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Do you restart a chapter when a unit dies?

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I generally restart unless it's a character I don't particularly care for and if the chapter is almost complete.

In my first try of FE6 I let Ward die early in the game but restarted when Noah got skewered by a Horseslayer that came out of nowhere (I wanted Fir, dammit). I also let Alan die in my current run because lol who needs dodging rite

Also restarted in FE7 due to a suicidal Erk who apparently lost the will to freaking dodge after I spent so much time training him in Lyn's mode.

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Unless I'm playing a sidequest file on Shadow Dragon, no one ever dies. Not even if I hate their guts and will never use them, not that that actually applies to anyone I can think of. It just makes me feel bad to let those fictional, pixelated people die. It's not as though I benefit from their deaths... I don't think I'd be a very good Fire Emblem player if I had to rely on sacrificial strategies.

Oh, I did get Orson killed once in Chapter 5x in Sacred Stones... I wanted to spite him for his treachery.

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I always save state like crazy because I'm always doing something stupid/risky which can kill even the strongest units.

Unless I'm playing FE11 or any other FE on a console (that isn't Wii, because Battlesaves), then I reset. In FE11's case, I only reset if the unit is a part of my pre-determined team.

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Yep. Also, occasionally when my Raven has strength three points below where it should be and it doesn't go up when he levels up in the first 5 minutes of the chapter (or other situations like that) There are, however, a few exceptions.

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There's only two reasons I move on with people dead.

1) I kill units on purpose because I'd rather have them dead.

2) I kill units on purpose for the sake of recruiting another unit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would never let a unit die, because I don't hate any unit enough to let them stay dead. Of course, if it's a FE11 Gaiden Run (which requires units to die anyway), or if its one of the Fire Emblem games with a way to revive a unit, (big MAYBE on that one) then I would let a unit die, but only then. On the note of the second one, say I was to try to recruit Norne. I would let a unit die, then let no one else die until I get the Aum staff, and bring that unit I let die back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For me it depends if I want that character. My Zihark once died and I went on and I really missed kicking butt with him so I had to go back all the way to the chapter he died.

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I usually restart, yeah. But sometimes I'll go on if I'm nearly done with the chapter or I don't care much for the unit.

For example, if Geoffrey got killed, which he has before, I'd let him stay dead. Hehe...

Well, unless it's in RD where he CAN'T stay dead.

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Only when it's one of my units.

This is the best answer.

Usually I reset. Though sometimes I don't care though and just move on (like if a unit is forced in a chapter that I'm not going and they die, I'm not going to reset because of it). I don't get guys killed off on purpose though except for FE11 if I want to go to a gaiden.

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