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Higurashi Mafia - Game over


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Just went and did ISO on most of the notable bandwagons, and I'm really not feeling it. Calling it now, but Shinori and Camtech are both town.

My radar still pings a lot worse on Elieson, and I'd really like to see him lynched but as that doesn't seem like it's going to happen (for whatever reason) I'm going to have to contribute somewhere else. This is honestly exactly the sort of behaviour I've come to expect from seeing scum!Eli in action, and it plain and simple wasn't protown.

On an unrelated note, I must say I'm frankly disappointed in just how many people completely misread my scathing sarcasm post, where I was taking a potshot at the folly of Elieson's suggestion for a game. I had formatted it in similar language, and in a way that I had assumed the meaning couldn't have been misinterpreted, but some people seriously thought it was a softclaim? C'mon.

I suppose I can't complain too much though, as a lot of the interaction from Cam that I watch following this is what's currently leading me to believe he's town.

Now some people think that BBM was "over-reacting" or "acting scummy" but he seems to have just got caught up in the cross-fire of arguing. When he admits to trying to look bad to avoid getting NK, that's a little off, but at the moment not worth lynching over.

I haven't looked into either Rapier or Marth at the moment, to be honest, so I'm probably behind on forumlating any reads on them. Subieko as well, I'm in the air about.

Scorri has had some very bad play today, and unvoting and just leaving is a terrible practice and ought to be discouraged. I really don't like the idea of lynching someone without giving them any chance to claim however. Shit like that has been done before to people like Proto and we lose important town roles like Tracker, Doctor, etc.

Then again, my own play has been pretty less-than-stellar, as I slept most of Saturday and missed just about everything.

Bizz, to answer your question, the first half of D1 you were tripping my scum!Bizz sensors, which admittedly are not finely calibrated. Since you actually began to pay attention to the game though, things are looking a little better, but you honestly haven't been pressing me as hard as I'd have expected a Town!Bizz to do, so I'll continue to keep an eye on you.

In summary. I like my vote where it is, but as Iris pointed out I was terrible and forgot to unvote.


##Vote: Elieson

If scorri were actually present and able to defend herself, I would seriously consider moving, as I'm getting bad vague flashbacks to schoolgirls here. I think lynching someone who can't claim is terrible on principle though and refuse to endorse it.

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You're supposed to infer that my top priority was not dying.

You don't understand, I felt you just contradicted yourself. here, let me help you.

I try to act scummy enough that the mafia don't want to kill me, but townie enough that the town doesn't want to lynch me. It's a hard balance to get and I tend to err in the too scummy side.

See, I get the feeling you had a power role by the way you say you don't wanna die. Yeah, you just outed out the fact that you were trying to 'fly under the radar.' Guess what's the contradiction?

@Elieson- why?

##Unvote, ##Vote: Elieson

That is information which benefits the mafia a lot. It lets them automatically cancel out people who are not high priority targets like the Doc and the Cop, while also letting them know who they probably don't want to target yet. On the other hand, very few town roles care about whether someone's role is passive or active.

You bashed Elieson for asking whether our roles were active and passive, and said the mafia shouldn't have that info. With what you just said, the mafia now gets an idea that you in fact had a nice PR and wanted to avoid any commotion. At least this is what I can infer from your latest posts.

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##Vote: BBM

As much as I don't like voting for someone who can't defend himself, Scorri can't too. And I find BBM more scummy than Scorri. Not like this vote makes much of a difference.

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Yes, it does. BBM strikes me as silly, not lynch-worthy.

So you suggest I switch my vote to Scorri?

I don't think anyone else would make a vote on BBM, so currently its 3 for BBM and 4 for Scorri.

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Sorry, miscounted. Your vote is probably a good thing; if someone hops from scorri to BBM, it won't tie the lynch; likewise, if someone else waltzes in and does a last-minute tie, it won't look good.

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Okay figured I would state this here so people can decide what they want me to do this night phase. Bored of waiting for the flip that was supposed to be a while ago I think.

Anywho, I'm town kidnapper, but I do not know if my role blocks or not. I was told I couldn't be answered about that. Do you want me to just idle or would you like to all pick a target for me to kidnap? Both to test if it actually roleblocks(which we won't find out till night phase to ask the person most likely), and to prove my role.

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Holy hell. A long night at work followed by crashing as soon as I got home. I didn't expect this much activity. Give me some time to play catchup and I'll spit out something.

Wait though, wasn't D1 supposed to end at 5am EST?

I'll be as active as I can today. It's Father's Day today after all, and I am a proud Daddy as you should all know

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sleep + dinner

Anyway, updated rules 4 and 31.


"Wait... No, stop! You d-don't mean any of this, do you?!"

After things actually happened, the entire town was now gathered around Scorri, forcing her back towards a wall.

"I-I'm innocent! R-Really! Guys... You trust me, right?"

Everyone wasn't too sure what to make of what she said, until MAGNIFICENTLY RETARDED ASSHAT PAPERBLADE appeared, in all of his horrendous, filthy, disgusting splendour. Everyone backed off (more like ran the hell away) as Paperblade approached Scorri, unsure of what he would do...

then he exploded in her face :D

Scorri has been lynched! This was her role PM:

Dear user,

You are Akasaka Mamoru.


You are a young police investigator from Tokyo, initially sent to Hinamizawa to investigate a kidnapping. You are a very able combatant, as well as a rather cunning man, as shown in your games of mahjong.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - USER, I've got your back". You will strive to protect USER throughout the Night Phase, preventing any non-fatal night actions from targeting him.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town have been removed.

"Oh dear," muttered Rein.

"Oh dear is right..."

"... goddamn that paperblade is disgusting"

Everyone agreed, retching at the sight of the now-exploded Paperblade, before leaving to return to their homes.


Night 1 ends on 19 June 2012, 11pm, GMT+8. I'm at camp, so I'm not 100% sure if I'll be able to crop up phase end, but that's what co-mods are for >8]

Edited by Illuminate
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[3] scorri: eclipse, adiosToreador, BigBangMeteor

[2] BigBangMeteor: Shinori, San

[2] Elieson: apocalypseArisen, Balcerzak

[2] Shinori: Subieko, Camtech

[1] Subieko: Rapier

[4] Not Voting: Elieson, Helios, scorri, Bluedoom

[spoiler=Unsimplified Votals]UNSIMPLIFIED VOTALS:

[3] scorri: Balcerzak, Elieson, Bluedoom, eclipse, adiosToreador, BigBangMeteor

[2] BigBangMeteor: scorri, Camtech, San, Shinori, Rapier, San, Bluedoom

[2] Elieson: Subieko, scorri, BigBangMeteor, apocalypseArisen, Balcerzak, Camtech

[2] Shinori: BigBangMeteor, Rapier, BigBangMeteor, eclipse, Subieko, Camtech

[1] Subieko: Helios, adiosToreador, scorri, Bluedoom, Camtech, Rapier

[0] adiosToreador: Shinori, Balcerzak, eclipse

[0] apocalypseArisen: San

[0] Balcerzak: eclipse, Helios, Camtech

[0] Bluedoom: eclipse, Camtech, Helios

[0] Camtech: Elieson, apocalypseArisen, Bluedoom, adiosToreador, eclipse

[0] eclipse: Shinori, Helios

[0] Helios: Subieko, Rapier

[0] Rapier: eclipse, eclipse

[0] San: Helios, eclipse

[4] Not Voting: Elieson, Helios, scorri, Bluedoom

Result: scorri, Town Safeguard, Akasaka Mamoru, lynched.

[spoiler=Voting Order]Shinori votes eclipse.

Elieson votes Camtech.

Balcerzak votes scorri.

Helios votes Subieko.

BigBangMeteor votes Shinori.

scorri votes BigBangMeteor.

Rapier votes Shinori.

apocalypseArisen votes Camtech.

eclipse votes Balcerzak.

Camtech votes BigBangMeteor.

Subieko votes Elieson.

Shinori unvotes eclipse; votes adiosToreador.

San votes BigBangMeteor.

eclipse unvotes Balcerzak; votes Rapier.

eclipse unvotes Rapier; votes Bluedoom.

Bluedoom votes Camtech.

scorri unvotes BigBangMeteor; votes Elieson.

Elieson unvotes Camtech; votes scorri.

Camtech unvotes BigBangMeteor; votes Bluedoom.

Balcerzak unvotes scorri; votes adiosToreador.

BigBangMeteor unvotes Shinori; votes Elieson.

Helios unvotes Subieko; votes San.

Shinori unvotes adiosToreador; votes BigBangMeteor.

San unvotes BigBangMeteor; votes apocalypseArisen.

Helios unvotes Kay; votes Bluedoom.

Bluedoom unvotes Camtech; votes scorri.

Helios unvotes Bluedoom; votes eclipse.

eclipse unvotes Bluedoom; votes Rapier.

Helios unvotes eclipse; votes Balcerzak.

apocalypseArisen unvotes Camtech; votes Elieson.

Subieko unvotes Elieson; votes Helios.

Rapier unvotes Shinori; votes Helios.

Balcerzak unvotes adiosToreador; votes Elieson.

Elieson unvotes scorri.

BigBangMeteor unvotes Elieson; votes Shinori

eclipse unvotes Rapier; votes Shinori

adiosToreador votes Subieko.

Rapier unvotes Helios; votes BigBangMeteor.

Camtech unvotes Bluedoom; votes Elieson.

Subieko unvotes Helios; votes Shinori.

Helios unvotes Balcerzak.

scorri unvotes Elieson; votes Subieko.

Bluedoom unvotes scorri; votes Subieko.

Camtech unvotes Elieson; votes Subieko.

Rapier unvotes BigBangMeteor; votes Subieko.

adiosToreador unvotes Subieko.

adiosToreador votes Camtech.

adiosToreador unvotes Camtech.

Camtech unvotes Subieko; votes Balcerzak.

eclipse unvotes Shinori; votes Camtech.

Bluedoom unvotes Subieko.

Camtech unvotes Balcerzak; votes Shinori.

eclipse unvotes Camtech.

scorri unvotes.

eclipse votes adiosToreador.

eclipse unvotes adiosToreador; votes San,

San unvotes Rein; votes BigBangMeteor.

eclipse unvotes San; votes scorri.

adiosToreador votes scorri;

BigBangMeteor unvotes Shinori; votes scorri.

Bluedoom votes BigBangMeteor.

Bluedoom unvotes BigBangMeteor.

If anyone's interested about how votals went down, they're above~!

Night 1 ends on 19 June 2012, 11pm, GMT+8. I'm at camp, so I'm not 100% sure if I'll be able to crop up phase end, but that's what co-mods are for >8]

Joshua, that's during my last exam. ;/

I'm going to take the liberty of extending the night phase by a few hours (of course, if you guys send in your actions early, I'll end the phase early~!)

Night 1 now ends on 19 June 2012, 2 am, GMT+8; 2 pm EDT, or in 2 days, 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Edited by Iris
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Yeah. We had a whole of stuff to work on, and they decided to focus on someone who was away and hadn't posted much. Seriously what the fuck /facepalm

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I probably won't be posting much if at all today, will back tonight though.

I'm not happy that we ended up lynching someone who wasn't around to defend herself. Especially since in my opinion lurking D1 is not that suspicious; lurking later in the game and especially lurking through the whole game are when it gets scummy.

After rereading D1, I've become concerned about Marth.

Now what Elieson did reminds me of what how Shinori played in GSM, and there I was scum trying to take advantage of that. Now I agree with what BBM is saying but, his behavior reminds me of myself in GSM. That said, its not enough for me to just vote him like that.


##Vote: Scorri

So you think BBM looks like scum trying to take advantage of a Town slipup, but you don't want to vote for him and maybe put some pressure on, see how he reacts? And instead you vote for Scorri without giving any reasoning.


##Vote: Subieko

GG, put words in others' mouths.

Also I'd rather not have Elieson lynched. Not just yet anyway. Same with Shinori. especially after that claim. BBM's fair game though.

Your next vote sheeps on Bizz (and also Rapier)'s reasoning. And this time you say you'd be okay with a BBM lynch. Your previous post, you seemed to think he wasn't suspicious enough to vote for. Also still no explanation for the Scorri vote; was it just random? If you had suspicions going, why make a random vote?

Subi I'd rather you not roleclaim.

Also I would agree with Shinori on one point- Scum can take advantage of mistakes like what Eli did. BBM did this, and although that doesn't mean he's scum, it sure makes him look scummy.

And again, you say BBM is scummy but fail to vote for him at all.

Only reason I'm not voting you is because you always tend to act scummy.

This is the end of a post Marth made about Rapier. This is another case of Marth saying someone is scummy but not actually voting for them.

##Vote: BBM

As much as I don't like voting for someone who can't defend himself, Scorri can't too. And I find BBM more scummy than Scorri. Not like this vote makes much of a difference.

I don't like that Marth waited until BBM was gone to vote him--they were both online for a bit before BBM left, there was time for Marth to vote then and for BBM to defend himself.

Eclipse questioned this, and Marth responded:

So you suggest I switch my vote to Scorri?

I don't think anyone else would make a vote on BBM, so currently its 3 for BBM and 4 for Scorri.

Marth votes for BBM but doesn't seem willing to try convincing anyone else that BBM is a good lynch. And that last line...this looks to me like Marth voted BBM only when he was pretty sure BBM wouldn't actually get lynched.

Thank you Prims


When Prims points out that Elieson had actually unvoted, meaning there would be a tie, Marth unvotes. He doesn't commit to any other lynch and does not provide any opinions about Scorri.

Marth has a number of posts saying BBM is scummy, questioning BBM, etc., yet he only voted for him when it was almost deadline, when BBM was gone and would not be able to react, and only when he seemed sure that no one else would vote BBM and get him lynched.

And look at Marth's earlier votes on Scorri and me. With the Scorri vote, the post is about BBM and there's no discussion of Scorri at all. I don't actually see any opinions about Scorri in any of Marth's posts. With the vote on me, Marth does provide reasoning but it's sheeping on Bizz and Rapier's reasoning. What really concerns me, though, is that he didn't press me further but instead kept talking about BBM, and later questioning Rapier. When Bizz and Rapier were suspicious of me/voting me, they kept pressing me and questioning me. Marth just dropped a vote and then didn't mention me again that I noticed.

I'm concerned that Marth's focus was on BBM (with some posts about Rapier in the middle), but his votes were not. There's this disconnect between the votes and the opinions/words that bothers me. When I first read through the thread, I thought Marth and BBM couldn't be of the same alignment. But now, rereading, I wonder if Marth was actually distancing himself from BBM.

Other stuff: I've asked in my role PM how my role works wrt to roleblocking/redirecting/effects on the target, but I'm not sure it would be good to share that info just yet.

Rein hasn't really done anything so far except for a vote on Elieson, I want to see more from him.

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