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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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Hey, just to make sure, but I heard that it's harder to restart a chapter, to discourage people in Classic mode from just powering off and back on to save a fallen unit. But you can still do that, like in the GBA games and such, right?

Soft resetting is easy enough - what I do.

And you can leave any chapter during the prep screen too - which actually makes it a bit easier.

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Is the shown % to hit the real % to hit or are they using two randomly generated numbers to determine hits?

Right now, there is no way to know. You can try to fnd it out yourself (with no way to hack the code, you can still get a rough idea by experimenting many times over). I said before that I suspect it's reverted to using 1RN, but I'm not sure and I can't be bothered to really record how many times a 70% hit does actually hit, for example.

how do you do soft reset?

L+R+ST or L+R+SEL.

This doesn't work for all games. I have only 4 3DS games so far, and this shortcut works only for Mario 3D Land and FE13. Good for me, because these are also the games that I will reset upon any deaths. (Ever since Mario Galaxy 1, it has officially taken over FE as the game of reset to me. I like to keep my death count at zero.)

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How much do reeking boxes (those things that summon risen onto the world map) cost in Lunatic mode? If I remember correctly they cost more on hard than normal so I'm assuming they will cost even more on Lunatic mode.

Same as Hard Mode.

4800 gold.

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What's the best "male" skill for Vaike to pass on to Severa? Wrath, Counter, or Axeflaire?

Without even thinking twice, Counter. "Activate when you have less than half HP" skills aren't that good - in single player, anything other than Vantage triggered this way can be risky, and in StreetPass battles, units with lower than half HP will get healed. ___faire is good on its own, but not worth considering over Counter.

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Sooo, I've been wondering for a while.....are there any in game enemies that are Taguel or Manaketes outside of streetpass battles? I've been thinking about how useful Pavise and Aegis would be, and the fact that it protects against Taguel and Manaketes led me to this thought.......plus natural curiosity....

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Taguels... no?

I thought Panne was the last of her kind. Which means that enemies can't have taguels either...

Manaketes... I don't know. Yes... I think. Actually, I'm pretty sure... why else would Manaketes need Dragon Buster (I forgot the localized name. Sorry. :P)?

Yeah I kinda figured that there wouldn't be more Taguels.....

......I wonder....do you think Grima counts as a Manakete? Did we ever discover where the Eldritch abomination came from???

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Wyrmsbane (looked up the name ^^) - Deals effective damage to dragon units when user is a Manakete.

Sacred Tome Naga - Def and Res +5, effective against dragon units

Divine Falchion - Chrom and Marth only, effective against dragon and fell dragon units, can be used to recover 20 HP.

The first two are effective against dragons. Falchion is effective against both dragons and fell dragons.

Fell Dragons.

I think that's what Grima (was about to write Gimle. :P) is... a fell dragon.

In which case, no, Grima doesn't count as a manakete. Besides, he doesn't transform into a dragon like Nowi, Nah, or Tiki. He just possesses MU.

And, uh, what's the Eldritch abomination?

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Yes, wyvern riders and wyvern lords are dragon units. Therefore the falchions and wyrmsbane skill are effective against wyverns and manaketes.

Also, yes, Grima is his own dragon-type (fell dragon, the cheater) and therefore not affected by wyrmsbane.

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Oh ok, so its only wyverns then outside of streetpass teams with Manaketes? That makes sense, so does the whole Grima not being Manakete thing. But then I wonder how he is connected to Naga and her tribe.....

Oh and as for the Eldritch abomination, look here: My link

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I heard that Stalh has a brother mentioned in the support conversdation with Lissa, but does his brother has his name revealed in the game like other support conversations with anyone or other lines if anyone know and is he an older or younger brother of Stahl?

This is what I found out:

[spoiler=Lissa/Stahl C support]

Stahl: Ah, that's MUCH better!

Lissa: Well, there's nothing a good healing staff can't fix!

Stahl: I'm sorry to have you use it for a simple stomachache.

I thought I had more tonic in my bag, but every flask was empty.

Lissa: That's because you're always giving it to other people!

By the way, what cause your tummy rumble in the first place?

Stahl: Stress! Lots and lots of stress! ...I'm searching for a special item, you see.

And every time we arrive in a town, I think, "This is it! It must be here!"

But I always end up disappointed.

Lissa: Oooo! Sounds spicy! So what's the secret item, huh? Tell me, tell me!

Stahl: Wing scales from a rare giant butterfly. My brother wants them for a concoction.

They're impossible to find in Ylisse, so he hoped I could buy some on our journey.

I go to the market in every town we visit, but not a single merchant has had them.

Lissa: Aw, I see... Not quite as exciting as I was expecting...

And I can't believe your dumb brother gave you errands in the middle of a war!

Stahl: I admit, his timing could have been better.

Lissa: You risk your life every day! You can't waste energy chasing butterfly whatevers!

Stahl: Heh, well, he IS my brother. How could i say no?

Lissa: *Sigh* You're far too nice to people, Stahl. You let them push you around.

Oh, fine. I guess I'll try to help. What's the name of this stupid butterfly?

Stahl: Oh, gracious, no! I couldn't possibly involve you in this fool's errand!

Lissa: It's not for you! I just don't want to wast any more cures on your silly stomach!

The sooner you find the scales, the sooner I can worry about REAL problems!

Stahl: Well, if you really want to help...

Lissa: You just stand there smiling. Lissa is on the case!

[spoiler=Lissa/Stahl B Support]

Stahl: The butterfly scales! At last! Oh, many thanks for your help, Lissa!

Lissa: Hey, no sweat. I had a little shopping errand of my own to do anyway.

My brother wanted me to buy perdume for someone, but he wouldn't tell me who.

He just said to buy something I liked, which isn't really much of a clue.

He's so dense sometimes! I mean, what if his special lady friend has different tastes?!

Stahl: I don't suppose it matters so much, does it? It's the thought that counts after all.

Besides, it's hard for a man to buy perfume on his own. I know from experience!

Lissa: There you go again, giving people the benefit of the doubt.

Don't you think it's super annoying how both our brothers treat us like servants?

I mean, here we both are running from market to market buying stuff for 'em!

Stahl: Heh! You have a point.

Lissa: Of course I do! ...And I don't mind so much, but it's super unfair for you.

You're always helping other people, and you never get anything in return.

Stahl: Oh, but I do! I enjoy helping people and making things a little easier for them.

As long as someone actually acknowledges my efforts now and then, that's enough.

Lissa: Aw, you are SUCH a sweetie!

In that case, I'll watch you like a hawk and make sure no good deed goes unseen!

Stahl: Well in THAT case, I'll have to be sure I give you something to see!

[spoiler=Lissa/Stahl A support]

Stahl: ......

Lissa: What are you reading, Stahl?

Stahl: A letter from my brother. He's thanking me for the butterfly scales I sent.

Lissa: Ye gods, what dreadful penmanship! It's nothing at all like yours.

Stahl: Heh. My brother is a rugged, no-nonsense sort. He doesn't much care for calligraphy.

But look here! He sent along more of his secret stomach tonic.

This new recipe uses the butterfly scales. It's twice as effective as before!

Lissa: So the errand he sent you on was actually for your benefit?

Stahl: Apparently so!

It's a good reminder---brothers don't always say and do the right thing...

But in the end, or when it matter, they always have our interests in mind.

Lissa: Pffft! Not MY brother! I doubt he ever thinks of me at all!

Unless it's to tell me that I'm childish and I should learn to grow up or whatever.

He's too busy running a country and a war to worry about his little sister...

Stahl: I assure you, that is not the case! At all! Chrom cares for you very much.

And who can blame him? If I had a charming sister like you, I'd never leave your side!

Lissa: Y-you think I'm charming?

Stahl: Of course! ...Er, is that strange?

Lissa: I'm... I'm just not used to accepting praise from such a... fine gentleman, is all.

Thanks, Stahl. You made my day!

Stahl: Heh, well, I only spoke the truth.

[spoiler=Lissa/Stahl S support]

Lissa: Er, Stahl? Look what Chrom gave me.

Stahl: Isn't that the perfume he had you buy?

Lissa: He felt bad about missing my birthday, so he wanted to get something I really liked.

Apparently I mentioned wanting a new perfume, and so...

Stahl: He sent you to buy your favorite kind. Ha! I told you brothers always pull through!

Lissa: Hee hee! Yeah, he really is the best brother a girl could have.

Stahl: Seeing you in such a happy mood, perhaps I should seize the opportunity...

Lissa: Opportunity? For what?

Stahl: Lissa, I have a confession to make.

Lissa: Ooh, a confession?! Scandalous! Okay, dish. Give me all the juicy details...

Stahl: I love you.

Lissa: ...What?!

Stahl: I know you're royalty, and I never felt I was worthy to court you.

So I kept my feelings bottled up until I no longer had the strength to hide them...

Th-that's why I decided to buy you this ring.

Lissa: ......

Oh, Stahl, yes! Yes, of COUSE I'll marry you! I've loved you forever!

Stahl: Truly?!

Lissa: YES, you ninny! Here, let's see that ring.

Stahl: ...Ah, it fits you perfectly!

Lissa: Hee hee! It totally does, huh?

I'm so glad you finally unbottled those feelings, tee hee!

Stahl: It's like a weight off my shoulders!

I can't wait to tell my brother the good news...

Lissa: Oh, right! And I gotta tell Chrom!

...Oh, hey! You and him are gonna be brothers now! That's so weird.

Stahl: Heh, and so wonderful. Just like you Lissa.

Edited by King Marth 64
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I can't seem to find an answer, so I'll ask here.

If you change the voices from Japanese to English on your game, or vice versa, what happens to your My Unit's voice?

Is it just like if you picked Voice 1 (JP), it'll go to Voice 1 (ENG). Or do you choose again?

Cause the Voice 2s are really different.

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I can't seem to find an answer, so I'll ask here.

If you change the voices from Japanese to English on your game, or vice versa, what happens to your My Unit's voice?

Is it just like if you picked Voice 1 (JP), it'll go to Voice 1 (ENG). Or do you choose again?

Cause the Voice 2s are really different.

Here's what the voices map to:

Male 1 = Ore 1

Male 2 = Boku 1

Male 3 = Ore 2

Female 1 = Atashi 1

Female 2 = Watashi 1

Female 3 = Watashi 2

They took out the shota and loli voices as well as the silent protagonists.

It's as if you really switched the voice files with corresponding ones.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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