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Rate the Unit: Day 43 - Boyd

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Dat Rules (borrowed/stolen from Integrity)

- Ratings are assumed to be on Hard Mode (JP Maniac). And only hard mode!

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake.

- Every ranking phase ends when the next RTU thread is posted (at this point, it's hard to tell).

- I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out.

- "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" or "Gives you Bronze Sword" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance.

- Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

- Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "she brings a Savior to the team" as an argument.

- BEXP is free to be used in any quantity on any character.

- Skills can be reassigned freely.

- No transfers.

- I withhold the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise. I will not throw your vote out if I do not support your opinion. Possible reasons for a tossed vote include: your vote is higher/lower than the vast majority to "balance the score" and failure to justify a radically different score.


Fiona: 1.20

Meg: 1.34

Astrid: 2.10

Lethe: 2.21

Vika: 2.40

Leonardo: 2.53

Lucia: 3.06

Danved: 3.11

Mist: 3.11

Tormod: 3.28

Rolf: 3.36

Brom: 3.56

Ilyana: 3.75

Makalov: 4.00

Nealuchi: 4.41

Tauroneo: 4.50

Geoffery: 4.50

Black Knight: 4.60

Maurim: 4.72

Kieran: 4.82

Aran: 4.92

Laura: 5.13

Heather: 5.29

Soren: 5.45

Edward: 6.31

Micaiah: 6.50

Calill: 6.59

Mordecai: 7.17

Marcia: 7.31

Zihark: 7.44

Nephenee: 7.74

Elincia: 8.21

Leanne: 8.38

Rafiel: 8.45

Jill: 8.46

Volug: 8.87

Sothe: 8.93

Nailah: 9.00

Nolan: 9.06

Ike: 9.28

Titania: 9.76

Haar: 9.91

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Weaker than Rolf, but still a muscleface is fun in terms of dealing crazy hard damage. He's one of the many great GM units, and having axes is great, and handaxe forges can generally cover ranged things. Crossbows really arn't that great if it isn't a pegasus knight or bird, so don't bother with this. He's beefy for a Warrior, tough to kill, and has decent growths in the other areas.


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-Use best weapon in game + good str base + good str growth = Monsters!!

-HP base and growth are amazing!!

-Good available


-low speed base and just a decent speed growth, may had gotten double later on if his speed is screw for just a couple level.

-low def base

Overall 7.5

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Take Mordecai

Remove 32 base defense.

Remove gauge

Reduce move

Add 1-2 range and axe forges.

You get Boyd.

Probobly one of the better growth units, but the main thing that kills him is that speed base.

+1 bias because I like my axemen.

And because he stole Mist from Rofl


Boyd without Transfers on HM isn't so good.

He's decent, but not really that good.

18 base spd is kinda mediocre.

However, when raised, he's like Ike and Titania crossed together.

Edited by Sharpy
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I love Boyd, man. He's an amazing unit to me in this game. Let's see...


-Crazy good Strength base and growth

-Insane HP base and growth

-Average Skill & Luck bases and growths

-Immediate access to Urvan later on (if you choose to level him)

-Practically a monster with Colossus


-Slightly bad Defense base, average growth

-Average Speed base and growth

-Average Resistance base, crappy growth

Verdict: 8.5/10 (7.5 + 1 bias)

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Take Mordecai

Remove 32 base defense.

Remove gauge

Reduce move

Add 1-2 range and axe forges.

You get Boyd.

Probobly one of the better growth units, but the main thing that kills him is that speed base.

+1 bias because I <3 my axemen.


Boyd without Transfers on HM isn't so good.

He's decent, but not really that good.

18 base spd is kinda mediocre.

However, when raised, he's like Ike and Titania crossed together.

This pretty much sums it up, but the bias is for marrying Mist instead.

Edited by bottlegnomes
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Oh, Boyd..... I love you and your siblings, but on HM, you shine a bit less than in other circumstances (that goes for Oscar and his crappy strength, too...No help on HM)

Anyway...On topic:

Boyd has a nice HP base and good HP growth, as well as a solid strength growth... Very nice (though Rolf's strength is higher...WTH). However, he doesn't reliably gain speed, which sucks on HM. 18 base speed is just a couple points too low. Even transfers only serve to give him a bit of breathing room, and there's little incentive to use more than one Reaver. But he's good once raised. I like Reavers, and their generous HP stat allows them to take Endgame blows (specifically Ashera's attacks) without too much worry. Plus, BoydxMist is one of my favorite pairings. Honestly, though, Boyd ended up being a good fighter on my PT, but not extremely useful into Endgame (#10 on my team for kills...Ended as a --/20/11 Reaver).

Bases: 6.5/10

Growths: 6/10

Main Story Usefulness: 7.5/10 (Good as a wall w/ his high HP)

Endgame Usefulness: 6/10 (No need for two Reavers, so....)

Ease of Training: 8.5/10

+0.5 bonus for Axefighter and BoydxMist

7.4/10 ----> Round to 7.5/10 for final grade

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Boyd is pretty sluggish. Snails move faster than this guy. He's a lot better with a Spd transfer since it gets him closer to doubling. 18 base Spd and a 45% growth is okay, but it's not doing him a lot of favors. What's worse is trying to cap stats to get that nifty BEXP wagon - he doesn't cap HP until Level 18 and Skill is in the same boat with a Secret Book. Even factoring those two stats capped, Str is the highest growth, Def is a 50% growth, and Luck is at a modest 40%. Boyd won't cap Def until Level 20 with a Dracoshield. Even if you invest a Speedwing into Boyd, he won't reach the magic Spd of 24 until Level 17.

There's still a little glimmer at the end of the tunnel, though. He can wield Hammers, which annihilate Generals. You could ferry the Brave Axe his way after its use in 3-6, though Nolan and Jill might want it.

He's just a bit below the bar to satisfy. I guess you could early promote him, but is there a real point? It might even hurt him in Part 4...


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I don't even think Boyd "stole" Mist from Rolf, but that Mist was turned off by all of Rolf's pants(shorts?)-wetting.



+High HP and strength bases

+Will have nice speed with some bexp injection

+Doesn't have too much competition for the Urvan, especially after 4-E-1


-Won't be doubling for a long time

-Probably won't be given a lot of the better axes

Boyd is still a fine unit but this time is definitely overshadowed by Ike. Boyd is roughly in the same sort of shape he was in during his Path of Radiance days. He puts a big amount of hurt on the many generals that show up in part 3 thanks to his nice strength and affinity for axes. However, if you brought over the hammer from part 2, Boyd has to compete with Titania and Haar for it. In general, Boyd's competing for the best weapons with three other great units (Haar, Titania, and Jill). However, assuming Boyd gets the hammer, he'll be OHKOing generals, and with his killer axe, he has a roll of the RNG at taking out a lot of halberdiers and snipers, too. Boyd has a pretty tough time standing out in the Greil Mercs, but he's definitely appreciated as a solid performer in part 4 when you have so many deployments to fill, especially since Boyd can go on whatever route he likes. You just have to give him time, and probably some bexp to help his speed out. And of course, thanks to generous Reaver caps, Boyd makes for a great 4-E unit when he does get either a speedwing or bexp padding. Or both.

Despite Rolf and Boyd's strength vs skill argument, Rolf has a higher strength and HP growth than Boyd. Pfffbbbt.


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I find his speed to be too big of a problem. In HM, if you can double, you are usually salvageable through Adept and/or crits. Boyd can't though, and is actually quite a bit from it. Even with a speedwing (the most contested stats item), he won't double until he has gained a few levels and manage to somehow get spd blessed in the meantime. That been said if you can manage to get him doubling, he will be an unstoppable juggernaut.

Oh and his biorhythm sucks. He has so many turns on worst bio, where he will have avoid issues and can't proc skills.


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Oh darn it, I missed Rolf and Mist. Too bad. Anyway, Boyd has high strength, defense, and HP, with decent skill and passable luck. His resistance is pathetic, but who cares. Boyd's speed growth is about average, but his base isn't that good, and it can screw him over. Still, maybe an item or some BEXP abuse and he'll be fine, or maybe just not getting as bad luck as me. What I meant was that if he falls behind in level, he won't be doubling much. Still, he's a solid unit, and at the very least he can bring enemies down to low health if he gets speed-screwed. Nice and available to, and axes are good in this game. 8.5/10

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Oh, Boyd..... I love you and your siblings, but on HM, you shine a bit less than in other circumstances (that goes for Oscar and his crappy strength, too...No help on HM)

Anyway...On topic:

Boyd has a nice HP base and good HP growth, as well as a solid strength growth... Very nice (though Rolf's strength is higher...WTH). However, he doesn't reliably gain speed, which sucks on HM. 18 base speed is just a couple points too low. Even transfers only serve to give him a bit of breathing room, and there's little incentive to use more than one Reaver. But he's good once raised. I like Reavers, and their generous HP stat allows them to take Endgame blows (specifically Ashera's attacks) without too much worry. Plus, BoydxMist is one of my favorite pairings. Honestly, though, Boyd ended up being a good fighter on my PT, but not extremely useful into Endgame (#10 on my team for kills...Ended as a --/20/11 Reaver).

Bases: 6.5/10

Growths: 6/10

Main Story Usefulness: 7.5/10 (Good as a wall w/ his high HP)

Endgame Usefulness: 6/10 (No need for two Reavers, so....)

Ease of Training: 8.5/10

+0.5 bonus for Axefighter and BoydxMist

7.4/10 ----> Round to 7.5/10 for final grade

Reavers are among the best endgame clases anyways, so why not bring two?

Oh darn it, I missed Rolf and Mist. Too bad. Anyway, Boyd has high strength, defense, and HP, with decent skill and passable luck. His resistance is pathetic, but who cares. Boyd's speed growth is about average, but his base isn't that good, and it can screw him over. Still, maybe an item or some BEXP abuse and he'll be fine, or maybe just not getting as bad luck as me. What I meant was that if he falls behind in level, he won't be doubling much. Still, he's a solid unit, and at the very least he can bring enemies down to low health if he gets speed-screwed. Nice and available to, and axes are good in this game. 8.5/10

Play HM kid.

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Boyd is pretty sluggish. Snails move faster than this guy. He's a lot better with a Spd transfer since it gets him closer to doubling. 18 base Spd and a 45% growth is okay, but it's not doing him a lot of favors. What's worse is trying to cap stats to get that nifty BEXP wagon - he doesn't cap HP until Level 18 and Skill is in the same boat with a Secret Book. Even factoring those two stats capped, Str is the highest growth, Def is a 50% growth, and Luck is at a modest 40%. Boyd won't cap Def until Level 20 with a Dracoshield. Even if you invest a Speedwing into Boyd, he won't reach the magic Spd of 24 until Level 17.

There's still a little glimmer at the end of the tunnel, though. He can wield Hammers, which annihilate Generals. You could ferry the Brave Axe his way after its use in 3-6, though Nolan and Jill might want it.

He's just a bit below the bar to satisfy. I guess you could early promote him, but is there a real point? It might even hurt him in Part 4...


This with half a negative bias point for Boyd/Mist for 4.5/10. Also, I personally despise his biorhythm wave, in addition to thinking that he was better off in his Path of Radiance days.

Edited by Golden Cucco
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Boyd has a 50% def growths but an average base..>_>

He's got a 45% spd growth but a mediocre base..>_>

I think IS tried to nerf him.

Same with Oscar, I think IS tried to nerf Oscar.

THey def. nerfed Mak, Kieran, Astrid, Marcia, Lethe, and Mist. and Tormod and Muarim.

But they buffed SHinon, Mia, Haar, Gatrie, Danved, Rofl, RHys, Zihark, Lucia, and Tauroneo.

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Boyd has a 50% def growths but an average base..>_>

He's got a 45% spd growth but a mediocre base..>_>

I think IS tried to nerf him.

Same with Oscar, I think IS tried to nerf Oscar.

THey def. nerfed Mak, Kieran, Astrid, Marcia, Lethe, and Mist. and Tormod and Muarim.

But they buffed SHinon, Mia, Haar, Gatrie, Danved, Rofl, RHys, Zihark, Lucia, and Tauroneo.

Bold: Rhys and Tauroneo don't really look like they got buffed to me... especially Tauroneo.

Also, it didn't look to me like IS TRIED to nerf Boyd - looks to me like they DID.

Edited by Golden Cucco
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I can appreciate what Boyd does for the GMs, but i've never really liked him.

He's a strong, offensive unit with good durability but his speed is awful. Ordinarily, I wouldn't really have a problem with that but in general he's always competing with more competent Axe users. Titania and Haar always get their weapon pics over him, and he's always fed scraps (for example, he could really use a speed wing since he's so slow on HM, but Haar almost always takes it/there's no way in hell I could afford to give him a good forged weapon (other than a hand axe) after Titania and Haar get their shares). That said, you can always count on him to take a hit on HM, and he's definitely helped me out of a few tough spots in HM. Overall, he's good in part III, but meh in part IV (outshined most axe users, including NOLAN who despite being a lower level can easily catch up)

7.3/10 (a little better than 7, but not quite at 7.5 either).

Edited by Starwave
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Boyd's pretty good in this game. Not the best, but good. He does a lot of great things in the GM earlygame, which helps them tremendously. He's got a lot of Speed and Defense problems, and it'll be rare if he doubles frequently. The worst part is he won't be getting the Speedwings until after Haar and Ike get them. That's a while from then, and I don't even know if there's that many in the game.


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Boyd has a 50% def growths but an average base..>_>

He's got a 45% spd growth but a mediocre base..>_>

I think IS tried to nerf him.

Same with Oscar, I think IS tried to nerf Oscar.

THey def. nerfed Mak, Kieran, Astrid, Marcia, Lethe, and Mist. and Tormod and Muarim.

But they buffed SHinon, Mia, Haar, Gatrie, Danved, Rofl, RHys, Zihark, Lucia, and Tauroneo.

Something always bugs me since RD came.

Str/Skl/Spd base for Boys and Gatrie should be swap.

Boys should be start with 25str/18Skl/20 Spd (more suit for Warrior class, super hight str ,spd>skl)

and Gatrie should be with 22str/20skl/18spd (more suit for General class, c'mon armor class should have skl>spd)

Edited by Jimmy_Smith
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But they buffed SHinon, Mia, Haar, Gatrie, Danved, Rofl, RHys, Zihark, Lucia, and Tauroneo.

I can't believe that you didn't mention Elincia. >.<

Anyways, Boyd is pretty cool. His base speed sucks (he's at risk of getting doubled in some of his early maps) so he needs a speedwing, but Haar and Titania, imo, use the two better (1-F and 2-3, the 3-9 one comes too late for Boyd). He's pretty cool once his speed catches up, and forged Hand Axes are like :DDDDDDD

Let's go with a 5.5/10

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Boyd. Brother of Rolf and Oscar. The Boydening.


Dat Strength!!!

1-2 range.

Good availability.

Ok base level.

Decent bases.

High HP.


Speed is craptacular.

Boyd is pretty cool. Hes not all super amazing but good enough to get the job done. Hes a hard hitter and is using axes (best type in the game) to spam his foes. His defense isnt amazing but its not awful. Hes got mad HP too so he can take a hit. Hes fast enough not to get doubled but hes slow enough to not double for...a VERY LONG TIME. D: That killer axe helps his cause a bit. His base level is pretty good and Boyd with transfers is nice to have around. Once he starts getting some speed, Boyd's gonna be murdering a lot of things. Reaver is a pretty awesome class to have around. Hes got that really sweet (in terms of story and junk) support with Mist too that nets a Spirit Dust later on. One of the very few supports that actually effect certain events. Neat. If Boyd can get past that speed pitfall of his, hes a great addition to the team.

7/10. 7.5/10 bias because The Boydening.

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Reavers are among the best endgame clases anyways, so why not bring two?

Play HM kid.

Because they cause only passable damage to Auroras, though like I said, their high HP allows them to take hits well. And I'd rather take Nolan for his Earth affinity and better speed growth. Anyway, I found that Trueblades dish out more damage due to consistent doubling and Adept/Vantage/Astra, Rolf puts out more damage with the Double Bow, and Jill is fine for an axe user (with higher defense, too). Boyd is proven to be unnecessary and not much of a benefit. Heck, even Ike wasn't a use with his "I-have-a-52%-hit-chance vs. Auroras." But it's just personal opinion. I like Reavers and I like Boyd and Nolan, but I just found that Nolan was a better use in HM, so Boyd was just...eh.

Bottom line: Personal opinion, I guess.

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Because they cause only passable damage to Auroras, though like I said, their high HP allows them to take hits well. And I'd rather take Nolan for his Earth affinity and better speed growth. Anyway, I found that Trueblades dish out more damage due to consistent doubling and Adept/Vantage/Astra, Rolf puts out more damage with the Double Bow, and Jill is fine for an axe user (with higher defense, too). Boyd is proven to be unnecessary and not much of a benefit. Heck, even Ike wasn't a use with his "I-have-a-52%-hit-chance vs. Auroras." But it's just personal opinion. I like Reavers and I like Boyd and Nolan, but I just found that Nolan was a better use in HM, so Boyd was just...eh.

Bottom line: Personal opinion, I guess.

Boyd is kinda average-ish overall.

Because Boyd is so goddamn slow and he doesn't have Canto like Haar / Titania do.


Yes, even if we get him to max lvl, he gets 33 spd ojn average as a maxed out reaver.

I agree now, in HM he's just not really as good as his NM version

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Because they cause only passable damage to Auroras, though like I said, their high HP allows them to take hits well. And I'd rather take Nolan for his Earth affinity and better speed growth. Anyway, I found that Trueblades dish out more damage due to consistent doubling and Adept/Vantage/Astra, Rolf puts out more damage with the Double Bow, and Jill is fine for an axe user (with higher defense, too). Boyd is proven to be unnecessary and not much of a benefit. Heck, even Ike wasn't a use with his "I-have-a-52%-hit-chance vs. Auroras." But it's just personal opinion. I like Reavers and I like Boyd and Nolan, but I just found that Nolan was a better use in HM, so Boyd was just...eh.

Bottom line: Personal opinion, I guess.

What? I'm fine with you preferring TBs to Reavers for endgame, but how can you say Reavers deal "passable" damage to Auras, but TBs do well against them? They have the highest beorc strength cap in the game and enough speed to double with Nasir. A reaver with a brave axe is doing 16x2, assuming capped strength (though that's kind of unlikely but that's beside the point). With Nasir that's 16x4. With Ena or Gareth, Nasir and an A fire support that's 23x4 or a ORKO. Reavers with Urvan, Nasir, and an A fire support do 29x2. With Gareth or Ena, that hops up to 34x2. TBs with VK do 17x2. With Ena or Gareth and an A fire support that's 23x2. With the brave sword their damage output drops to 8x4. Yes TBs don't need Nasir to double, but they aren't outdamaging Reavers much, if at all.

Edited by bottlegnomes
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