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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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Ugh, thought so. They should've added an option to make it look like that picture.

why would they do that

doesn't the game remember your absolute base stats (like FE11/FE12) so you can't "lose" stats when reclassing or anything

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doesn't the game remember your absolute base stats (like FE11/FE12) so you can't "lose" stats when reclassing or anything

Precisely. Any losses will be reverted in full when returning to the previous state.

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If only one of the offensive-based activation skills (Lethality, Aether, Astra, Sol, Luna, Ignis, Vengeance) can activate at a time, does that mean that having a high activation rate ability (Vengeance) on a character who also has a low activation rate ability (Lethality) would lower the chances of Lethality activating?

Does the game have a set order that it checks which skills activate before it moves on to the next one? Is it related in any way to the way you order your skills?

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Skill activations are checked in order, yes: Lethality > Aether > Astra > Sol > Luna > Ignis > Vengeance. As the last in the queue, Vengeance can only activate if no other skills activate, so it has no effect on the activation rate of Lethality.

The order you arrange the skills on your units has no bearing on this.

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If only one of the offensive-based activation skills (Lethality, Aether, Astra, Sol, Luna, Ignis, Vengeance) can activate at a time, does that mean that having a high activation rate ability (Vengeance) on a character who also has a low activation rate ability (Lethality) would lower the chances of Lethality activating?

Does the game have a set order that it checks which skills activate before it moves on to the next one? Is it related in any way to the way you order your skills?

The priority is:

Lethality > Aether > Astra > Sol > Luna > Ignis > Vengeance

Each rolls until one is successful. Afterwards, Crit and Hit are calculated, too.

Luna is often better than Ignis in postgame cases where you need one of the two skills to activate.

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why would they do that

Why wouldn't they do that? Wouldn't really hurt anything. Besides, I like the way it looks.

Anyway, should Maribelle go Valkyrie or Battle Cleric? Like, which one has better skills to pass down?

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Why wouldn't they do that? Wouldn't really hurt anything. Besides, I like the way it looks.

Anyway, should Maribelle go Valkyrie or Battle Cleric? Like, which one has better skills to pass down?

Valkyrie is better for Maribelle herself and actually has skills Brady can't pick up later, but War Cleric skills are better

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If you delete the original file of the game you started with, and you have no other files present, how does that affect stuff like your logbook, or your renown? Does it wipe your logbook and renown down to zero, or do you keep what you last had in both? I doubt it has any effects on DLC, or Spotpass stuff.

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If you beat the game, you keep whatever renown you had when you last cleared the game. If you had a Streetpass team set on that file and don't overwrite it, you'll also keep sending out that team, and your logbook is the same across files as well.

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Speaking of Renown...I've heard you keep the renown you had when you beat it. Why, then, am I always starting with my renown halved on a new file?

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I was actually wondering something, if I put my cartridge into another 3DS, can I send out a separate streetpass team on that 3DS from the one I'm currently fielding?

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Speaking of Renown...I've heard you keep the renown you had when you beat it. Why, then, am I always starting with my renown halved on a new file?

you sure you didn't start this new file before beating the final chapter again?

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no i mean if you did this:

1. beat the final chapter the first time

2. screw around with postgame on said file without replaying final chapter

3. start new game

4. beat final chapter in original file

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I was actually wondering something, if I put my cartridge into another 3DS, can I send out a separate streetpass team on that 3DS from the one I'm currently fielding?


This is how I'm sending out two separate Japanese FE13 Streetpass teams.

...which is how I streetpass myself.

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Pretty sure I know the answers, but I figure I'll ask anyway...

As I'm only finishing up my second file and have yet to transfer Avatars between files, I'm curious to know how recruited Avatars work. Specifically, can an Avatar I made in file B have support conversations when moved into file A? Also, if said Avatar is recruited to file A and I delete file B, will she remain in the logbook? And, I'm guessing any items held do not get transferred over, right?

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Guest Avatars don't have support conversations and you don't get their items.

I *think* guest Avatars remain in the Logbook after the file that originally contained them is erased, judging by how the Logbook operates, but somebody might want to double check that.

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I asked this once before, but got ignored, so...

How many possible hair colors are there for each gender of Morgan? I'm asking mainly because I'm curious if there are hair colors that only one gender of Morgan can have.

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I asked this once before, but got ignored, so...

How many possible hair colors are there for each gender of Morgan? I'm asking mainly because I'm curious if there are hair colors that only one gender of Morgan can have.

male Morgan: all the hair colors of the other male characters

female Morgan: all hair colors of everyone in the cast (first gen male characters with unique colors can have their hair passed down to their daughter)

dunno about the numbers though

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