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as in if you thought i was talking about you in my last two posts, i wasn't

and if eclipse were here she would be saying the same thing, people shouldn't reference games that are still running in other games

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No, it was voting Prims because of horrible logic, not because he voted me. There's a difference. I didn't like his other actions either (see dayvig speculation.)

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Levity - o. I interpreted that post as you egging him into continuing the argument because of the snippet about me using self-meta you posted earlier.

Manix - 'k. I don't think my logic is bad though, "I don't care" and "I'm confused" aren't useful town opinions like you're trying to pass them off as. When you say "I think it might be for the better I don't know what these dudes are talking about" that doesn't necessarily imply it's HARMFUL TO THE TOWN for people to know what those dudes are talking about.

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You keep waving everything he says off as "bad logic" and gave up the argument kind of in the middle of it

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Levity - o. I interpreted that post as you egging him into continuing the argument because of the snippet about me using self-meta you posted earlier.

Oops, sorry about that. I'm being kind of vague and giving off my opinions in short bursts right now because I'm having trouble focusing on larger posts, so if I say something else that needs clarifying, just let me know

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it's bad that I already don't care much for this game anymore, right?

if you think I'm scum, then lynch me. I know where my suspicions lie, and town will get information from lynching me based on my suspicions

calling the scumteam as Prims and Blitz right now

and with that, I'll be back later

I'd like to see the wagon on me when I get back.

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Also, shooting when there are 5 people (Strawman, Proto, Rothene, Blitz, BBM) who don't have serious votes down is a really bad idea. IMO the dayvig probably shouldn't even shoot until D2, if there is one.

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My randomvote is on Manix, so I'm going to remove it and vote for Blitz, because this depressing "lynch me if you want" attitude from Manix is new, and I don't think he's pulling some WIFOM.

## Unvote, ##Vote: Blitz

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Huh. ##Unvote

So I'm reading this whole argument thing between Manix and Prims, and I'm not sure I like any part of it at all. Manix is wanting to go off dumb meta logic just to spite Prims(I know this isn't all it is, but it comes off as this), and Prims is using the same argument(the fumbling, the confused, and the apathetic statements) against Manix in almost all of his posts despite Manix actually posting information and opinions(especially) in his more recent posts.

Hmm. I did also find Manix initially lackluster in the content posting department, but that one large post he made that basically started the argument did have content in it. His apathy towards being lynched(which isn't even currently happening) is strange though. I wonder what he means by saying his lynch will help town? Seems incredibly defensive. Also, its weird how he is super apathetic in theory towards the votes on him, yet is reacting this much(and reacted highly earlier in the game as well) to the suspicions Prims has put on him.

Prims on the other hand has been posting a lot more consistently though a good portion of that was silly meta arguments with Bizz and vague(although thats probably for the best) posts about her possible role or not role or whatever. Seems incrediblly offensive(not in the sense he is offending people, but that he is really going after and arguing with people) but also stubborn. As in it appears he is trying to have discussion with people but he keeps making similar points and it doesn't look like he takes what else they said that may not fit his argument as well into consideration. Doesn't seem like the most pro-town way to discuss with someone.

And then on a random third tangent, Blitz also strikes me as strange. He was hesitant about starting the role discussion himself yet hasn't ever ceased pushing others for their input and discussion. Normally that wouldn't be a bad thing, but I'm struggling to find too much of not outside of trying to get others to talk and not much sharing his own opinion(though he has done this just not always on the most relevant things).

Prims is coming off the worst at the moment though, ##Vote:Prims for the reasons stated above.

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also Prims, if you really think I'm scummy enough to be lynched, shoot me already. Yes I'm meta'ing you, and I know you'd likely take it

What am I supposed to shoot you with?

dayvig shot, don't play dumb

Also, shooting when there are 5 people (Strawman, Proto, Rothene, Blitz, BBM) who don't have serious votes down is a really bad idea. IMO the dayvig probably shouldn't even shoot until D2, if there is one.

For me, there's too much basis of Meta in this to seriously determine anything about anybody. From what I've seen, everyone (except for Straw) is playing abnormally from their typical meta, with a few quirks of themselves built in to their current playstyle of analysis.

Right now, I think Prims' logic could stand to lighten up, because he's constantly dancing around questions. This is just the most recent thing I saw, and I don't like it at all. My vote stands. Bizz, if you don't like it, I'm sorry, but to me, that sort of thing is a scumtell.

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Strawman: I keep bringing up those points because Manix has been trying to pass his earlygame play (which was why I initially voted him) as not being void of content like I was stating. Since I think this is false, I think his attempt to do so combined with his overreaction is scummy, hence why my vote is still down on him. My case isn't as out-of-date as you're claiming.

Elie: What questions have I danced around? In case I still need to spell it out for everybody after those posts, I'm not a dayvig.

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BBM: If Blitz is the scummiest to you, why aren't you voting him?

Elie: I'm not being vague, I'm just not saying more than what needs to be said. I'm not going to claim ED1 over a half-serious point against Levity which I have explained multiple times. Yeah, I'm not the only person who knows anything about roles, but bringing up the elephant in the room is hardly scummy in this context.

I want to hear more than role speculation from Proto and Rothene. "nothing's happening" not really, I have a serious vote on Manix, Blitz and Levity have been posting enough to make them analyzable and now Elie and BBM have serious opinions too.

Blitz should speak up again, too. He was an early town read for getting engaged in discussion, but then he sort of petered out and resorted to typical ED1 prodvote nonsense and I've made my stance on that being useless multiple times in past games. I'm still content voting Manix because he hasn't really done much aside from fumble around. No opinions whatsoever means there's no reason for me to move my vote.

Sorta bluntly said "I'm not talking", then provided a metaphor that makes me want to watch Madagascar 3D

That's not actually what you said.

You said people say you're too quick to vote. I said people can't actually be too quick to vote outside of LYLO / MYLO (where scum can hammer instantly) or situations where the other player is at L-1, because this is true. We are not in LYLO / MYLO and Blitz is not L-1.

People act like you can't take back votes or move them once you make them and that's absolutely retarded because not only is it not true, it's a mentality that leads to people being conservative with votes when they shouldn't be (and therefore, playing worse).

Really? People don't analyze voting trends and history to deduce opinions? That's just a strange thing to say, IMO. Perhaps I'm wrong, but if you can convince me that I'm silly for looking at voting trends, then have at it.

snapback.pngManix, on 21 June 2012 - 06:54 PM, said:

And you still seem to ignore the actual content of my posts (ie; you don't actually address the fact that I did have opinions), okay then, Strawman (the fallacy) away Prims

I'm done with this. If I can't break it through your head, whatev.

Important question: am I scum?

Wat is this?

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Really? People don't analyze voting trends and history to deduce opinions? That's just a strange thing to say, IMO. Perhaps I'm wrong, but if you can convince me that I'm silly for looking at voting trends, then have at it.

And that's exactly it. If people decide not to vote until they are voting for the person they are 95% sure is scum, you have far less votes to analyze.

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Really? People don't analyze voting trends and history to deduce opinions? That's just a strange thing to say, IMO. Perhaps I'm wrong, but if you can convince me that I'm silly for looking at voting trends, then have at it.

I wasn't saying people don't analyze voting trends and history (that's kind of the point of mafia, even), I was saying that people are too hesitant to make votes, as if they can't change the votes they make. Like, you see people going "hey this dude is scummy but I'm not going to vote him yet", which is what BBM just did.

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Strawman: I keep bringing up those points because Manix has been trying to pass his earlygame play (which was why I initially voted him) as not being void of content like I was stating. Since I think this is false, I think his attempt to do so combined with his overreaction is scummy, hence why my vote is still down on him. My case isn't as out-of-date as you're claiming.

But iirc he only pointed out one earlier post that he said had content that you didn't agree with. I agree a lot of his early posts were short, unhelpful, and too apathetic but it still seems like you were only harping on that and not paying attention to anything in his more recent posts that isn't him overreacting to you where he actually (kind of) says things. This post is one of what I'm referring too:

I addressed the votes on me (all of my cares are not present), and thought that it was better to not delve into the whole "what is Bizz's possible role" thing, because we don't want to give maf information. I swear you must have missed my meaningful posts up to that point. (Although it was all of 2, admittedly)

Sure the first half is iffy especially since, iirc, he addressed the votes by saying he isn't really into the game yet which isn't really addressing the votes effectively and I still find him scummy for stuff like that, but he has posted more since then in longer and more opinionated and relevant posts and admits his earlier posts weren't stellar, so its questionable to focus on them so much.

Also yes, please no one hammer Prims. We still have plenty of time this phase so let us use it.

Also, other random thoughts from me.

Hold up a sec. waitwaitwait

I don't like those quotes, particularly since they were pretty much at the same time. The below quote is worse, though

Okay, this implies the following: Blitz is breadcrumbing doc, or after the whole "what if scum picked doc", that he could be scum trying to make town paranoid. Iunno, but there might be a third reason; not having a single clue at all.

Well I just kind of blurted out the first thing that came to my mind about the role drafting to be honest I was alarmed when blitz said something almost the same so soon after I said it(we probably typed it at the same time to be fair). But I'm not see whats the harm in at least considering the possibilities. I mean sure there are endless what if situations we could speculate with the roles and the drafting and it would be dumb to try and bring them all up, but eh, I'm not reading too much into it.

Elieson's Prims vote is strange to me. He voted him for acting like he knows more info, but I don't really get how that makes him look like scum especially in light of his other behavior and actions. Maybe if it was distracting/detrimental to discussion or something? Elie, could you explain this a little please? Also dancing around the question? Can you explain that too?

Also BBM changed stories a lot in that little discussion with Prims aobut what he was saying about voting too quick how he used it as justification for not voting for who he thinks is most scummy. Maybe you're just waiting for Blitz to respond to your vote, but its kind of difficult for me to tell with your responses to Prims.

Sorry I kind of threw up stuff in this post. Also:

From what I've seen, everyone (except for Straw) is playing abnormally from their typical meta, with a few quirks of themselves built in to their current playstyle of analysis.

Yay for consistency!

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Prims (4): Blitz, Proto, Elieson, Manix, StSS

Manix (2): BBM, Prims, Levity

Proto (1): Blitz

Blitz (1): Levity, BBM

StSS (0): Manix, Blitz

BBM (0): StSS

Rothene (0): Blitz

Levity (0): Prims

Voteless Scum: Rothene

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Sure the first half is iffy especially since, iirc, he addressed the votes by saying he isn't really into the game yet which isn't really addressing the votes effectively and I still find him scummy for stuff like that.

I think more to the point, what I'm saying is, is that I am not afraid to be lynched. That's why I don't care about the votes.

That clear that up?

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