rein

2. Manix


4. General Forker

Edited by Haze
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[6/1/2012 5:17:06 AM] Ether: Hi Haze.

[6/1/2012 5:22:14 AM] Haze: Hi Ether

[6/1/2012 5:22:18 AM] Ether: What is your opinion on carrots?

[6/1/2012 5:28:48 AM] Haze: Fuck hard carrots, I like my rods soft.

[6/1/2012 5:29:07 AM] Ether: I dunno, I like taking hard rods in my mouth...

[6/1/2012 5:29:29 AM] Haze: That's kinda gay, dude.

[6/1/2012 8:22:03 AM] Ether: Kinda?

[6/1/2012 8:22:11 AM] Haze: You're right, it's totally gay. Like me. Now bend over.

[6/1/2012 2:49:54 PM] Ether: No, you bend over.

[6/1/2012 2:49:56 PM] Haze: Why should I? I'm the racehorse here.

[6/1/2012 2:49:54 PM] Ether: Because I'm impersonating you.

smirP: etoV##

kazreclaB: etoV##

KWCBJ: etoV##

hcnyL: etoV##

Is it majority yet?

Is it majority yet?

When is phase end?

Haze postgame.

Haze postgame.

Reinfleche postgame.

Hey guys, my priority is 69. Everyone lets talk about our priorities.

##Use ITEM on: PRIMS

Guess what my item does? It does everything.





Edited by Ether
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Ether has been modkilled for breaking every single rule in the game.

He was:

Dear Ether,



You are General Forker, Independent Rule Breaker.

You're a pretender who claims the name spoon when you are clearly a dirty rulebreaking forker who needs to be purged, the hosts hate you, the players hate you, prepare for judgement.

You fed off of some hidden player's stupidity, allowing you to cast 3 votes at night.

Post Restriction: Break all the rules.

You are allied with the Forks, you win if you survive.

Which means that Prims:

Dear Prims


Any questions?

You are JBCWK, Independent Horny Teenager.

In your attempt to hide from the horrors of boarding school, you tuck yourself away into mafia games where no one can find you, except that one time when someone did and tried to kill you even though you weren't playing the game.

You also have a gun, because bitches love gun. You can use it at any time even during Night 0 by replying to your role PM with "Night 0 - Shoot Ether". You will shoot Ether.

You are allied with yourself, you win if you kill Ether and Ether does not get modkilled.


Dear JBCWK Rein,

You are a spoon.

The most magestic of all utensils, many cults around the world worship at shrines built in your honour. You are a benevolent god, and are intent on spreading the spoony way to all.

At night, you may respond to your role pm with "Night 0 - Spread the true word of spoon to Ether", you will attempt to teach Ether the true ways of the spoon, unfortunately, he is a dirty forker in disguise, and will feed off of your misguided trust, making him grow in power.

As long as you are alive, Prims cannot win.

You are allied with the spoons, you win if everyone else survives.

And myself

Have all lost.

No one has won.


Postgame coming later.

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