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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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Is there a faster way to get renown than just rehiring Mist for 2000 G over and over again?

I clogged my entire map with Reeking Boxes save for one spot and am just hiring Mist over and over again right now with 999999 G...

It's taking forever...

My method is DEFINITELY a lot slower, but...the way I've been doing it, is I've just been hiring the max teams that I can, going through the battles by grinding one Xenologue Einherjar at a time, and just building my renown that way. It's made the jump from 10000 to 65000 a lot quicker for me. I still have a lot more to go, though. :\

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Uh, so, just curious...

Is it just me or does Lucina's JP VA sound like she's standing too close to the mic or something? It always sounded kind of distorted to me and it still bothers me to this day.

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Another similar question... what final class should Gaius!Noire be? yes, I'm quite conflicted on children's final classes.

Edited by Shirley
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Another similar question... what final class should Gaius!Noire be? yes, I'm quite conflicted on children's final classes.

I left her as a Sniper. I just finished training up a Gaius!Noire. I nabbed her Counter, Tomebreaker, Lethality, Luna, and Vengeance for my StreetPass team. For other purposes I got her Astra, Lifetaker, Gale Force, Pavise, Vantage, and Dual Guard+;.

If I wanted a Sorcerer Noire to take advantage of the stat caps she inherits from Tharja, I'd pair her to someone like Magic!MU, Henry, Ricken, or another Magic User to fully take advantage of it.

If you want to take on TSON I'd leave her as a Dark Flier and nab her Gale Force and Life Taker. Dark Fliers are best for hit and run tactics with Gale Force in my opinion.

Edited by No~
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I left her as a Sniper. I just finished training up a Gaius!Noire. I nabbed her Counter, Tomebreaker, Lethality, Luna, and Vengeance for my StreetPass team. For other purposes I got her Astra, Lifetaker, Gale Force, Pavise, Vantage, and Dual Guard+;.

If I wanted a Sorcerer Noire to take advantage of the stat caps she inherits from Tharja, I'd pair her to someone like Magic!MU, Henry, Ricken, or another Magic User to fully take advantage of it.

If you want to take on TSON I'd leave her as a Dark Flier and nab her Gale Force and Life Taker. Dark Fliers are best for hit and run tactics with Gale Force in my opinion.

oh yes they are

*kill 3 enemies with Galeforce pair, rescue, repeat*

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Are DLC maps and differently designed then the ones during the campaign?

Because at least in the main game, the maps and enemy placement seems to be entirely random and interchangeable to me.

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Are DLC maps and differently designed then the ones during the campaign?

Because at least in the main game, the maps and enemy placement seems to be entirely random and interchangeable to me.

Not sure what you mean by "designed differently". Some of the maps are new and some of the maps are taken from previous games. The final chapter from Rekka no Ken is in the game for instance. The maps are pretty nice. I'd say enemy placement isn't particularly bad, or rather I just don't pay much attention to it and it doesn't bother me.

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In the area where it shows a character's parents, children, etc., what happens when you make Morgan third-generation and there are more than 3 names that can be in that area?

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I can't think of any instance where it would have 4 or more entries.

It'll just look like:

Father: Avatar

Mother: Lucina

Companion: Owain

Edited by VincentASM
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Okay... I don't think this was asked, but... I know that units could get killed by fire hazads in other FE games, so does the same thing happen here?

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Okay... I don't think this was asked, but... I know that units could get killed by fire hazads in other FE games, so does the same thing happen here?

I'm pretty sure they can. At least, NPC and Enemy units can.

Somewhat unrelated, but where does it state that the avatar lost their memories on the Avatar ending?

Edited by MagicLeafy
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I can't think of any instance where it would have 4 or more entries.

It'll just look like:

Father: Avatar

Mother: Lucina

Companion: Owain

Lucina has two parents, a companion, and a child.

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I actually want to know this too.

At 24:53, I expected Chrom to be it, since my MU has spent more time with him than Liz/Lissa.

And yet, the support partner was her.

But I didn't actually battle there, I paired up with Kellam first for the STR boost even though I didn't need it.

It seems that if a character who's selected to battle is not paired up and has the same support rank with at least 2 adjacent units, the standby partner's randomly selected.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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It seems that if a character who's selected to battle is not paired up and has the same support rank with at least 2 adjacent units, the standby partner's randomly selected, though priority goes to units of the opposite gender of the battling unit in this case.

Yeah, randomly selected seems right. I recently had a case where someone alone was attacked twice in the same enemy phase, and got a different partner each time. Maybe it was something to do with enemy stats, I dunno, but it's definitely not based purely on supports and/or a predetermined order.

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You miss characters on their missions and they're gone forever, right? Logic says yes, but just making sure. I missed Severa on accident because I mindlessly killed the boss one turn before she reached Holland and also overwrited my only copy of that save file.

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You miss characters on their missions and they're gone forever, right? Logic says yes, but just making sure. I missed Severa on accident because I mindlessly killed the boss one turn before she reached Holland and also overwrited my only copy of that save file.

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oh hey, blazed through Apotheosis with only first-gen characters by now? :P:

Haven't beaten Apotheosis. I've been distracted.
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I'm pretty sure they can. At least, NPC and Enemy units can.

Somewhat unrelated, but where does it state that the avatar lost their memories on the Avatar ending?

It doesn't.

There is nothing said on their memories at all. Chrom just helps MU up off the ground and that's it, really.

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What are the calculations for FE13's exp gain system?

Unknown. But the core seems to be roughly the same as FE11's core - it's about 30 EXP for a kill at similar levels, and rises/drops by about 3 1/3 EXP per level until you get to a certain point above the enemy, at which point it starts dropping at a very slow rate (about 1 exp per 2-3 levels)

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In the area where it shows a character's parents, children, etc., what happens when you make Morgan third-generation and there are more than 3 names that can be in that area?

I can confirm that only three show up, for Lucina at least (I haven't S-ranked any other children, nor do I plan to):

Husband: [Avatar]

Father: Chrom

Mother: Olivia

Morgan is left out.

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Do supports grow at the same rate? I can farm Seeds of Trust from Summer Scramble. Is there a set number of Seeds I can use to ensure two characters will have a conversation without wasting them?

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