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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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Which inspires me to ask another question. A question I could easily figure out myself but I'm lazy like that. How many different avatars could there be? Including gender, body size and voice options.

Well let's see... 2 genders, 3 different body types, 5 different face types, 5 different hair styles, 20 different hair colors and 3 voices.

... ... 9000? I blame the twenty different hair colors for that. ._.

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In the pre-battle dialogue intro to chapter 20, Walhart and Excellus talk and then Cervantes is supposed to walk up and join the conversation. However, I just played this and Cervantes was standing there the whole time and when the walking sound effects were played, no one was moving. Is this a known bug or just me?

I believe that walking noise is Walhart leaving the room, since then Cervantes and Excellus start talking like he isn't there.

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Those aren't his videos. They're from a guy on Nico Nico douga and he just shared it with the world when the game wasn't out yet here.

If anything, you stole his because he got it first.

I honestly don't see any reason why you should have attachment to your MU appearances. THERE ARE A LIMITED NUMBER OF THEM. You're bound to run into someone that has the same appearance or waifu as you.

1. I know that.

2. I know that, I was trying to be funny.

3. I'm not, I just made one that looked like me.

You're way overreacting here.

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Does anyone know the points that enemies 'tier up' weapons on each difficulty, as in when they e.g. stop using mostly iron weapons and switch to mostly steel, or steel to silver and so on? Off the top of head I know that on Lunatic, chapter 2 is the start of steel and they start as iron. On Hard they start as bronze, I think chapter 2 is the start of iron (might be chapter 1 though...) and chapter 8/side story 3 is the start of steel.

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Does anyone know the points that enemies 'tier up' weapons on each difficulty, as in when they e.g. stop using mostly iron weapons and switch to mostly steel, or steel to silver and so on? Off the top of head I know that on Lunatic, chapter 2 is the start of steel and they start as iron. On Hard they start as bronze, I think chapter 2 is the start of iron (might be chapter 1 though...) and chapter 8/side story 3 is the start of steel.

I've noticed this..

On Lunatic, on one of the early chapters, I was looking at their weapons..

And I thought "they have Silver weapons already?"

I'm pretty sure they 'tier up' weapons.

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As far as Lunatic is concerned, from my memory (which probably isn't 100% accurate), they start with iron weapons, switch to steel in chapter 2, upgrade to silver in chapter 6, and get their first silver forges in either chapter 11 or 13, can't quite remember which. Impossible silver forges start showing up starting at chapter 21, I believe.

1-2 range forges, on the other hand, seem to depend on the strength of the enemy itself (most notable in that often during the midgame, a promoted enemy already has forges whereas a nearby unpromoted enemy doesn't) and start showing up a few chapters earlier than their respective silver forges.

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These questions are normally posted in the Pairing Thread, but since I'm a nice guy, it's Donnel.

Just for future reference.


This is the thread where anyone asks anything, and since that's a very simple question, I see no problem with it being asked here.

Anyways yeah, Donnel, for both Merc and Peg Knight, and Troubadour is isn't bad either.


If you have Owain marry Emmeryn!Morgan, will it still say "Companions"? I am way too lazy to find out, and it was just an idle question.

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What other instance is there, when it will say "Companions" besides Owain & Lucina?

As far as I know, ones that are all caught are when one of Chrom's children (so Lucina, Chrom!Cynthia or Chrom!Kjelle) marries Owain. I don't know if it's caught in other cases.

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Wait, do they actually combine so you get full damage healing? Wow, that's actually pretty great

Only if you're doing an even number of damage.

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man that -1 hp

totally contributed to my death, if i'd healed 1 hp more then i'd be so much better

if this wasn't the story of my entire FE life i'd probably have more to say

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What happens when you activate Sol with Nosferatu?

The healing effects combine. Obviously it's not completely reliable since Sol only actives on Skl% of attacks, but yeah.

Wait, do they actually combine so you get full damage healing? Wow, that's actually pretty great

Only if you're doing an even number of damage.

man that -1 hp

totally contributed to my death, if i'd healed 1 hp more then i'd be so much better

if this wasn't the story of my entire FE life i'd probably have more to say

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Does the it shows the "Companions" instead of "Husband" and "Wife" if someone can paired Morgan (as Lissa's daughter and Emmeryn's daughter) with Inigo and Brady (as Chrom's sons) as well?

Also what happens if the player can use Lethality on an opponent with Miracle activated and then, used Counter?

Edited by King Marth 64
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Does the it shows the "Companions" instead of "Husband" and "Wife" if someone can paired Morgan (as Lissa's daughter and Emmeryn's daughter) with Inigo and Brady (as Chrom's sons) as well?

Also what happens if the player can use Lethality on an opponent with Miracle activated and then, Counter?

returns however much damage you dealt (if you did 79 damage, you get hit for 79, it's not actually infinite)

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Does the it shows the "Companions" instead of "Husband" and "Wife" if someone can paired Morgan (as Lissa's daughter and Emmeryn's daughter) with Inigo and Brady (as Chrom's sons) as well?

Also what happens if the player can use Lethality on an opponent with Miracle activated and then, Counter?

I can't answer the first one for certain, but I can answer the second.

Assuming the opponent is the one attacked, if the player activates Lethality and attacks, then Miracle activates on the opponent, the amount of damage done to the opponent (i.e. they had 60 health, activating Miracles means the total damage done is 59), then the damage done is returned to the player (so if you had 60 health as well, you'd get hit for 59 and survive).

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