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Super Smash Bros Universe Mafia


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though honestly, right now it feels like i'm setting myself up for a jan-kill.

town!psych, if that happens, don't let my legacy die. you are our only hope :< (unless you're scum and i'm just an idiot)

I shall do it Prims. And make Proto my right hand.

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that one is easy to answer

he did that simply to make it look like he unvoted before phase end all the while doing it right after Blade posted

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Watchers normally show up on Tracker reports but keep in mind that this game implements a priority list. So the roles are designed to observe visits of either higher or lower priority than the Tracker/Watcher (which one it is depends on the mod). It is therefore very likely that either the Tracker won't see the Watcher visiting anyone, or the Watcher won't see the Tracker visiting anyone. Unless the roles were designed such that one of them observes actions of lower priority (and has high priority), while the other observes actions of higher priority (and has low priority), but I doubt that's the case.

If you think about it that way, it makes sense for the Tracker to miss the Watcher. But that implies that the Watcher should definitely be able to see the Tracker if they have the same target.

I see. So basically, we can't assume anything about whether a Watcher should show up on a Tracker report since we don't know the priorities.

Well, presumably Folgore Pink will have another report from tonight, so that should shed some more light on things.

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Hey guess what, college is happening and now I'm even more busy than I am before.

Ugh, I really hate having to sub out, but between college stuff and my client, it's hard for me to keep track. Just because I'm online doesn't mean I'm actively monitoring the internet.

Excellen, you wanted to know why I voted for Kay. I played other games with her before, she she wasn't playing the same way she normally did in those other games. She was way more active when it came to scumhunting, and she barely posted fluffy stuff, if at all. I noticed this, and that's why I voted for her her.

Yes, Eclipse wasn't on top of her game either, but as I said before, I gave her the benefit of the doubt because she was sick, but at least she was trying to contribute. It affected her, ok, that doesn't mean she wasn't trying.

I honestly don't know what other reason to give. What I'm saying is the truth. As I've said before, I erred in my judgement.

Good luck to the rest of the players. Next time I sign up for a mafia game, I'll check over and over to make sure I'm not busy like this (although college was unexpected).

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IIRC, Shinori mentioned that Brinstar causes people to randomly target. . .so can you please stop carting people there unless you despise them, Subi? Alternately, drag me onto your stage, so I can talk to you.

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IIRC, Shinori mentioned that Brinstar causes people to randomly target. . .so can you please stop carting people there unless you despise them, Subi? Alternately, drag me onto your stage, so I can talk to you.

I dunno about that. It may have only affected Shinori's character, not the entire principal of redirection.

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Also, as much as I dislike it, because I am very into this game at the moment, I will have to sub out. I'm going on vacation for a few days and won't be home till around Sunday probably and I don't know about my computer access. I might be able to keep up, but I doubt it, so subbing me out is probably the smarter idea.

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So uh I just subbed in and have zero idea what's going on and stuff. Is there anything we especially know, like, any claims? And confirms? Who the mafia are (character wise)? What's the stage strategy? I see we've lynched the SK already, that's good. And we no lynched yesterday? That's bad. It's night 2 right so... okay.

Also my play style is almost certain to start clashing with uh probably everyone. High activity, lots of deductions based on posts and not roles... although this game looks pretty active.

I'm going to reread everything, or try to. But a nice general overview would be nice.

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Roles claimed:

Eclipse- Networker

Proto- Evolving Vanillager (Evolves from Visitation)

Psych- Evolving Vanillager (Evolves from Sun)

Marth- Evolving Vanillager (Has Evolved)

Straw- Role Booster (confirmed by Subi being able to send two people to different stages)

Shinori- Redirector

Pink Tables- Tracker

Bananas: Watcher

Subi: Stage Redirector (changes what stage people go to, day role, confirmed to exist, and no one has cc'd subi so)

Iris: Role swapper (swaps two people's roles for the next night)


Kay: Role cop (Lynched D1)

Nags: SK (killed by the maf N1, thanks maf)

Stages: Basically so far it's been kinda random who goes where. Some people announce, others don't. The pokemon seem to have specific reasons for going to certain stages (Proto wants to go to lots of stages, psych wants to stay in the sun, so on one specific stage it seems), but beyond that, we've just been going wherever it seems.

Beyond that, we don't really know who the mafia roles might be. It seems like there's a wide variety of where the roles coming from (either playable characters, or from pokeballs, or tropheys, etc.) so we can't really tell if someone is mafia by the claim right now. Once we lynch a mafia, we might be able to see a little bit better from there, but as of right now it's unknown.

The no lynch was... chaos. I was not around for it, but just reading it can give you some insight into that. Quite a few people are unhappy with it, and it will probably be discussed at longer lengths D3.

Beyond that, activity is good! As proven by the 60 pages we have right now, people are talking and so having you replace Impy, who wasn't talking a ton, is good. We'll get to see more from you and hopefully figure some stuff out that way. Welcome to the game!

(If I missed anything, just let me know)

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Ugh, I've claimed? That sucks. Why haven't we lynched mafia if I've claimed? Surely Tracker would only claim if he had a guilty. Although I guess everyone has claimed already for some bizarre reason?

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Oh. Right. a) I had assumed that the mafia killed the SK because the other scenario is that Nags killed himself and the maf kill was protected by the doc, and I don't see Nags killing himself. b) Tables: You claimed because people suspected Impy and pushed her to claim due to her barely being around, not a lot of good views, avoiding questions, and some other stuff I'm probably forgetting.

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Ugh, I've claimed? That sucks. Why haven't we lynched mafia if I've claimed? Surely Tracker would only claim if he had a guilty. Although I guess everyone has claimed already for some bizarre reason?

Reasons for claims, as I remember them:

Shinori claimed because a few people suspected him and he just wanted to I guess? idk

Eclipse and Folgore Pink claimed because they, along with Kay, were the wagons at the end of D1

Iris claimed because she used her role on Shinori, thus messing up his ability to prove his role tonight

SB claimed because he was about to get lynched

I claimed because Iris and Blitz guessed my role anyway

Strawman claimed his ability (not a fullclaim yet) because he was on the same stage as Naglfar N1 and wanted to clear himself

Proto claimed because he was suspected of killing Naglfar

Psych and Marth claimed to back up Proto's claim since they're a set of related roles

I think that should be everyone.

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Oh, right. I now see not everyone claimed indeed. Still, that's a ridiculous number of claims. There should be, none or one at this point really. I didn't even claim with a guilty?

I kinda want to say it was a fake claim to gather information and encourage some scumslip from someone. But nobody would believe that. So yeah, I'm the Tracker, might as well confirm it.

I'll probably start reading properly tonight or so.

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I agree with Subieko, I think Iris is scum. I mean pages ago she was all "Oh no I think I screwed up Shinori's chances of proving his role!" and then a few pages later she points out his role PM flaws and votes for him. Actually, she had been doing that since N1 so...

I wonder what was that waffling for?

Now we have 3 redirecting claims, and its time to discuss who is most likely to be scum. In my eyes Shinori looks townish, especially with how he lost his cool and started flipping out and begging the mods to state it as a host error. Its a toss up between Subi and Iris, and I think Iris is likelier to be scum.

FMPOV, I don't think it was really waffling, I pointed out that I screwed something up, but I also pointed out that Shinori was scummy.

The last sentence is bad logic and you know it is -- "oh, I think Shinori and Subi are town so Iris must be scum!" -- btw, the roles are entirely different. Also, I don't know how much emotion counts towards towntells, honestly.

Oh, right. I now see not everyone claimed indeed. Still, that's a ridiculous number of claims. There should be, none or one at this point really. I didn't even claim with a guilty?

Welcome, Tables! I didn't know you still played SF Mafia! o: IIRC, Pink claimed since she was under pressure or something (eclipse/Kay/Pink were the 3 wagons on Day 1).

I also have no clue how my action will work in conjunction with Iris's next night, bleh. Most likely, neither mine nor Elieson's actions will work properly.

If you / Elieson have any preferences to what you guys want, please voice your opinions before phase end. I'll inform you guys whether I switched them or not after this phase.

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now Manix, do you have an active role?

I'm not answering that. It only helps mafia to choose their targets to pick off. Yes, even though they already have more than enough targets from all the claims so far, it doesn't matter. I'm still not completely happy with all the claiming, either.

also, hi Tables~

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I would prefer you to simply not use your role, because I'm 95% sure that both mine and Elieson's actions will fail if I'm one of the people whose role is swapped.

And hey Tables. Do you think you're going to be able to read through the thread for next phase or not?

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Bbm, we would have our roles switched for tomorrow night, not this night. I'm not quite sure what you mean by it will fail though.

I could go either way. TBH.

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If I got it right, our roles switch, but our targets stay the same. So if you target something based on your role and I target something based on mine, whatever you target will most likely be an invalid target for my role, and whatever I target will most likely be an invalid target for your role.

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Oh huh, I'm surprised there weren't more pages today. Anyway, it seems I might have some access to a computer, but we'll see how that'll go.

Well, it is the night. I'm more disappointed that we spoke almost as much in the night as we did in the day.

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