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Mafia of the Manly Men Mafia - signups

Excellen Browning

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Hello and welcome to my first game

Because I more or less cut in line I'll postpone starting up the game until one of CM5, SSBUM or anonymafia is mostly finished.


  • This game is Limited Outside Contact. The only Outside Contact allowed in this game will be through the Carrier Pigeon System, which greatly resembles the Pesterchum system from Homestuck mafia
    • Any discussion of the game outside of the moderator-sanctioned PM conversations is strictly prohibited

    [*]Every user has a role PM. This role PM is built up as follows:

    • This game and the roles are inspired by the Fist of the Blue Sky (Souten no Ken) manga. However I've added some really obscure characters to the game so don't take their obscurity as proof of someone's fakeclaim.
    • Players are not allowed to quote their role PM and whatnot before the start of the Day 1 Phase, after that it's fine.
    • Role PM's are built up like this:

Dear [player],

You are an evil person

You are a scumbag of epic proportions and as such you have joined the scumbags in this game and will be fighting with your scumbag buddies against the evil baby eaters.

During the the night you may reply to your role pm with "Night X - Eat <USER>'s babies". You will eat <USER>'s babies, which will cause <USER> to mourn their babies the next day, causing them to be unable to post, receive or send carrier pigeons and vote. In short, you are the Kidnapper.

You are allied with the scumbags. You win when all babies have been eaten.

  • Screenshotting of all forms is prohibited
  • Day phase voting must take place in the usual ##Vote: User format. The vote MUST have the ## and be bolded to count
    • Every vote that hasn't been cast will be counted as a vote for no lynch

    [*]At the end of the day the user with the most votes will be lynched

    • If the user has reached majority before the end of day phase, user will be given a 3 hour grace period to get votes off them. If user still has majority after this period they will be lynched and the day phase will end
      • If the amount of currently alive players is even, majority is: amount of players / 2 + 1
      • If the amount of currently alive players is odd, majority is: amount of players / 2

      [*]In case no lynch has the most votes, no one will be lynched[*]In case of a tie, whoever gets lynched will be subject to the host's whims. But you can rest assured as one person will definitely get lynched

    [*]If you have an action and do not wish to use it, reply to your role pm with "phase X - idling" or whatever to indicate you're still playing[*]Inspection results are not guaranteed to be accurate[*]There is no guarantee you know the entirety of your role[*]Death is most definitely the end[*]This game begins on Day 1[*]Day phases will last 72 hours, night phases will last 48 hours

    • Day phase may end early if majority has been reached and the 3 hour grace period has passed
    • Night phase may end early if all actions are in
    • In case of a modkill, phases will be extended by an amount of time deemed necessary by the hosts

    [*]Phases may be extended at the request of players[*]There are no hidden players[*]Don't break the game[*]When in doubt, ask the hosts

Carrier Pigeon System:

  • The CPS is this game's outside contact system
  • With this system, you will enter into private conversation with one other player of your choice
  • Every player may take part in up to 3 Carrier Pigeon conversations per day phase
  • Every player wishing to begin a carrier pigeon conversation with another must reply to their role PM with the following: "Requesting carrier pigeon with <USER>
    • Requests may only be sent in during the day phase

    [*]The hosts will then check if <USER> has already filled all of the CPS slots or can otherwise not receive any carrier pigeon conversations.

    • In case <USER> cannot receive your CPS request you will be told so, and none of your CPS uses will be wasted
    • In case <USER> can receive your CPS request, the hosts will make a PM and add you and <USER> to it

    [*]From the moment the receiver makes the first reply, you are free to talk to each other without restraint for 24 hours(real-time), or till the day phase ends. Whichever comes first[*]All regular game rules for posting also apply to the CPS

Moderators are me and Kaoz.

Now, signups:

1. Nightmare

2. Helios

3. Strawman

4. Rapier

5. Psych

6. scorri

7. paperblade

8. elieson

9. bizz/levity

10. bigbangmeteor

11. Iris

12. eclipse

13. Aere

14. Shinori

15. finish-your-SRT-draft CAM


1. Kay-san



Edited by Daigoji Excellen
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9. bizz/levity/ariostoreador

you spelled adiosToreador wrong ):

11. Iris/Lieris

nighty, why aren't you a mod, because then you could edit this for me ):

the blasphemy these days ! !

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