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Ergh, weird thing about Elie/Blitz/Shinori reads is that if they were all scum, then scum had four people on the Bananas wagon D2, which is a pretty shitty way of hiding their numbers. Of the three I think Elie is the most likely to be town.

Forgot about the Excellen NK. Tables is probably Scum Tracker, yeah.

Fuck Day 3. I'll finish this later because Day 3 was awful and seriously just a Marth/Shinori screamfest.

I went on about this for quite a while. No one seemed to want to talk about it though.

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it bugs me how much of our D1 mislynch wagon has been left unflipped. shinori and tables are good places to start

blitz, if you thought shinori was scumslipping, you should have just voted him, not given him a chance to slip out of it. how would he have known your role as town? also, if he did have a good explanation you could've just unvoted. really your early d3 was just a lot of noise and empty questioning and i still think you're scummy

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God I can't wait for tomorrow. Hopefully info brought to the table will change something.

And if I get lynched I hope people will look at:

Tables, Proto/blitz(Most likely blitz), Iris, and for the last one between manix/BBM/Elieson. I'm more inclined to believe it to be manix or BBM. Out of the two Idk though. One of them is the supposed vig though most likely assuming that's what the second kill was based about.

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Iris, did you ever explain the thought process behind your Subieko flipflop?

I will be really frustrated if Subieko flips scum because I've felt odd about her on gut all game but don't see any notable issues with her content past D1.

yes; multiple times iirc, i'm back to suspecting subieko again, mostly since process of elimination

Remaining scum:

Blitz, Shinori, Iris, Table

looks like my list, except that i'm sure that i'm not scum, so i have subieko on there instead, but that's only from my word, w/e

I went on about this for quite a while. No one seemed to want to talk about it though.

i think quite a few of us have been feeling scum!tracker for a while, after sb seems pretty obv!town, proto just made the most compelling case

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PROTIP: You can also copypasta stuff into your role PM, so both hosts can see it. It helps with postgame and all. Also, if you have suspicions, out with them, always.

Speaking of. . .Shinori, target me; I think a talk outside of the thread should help me figure out which side you're on.

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Holy Fucking Hell. Ok guys, I'm catching up after a horrible week, and basically I'm catching up on the 2nd half of the Marth fiasco before he was lynched off. I powerskimmed and saw he was town, and I'm so pissed about it. I plan on addressing everything momentarily, so bear with me as I prepare a post for this.

And Prims, I'll answer your questions specifically in my post.

Sorry for being gone!

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well,I have good defense in proving why I am town if I am not killed tonight, as in I wouldn't want to say anything until the day starts, but I guess I could say it if I am forced to say so.

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Just to say first off.

Oh yea. Marth outted Prims. And he was supposed to be town. Really smart move there. PLEASE LEARN SOMETHING FROM YOUR PERFORMANCE IN THIS GAME!


Battleship Halberd - BBM, Iris

Brinstar -

Castle Siege - Manix, Prims, Serious Bananas, StSS

Fountain of Dreams - eclipse, Shinori, Subieko, Tableskitty

Mushroomy Kingdom 1-1 - Blitz, Elieson, Luster Purge, Psych

Ok, the stage setup. First off, I missed the memo about switching to Fountain of Dreams with half of the players. Regardless, I was a doofus and submitted my stage like 5 minutes after D3 began, just because I thought it'd be cool to send it immediately, and I knew my role wasn't negatively impacted there. I didn't know I'd have been stuck in the middle of a Pokemon battle...

I don't know what to expect from tonight. Honestly, I expect a kill to be either on CS or FoD, and some unrelated Pokemon flavor kill to occur with me on MK1-1.

Anyway, that's just my gut thinking. I really dunno what'll happen, because this flavor is really screwing with my head.

I slightly less than half expect the unclaimed Manix to be scum, simply on principal that he is the only player left that has given absolutely nothing as far as his role goes (or maybe I missed something that he posted, please correct me if I'm wrong).

I more expect BBM to be scummy McScum. He hinted at his role possibly not working properly if I were to be Roleswapped due to Iris's ability back in N2. It's the only hint I've seen from him, but it's enough to lead me to assume that he likely has something specific to work with, and something like a Vig shot would essentially work at any point. Leaving me to assume that Manix is the theoretical Vig that we're all assuming is in this game, since I can't fathom the existance of a scum!vig.

Why try to clarify something that everyone is assuming I'm part of a trio or possible scum? Because I'm certain that I'm town (even though my role is sorta anti-any alignment), and with the assumption of a possible vig, I'm left with one choice left to assume.

Scum-guess1, BBM, based on role hints.

D1 re-read finished.

Protoman's flip means we have a d1 miniwagon to analyze at least. Shinori's wagon hop on it looks the worst. Given that Shinori has played on mafiascum he should know what a reaction test, and it was at a time where the "Marth isn't explaining himself" logic had already been driven into the ground. Doesn't reflect well on him since he retracted his vote at the slightest pressure over it and went on to start Kay's wagon. "Voting for info" is a pretty shitty excuse, you should be voting the people you find scummy.

Interestingly: Levity attacks Shinori in her #159 but never actually expands on this or votes him. scumbuds 4 lyfe?

Also Shinori scumslipping could still totally be possible if he saw Blitz's Pokemon role in the first post of the scum PM

This Elie post (#148) bugs me since he starts off by justifying Marth's actions but provides an excuse to stay on the wagon anyway without considering the obvious possibility of Marth reaction testing. Elie, explain thought process? Later justification for Marth vote was better but at the time of that post it seemed like Elie was just trying to keep his vote on a town wagon down.

I think Manix is townie from D1 interactions with Levity. Circumstances of her play and lack of consistent vote make me think she was struggling to come up with scum reads on townies and she basically clung onto the Manix case without it being very strong.

Will move on to D2 in a bit.

I'd like to first say that I didn't consider a reaction test. Honestly, I don't think vote-based reaction tests are dead giveaways of alignment, and if the are, I'm not honed in the sense of scum detection like you are. Aside from RVS, I assume people vote for scummy people, and I also assume that scum vote for people and provide logical explainations to build a wagon on them (or join a wagon already in production). I also thought that Marth was just trying some new gambit that would draw attention away from himself, and that he probably just did a horrible job with it. Sure I kept my vote on him. He was acting scummy and distracting, and I thought he deserved my vote.

Apparently I was wrong, but he fooled 10 of us, earning himself a super lynch. There's no way in hell that there's 10 scum, and I've been barking up the Marth tree for a while, albeit poorly apparently. Obviously I thought he was scum. Obviously I thought other wagons were filled with inferior reasoning to Marth's scummy behavior.

More on scummy behavior in a minute.


Elie. Where was your Marth suspicion during early Day 2? At the end of Day 1, you admitted to wanting him "forcibly removed from the game" and claimed that he was "still the center of [your] scumdar" in your #406. Why, then, would you proceed to not vote anybody early on Day 2 or attempt to get Marth lynched at all? You implied you found the Proto/Subi issue more pressing, but your vote wasn't down on either. This is from before you cited IRL troubles, too.

Also, I believe I mentioned this before, but your Bananas vote looked more like a policy lynch. If you had no real scum reads at the end of D2, what happened to your read on Marth?

Iris, did you ever explain the thought process behind your Subieko flipflop?

I will be really frustrated if Subieko flips scum because I've felt odd about her on gut all game but don't see any notable issues with her content past D1.

First sentence of Shinori's #838 is bad because his excuse for not voting is scorri (flipped scum!) is that he'll look bad if he does. Town want to lynch scum, scum want to look like town. Motivation behind this doesn't read well. This is made worse when he's suddenly totally okay with pushing a last minute wagon on me (pretty close to confirmed town through Marth's scan!) later in the day, yet he cared how he looked too much to vote scum!scorri. Also he really shouldn't have been pushing for me to roleclaim at the end of D2 when I was in no threat of lynch.

End of D2 is still a clusterfuck. Blitz is still bad for trying to get the Watcher lynched and not backing down when lynching Shinori shouldn't have been a problem. Marth doesn't redeem him since Marth was town. vig pls respond

Also, I wouldn't be surprise if one of Bananas / Tables was scum, given that we have a flipped rolecop and a flipped deputy. Tables seems more likely because scorri made a super opportunistic vote to lynch Bananas and Bananas' late D2 just didn't look like scum trying to survive.

Why didn't I immediately vote for Marth in early D2? Well TBH, we had a death on a stage that Marth wasn't on, and Marth's scummy behavior didn't take priority over a death that seemed pretty much entirely unrelated to him. At the time, I hadn't assumed the serious possibility of a Stage hopper, so it seemed logical to assume that one of the people on that stage killed Naglfar. I had no idea how, but it made sense at the time, I think anyway. And I'd have voted for Proto or Subi, if I had a strong reason to do so, but I didn't, and I don't want to throw votes around willy nilly so they can be analyzed incorrectly. I aim my votes at players most likely to be scum, and I didn't have a definative stance on Proto being more scummy than Subi, and vice versa.

While reading the Blitz/Marth fiasco that I missed, I looked through it for scumtells or behavior changes that seemed erratic.

What did I finally clue in to? Here's Shinori and his newfound agressive behavior that is supposed to help him look more town by yelling at people for answers. I'd post quotes from him, but I'm sure you're all tired of reading Shinori posts over and over again. I'll just post this one.

I don't plan on moving myself from halberd. Either edit your shit or suvi moves me but I'm not doing anything. And If I remember correctly didn't subi say he was tired today or something and thus couldn't use his ability.

Explosively unhelpful, well aside from the Subi part, and unnecessarily aggressive. I don't like it. You were Town leader once, and demanded people do what you said or face the hammer. Why you don't support an attempt at a leader trying to organize this is beyond me.

Scumguess 2 - Shinori

I'll get around to more, but at the moment, I'm still feeling Iris (from my earlier Role-related assumption that I just can't get out of my head), and Tables (because with all the investigative roles, I can't see every single one being town). I'll gladly provide reasoning for them, but my wife just got home with my son and his buddy for a sleepover, and I gotta make Pizza bites.

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I slightly less than half expect the unclaimed Manix to be scum, simply on principal that he is the only player left that has given absolutely nothing as far as his role goes (or maybe I missed something that he posted, please correct me if I'm wrong).

Because giving scum more information is scummy? right. Not quite sure how that works, tbh. (On that note: I have a major gripe with all the claims this game which I will explain more detail in postgame (ie: lots of early claims is just bad play))

BBM is the only person to not fully out himself, which is the only thing left to keep scum guessing as to which of us two is the vig. I know who is (because I know my role), but I'm not giving scum a free target.

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Because giving scum less information is scummy? right. Not quite sure how that works, tbh. (On that note: I have a major gripe with all the claims this game which I will explain more detail in postgame (ie: lots of early claims is just bad play))

sorry, slight wording error there. the original statement didn't actually make sense to the point at hand

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these might be useful to somebody

it bugs me how much of our D1 mislynch wagon has been left unflipped. shinori and tables are good places to start

blitz, if you thought shinori was scumslipping, you should have just voted him, not given him a chance to slip out of it. how would he have known your role as town? also, if he did have a good explanation you could've just unvoted. really your early d3 was just a lot of noise and empty questioning and i still think you're scummy

My theory assumed them both to be scum and since Marth had such a wagon on him, I thought we might as well lynch one of the two, also just a remainder, I never got to place my vote thanks to supermajority and I almost missed selecting my stage, if I did make it on time though, my vote would have been on Marth.

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Because giving scum more information is scummy? right. Not quite sure how that works, tbh. (On that note: I have a major gripe with all the claims this game which I will explain more detail in postgame (ie: lots of early claims is just bad play))

BBM is the only person to not fully out himself, which is the only thing left to keep scum guessing as to which of us two is the vig. I know who is (because I know my role), but I'm not giving scum a free target.

You're misunderstanding my thought process. I don't agree with the whole "Let's tell scum everything" idea, but I also think that the people most likely to hide their roles entirely are Town PRs or most scum roles. Town tend to give out subtle hints here or there, but scum doesn't really even do that, from what I have seen.

And like I said, I find you less scummy compared to others (such as BBM and Myself), when looking at the trio of us being considered by a portion of the other players here.

And And, we're acting under the assumption that there is indeed a Vig. You and I were in ICBINSFMM2, and we assumed there was a doc in the game (though there wasn't), so there's a possibility that there isn't even a vig in this game. What you said there bothers me, because if you seem to know your role for sure, then how would you know for sure what BBM is (referring to the Vig)?

Also, I'm contemplating not targetting anyone with my role. It's up to everyone here if I do, but I don't feel like my role is helpful enough to seriously be used on anyone (as noted from the backlash of targetting Iris). If I had to use it on someone, I'd use it on Blitz, but I'm holding off on sending in my night action until I get a little consensus going that suggests what I should do with it.

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And like I said, I find you less scummy compared to others (such as BBM and Myself), when looking at the trio of us being considered by a portion of the other players here.

You find yourself scummy? Also, there's a pretty good chance we have a Vig. It's entirely different from ICBINSFMM2 where although a kill was stopped, there was a claimed hooker and town should have realized that could've meant no Doc. Unless Castle Siege killed Scorri, there's got to be a Vig.

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I said already that I find my role anti town. That's what I meant.

Actually, I think your role would be worse for scum than for Town. Your role's results are public, so it's obvious the role exists as soon as you use it. And since it's a night role, it's not too hard to narrow down who it belongs to. So if you continually used it to, say, help scumbuddies get on the same stage as Town players they wanted to target or kill, you'd quickly be found out. It seems like negative utility for scum. That's actually part of the reason I think you're Town--I can't imagine your role as a scum role.

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I need a modsub for Prims right now

edit: Prims's playerslot can't talk about anything until I find him a sub. Rewriting the update now

edit again: if anyone saw the bad update other than Prims, tell me

Edited by Paperblade
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