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Super Smash Bros Universe Mafia


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I dunno. If he's gonna try and kill Prims I could just watch Prims to make sure nobody visits him. I trust him a little less now and want him to explain himself.

I think you should anyways

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Okay, I actually disappeared for the day (went to watch a squash tournament) and suddenly Marth got supermajority. Have not read the thread since I left, Just saw the N3 and asked Kaoz what happened.

With regards to my stage: I put in my stage before I left this morning, so if there was any discussion about stages, I'm sorry I didn't go to the right stage if there's something wrong. I still didn't expect Marth to hit supermajority, though

I have a lot to catch up on now


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1. complain that someone who pressed you for information wasn't nice enough

2. discuss how stages worked in a previous game without really telling us anything we didn't already know

3. suggest that the Watcher might be scum, even though the Watcher's reports have been confirmed by two people, one of whom (Prims) is obvTown. SB is almost certainly a Watcher; scum!Watcher is possible but I don't see it as terribly likely compared to a backup rolecop claim that has several issues.

That's a suspicious summary. It seems like an intentional strawman and misrepresentation of everything I said. I don't like to OMGUS, but, wow.

1: I guess you don't like humour? It's not like it was a major point and yet you're highlighting it as the most major thing of my post? What?

2: Well I don't know what you don't already know from days 1+2. I mean I should but, ugh. Want me to not try and help from now on then?

3: Wow. Really? Let me check what I posted. Actually, I don't need to - because I remember I said an investigative role was probably scum. Rolecop, backup Rolecop, Tracker (I know I'm town) and possibly Watcher. That was a perfectly legitimate theory. So now I have to accept something unappealing: Watcher is scum (I'll have to check just how 'obvtown' he is) or I was wrong. Being wrong actually I'm not too fussed about, since it means we had a lot of good investigative roles. Watcher being scum I've seen before... somewhere... but yeah, I'll admit that it's not that likely.

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Paper and Kaoz are the most trollish mods ever for making a role whose flavor makes absolutely no sense.

Anyways, I kinda slightly expected this, but only because I was confident of Shinori being scum. Blues's flip makes me more convinced because of the way Shinori kept stressing that "if he flips Town, I'm cleared" when he also felt the need to mention that he was against Blues all game and was very sure that he was Mafia. It really sounded to me as if Shinori KNEW that Blues would flip Town.

Seriously, though, Blues should not have outed Prims's role. Anyhow, I still think the scumteam is something like scorri/Shinori/Subieko/Impy eating tables. With Blues in, I thought one of those four would be out, because 5 is too much, but everything is okay now.

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Okay, skimmed the thread

holy flippin balls people, ughhhhh

I can't talk, I was on the wagon. But he did have it coming...

Okay. First things I need to address: I still don't want to claim, because I'm one of the last unknowns to scum. I could be absolutely anything, and scum shouldn't be able to find out what I am (because we have two town rolecop flips, so scum really shouldn't have one). Not confirming if vig or not, because I want scum to guess between me and BBM (the only unknowns).

Next; again with the stage: I went out today, and through habit I picked a stage before I left, thinking I could change it later when I got back (apparently not, because of supermajority). Ugh, sorry to mess up the stage plan.

The best idea is probably to have SB watch Prims, because if I was scum, I'd defs go after the confirmed doc that can't self target (goddammit Marth, why did you have to out that). Straw is very unlikely scum, so if he dies (because I might try and avoid the watcher), lynch me. Not even kidding, just do it if it happens.

I will need to read in detail to figure out who is scummy, because like I said, I skimmed the thread quickly to get a vague idea what was going on.

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[spoiler=Votals][10] Marth: Prims, Manix, Elieson, BBM, StSS, Subieko, Psych, eclipse, Shinori, Marth, Shinori, Shinori, Marth

[2] Tables: Serious Bananas, Iris, eclipse

[1] Proto: Proto

[0] BBM: Marth

[0] Iris: Subieko, Elieson

[0] Blitz: Psych Shinori, Subieko, Prims, BBM, Shinori, Marth

[0] Elieson: Strawman

[0] Manix: eclipse

Day ended here.

Voteless: Cap'n Flint, Tableskitty

I'm pretty sure I changed my vote to Blues later on

Battleship Halberd - BBM, Iris

Brinstar -

Castle Siege - Manix, Prims, Serious Bananas, StSS

Fountain of Dreams - eclipse, Shinori, Subieko, Tableskitty

Mushroomy Kingdom 1-1 - Blitz, Elieson, Luster Purge, Psych

It is now Night 3. Night 3 ends on Monday, July 16th, 8AM GMT.

StSS, Manix, Prims, Clipsey!, Shinori, Subieko, don't disclose your targets until D4, and only after the Tracker/Watcher give their report.

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Paper and Kaoz are the most trollish mods ever for making a role whose flavor makes absolutely no sense.

you're a worse troll for golden sun

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Okay. First things I need to address: I still don't want to claim, because I'm one of the last unknowns to scum. I could be absolutely anything, and scum shouldn't be able to find out what I am (because we have two town rolecop flips, so scum really shouldn't have one). Not confirming if vig or not, because I want scum to guess between me and BBM (the only unknowns).

For reference; I'm assuming BBM hasn't claimed. I'm fairly certain he didn't (otherwise, plz point me in the direction)

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No, I haven't claimed yet. And Marth really was town... ugh. This confirms my suspicion that Blitz is scum, and I think he should probably be lynched tomorrow. I never saw what happened on D3 that suddenly made him switch in everybody's eyes from scummy scum to obvtown. Just because he joined in on the wagon of somebody who was looking really scummy? Because he claimed a Pokemon Trainer pokemon even though on D2 people were talking about how one of those pokemon could be scum?

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Paper and Kaoz are the most trollish mods ever for making a role whose flavor makes absolutely no sense.

Anyways, I kinda slightly expected this, but only because I was confident of Shinori being scum. Blues's flip makes me more convinced because of the way Shinori kept stressing that "if he flips Town, I'm cleared" when he also felt the need to mention that he was against Blues all game and was very sure that he was Mafia. It really sounded to me as if Shinori KNEW that Blues would flip Town.

Seriously, though, Blues should not have outed Prims's role. Anyhow, I still think the scumteam is something like scorri/Shinori/Subieko/Impy eating tables. With Blues in, I thought one of those four would be out, because 5 is too much, but everything is okay now.

What? Didn't you say you were sure marth was Obvscum now you are saying you expected he would flip town yet you still didn't try to do jack all at getting the lynch from him to me or to blitz or to anyone else.

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I'm pretty sure I changed my vote to Blues later on

StSS, Manix, Prims, Clipsey!, Shinori, Subieko, don't disclose your targets until D4, and only after the Tracker/Watcher give their report.

Don't you want me to idle? Also not saying anything about how I'm on a different stage than asked previously?

Accidentally had these split into two seperate posts. Mah bad.

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Kind of pissed at Shinori esp. if he turns out to be town, since he's showing wanton behavior in a willful way w/ his derogatory comments.

You do know prims that if marth flipped as scum that would confirm me as town right?

That doesn't seem to bother you at all because you aren't thinking properly so whatever. I can do that too.

Shinori, you said that "if marth flips scum i'm town" and "if marth flips town i'm town", plz explain.


squirtle was my actual role, blastoise was the upgrade I got after 10 hrs

check the stamps for confirmation

um, did you ever evolve to wartortle? if so quote that flavor



- if you're going to start stage discussion, plz do it not 2 hours before phase end, thx

- since marth flipped town, who do you think is scum?


- who else do you think is scum?


i think tables is scum. shinori is scummy, subieko/blitz is a little bit scummy.

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Shinori, you said that "if marth flips scum i'm town" and "if marth flips town i'm town", plz explain.

Already explained my thought process on this to proto and he supposedly corrected it. And please feel free to be mad at me all you want. No one chooses to listen to me what-so-ever. I felt like Marth was telling the truth, got off of him and tried to pressure the scummy blitz and was called scum for doing that. So I'm not allowed to pressure players that I feel to be scum cause that's a bad idea.

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Well, since we had a SK who the mods were probably not expecting to die N1, therefore not only killing any townies but also using up the mafia nightkill for that night, I think there are probably only three more scum, and I'm calling them as Blitz and two of Iris/Subieko/Eclipse/Manix/Elieson. Iris and Subieko are probably not scumbuddies. Eclipse and Elieson might be scumbuddies- it depends on whom Eclipse targets tonight.

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D1 re-read finished.

Protoman's flip means we have a d1 miniwagon to analyze at least. Shinori's wagon hop on it looks the worst. Given that Shinori has played on mafiascum he should know what a reaction test, and it was at a time where the "Marth isn't explaining himself" logic had already been driven into the ground. Doesn't reflect well on him since he retracted his vote at the slightest pressure over it and went on to start Kay's wagon. "Voting for info" is a pretty shitty excuse, you should be voting the people you find scummy.

Interestingly: Levity attacks Shinori in her #159 but never actually expands on this or votes him. scumbuds 4 lyfe?

Also Shinori scumslipping could still totally be possible if he saw Blitz's Pokemon role in the first post of the scum PM flk21e.gif

This Elie post (#148) bugs me since he starts off by justifying Marth's actions but provides an excuse to stay on the wagon anyway without considering the obvious possibility of Marth reaction testing. Elie, explain thought process? Later justification for Marth vote was better but at the time of that post it seemed like Elie was just trying to keep his vote on a town wagon down.

I think Manix is townie from D1 interactions with Levity. Circumstances of her play and lack of consistent vote make me think she was struggling to come up with scum reads on townies and she basically clung onto the Manix case without it being very strong.

Will move on to D2 in a bit.

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Shinori, there's a tracker on this stage, and ME. . .like, the only claimed role in the game that doesn't give a crap about being redirected. You know what to do if you want to talk to me.

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My role doesn't really care, as long as it's SOMEONE. Whether you feel like talking to me or not is up to you. . .just promise me that you won't scream at me if you do decide to redirect me.

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Elie. Where was your Marth suspicion during early Day 2? At the end of Day 1, you admitted to wanting him "forcibly removed from the game" and claimed that he was "still the center of [your] scumdar" in your #406. Why, then, would you proceed to not vote anybody early on Day 2 or attempt to get Marth lynched at all? You implied you found the Proto/Subi issue more pressing, but your vote wasn't down on either. This is from before you cited IRL troubles, too.

Also, I believe I mentioned this before, but your Bananas vote looked more like a policy lynch. If you had no real scum reads at the end of D2, what happened to your read on Marth?

Iris, did you ever explain the thought process behind your Subieko flipflop?

I will be really frustrated if Subieko flips scum because I've felt odd about her on gut all game but don't see any notable issues with her content past D1.

First sentence of Shinori's #838 is bad because his excuse for not voting is scorri (flipped scum!) is that he'll look bad if he does. Town want to lynch scum, scum want to look like town. Motivation behind this doesn't read well. This is made worse when he's suddenly totally okay with pushing a last minute wagon on me (pretty close to confirmed town through Marth's scan!) later in the day, yet he cared how he looked too much to vote scum!scorri. Also he really shouldn't have been pushing for me to roleclaim at the end of D2 when I was in no threat of lynch.

End of D2 is still a clusterfuck. Blitz is still bad for trying to get the Watcher lynched and not backing down when lynching Shinori shouldn't have been a problem. Marth doesn't redeem him since Marth was town. vig pls respond

Also, I wouldn't be surprise if one of Bananas / Tables was scum, given that we have a flipped rolecop and a flipped deputy. Tables seems more likely because scorri made a super opportunistic vote to lynch Bananas and Bananas' late D2 just didn't look like scum trying to survive.

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Ergh, weird thing about Elie/Blitz/Shinori reads is that if they were all scum, then scum had four people on the Bananas wagon D2, which is a pretty shitty way of hiding their numbers. Of the three I think Elie is the most likely to be town.

Forgot about the Excellen NK. Tables is probably Scum Tracker, yeah.

Fuck Day 3. I'll finish this later because Day 3 was awful and seriously just a Marth/Shinori screamfest.

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