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How did you come up with your Username?


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I got about 50 of these. Enjoy the essay.

Life Admiral - My go to username for everything. I used to play a game like Laser Quest (called Laser Runner just because it was called that) at this... I guess sports center near my old house. Basically, you'd run around this blacklight maze and shoot your friends with lasers (you'd wear vests with special targets on them for shooting). It was really fun (also, it was real and not a video game). At the end of the game, you'd get points based on how many times you shot others vs. how many times you got hit and there were ranks given out depending on how many points you accumulated. One of the ranks was called "Star Admiral". I really liked the word Admiral (maybe was 14 at the time).

Bekitzur, I traded out the word Star for Life because Life Admiral sounded cooler. I've used that name for everything (even fantasy football leagues).

Cap'n Crunch (Feb '10) - I used to have this avatar of a guy dressed up as Cap'n Crunch. Still have the picture on my computer. So I changed my name.

Admiral Lifey Crunch (Mar '10) - A mistake.

King Russell (Apr '10) - When I believed that Russell Hantz was great at Survivor. Then I got smart (like a year later) and realized that he was just entertaining, not good whatsoever. Also started becoming a dick around this time (mostly in the Mafia subforum).

Life (May '10) - This cemented people calling me Life instead of anything else. I was sick of people calling me Russell or Life Admiral or something like that.

John Dory (Jun '10) - A John Dory is a fish dish in cuisine, mostly served in high class restaurants... and Hell's Kitchen. My avatar was Gordon Ramsey yelling in one of his kitchens. It's amazing that people can even screw fish up.

4chan (Sept '10) - This should be very obvious. If not, you have no sense of culture. I am a proud weegeean and constantly add to my picture collection and return back to the community. I still am today.

Sue Sylvester (Oct '10) - Back when I was watching Glee. Sue was simply the most entertaining character on the show.

Cthulhu (Nov '10) - CTHULHU WILL RISE. I had recently found a great picture of Cthulhu on /wg/ and made that my avatar.

King Russell Hantz (Jan '11) - Same story as above. This was during Season 22. I had stopped thinking that Russell was a good player by this point but he was still entertaining.

Survivor (Feb '11) - Survivor is a TV show that I have grown up with. I have memories as a 9 year old child of watching the first season. I have personally spoken to players such as Yau-Man Chau, Rob Cesternino and Stephen Fishbach. Also, I was using awesome avatars at this point (pictures of Survivors with good quotes underneath).

God of SF (Jun '11) - Hmm... this was around the time that Hikarusa got banned from SF due to his name of "White people suck" if I recall correctly. I started to become one of the most offensive people on SF because being a dick was really fun. God of SF was a way for me to piss others off. And it worked. Wanted just "God" but Tangerine wouldn't let me.

Kitty Admiral (Jun '11) - The Kitty fad.

Zaphod Beeblebrox (Aug '11) - After another reading of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", I changed my name. Zaphod is awesome.

Kefka (Oct '11) - Because Kefka is awesome. That simple. FFVI is still one of my favourite games of all time. In addition, I had finally gotten enough motivation to finish my Fewest Steps Run which was successfully recorded here on SF over a period of 10 months. It still remains as one of the most awesome playthrough threads in Other Games. Celes solo vs. Demon was incredible.

BBlader (Nov '11) - Throwback to the original BBlader (if anyone remembers him). Wanted to see how many people would think I was him until they realized that I wasn't.

Cocaine (Dec '11) - The night before I drafted into the Israeli Defense Forces. Also, I had an awesome avatar to go with this.

Handasa Kravit (Mar '12) - This one is gonna take a little time. I drafted into the IDF's Ulpan program (learning Hebrew) for new immigrants on Christmas Day. This was a 10 week program that lasted until early March of '12. At this point, I was technically a "jobnik" (non-combat soldier). From this program, I then drafted into the Combat Engineering Corps of the IDF by complete choice. It is called Handasa Kravit in Hebrew (Handasa means engineering and Kravi is combat).

Basically, I am a combat soldier who's main job is to work with demolitions, bridges and the clearing/planting of minefields. Yes, I know how to fight on a battle field. Yes, I actually have blow stuff up and can set up a complicated explosion system involving Semtex within 3 and a half minutes (I got timed by my officer as part of a test). Even if I am stuck in the middle of an anti-personal minefield, I can get myself out by just using a knife with about 99% certainty.

That shit that I just mentioned is all true. I've learned how to do that in only 4 months of basic training. I still have another 4 months of advanced training to go. Imagine what I can do by the end of 8 months in this unit.

Another tidbit: My current avatar is a rendering of the medallion that sits on my kumtah. It reads "Kheil Hahandasa Hakravit" which means "Combat Engineering Corps".

Dat Kumtah (Jul '12) - As soon as I can change my name, I'm changing it to this. A kumtah is the Hebrew word for beret. Every soldier has a kumtah but the colours differ depending on the unit. In addition, combat soldiers need to earn their kumtot on something called a Masa Kumtah (meaned Beret Journey).

Essentially, I'm going to slug a good 15kg on my back for 40km and then add another 70kg or so onto my shoulder for another 5km. All for a silver beret. And that's going to happen this week. I'll take a picture of the kumtah afterwards and use that as my avatar for the next while.

Edited by Life Admiral
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Ok, James needs no explanation as that happens to be my name IRL. I added the Mercenary prefix just to make it sound better.

As for DarkAndroid125, I coined the name Dark Android when I started my internet days on Smogon. While I eventually withdrew from Smogon(since I thought they were too ban happy at the time), I kept using that username. Now, when I made my YT account, I tried putting in "darkandroid', which was taken, so I added the suffix "125" to the name, which allowed me to create my YT account. I then decided to keep using that version of my username for consistency. When I started using this forum, I went by the name DA125, which is shorthand for darkandroid125.

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Aeorys Kirru/AK/ALKirru/Aeo - Reoccuring OC name; kind of obsolete at this point.

Anonym/Anon - Shortened version of "anonymus," which was spelt wrong on purpose

jealousy/jellyFISH/ONI - Touhou fandom nonsense; mainly based on my Parsee (and partially Yuugi) fangirlism





-- All OC-related/game username-related names.

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Freohr Datia - everyone's favourite book(s)~

[spoiler=Agnaktor - ]40348831843342501826.jpg

Datia Freohr - IRC I think; edit: oh I remember it was also when I thought "technically" my name was "wrong" and I thought I could "correct" it that way

Freohr Abr Datia - "technically" Freohr Datia is "wrong"

IsBestestUserz - This idea was from some topic in FFtF... Don't remembeeeeerrrrrrr

Edited by Freohr Datia
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because horace was fucking clutch in my first playthrough of FE11 because i sucked and killed off everyone except like horace astram (idk how) and like nagi

and reinhardt for like 3 days because pkl is an asshat and confused the ever living fuck out of me

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Chrono Cross is one of my most favorite games. I choose the AcaciaSgt because, well, it's just a generic enemy, and because I prefer the Acacia Dragoons, and they're knights. Certainly a better choice than the PorreSgt at any rate for me, though I also think they're cool, military regime aside. :lol:

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1. Not Ice Climbers

2. Not Dragonball

It's a name I came up with when I was younger and it just stuck. A few of my close friends actually call me this irl. XD

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My favorite villian of all time was Shishio Makoto from ruroni kenshin. He was an assassin who was shot in the head, set on fire, and betryaed by his own government.

HIs response? to come back, gather some of the strongest fighters in the country and take over Japan. The best part is...he is never really beaten

by kenshin. Due to his severe scarring from his burns. Shishio couldnt produce sweat to cool down his body. When he fought kenshin, he pushed his body so far he literally burst into flames...

and he died laughing. So my name is a testament to an awesome character who embodied the sins of the government and died fighting for his beliefs

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was really into the chinese calendar at the time (like 7th grade?) and I was born in the year of the rooster. So I was like... "Really? Rooster? I want to be something more intimidating. Like... a Roosterofdoom!" Been my name on every site since then. Except Youtube and Steam. Recently some guy has been making accounts under the name Rooster of Doom (spaces). That is not me.

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"Axe users with lines? Too mainstream, I go Maji. cool.gif"

I was also watching Majisuka Gakuen, and was obsessed at the time, and making my name "Chokoku" (my favourite character) would be too silly.

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Currently using the name of a Chinese historical figure that I greatly admire for his intellect. Also for going as a pair with my best friend since she's using the (fictionalised accounts of) the name of his wife as her username.

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Currently using the name of a Chinese historical figure that I greatly admire for his intellect. Also for going as a pair with my best friend since she's using the (fictionalised accounts of) the name of his wife as her username.

I greatly respect the intellect of Zhuge Liang myself, I love the history of The Three Kingdoms era

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The name Furetchen dates back to a time when I didn't know furries existed.

Huh. I've always pronounced the "fur" part like it was part of "fury" instead of "furry". Seemed more fitting to me.

About me, Blasied was a WoW alt that became my main and whose name was based off that of my childhood pet Blaise. I pretty much never use any other name.

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Huh. I've always pronounced the "fur" part like it was part of "fury" instead of "furry". Seemed more fitting to me.

Yeah, always thought it was "Fyuhr-etch-ihn". Always reminded me of an arrow, like "fletching."

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Quite a few, but...

FEFL: Fire Emblem for Life. I intended it to be pronounced "Fee-fle," but I'm guessing most say "feffle"

Snake: Solid Snake. Nothing there.

Ocelot the Viper: Waaaay back in the olden days of SF, there was a sitcom or something that was written by a member whose name I cannot remember. This was my character. I remember enjoying it very much though, but my memory is fuzzy of the details. He made it up for me.

Citrusman: Embarrassing story that I'm still not comfortable telling. But this was my way of laughing at myself. I also love citrus-fruits.

Chris: The No Flame Cougar: Family-Guy inspired (Gary No Trash Cougar) with an Internet twist, and also my first name! :D

Georges St. Pierre: My favorite UFC fighter.

Old Snake: Solid Snake. Old. Nothing here either.

Ben Stein: I was mocking Ben Stein. He's not a very likable guy, in my opinion.

Santa Snake: Snake, again, during Christmas time! Woo!

Big Boss: Naked Snake after Operation Snake Eater. Nothing here. Yeah, I really love Metal Gear Solid.

MGS: Metal Gear Solid: Parallel to the style of, "KFC: Kentucky Fried Chicken," with an MGS twist on it. Awesome Dagron avatar was made.

Phoenix Wright: Amazing character from an amazing franchise. I've had this since 2010 (holy crap! I thought I only changed it a few months ago!)

So, I use to love changing my name. But then people started to get confused, and changing my name the second I could lost its shine.

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1. Not Ice Climbers

2. Not Dragonball

What about


Also my nickname is a combination of Lord, and Raven, and I think Raven is a fire emblem character and someone (he's some dude that looks like a lady) calls him Lord Raven all the time. much more catchy than Raven the Hero or Hero Raven. Also, i was mercenary raven at first, but i changed it back cause thats gay (and James jacked my name style). But Mercenary Raven had the same initials as my real name so that was cool

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Also my nickname is a combination of Lord, and Raven, and I think Raven is a fire emblem character and someone (he's some dude that looks like a lady) calls him Lord Raven all the time. much more catchy than Raven the Hero or Hero Raven. Also, i was mercenary raven at first, but i changed it back cause thats gay (and James jacked my name style). But Mercenary Raven had the same initials as my real name so that was cool

Lucius. The most amazingest Bishop evah.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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